Local Network

Password Rotation in the Local Network Environment


In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within a Local Network environment across various target systems.

A local network is configured by setting the Local Network as your environment in the PAM Configuration Record. Using this Local Network setting will only allow rotation on the local machine and all interactions with the operating system are done via Bash or PowerShell.

Rotation on the Local Network

At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on your local network:

  1. Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation

  2. Create PAM Machine, PAM Database, PAM Directory records that contain credentials with the necessary permissions to rotate and update the user's credentials

  3. Create PAM User records that contain the user's information

  4. Create a Secrets Manager Application and assign it to the shared folders that hold the PAM records

  5. Configure the Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application

  6. Create a PAM Configuration

  7. Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records

The following pages cover these steps in more details on how to successfully rotate passwords in different scenarios on the local network:

Rotate Active Directory Accounts

Active Directory

Rotate Local Windows User Accounts

Windows User

Rotate Local Linux User Accounts

Linux User

Rotate Local Mac User Accounts

macOS User

Rotate Local Database User Accounts


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