Step by step guides for performing rotation on any target system
The setup and configuration of Keeper Rotation is defined by the use case. Keeper supports any cloud or on-prem environment.
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Password Rotation in the Azure Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within the Azure network environment across various target systems. Rotation works on the devices configured and attached to the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) which can also be your default directory.
KeeperPAM can rotate the password for Azure AD users, service accounts, local admin users, local users, managed services, databases and more.
Configurations for the Azure Active Directory are defined in the PAM Configuration section of Keeper Secrets Manager.
Configurations for the Azure AD joined devices are defined in the PAM Directory, PAM Machine, and PAM Database record types. The credentials and user accounts are defined in PAM User records. The following table shows the supported Azure AD joined devices with Keeper Rotation and their corresponding PAM Record Type:
Azure AD Domain Services
PAM Directory
Virtual Machines
PAM Machine
Managed Databases
PAM Database
Prior to rotating user credentials within your Azure environment, you need to make sure you have the following information and configurations in place:
All Azure AD joined devices that you want to use with Rotation need to be created and configured within your Azure Active Directory
To successfully configure and setup Rotation within your Azure Network, the following values are needed for your PAM Configuration:
Client ID
The application/client id (UUID) of the Azure application
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID of your subscription to use Azure services (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO)
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Make sure all the Azure services or Azure AD joined devices you plan on using for rotation have access to the Azure Active Directory.
Create a custom role to allow application to access/perform actions on various Azure resources. For more information see the Azure Environment Setup document.
At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on your Azure network:
Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation
Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records representing each resource
Create PAM User records that contain the necessary account credentials for each resource
Link the PAM User record to the PAM Resource record.
Assign a Secrets Manager Application to all of the shared folders that hold the PAM records
Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration with the Azure environment setting
Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records
Rotating Azure AD Admin and User passwords with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate passwords for Azure AD users. In Keeper, the PAM Configuration contains all of the information needed to rotate passwords. The record containing the Azure AD user accounts to be rotated are stored in the PAM User record.
The Keeper Gateway uses Azure APIs to rotate the credentials defined in the PAM User records.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
Your Keeper Gateway is online
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for Azure.
Prior to setting up the PAM Configuration, make sure that:
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is provisioned in the Keeper Secrets Manager application you created.
We recommend installing the Keeper Gateway service in a machine within the Azure environment in order to rotate other types of targets.
In the left menu of the vault, select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Configuration Record with your information:
Configuration name, example: Azure AD Configuration
Select: Azure
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-1
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application. It’s random looking text.
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper Rotation uses the Azure Graph API to rotate the PAM User records in your Azure environment. The PAM User records need to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM User record with your information:
Keeper record title i.e. Azure User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. The username has to be in one of the following formats:
Providing a password is optional. Performing a rotation will set one if this field is left blank.
There should only be one PAM User record for each Azure AD user. Having multiple PAM User records with the same user/login will cause conflicts.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select "IAM User" for the rotation method, since this uses Azure APIs.
The "Rotation Settings" should select the PAM Configuration setup previously.
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating local and remote user accounts on Azure Virtual Machines with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Azure Virtual Machine local and remote user accounts within the Azure environment using KeeperPAM.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed
is available on all Windows machines and bash
on all Linux targets
Keeper can rotate any local user account on either the Gateway machine or any other machine on the network. A PAM Machine record should be created for every machine. This PAM Machine record will be associated to a linked administrative credential that has the rights to change passwords for users on the machine.
Once a PAM Machine record is created for every machine, a PAM User record needs to be created for each user account that will be rotated.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Machine records.
Name of the Record e.g. Windows Machine 1
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway, e.g.
Typically 5985 or 5986 for WinRM, 22 for SSH
Private PEM Key
Required for SSH if not using a password
Operating System
The VM Operating System: Windows
or Linux
SSL Verification
For WinRM, if selected, will use SSL mode port 5986. Ignored for SSH. See this section for troubleshooting tips
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
Make sure the following items are completed first:
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is provisioned in the Keeper Secrets Manager application you created.
PAM Machine records have been created for each target machine
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Configuration.
Configuration name, example: Azure Demo
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the machines.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered.
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application.
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials linked from the PAM Machine record to rotate the credentials of accounts referenced by the PAM User records.
The following table lists all the required fields that need to be filled on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. Local User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. The username has to be in one of the following formats:
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine admin credential specific to this user's machine.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Keeper can automatically update the Windows service account "log on as" credentials for any Windows services running as the PAM User, and restart the service. Keeper will also update the credential of any scheduled task running as that user on the target machine.
To learn more and set up this capability, see the Service Management page.
Rotate Azure Managed Database credentials with Keeper
In this section, you will learn how to rotate DB User or Admin credentials on the following Azure Managed Databases:
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure SQL Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure SQL Database Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using Keeper Rotation. Azure SQL is an Azure managed resource where the SQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the SQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Azure Managed SQL database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the linked admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
Your Keeper Gateway is online
The Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with your Azure SQL Server Database
If the Gateway is installed on a Linux or macOS server, install the Microsoft ODBC driver
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record links to admin credentials and contains the necessary configurations to connect to the SQL Server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure SQL Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: Azure SQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: 1433
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User providing the Admin account username and password that will perform rotation. If the admin in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-sql
Database Type
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the linked admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure SQL database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. Azure DB User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure MySQL Single or Flexible Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure MySQL Database Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using Keeper Rotation. Azure MySQL is an Azure managed resource where the MySQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Azure Managed MySQL database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
In 2024, Azure is going to sunset the non-flexible MySQL managed services. Most likely the term flexible will be removed. See: What's happening to Azure Database for MySQL Single Server?
