Keeper SSH Agent integration for Git Authentication and Commit Signing
Keeper's SSH Agent integrates seamlessly with Git for authentication and commit signing, ensuring private keys are securely stored in the Keeper Vault instead of being saved locally on the device. This approach enhances security by protecting sensitive keys from local exposure.
In this guide, we'll create and configure separate authentication and signing keys for use with GitHub, all managed securely by Keeper. Using distinct keys for authentication and signing helps maintain a clear separation of roles, further strengthening your security posture.
Add the contents from the public and private keys generated in Step 2 into the Keeper record. Copy paste the Public Key and Private Key into the fields of Keeper.
Keeper SSH Key for Github Authentication
Add Key to Github
From, go to Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH Key > and select Key type of "Authentication Key".
Assign a title, and paste the public key contents from in Step 2.
Save the key.
Add Key to SSH Agent
From the Keeper Desktop App, open Settings > Developer > SSH Agent > Edit and select your "Github Auth key" created in step3 from the list of available keys.
Click "Update" to save the settings.
Select Github Auth Key from Keeper SSH Agent
Delete the local key
At this point, it's a good idea to delete the local key, since it is now stored and managed by Keeper. In this case, you can delete both the public and private key.
Add the contents from the public and private keys generated in Step 2 into the Keeper record. Copy paste the Public Key and Private Key into the fields of Keeper.
Add Key to Github
From Github, go to Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH Key > and select Key type of "Signing Key".
Assign a title, and paste the public key contents from Step 2.
Save the key.
Add Key to SSH Agent
From Keeper, open Settings > Developer > SSH Agent > Edit and select the Github signing key.
Click "Update" to save the settings.
Delete the local private key
We will only delete the local private key, since it is now stored and managed by Keeper. The public key ( needs to stay, as it will be used for identifying which key to use for signing.
rm /Users/craig/.ssh/id_ecdsa
Let's also rename the public key to something more specific:
cd ~/.ssh
Place the username and the contents of the public key into a file called ~/.ssh/allowed_signers. For example: <contents of>
This basically has the effect of adding several lines to ~/.gitconfig and applies the changes globally. You can also configure individual repos instead of making these changes globally.
Verify Signing
From a repository, let's do a quick empty commit to test the signing process:
git commit --allow-empty -m "Test commit with SSH signing"
This immediately will trigger a Keeper dialog to authorize the key.
To verify that the signature was applied to the commit, run the following:
git log --show-signature
The response will display something like this:
commit 52319faf2e7c02a (HEAD -> main)
Good "git" signature for with ECDSA key SHA256:xxxxxxx
Author: Craig Lurey <>
Date: Fri Jan 17 20:18:19 2025 -0800
Test commit with SSH signing