Released on May 12, 2023
AN-7480: Onboarding a new Enterprise user on Android via Cloud SSO does not work properly
AN-7791: If a user creates a v2 (general) record in vault, it will not be triggered in the Autofill UI automatically.
AN-7713: Crash when switching accounts after a linked record is removed from shared folder.
AN-7649: If a user deletes a Security Key, adds another Key, then plugs it in via USB on (one of) the first Google screen(s), Keeper crashes during setup.
AN-7818: Stop making calls to update_security_data for records that are not owned. This includes all shared records in shared folder or directly shared.
AN-7601: Creating a record in DuckDuckGo sets title to DuckDuckGo
AN-7835: Minor recovery phrase bug fixes