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
Your Keeper Gateway is online
Your Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with the Azure MySQL Server Database
The PAM Database record links to the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MySQL Server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure MySQL Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: Azure MySQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mysql=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User admin account username and password that will perform rotation. If the Admin account in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-sql
Database Type
or mysql-flexible
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure MySQL database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. Azure DB User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure MariaDB Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure MariaDB Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using KeeperPAM. Azure MariaDB is an Azure managed resource where the MariaDB Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MariaDB Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Azure Managed MariaDB database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
Your Keeper Gateway is online
Your Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with the Azure Managed MariaDB database
The PAM Database record links to the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MariaDB server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure MariaDB Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: Azure MariaDB Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mariadb=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User admin account username that will perform rotation. If the admin in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-mariadb
Database Type
or mariadb-flexible
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure MariaDB database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. Azure MariaDB User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure PostgreSQL Single or Flexible Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure PostgreSQL Database Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using KeeperPAM. Azure PostgreSQL is an Azure managed resource where the PostgreSQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the PostgreSQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Azure Managed PostgreSQL database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
Your Keeper Gateway is online
Your Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with the Azure Managed PostgreSQL database
The PAM Database record links to the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the PostgreSQL Server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure PostgreSQL Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: Azure PostgreSQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e
For default ports, see port mapping
i.e. 5432
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User admin account username that will perform rotation. If the Admin account in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-psql
Database Type
or postgresql-flexible
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment..
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure PostgreSQL database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. Azure PostgreSQL User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Automatically rotate the secret of an Azure app using Keeper Secrets Manager rotations
This documentation explains how to rotate Azure application secrets using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example. The script ensures secure application secrets rotation, including deletion of previous application secrets, and stores the new application secret in Keeper. This new secret is automatically available to all already allowed KSM applications and users.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
The gateway host will need to have a supported Python version installed with the 2 dependencies below:
The script retrieve admin credentials in three ways:
Record directly attached to the post rotation script.
The access key provided to the Azure PAM config selected for the rotation. This will be used if no access key is found in the record(s) attached (method 1 above) to the post rotation script.
Attaching another record containing the admin application secret to the PAM Script will allow to easily rotate this admin application secrets in that other record using the same process described in this documentation.
The script will:
Retrieve an admin application secret either from an attached record to the PAM Script or from the PAM Config.
Get a Microsoft Graph access token using the admin application secret found at the step above.
Create a new client secret on the Azure application defined in the PAM User record.
Delete all other existing secrets for the defined Azure application. Only the one generated at the step above will be kept.
Update the Keeper PAM User record with the new secret, and secret ID.
You need to create a PAM User record where the rotation will be configured later on. The fields below need to be created.
This mandatory field is not used in this script. You can use the field to store any useful information, like the name of the Azure app that will be rotated.
It will be a dummy value in this case. The password field gets automatically rotated, but it is not used anywhere. This is still required field.
This field is used to specify which application in Azure you want to rotate. You need to retrieve the application object ID of the application to rotate from the Azure portal > App Registration > Overview tab of your app > Application (client) ID.
This field will receive the new client secret ID after the rotation.
Hidden Field
This field will receive the new client secret after the rotation.
This field will receive the expiration date of the new secret after the rotation.
Second field to enable NOOP.
The value has to be:
Instead of creating the PAM User record manually using the details above, you could also import the csv file below. It will create a template record you can amend and duplicate as needed.
Importing the file will generate a Login record type: make sure to convert it to PAM User.
The script require an admin application secret to authenticate against Azure and rotate another application's secret. Here we will be using the admin app secret provided in the Azure PAM Configuration.
Create a shared folder in the vault
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described above.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on a Linux box. Simply run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure Python and the dependencies listed above are installed.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment, please select “Azure”, select the Gateway, select the shared folder, provide the “Entra ID” name (arbitrary name of your Entra ID environment), the admin application “Client ID” (Overview tab of the admin application in the Azure portal), “Client Secret” (Certificates & secrets tab of the admin application in the Azure portal), "Subscription ID" and "Tenant ID".
Edit the PAM User record previously described in this documentation:
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Select "Run PAM Scripts only" as the Rotation method.
Add PAM Script to the record: select the provided file below and make sure to specify the script command:
It is possible to also rotate the application secret of the admin Azure application. To do this, you will need to store you admin Azure app secret in another Keeper PAM User record.
The PAM user record will need all fields as described in the documentation above, along with the additional fields below:
Enter your Azure Tenant ID.
Enter your admin application client ID. This is available in the Overview tab of the admin application in the Azure portal > App registrations.
Instead of creating the PAM User record manually using the documentation above and the extra fields above, you could also import the csv file below. It will create a template record you can amend and duplicate as needed.
Importing the file will generate a Login record type: make sure to convert it to PAM User.
Create a shared folder in the vault
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described above.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on a Linux box. Simply run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure Python and the dependencies listed above are installed.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment, please select “Local Network”, select the Gateway and the shared folder.
Edit the target app PAM User record:
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Add PAM Script to the record:
Select the provided Python file below.
Rotation Credential: select the admin app PAM User record.
Specify the script command:
Password Rotation in the AWS Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within the AWS Cloud environment across various target systems and services.
Configurations for your AWS environment are defined in the PAM Configuration section of Keeper Secrets Manager. Keeper will use the inherited EC2 instance role where the Gateway is installed to authenticate with the AWS system and perform rotation. If instance roles are not defined, the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Key can be stored in the PAM Configuration record to authenticate and perform rotations.
