Released on March 2, 2021
This update may have caused existing Azure Function sessions to be logged out. Please follow the instructions in the link below to re-activate the Azure Function. See the "Troubleshooting and Repairing Failed Logins" section to resolve the issue.
KA-3777: Added reporting module event for "User requesting self-device approval" for SSO Cloud
KA-3772: Ensure BreachWatch is granted to linked personal accounts
KA-3716: Modified sync to allow single-record retrieval for the Commander SDK
KA-3798: New "Share Report" API for Vault and Commander SDK
KA-3727: Attempt to add a Trusted User generates a "No Active Share Exist" error message
KA-3710: Admin approvals randomly fail to be received in the Vault
KA-3689: Log Error - error setting master password expiration
KA-3627: Adding an alias for an SSO user fails
KA-3027: Issue causing transferred records to have two owners
KA- 2672: "Removed record permission" event fails to be triggered
KA-3827: Transferring an account can create a "read only" owned record
KA-3767: Unable to logout from SSO Cloud if there is no IdP session id
KA-3842: Commander times out after 30 days
KA-3027: Transferring a record, the new owner deletes the transfer record, went to the original owner's trash can.
KA-3827: Transferring an account can create a read-only owned record.