Detailed .Net SDK docs for Keeper Secrets Manager

Download and Installation


dotnet add package Keeper.SecretsManager

Source Code

Find the .Net source code in the GitHub repository

Using the SDK

Initialize Storage

Using token only to generate a new config (for later usage) requires at least one read operation to bind the token and fully populate config.json

In order to retrieve secrets, you must first initialize the local storage on your machine.

SecretsManagerClient.InitializeStorage(storage: KeyValueStorage, clientKey: String? = null, hostName: String? = null)

Example Usage

var storage = new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json");
SecretsManagerClient. InitializeStorage(storage, "[One Time Access Token]");
// Using token only to generate a config (for later usage)
// requires at least one access operation to bind the token
//var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(storage);
//await SecretsManagerClient.GetSecrets(options);

Retrieve Secrets

GetSecrets(options: SecretsManagerOptions, recordsFilter: List<String> = emptyList()): KeeperSecrets


Type: KeeperSecrets

Object containing all Keeper records, or records that match the given filter criteria

Example Usage

Retrieve all Secrets

var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(storage, testPostFunction);
var secrets = GetSecrets(options);

Retrieve Secrets by Title

// get all matching records
async Task<IEnumerable<KeeperRecord>> GetSecretsByTitle(SecretsManagerOptions options, string recordTitle)

// get only the first matching record
async Task<KeeperRecord> GetSecretByTitle(SecretsManagerOptions options, string recordTitle)

Example Usage

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SecretsManager;

private static async Task getOneIndividualSecret()
    var storage = new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json");
    var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(storage);
    var records = (await SecretsManagerClient.GetSecretsByTitle(
            options, "My Credentials")
    foreach (var record in records)
        Console.WriteLine(record.RecordUid + " - " + record.Data.title);
        foreach (var field in record.Data.fields)
            Console.WriteLine("\t" + field.label + " (" + field.type + "): [" + String.Join(", ", field.value) + "]");

Retrieve Values from a Secret

Retrieve a Password


Fields are found by type, for a list of field types see the Record Types documentation.

Retrieve Other Fields Using Keeper Notation

GetValue(KeeperSecrets secrets, string notation)

See Keeper Notation documentation to learn about Keeper Notation format and capabilities

Retrieve TOTP Code

CryptoUtils.GetTotpCode(string url)

Update Values in a Secret

Record update commands don't update local record data on success (esp. updated record revision) so any consecutive updates to an already updated record will fail due to revision mismatch. Make sure to reload all updated records after each update batch.

Save Changes to a Secret

UpdateSecret(options: SecretsManagerOptions, record: KeeperRecord);

Use UpdateSecret to save changes made to a secret record. Changes will not be reflected in the Keeper Vault until UpdateSecret is performed.

Update a Field Value

UpdateFieldValue(string fieldType, object value)

Generate a Random Password

CryptoUtils.GeneratePassword(int length, lowercase int, uppercase int, digits int, specialCharacters);

Each parameter indicates the min number of a type of character to include. For example, 'uppercase' indicates the minimum number of uppercase letters to include.

Download a File

DownloadFile(file: KeeperFile): ByteArray


Type: ByteArray

ByteArray of file for download

Download a Thumbnail

DownloadThumbnail(file: KeeperFile): ByteArray


Type: ByteArray

ByteArray of thumbnail for download

Upload a File

Upload File:

UploadFile(SecretsManagerOptions options, KeeperRecord ownerRecord, KeeperFileUpload file)

Creating the Keeper File Upload Object:

KeeperFileUpload(string name, string title, string type, byte[] data)

Example Usage

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SecretsManager;

private static async Task uploadFile()
    // initalize storage and options
    var storage = new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json");
    var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(storage);
    // get a record to attach the file to
    var records = (await SecretsManagerClient.GetSecrets(
            options, new[] { "XXX" })
    var ownerRecord = records[0];
    // get file data to upload
    var bytes = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync("my-file.json");
    var myFile = new KeeperFileUpload(
        "My File", 
    // upload file to selected record                     
    await SecretsManagerClient.UploadFile(options, firstRecord, myFile);

Create a Secret


  • Shared folder UID

    • Shared folder must be accessible by the Secrets Manager Application

    • You and the Secrets Manager application must have edit permission

    • There must be at least one record in the shared folder

  • Created records and record fields must be formatted correctly

    • See the documentation for expected field formats for each record type

  • TOTP fields accept only URL generated outside of the KSM SDK

  • After record creation, you can upload file attachments using UploadFile

SecretsManagerClient.CreateSecret(options, folderUid, record)

Delete a Secret

The .Net KSM SDK can delete records in the Keeper Vault.

DeleteSecret(smOptions, recordsUids);


To protect against losing access to your secrets when network access is lost, the .Net SDK allows caching of secrets to the local machine in an encrypted file.

Setup and Configure Cache

In order to setup caching in the .Net SDK, include a caching post function as the second argument when instantiating aSecretsManagerOptions object.

The .Net SDK includes a default caching function cachingPostFunction which stores cached queries to a file.

var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(storage, SecretsManagerClient.CachingPostFunction);
var secrets = await SecretsManagerClient.GetSecrets(options);


Folders have full CRUD support - create, read, update and delete operations.

Read Folders

Downloads full folder hierarchy.

Task<KeeperFolder[]> GetFolders(SecretsManagerOptions options)


Type: KeeperFolder[]

Example Usage

using SecretsManager;

var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json"));
var folders = await SecretsManagerClient.GetFolders(options);

Create a Folder

Requires CreateOptions and folder name to be provided. The folder UID parameter in CreateOptions is required - UID of a shared folder, while sub-folder UID is optional and if missing, a new regular folder is created directly under the parent (shared folder). There's no requirement for the sub-folder to be a direct descendant of the parent shared folder - it could be many levels deep.

Task<string> CreateFolder(SecretsManagerOptions options, CreateOptions createOptions, string folderName, KeeperFolder[] folders = null)
public class CreateOptions {
    public string FolderUid { get; }
    public string SubFolderUid { get; }
public class KeeperFolder {
        public byte[] FolderKey { get; }
        public string FolderUid { get; }
        public string ParentUid { get; }
        public string Name { get; }

Example Usage

using SecretsManager;

var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json"));
var co := new CreateOptions("[PARENT_SHARED_FOLDER_UID]");
var folderUid = await SecretsManagerClient.CreateFolder(options, co, "new_folder");

Update a Folder

Updates the folder metadata - currently folder name only.

Task UpdateFolder(SecretsManagerOptions options, string folderUid, string folderName, KeeperFolder[] folders = null)

Example Usage

using SecretsManager;

var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json"));
await SecretsManagerClient.UpdateFolder(options, "[FOLDER_UID]", "new_folder_name");

Delete Folders

Removes a list of folders. Use forceDeletion flag to remove non-empty folders.

When using forceDeletion avoid sending parent with its children folder UIDs. Depending on the delete order you may get an error - ex. if parent force-deleted child first. There's no guarantee that list will always be processed in FIFO order.

Any folders UIDs missing from the vault or not shared to the KSM Application will not result in error.

Task DeleteFolder(SecretsManagerOptions options, string[] folderUids, bool forceDeletion = false)

Example Usage

using SecretsManager;

var options = new SecretsManagerOptions(new LocalConfigStorage("ksm-config.json"));
await SecretsManagerClient.DeleteFolder(options, new string[]{"[FOLDER_UID1]", "[FOLDER_UID2]"}, true);

Last updated