Configurations for managed resources like EC2, RDS, and Directory Services are defined in the PAM Machine, PAM Database, and PAM Directory record types. The following table shows the supported AWS managed resources with KeeperPAM and their corresponding PAM Record Type:
PAM Machine
PAM Database
Directory Service
PAM Directory
Configurations for directory users or IAM users are defined in the PAM User record type.
To successfully rotate IAM User accounts or EC2 local user accounts, the Keeper Gateway needs to have the necessary AWS role policies with the permissions for performing the password rotation.
See the AWS environment setup guide for more information.
If you are not using EC2 instance role policies, the following values are needed in the PAM Configuration:
Access Key ID
This is the Access Key ID from the desired Access Key found in the IAM User account
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if the gateway is deployed to an EC2 Instance that supports instance roles
Secret Access Key
This is the Secret Access Key from the desired Access Key found in the IAM User account
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if the gateway is deployed to an EC2 Instance that supports instance roles
The Keeper Gateway will always first attempt to use the EC2 instance role to authenticate and perform the rotation. If this fails or is not available on the machine, Keeper will use the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key stored in the PAM Configuration.
At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on your Azure network:
Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation
Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records representing each resource
Create PAM User records that contain the necessary account credentials for each resource
Link the PAM User record to the PAM Resource record.
Assign a Secrets Manager Application to all of the shared folders that hold the PAM records
Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration with the AWS environment setting
Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records
Rotating AWS IAM account passwords with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate passwords for AWS IAM users. In Keeper, the PAM Configuration contains all of the information needed to rotate passwords. The record containing the AWS IAM user accounts to be rotated are stored in the PAM User record.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed and running
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The Keeper Gateway uses AWS APIs to rotate the credentials defined in the PAM User records.
In this folder, you’ll create records for the AWS IAM accounts that you’ll rotate. You will create a PAM User record for each user that will be rotated.
Note: The target user to be rotated must have AWS Console access and at minimum have a temporary password set in the AWS Console before the password can be rotated.
Keeper Rotation uses the AWS API to rotate the PAM User records in your AWS environment. The PAM User records need to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS user: TestUser
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated.
Providing a password is optional. Performing a rotation will set one if this field is left blank.
Distinguished Name
This is the full ARN of the user identity, e.g: arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/TestUser
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
In the left menu of the vault, select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS IAM Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application.
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is only for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-DepartmentName
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 2, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select "IAM User" as the rotation method, since this uses AWS APIs.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Note: The user must have AWS Console access and at minimum have a temporary password set in the AWS Console before the password can be rotated.
Rotating AWS Managed Microsoft AD Service accounts with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate Admin and User Accounts of an AWS Managed Microsoft AD service using Keeper Rotation. The Active Directory Service is an AWS managed resource where the Directory Service admin credentials are linked to the PAM Directory record type and the configurations of the AD Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon Managed Active Directory Services, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Directory Admins. User Account passwords will be rotated using LDAP and, in order to successfully rotate, server-side LDAPS must be configured and the Directory Admin, defined in the PAM Directory record type, must be using a SSL Connection.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS Directory Services
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
Keeper Rotation will use the linked admin credentials of your AWS Managed Directory Service to rotate passwords of Domain Service's directory accounts. These admin credentials can also be used to rotate the passwords of the Directory admin.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Directory Record:
Name of the Record i.e. AD Domain Service
Hostname or IP Address
The Directory DNS Name i.e. ad.pam.test
Use SSL (checkbox)
Must be checked
Administrative Credentials
PAM User providing the directory service admin account and password i.e. Admin
Note: Either Login and Domain Name or Distinguished Name is required. Distinguished Name is preferred.
Distinguished Name
Directory Service Admin Account's Distinguished Name (DN).
Note: If DN is not provided, the following format will be used:
Given domain name is
Domain Name
The Directory DNS Name Note: This is required if using Login instead of Distinguished Name
Directory ID
Directory Service's Identifier i.e d-##########
Directory Type
Directory Service Directory type, defaults to Active Directory
if left blank.
Provider Region
AWS region name i.e. us-east-1
Note: Adding Provider Region and Directory ID will enable managing the PAM Directory Record through the AWS SDK, which is preferred.
This PAM Directory Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS AD Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the machines.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Region Names
List of AWS region names, one per line
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Directory record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS Directory User1
Username of the Directory Service's user account
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Distinguished Name
Directory Service User Account's Distinguished Name (DN)
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Directory credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
The following windows command can be used to get the distinguished name of the Directory user:
If the command does not exist, you need to import the appropriate module with:
Rotating AWS EC2 Virtual Machine accounts with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate AWS EC2 Virtual Machine (VM) Accounts on your AWS Environment using Keeper Rotation. The EC2 VM is an AWS managed resource where the EC2 VM Admin Credentials are linked to the PAM Machine record and the identity of the EC2 VM Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For EC2 VM Accounts, normal operating system commands are used to change the password. Keeper will connect to the target machine and send command-line commands to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate via SSH or WinRM with your target AWS Virtual Machine(s).
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
Keeper can rotate any local user account on either the Gateway machine or any other machine on the network. A PAM Machine record should be created for every machine. This PAM Machine record should link to an administrative credential that has the rights to change passwords for users on the machine.
Once a PAM Machine record is created for every machine, a PAM User record needs to be created for each local user account that will be rotated.
Keeper will use the referenced admin credential to rotate the password or SSH key of AWS Virtual Machine users in your AWS environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of these user accounts.
