In this guide you will learn how to set up password rotation using Snowflake connector library and the Keeper PAM Gateway using "NOOP mode". This is a flag set in the Keeper record which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the Post-Rotation script.
This guide includes prerequisites , step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
snowflake.connector Library: Ensure that the snowflake connector library is installed in your python environment.
Snowflake connector installation
The Snowflake Connector for Python provides an interface for developing Python applications that can connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations. You should have snowflake connector library installed in your python environment to successfully run the post-rotation script. To install snowflake connector, activate a Python virtual environment in your keeper-gateway environment and run the following command:
pip install snowflake-connector-python
NOTE: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here Python Environment Setup
Rotating Setup for Snowflake User credentials
Follow these steps to successfully setup rotation on Snowflake User Records:
Step 1: Set Up Rotation Record
Create a new PAM User record to store Snowflake User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Snowflake user's email address.
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Step 2: Add PAM Script
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP and set its value to True.
Step 3: Configure Password Rotation Settings
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
Post-Rotation Python Script
PAM script to rotate Snowflake user credentials:
#!/usr/local/bin/pam_rotation_venv_python3'''Password rotation script for Snowflake user accounts.This script is designed to rotate the password for a given Snowflake user using the snowflake connector package.It facilitates the automated updating of user password in your Snowflake environment.NOTE: If spaces are present in the path to the python interpreter, the script will fail to execute. This is a known limitation of the shebang line in Linux and you will need to create a symlink to the python interpreter in a path that does not contain spaces. For example: sudo ln -s "/usr/local/bin/my python3.7" /usr/local/bin/pam_rotation_venv_python3'''import asyncioimport jsonimport sysimport base64'''Optionally display installed packages for debugging. Uncomment if needed.import pkg_resourcesprint("# \n# Installed packages for debugging:")installed_packages = pkg_resources.working_setinstalled_packages_list = sorted(["%s==%s" % (i.key, i.version) for i in installed_packages])for m in installed_packages_list: print(f" {m}")'''# Import the snowflake connector packagetry:import snowflake.connectorexceptImportError: print("# Error: The 'snowflake connector' package could not be imported. Run 'pip install snowflake-connector-python' to install it.")
exit(1)defrotate(snowflake_account_name,snowflake_admin_user,snowflake_admin_pass,snowflake_user_name,new_password):""" Connects with Snowflake using the snowflake.connector module. Rotate the password for a given Snowflake user. Args: - snowflake_account_name (str): The name of the Snowflake account to connect to. - snowflake_admin_user (str): The username of the Snowflake admin account. - snowflake_admin_pass (str): The password of the Snowflake admin account. - snowflake_user_name (str): The name of the Snowflake user whose password needs to be rotated. - new_password (str): The new password to be set for the Snowflake user. Returns: - None """# Connect with snowflake account using snowflake.connector moduletry: conn = snowflake.connector.connect( user=snowflake_admin_user, password=snowflake_admin_pass, account=snowflake_account_name )exceptExceptionas E:print(f"Unable to connect to snowflake account. Error: {E}")exit(1)# Create a cursor object cur = conn.cursor()# Change new user's passwordtry: change_pass_query =f"ALTER USER {snowflake_user_name} SET PASSWORD = '{new_password}'" cur.execute(change_pass_query)exceptExceptionas E:print(f"Unable to update the password. Error: {E}")exit(1)# Close the cursor and connection cur.close() conn.close()print(f"Password successfully rotated for the given Snowflake User - {snowflake_user_name}")defmain():""" Main function to rotate the password for a given Snowflake User. Reads and decodes input parameters from stdin, including the authentication record details and the new password. Then, updates the password of the specified Snowflake user. Args: - None Returns: - None """ record_title = 'Snowflake Authentication Record' #This should be same as the title of the record containing admin credentials.
admin_credential_record =None params =None# Read and decode input parameters from stdinfor base64_params in sys.stdin: params = json.loads(base64.b64decode(base64_params).decode())''' # Optionally print available params for debugging. Uncomment if needed. # print(f"# \n# Available params for the script:") # for key, value in params.items(): # print(f"# {key}={value}") ''' records = json.loads(base64.b64decode(params.get('records')).decode()) # Decode and load records that are passed into the record as JSON strings in the PAM Script section as "Rotation Credential" records
# Find the Record that contains the admin account details by its Title admin_credential_record = next((record for record in records if record['title'].lower() == record_title.lower()), None)
breakif admin_credential_record isNone:print(f"# Error: No Record with the access token found. Title: {record_title}")exit(1)# Extract Details from the record snowflake_account_name = admin_credential_record.get('snowflake_account_name') snowflake_admin_user = admin_credential_record.get('login') snowflake_admin_pass = admin_credential_record.get('password')# Username for the user whose password needs to be rotated. snowflake_user_name = params.get('user')# Extract new rotated password.. new_password = params.get('newPassword')ifnotall([snowflake_account_name, snowflake_admin_user, snowflake_admin_pass]):print("# Error: One or more required fields are missing in the authentication record.")exit(1)# Rotate the password for a given Snowflake user.rotate(snowflake_account_name, snowflake_admin_user, snowflake_admin_pass, snowflake_user_name, new_password)if__name__=="__main__":main()
The above script for the Snowflake Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Snowflake User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential: