Login and Access the Keeper Bridge client interface
1. Run the Bridge Client. On Windows environments that are attached to a domain controller, Keeper Bridge will default to Active Directory authentication. Otherwise, the Keeper Bridge will assume generic LDAP authentication.
2. Log into the Bridge application: For LDAP:
Enter the Server Address, the User Common Name (For the Admin) and the password. This is just an admin that is a member of the group. Once logged into the bridge, a different user can be used for binding.
If using Secure Socket Layer (SSL port 636) for LDAP authentication ensure the SSL box is check. If not, ensure the check box is not checked to use standard LDAP authentication (port 389)
For Active Directory:
Domain\User Name: Input the domain and AD\LDAP username of the user that is a member of the Keeper Admins group created in the prerequisites.
Password: Input the password of the user.
Use Global Catalog: In multi-domain forest configurations you should uncheck Use Global Catalog option otherwise keep it check to locate the username in the Global Catalog.
SSL: If using Secure Socket Layer (SSL port 636) for LDAP authentication ensure the SSL box is check. If not, ensure the check box is not checked to use standard LDAP authentication (port 389)
Settings: If the client is running on a different computer than the service, select Settings to specify the hostname and port of the Keeper Bridge Service. (The Setting button will be grayed out while app is connected to the service. To access settings stop the service).
3. Select Login. If you get a Login Failed message, it means either of the following:
The username/password is not correct
The user is not a member of the Keeper Admins Security Group
The server does not support SSL and SSL is checked
The username was not found in the Global Catalog. In multi-domain forest configurations if the Keeper Admins group is a Global Security Group the Use Global Catalog option should be unchecked or the Keeper Admins group can be made to be a Universal Security Group. In a multi-domain forest only users in Universal Groups are added to the Global Catalog.