If you are running a rotation on a PAM Machine record which also happens to be the same machine running the Keeper Gateway, Keeper will attempt to rotate the password or SSH key for the account using the keeper-gw user. Assuming that keeper-gw has sudoers privilege, it will be able to perform rotations on the local Gateway machine.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Machine record:
Name of the Record i.e AWS Linux 1
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway
Typically 5985 or 5986 for WinRM, 22 for SSH.
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH key) of the Admin account.
Operating System
The VM Operating System, i.e Windows
or Linux
SSL Verification
For WinRM, if selected, will use SSL mode port 5986. Ignored for SSH.
This PAM Machine Record with the linked admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
Make sure the following items are completed:
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is provisioned in the Keeper Secrets Manager application you created.
PAM Machine records have been created for each target machine
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Configuration.
Configuration name, example: AWS VM Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the prerequisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the machines.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Secret Access Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper will use the credentials linked from the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records in your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields that need to be filled on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS Machine1 ec2-user
Case sensitive username of the user account being rotated, e.g. ec2-user
This is only required if the user logs in with a password. If the password is left blank, performing a rotation will set one.
Private PEM Key
SSH private key. This is only required if you are planning to rotate the PEM key instead of rotating the password.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
When rotating the private PEM Key credential on a target machine or user, Keeper will update the authorized_keys file on the machine with the new public key. The first time that a rotation occurs, the old public key is left intact in order to prevent system lockout. The second public key added to the file contains a comment that serves as an identifier for future rotations. For example:
By default, Keeper will not remove other keys from the .ssh/authorized_keys
file since some providers will place in their own keys in order to control the virtual machine (ie Google Cloud Provider).
If the first rotation is successful, you can optionally delete the old public key entry in the authorized_keys file. On subsequent rotations, Keeper will update the line which contains the "keeper-security-xxx" comment.
Rotation will also create backup of the prior .ssh/authorized_keys
inside of the .ssh
For private key rotation, the new private key will be same algorithm and key size (bits) as the current private key. For example, if the current private key is ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
the new private key will be ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
. This can be overridden by adding a custom text field, with the label Private Key Type
, and setting the value to one support algorithms:
- 4096 bits
- ECDSA, 256 bits
- ECDSA, 384 bits
- ECDSA, 521 bits
.This custom field can also be used if the current private key's algorithm cannot be detected.
To prevent private key rotation, a custom text field can be added to the PAM User record with the label Private Key Rotate
. If the value of the field is TRUE, or the field doesn't exists, the private key will be rotated if it exists. If the value is FALSE, the private key will not be rotated.
For Linux user rotations, password-encrypted PEM files are not currently supported.
Automatically rotate AWS access keys using Keeper Secrets Manager rotations
This documentation explains how to rotate AWS IAM user access keys using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example. This provided script supports both provided admin credentials (AWS Access key for an admin account) and EC2 instance role authentication. The script ensures secure access key rotation, including deletion of previous user keys. The new key is stored in the Keeper record after rotation is complete.
KSM role: Ensure that the Keeper user has a role providing access to Keeper Secrets Manager, and Keeper Secrets Manager rotations.
A Linux instance to run the Keeper Gateway: The Gateway can be deployed in an EC2 instance, any private Cloud or on-prem. This script is capable of leveraging EC2 Instance Roles Authentication to perform the Access Key rotation if the Gateway runs in an EC2 instance. If the gateway runs somewhere else, then an Access Key with role privilege needs to be provided in the Keeper vault to perform the rotation of the end user Access Key.
The script retrieve admin credentials in three ways:
Record directly attached to the post rotation script.
The access key provided to the AWS PAM config selected for the rotation. This will be used if no access key is found in the record attached (method 1 above) to the post rotation script.
Uses AWS instance role authentication if no credentials are provided from either methods above. The gateway needs to be running on an EC2 Instance with an EC2 Instance Role in place.
The script provides two modes of operation based on the delete_all_keys_before_rotating custom field:
If False (default), a new access key is created first, then the old ones are deleted, keeping only the newly created key. This will fail if the user account has already two access keys: AWS will not allow the script to create a third one.
If this custom field is set to True, the script deletes all existing access keys for the IAM user before creating a new one. This helps in the scenario described above where the end user account has already two access keys.
After key rotation, the script updates the rotated PAM User Keeper record with the new AWS access key ID, secret access key, creation date, and any deleted access keys IDs.
You need to create a PAM User record where the rotation will be configured later on. The fields below need to be created.
Name of the user account in AWS where the access key needs to be rotated.
It will be a dummy value in this case. The password field gets automatically rotated, but it is not used anywhere. This is still required field.
This field will receive the new access key id after the rotation.
Hidden Field
This field will receive the new secret access key after the rotation.
This field will contain the timestamp of when the new key has been generated by the script.
This field will contain the old access key id(s) removed from the user account in AWS during the rotation.
This custom field is optional. It could be set to “False” or “True”, the default value is “False”.
If set to “True” then the rotation script will start by deleting all existing access keys on the user account before creating a new one. This is needed when the user has already 2 access keys setup. AWS will not allow the script to create a third one, hence the need to delete the existing keys before adding a new one.
This rotation requires the gateway to only execute the rotation script, and not try to rotate something using the built-in rotation features.
The value has to be:
Second field to enable NOOP.
The value has to be:
Instead of creating the PAM User record manually using the details above, you could also import the csv file below. It will create a template record you can amend and duplicate as needed. Importing the file will generate a Login record type: make sure to convert it to PAM User.
