This page contains information on how to use Postman, a popular API platform to provision your users into your Keeper tenant.
Open Postman
Create a New Request
Depending on the data center of your Keeper tenant, the domain will change. US: EU: AU: JP: CA: GOV:
Set the Headers
Set the Body
Choose raw and select JSON format.
Set the HTTP Method and URL
Set the HTTP method to POST using the dropdown menu.
Enter the URL for adding a user:
Be sure to replace <node_id> with your actual node ID where you want the user added. This Node ID is provided to you on the SCIM setup page in the Keeper Admin Console, or it can be found using Keeper Commander's "enterprise-info --nodes" command.
Set the Body
Click on the "Body" tab below the URL field
Choose raw and select JSON format
Add the JSON body with the details of the user you want to add. Here's an example JSON body:
You can also add the user to a team upon creation by including the <group_id> for "value" in the groups object. This is the only required information to add the user to a group. "$ref" and "display" are optional
Send the Request
HTTP code
Email already taken
Precondition Required
Number of licensed seats was exceeded.
Set the Method to PATCH and the URL to the following:
Set the body of the JSON request
Choose raw and select JSON format
Add the JSON body with the details of the user you want to add. Here's an example JSON body:
Be sure to set the "value" to true (unlocked) or false (locked)
Send the request
Open Postman and set the HTTP method to GET
For a information about all the users in a node, use the following URL:
For information on a specific user, specify the user ID
Send the request
We also support filter for users, below is an example for searching based on user id:
Additionally, you can use pagination by using startIndex and count:
Open Postman and create a new GET request
Set the URL:
Send the request
The response will be a JSON object containing details of all groups under the specified node. The "id" field within each group object represents the group ID. In Keeper, a group is represented by a Keeper Team object. The ID is the Keeper Team UID.
To get the information of a single group, include the group ID at the end of the URL.<node_id>/Groups/<group_id>
Create a New Request
Click on "New" and then select "Request" from the dropdown menu.
Alternatively, you can click on the "Request" tab if it is already open
Set the HTTP Method and URL
Set the HTTP method to POST using the dropdown menu
Enter the URL for adding a team
Set the Body
Click on the "Body" tab below the URL field.
Choose raw and select JSON format.
Add the JSON body with the details of the team you want to create. Here's an example JSON body:
Replace "Team Name" with the desired team name.
Send the Request
Click on the "Send" button in Postman to execute the request
Set the HTTP Method and URL
Set the HTTP method to DELETE using the dropdown menu.
Set the URL:
Send the request
Set the HTTP Method and URL
Set the HTTP method to PATCH using the dropdown menu.
Set the URL:
Replace <node_id> with your actual node ID and <group_id> with the ID of the team you want to update
Set the Body
Click on the "Body" tab below the URL field
Choose raw and select JSON format
Add the JSON body with the details of the user you want to add to the team. Here's an example JSON body:
Changing the "op" value to "add" will add a user to a team. Changing the value to "remove" will remove a user from the team
Send the request
Create a New Request
Click on "New" and then select "Request" from the dropdown menu.
Alternatively, you can click on the "Request" tab if it is already open.
Set the HTTP Method and URL
Set the HTTP method to PUT.
Use the URL:
Set the Body
Click on the "Body" tab below the URL field
Choose raw and select JSON format
Here is an example of the JSON body to update the user information:
Changing the "active" flag to false will lock the user account, changing it to true will unlock the account
Send the request
Click on the "Send" button in Postman to execute the request
Set the HTTP method to Get
Use the URL:
ServiceProviderConfig / ResourceTypes (User/Group) / Schemas