Released Sept. 06, 2024
CC-2349: Updated intent handling to ensure only the Google Play Store is opened when prompting users to download an app.
CC-2350: Added a requirement for users to input their master password when changing their phone number for added security.
CC-2351: Introduced a jailbreak protection mechanism that warns users if the app is running on a jailbroken device.
CC-2352: Limited the number of incorrect password attempts a user can make to enhance security.
CC-2353: Added a warning when downloading executable files, prompting recipients to acknowledge potential risks before proceeding with the download.
CC-2347: Implemented a prompt informing users of the risks when Keeper Chat detects a rooted device, recommending proper usage.
CC-2346: Updated the SkiSharp library to address potential vulnerabilities.
CC-2345: Fixed an issue where uploading PNG media files resulted in no action; the upload process now functions properly.
CC-2359: Resolved an issue where the QR code was missing when setting up TOTP 2FA.
CC-2348: Addressed a Google Authenticator secret leak due to weak implicit intent on Android.