When the gateway runs in an EC2 instance, you don’t need to provide an admin access key to the script. The gateway will leverage the AWS Instance Role permissions assigned to the VM.
The steps below explains how to set up an EC2 Instance role to the gateway EC2 instance with minimal permissions:
Go to the IAM Management Console.
Select Policies and click Create policy.
Select JSON and paste the following, make sure to replace your AWS Account ID:
Name the policy and save it.
Go to the IAM Management Console.
Select Roles and click create role.
Choose AWS service and select EC2.
Attach the necessary IAM policies (e.g., the policy we created above with the minimum permissions).
In the EC2 Management Console, find your instance.
Click Actions > Security > Modify IAM Role.
Select the role you created and click Update
Verify Instance Role Permissions
You can ensure that the instance role has appropriate permissions to interact with IAM by running the command below on the Gateway EC2 Instance:
After configuring this role, your EC2 instance, in this case your Keeper Gateway, will automatically use the attached role credentials for your script, allowing it to perform actions like creating and deleting IAM access keys without needing explicit access key credentials.
Create a shared folder in the vault
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described above.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on an EC2 instance. On the EC2 Instance run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure boto3 and keeper_secrets_manager_core are installed by running the following commands in the EC2 instance:
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment you can select “Local Network” or “AWS”. If you select “AWS”, please make sure to leave the “Access Key” and “Secret Access Key” field empty. If you provide one, it will be automatically used by the script instead of using the Instance Role authentication. You will still need to provide the AWS Account ID to the AWS PAM configuration.
Select the gateway, select the shared folder and save the PAM configuration.
Edit the PAM User record previously described in this documentation:
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Add PAM Script to the record: select the provided file below and make sure to specify the script command:
When the gateway does not run in an EC2 instance, it will require an admin access key to authenticate against AWS and rotate another user's access key. Here we will be using the admin access key provided in the AWS PAM Configuration.
Create a shared folder in the vault
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described above.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on a Linux box. Simply run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure boto3 and keeper_secrets_manager_core are installed by running the following commands on the Linux box:
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment, please select “AWS”, select the Gateway, select the shared folder, provide the “AWS ID”, the “Access Key” and “Secret Access Key”. This will be the admin access key that the script uses to rotate a user access key.
Edit the PAM User record previously described in this documentation:
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Add PAM Script to the record: select the provided file below and make sure to specify the script command:
When the gateway does not run in an EC2 instance, it will require an admin access key to authenticate against AWS and rotate another user's access key. Here we will be using the admin access key provided in another Keeper record. This option also allows to rotate the admin access key the same way Keeper rotates an user access key.
You may have followed any of the two other tabs available in this doc (Using AWS instance role, or Using AWS PAM Config) to set up the rotation: you will have a PAM configuration that contains or does not contain an access key. Following the steps below will force the use of an admin access key stored in another Keeper record.
When attaching the PAM Script to the PAM user record, it is possible to attach Rotation Credentials.
The attached record could be any record type. It needs at least the two custom fields “aws_access_key_id” and “aws_secret_access_key” with the admin access key.
Using the PAM User record type to store the admin access key allows you to also automate the rotation of the admin access key. Make sure to follow those requirements in that case.
When attaching a record to the PAM script itself to provide an admin AWS access keys also allows to leverage AWS AssumeRole to rotate an AWS user access key across multiple AWS accounts.
More information about AWS AssumeRole here.
To leverage this feature, you need to add a new custom field to the record attached to the PAM script (Rotation Credentials).
The custom field label needs to be:
This field will contain the role arn from your AWS environment that has the permissions to rotate access keys in other AWS accounts.
When this field exists, the rotation script will use it along with the provided admin access key ID and secret to generate a new temporary access key to rotate the end user’s one in the other AWS account. The script will then update the Keeper PAM User record with the new key and information, the same way it usually does without this extra field.
Rotating AWS RDS accounts with Keeper
In this section, you will learn how to rotate DB User or Admin credentials on the following AWS Managed Databases:
If you are running a database directly on an EC2 instance in your AWS environment instead of using a managed service, refer to the Local Network > Database documentation for rotating passwords.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS SQL Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS MySQL Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for MySQL is an AWS managed resource where the MySQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS MySQL Database
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MySQL RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the MySQL RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: AWS MySQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e.
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MySQL RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the databases.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS SQL Server Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS SQL Server Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for SQL Server is an AWS managed resource where the SQL Server Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the SQL Server Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS SQL Server Database
If the Gateway is installed on a Linux or macOS server, install the Microsoft ODBC driver
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the SQL Server RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the SQL Server RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: RDS SQL Server Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e.
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 1433
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your SQL Server RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS PostgreSQL Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS PostgreSQL Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for PostgreSQL is an AWS managed resource where the PostgreSQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the PostgreSQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS PostgreSQL Database
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the PostgreSQL RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the PostgreSQL RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: AWS PostgreSQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e.
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 5432
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your PostgreSQL RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS MariaDB Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS MariaDB Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for MariaDB is an AWS managed resource where the MariaDB Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS MariaDB Database
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MariaDB RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the MariaDB RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: AWS MariaDB Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e.
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MariaDB RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS Oracle Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS Oracle Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for Oracle is an AWS managed resource where the Oracle Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS Oracle Database
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the Oracle RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Oracle RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: AWS Oracle Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e.
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 1521
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Oracle RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Password Rotation in the Local Network Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within a Local Network environment across various target systems.
A "local network" simply means any resource that has line of sight access from the Keeper Gateway. This configuration can be used in any cloud or managed environment. Native protocols are used to communicate to the target resources and perform rotations.
At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on a network:
Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation
Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records representing each resource
Create PAM User records that contain the necessary account credentials for each resource
Link the PAM User record to the PAM Resource record.
Assign a Secrets Manager Application to all of the shared folders that hold the PAM records
Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration with the AWS environment setting
Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records
Rotating Active Directory or OpenLDAP user accounts remotely using KeeperPAM
In this guide, you'll learn how to remotely rotate Active Directory or OpenLDAP user accounts using KeeperPAM.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Keeper Gateway is online
The Keeper Gateway is able to communicate via LDAPS (port 636) or LDAP (port 389) to your directory.
Keeper Rotation will use the linked admin credential to rotate other accounts in your directory. This account does not need to be a domain admin account, but needs to be able to successfully change passwords for other accounts.
The linked admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Record Type
PAM Directory
Keeper record title
Hostname or IP Address
IP address, hostname or FQDN of the directory server. Examples:
, dc01.mydomain.local
- LDAPS is required for rotation on Active Directory.
LDAP over port 389
is insecure and should be avoided.
Must be enabled for use with Active Directory
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User credential used for performing the LDAP rotation. Example: rotationadmin
Domain Name
Domain name of the Active Directory. Example: mydomain.local
Directory Type
Set to Active Directory
or OpenLDAP
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
A PAM Configuration associates an environment with a Keeper Gateway and credentials. If you don't have a PAM Configuration set up yet for this use case, create one.
Configuration name, example: My Active Directory
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that has access to your directory server
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder that contains the PAM Directory record
Other fields
Depends on your use case. See the PAM Configuration section.
KeeperPAM will use the credentials linked from the "PAM Directory" record to rotate other "PAM User" records in your environment. The PAM User credential needs to be saved in a shared folder that is assigned to the secrets manager application. In the example below, the AD user demouser
can be rotated.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title, e.g. AD User - demouser
Username of the account being rotated. The format of the username depends on the target system and type of service.
Account password is optional. In most cases, a password rotation will not require the existing password to be present. However there are some scenarios and protocols which may require it.
Distinguished Name
Required for Active Directory and OpenLDAP directories.
The LDAP DN for the user, e.g.
CN=Demo User,CN=Users,DC=lureydemo,DC=local
If you don't know the user's DN, the following PowerShell command can be used to find it:
Select the PAM User record, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Any user with edit rights to a PAM User record and enforcement policies allowing rotation has the ability to set up rotation for that record.
The "Rotation" should be of type "General".
The "PAM Resource" field should select the "PAM Directory" credential setup previously.
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
An easy way to test if LDAP is properly configured is to run 'LDP.exe' and test the connection. If this connection succeeds, then Keeper Rotation should also succeed.
For the purpose of testing an Active Directory user account rotation with Keeper, it is necessary to ensure that the LDAPS connection is active and using a valid certificate. If you are just testing and don't have a production certificate, the instructions below provide you with a self-signed cert.
Using a self-signed certificate with AD is only for testing purposes, do not use in production
Rotating Windows User Accounts on Local Network
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Windows user accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed and showing online
The Keeper Gateway can communicate over WinRM or SSH to the target machine:
WinRM: Enabled and running on port 5986.
Verification: Run winrm get winrm/config
to verify that WinRM is running. See WinRM setup page for installation help.
SSH: Enabled and running on port 22.
Verification: Run ssh [your-user]@[your-machine] -p 22
to verify that SSH is running.
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
In this guide, we will store the admin credentials in a PAM Machine Record.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Machine Record with your information:
Name of the Record ex: "Local Windows Admin"
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway (internal) or "localhost"
22 for SSH, 5985 (HTTP) or 5986 (HTTPS) for WinRM
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH Key) of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
The linked PAM User record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is accessible to the Keeper Gateway.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Windows LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has SSH access to your Windows devices
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the machine resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Keeper can automatically update the Windows service account "log on as" credentials for any Windows services running as the PAM User, and restart the service. Keeper will also update the credential of any scheduled task running as that user on the target machine.
To learn more and set up this capability, see the Service Management page.
Rotating Linux User Accounts on Local Network
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Linux user accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation, including both password-based and SSH Key-based credentials. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
In this guide, we will store the admin credentials in a PAM Machine Record.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Machine Record with your information:
Name of the Record ex: "Local Linux Admin"
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway (internal) or "localhost"
22 for SSH
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH Key) of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
The linked PAM User record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is accessible to the Keeper Gateway.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Linux LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has SSH access to your Linux devices
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the machine resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Private PEM Key
SSH private key. This is only required if you are planning to rotate the PEM key instead of rotating the password.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
When rotating the private PEM Key credential on a target machine or user, Keeper will update the authorized_keys file on the machine with the new public key. The first time that a rotation occurs, the old public key is left intact in order to prevent system lockout. The second public key added to the file contains a comment that serves as an identifier for future rotations. For example:
By default, Keeper will not remove other keys from the .ssh/authorized_keys
file since some providers will place in their own keys in order to control the virtual machine (ie Google Cloud Provider).
If the first rotation is successful, you can optionally delete the old public key entry in the authorized_keys file. On subsequent rotations, Keeper will update the line which contains the "keeper-security-xxx" comment.
Rotation will also create backup of the prior .ssh/authorized_keys
inside of the .ssh
For private key rotation, the new private key will be same algorithm and key size (bits) as the current private key. For example, if the current private key is ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
the new private key will be ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
. This can be overridden by adding a custom text field, with the label Private Key Type
, and setting the value to one support algorithms:
- 4096 bits
- ECDSA, 256 bits
- ECDSA, 384 bits
- ECDSA, 521 bits
.This custom field can also be used if the current private key's algorithm cannot be detected.
To prevent private key rotation, a custom text field can be added to the PAM User record with the label Private Key Rotate
. If the value of the field is TRUE, or the field doesn't exists, the private key will be rotated if it exists. If the value is FALSE, the private key will not be rotated.
For Linux user rotations, password-encrypted PEM files are not currently supported.
Rotating Local Mac User Accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to remotely rotate MacOS accounts via SSH using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Keeper Rotation will use the linked admin credential to rotate other accounts in your environment. This account does not need to be joined to a domain, or a full admin account, but the account needs to be able to successfully change passwords for other accounts.
Record Type
PAM Machine
My macOS User
Hostname or IP Address
IP address or hostname of the directory macOS device. Use localhost if the gateway is installed on the device. Examples:
, MarysMacBook
, localhost
SSH port, typically: 22
- SSH is required for rotation.
Must be enabled
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH Key) of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Operating System
For Mac OS rotation, use: MacOS
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
In the left menu of the vault, select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab. Create a new configuration:
Configuration name, example: MAC Rotation
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that has SSH access to your MacOS devices
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the machine resources.
Default Rotation Schedule
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records in your environment.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Other fields
These should be left blank
Select the PAM User record, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the "PAM Machine" credential setup previously.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
DB credential Rotation in the Local Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate database user credentials within your local network.
Rotating Local Network MySQL database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MySQL Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MySQL database
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked from the PAM Database record to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mysql=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Database Type
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: MySQL LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MySQL database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network MariaDB database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MariaDB User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MariaDB database
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database record to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mariadb=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Database Type
or maridb-flexible
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: MariaDB LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MariaDB database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network PostgreSQL database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local Postgres Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your Postgres database
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: postgresql=5432
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example, PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1.
Database Type
or postgresql-flexible
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Postgresql LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your PostgreSQL database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network MongoDB database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MongoDB User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MongoDB Database
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mongodb=27017
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MongoDB requires a database and so this will default to admin
Database Type
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: MongoDB LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MongoDB database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials linked from the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example: MongoDB requires a database and so this will default to admin
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network Microsoft SQL Server database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MS SQL Server Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MySQL database
If the Gateway is installed on a Linux or macOS server, install the Microsoft ODBC driver
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mssql=1433
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Database Type
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: MSSQL LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MS SQL Server database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network Oracle database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local Oracle Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your Oracle database
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: oracle=1521
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Database Type
If you already have a PAM Configuration for your Local environment, you can simply add the additional Resource Credentials required for rotating database users to the existing PAM Configuration.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Oracle LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Oracle database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotation of passwords for SaaS accounts or REST API endpoints
Rotating Okta user accounts using the Okta API
This documentation explains how to rotate Okta accounts using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Okta API Token: You will need an Okta API Token to interact with the Okta API.
Follow the steps in the official Okta documentation to generate an API token.
Store this API token in a Keeper record. The record can be of any type, but for this example, we will use a "Login" type.
Store the API Token in the "password" field.
Store the Organization URL in the "Website Address" field.
Name this record "Okta API Access Details" as this title will be used to fetch the record in the script later.
Create a new PAM User record to store Okta User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Okta user's email address.
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Okta SDK only supports password rotation if the current password is valid. If the password is incorrect, the rotation will fail.
Add the "Additional Credential" record, which is the "Okta API Access Details" record created in Step 1.
In the example below, we'll use the bash script because the Keeper Gateway is running as a Docker container.
Rotation Type: Set it to "Run PAM scripts only"
PAM Configuration: Select the configuration for your environment
In order for the post-rotation script to execute, the host where the Keeper Gateway is running needs to have the necessary execution environment available.
The Bash script below works on the latest Docker version of the Keeper Gateway or any Linux environment that has jq
The Python script below is well-commented and follows best practices. It imports necessary modules, initializes variables, and defines functions for various tasks like finding a password by its title, fetching all Okta users, and rotating the password for the particular user.
Rotating Snowflake users within your Keeper Vault
This documentation explains how to rotate Snowflake accounts using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
snowflake.connector Library: Ensure that the snowflake connector library is installed in your python environment.
The Snowflake Connector for Python provides an interface for developing Python applications that can connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations. You should have snowflake connector library installed in your python environment to successfully run the post-rotation script. To install snowflake connector, activate a Python virtual environment in your keeper-gateway environment and run the following command:
pip install snowflake-connector-python
NOTE: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here Python Environment Setup
Follow these steps to successfully setup rotation on Snowflake User Records:
Create a new PAM User record to store Snowflake User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Snowflake user's email address.
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
PAM script to rotate Snowflake user credentials:
The above script for the Snowflake Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Snowflake User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential:
Automatically rotate any cloud-based account using a REST API with Keeper Secrets Manager
This documentation provides generic instructions on how to set up password rotation using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes pre-requisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
REST API Token: You will need an API Token to interact with the arbitrary API.
Follow the steps in your target application or service to generate an API token.
Store this API token in a Keeper record. The record can be of any type, but for this example, we will use a "Login" type.
Store the API Token in the "password" field.
Store the Organization URL in the "Website Address" field.
Name this record "API Access Details" as this title will be used to fetch the record in the script later.
Create a new PAM User record to store target User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the user's login ID.
Set the password to the current password set for the user (this really depends on the REST endpoint)
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Add the "Rotation Credential" record, which is the record created in Step 1 containing the API Token and URL.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
Below steps are related to the environment where the Keeper Gateway is running.
Ensure that the Python environment has all necessary dependencies installed.
If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script.
Note: Ensure that the shebang line does not contain spaces. If it does, create a symbolic link without spaces. Example to create a symbolic link on Linux:
sudo ln -s "/Users/john/PAM Rotation Example/.venv/bin/python3" /usr/local/bin/pam_rotation_venv_python3
The Python script is well-commented and follows best practices. It imports necessary modules, initializes variables, and defines a rotation function to call an arbitrary REST API that changes user's password.
Rotate your Cisco IOS XE Network Credentials
In this guide, you will learn how to set up password rotation to rotate Cisco IOS XE network credentials.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Requests Library: Ensure that the requests library is installed in your Python environment. This library is necessary for making HTTP requests to Cisco devices.
Setting up AnyConnect Cisco VPN: In order to connect to cisco devices, ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured
Test Cisco Device Connectivity
The Requests library allows you to send HTTP requests easily. Activate a Python virtual environment in your Keeper Gateway environment and install the library using the following command:
Ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured in order to connect to cisco device. This setup is necessary for establishing secure connections to Cisco devices.
Following these steps will allow you to test the Cisco device and create a new user in the Cisco sandbox environment.
Note: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here in the Python Environment Setup.
Go to the Cisco DevNet Sandbox
Log in with your Cisco account credentials.
Select and launch the sandbox.
Navigate to the sandbox catalog.
Select the appropriate sandbox for your Cisco device (e.g., Cisco IOS XE, etc.).
Launch the sandbox.
After launching the sandbox, you will receive an email with the connection details or find them in the DevNet Environment under Quick Access.
Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Get detailed connection instructions here.
Open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Enter the VPN connection details provided in the email or from the DevNet Environment.
Connect using the provided username and password.
At this point, you will see Developer Credentials—a host, username, and password. Store these values in a Keeper Security record of type Login
named as Cisco Authentication Record
. You will need this Keeper Security record name in order to run the post-rotation script.
Add a custom field named host_endpoint
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Open your terminal or SSH client.
Connect to the Cisco device using the provided IP address and credentials.
Login with Admin User (developer):
Enable privileged commands:
Enter configuration mode:
Create a new user with a password:
Login with the new user:
Note: Replace
with the username you created and<device-ip>
with the IP address of the Cisco device.
Once you have your prerequisites ready, make sure you cover the following:
Make sure you satisfy all the prerequisites
Ensure that the post-rotation script references the Keeper Security record containing your Cisco admin credentials.
Attach the post-rotation script to a Keeper Security PAM user record using the Keeper Security documentation. When this record has its secrets rotated, the post-rotation script will execute and update the password for the specified Cisco device user.
Create a new PAM User record to store Cisco User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Cisco device admin credentials
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Add a custom field named host_endpoint
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
PAM script to rotate Cisco IOS XE user credentials:
The above script for the Cisco Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
Note: The user whose password is getting rotated should not be an administrator and must be Authorized for Client VPN [While adding the user via user management portal, the authorized option should be selected as 'Yes'].
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Cisco User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential:
Rotate your Cisco Meraki Network Credentials
In this guide, you will learn how to set up password rotation to rotate Cisco Meraki network credentials.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Requests Library: Ensure that the requests library is installed in your Python environment. This library is necessary for making HTTP requests to Cisco devices.
Setting up AnyConnect Cisco VPN: In order to connect to cisco devices, ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured
Test Cisco Device Connectivity
The Requests library allows you to send HTTP requests easily. Activate a Python virtual environment in your Keeper Gateway environment and install the library using the following command:
Ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured inorder to connect to cisco device. This setup is necessary for establishing secure connections to Cisco devices.
Following these steps will allow you to test the Cisco device and create a new user in the Cisco sandbox environment.
Note: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here in the Python Environment Setup.
Go to the Cisco DevNet Sandbox
Log in with your Cisco account credentials.
Select and launch the sandbox.
Navigate to the sandbox catalog.
Select the appropriate sandbox for your Cisco device (e.g., Cisco IOS XE, etc.).
Launch the sandbox.
After launching the sandbox, you will receive an email with the connection details or find them in the DevNet Environment under Quick Access.
Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Get detailed connection instructions here.
Open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Enter the VPN connection details provided in the email or from the DevNet Environment.
Connect using the provided username and password.
At this point, you will see Developer Credentials—a host, username, and password. Store these values in a Keeper Security record of type Login
named as Cisco Authentication Record
. You will need this Keeper Security record name in order to run the post-rotation script.
Add a custom field named network_id
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Open your terminal or SSH client.
Connect to the Cisco device using the provided IP address and credentials.
Login with Admin User (developer):
Enable privileged commands:
Enter configuration mode:
Create a new user with a password:
Login with the new user:
Note: Replace
with the username you created and<device-ip>
with the IP address of the Cisco device.
Once you have your prerequisites ready, make sure you cover the following:
Make sure you satisfy all the prerequisites
Ensure that the post-rotation script references the Keeper Security record containing your Cisco admin credentials.
Attach the post-rotation script to a Keeper Security PAM user record using the Keeper Security documentation. When this record has its secrets rotated, the post-rotation script will execute and update the password for the specified Cisco device user.
Create a new PAM User record to store Cisco User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Cisco device admin credentials
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Add a custom field named network_id
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
PAM script to rotate Cisco Meraki user credentials:
The above script for the Cisco Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
Note: The user whose password is getting rotated should not be an administrator and must be Authorized for Client VPN [While adding the user via user management portal, the authorized option should be selected as 'Yes'].
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Cisco User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential: