Technical details on the KeeperPAM platform architecture
KeeperPAM is a Zero-Knowledge platform, ensuring that encryption and decryption of secrets, connections, and tunnels occur locally on the end user's device through the Keeper Vault application. Access to resources in the vault is restricted to users with explicitly assigned permissions, enabling them to establish sessions or tunnels securely.
Keeper's zero-trust connection technology further enhances security by providing restricted and monitored access to target systems without direct connectivity, while never exposing underlying credentials or secrets.
This security content will cover the key areas of KeeperPAM:
Accessing the KeeperPAM platform
Follow the below steps to start using KeeperPAM.
If you are not a Keeper customer or do not have the required license, you can start a free trial from our website. The free trial includes KeeperPAM full capabilities.
From the Admin Console, enable the corresponding PAM Enforcement Policies.
Login to the Admin Console for your region.
Under Admin > Roles, create a new role for PAM or modify an existing role
Go to Enforcement Policies and open the "Privileged Access Manager" section.
Enable all the PAM enforcement policies to use the new features.
Assign yourself or your test user account to this role.
This assumes you are an existing customer with Keeper Secrets Manager and you have a Gateway already deployed. Using the latest Keeper Gateway is required to support the new features. Depending on the operating system, features available will differ.
Use the basic docker-compose.yml
file as shown below:
Download the file called docker-seccomp.json
and place it in the same folder as your Docker Compose file.
Download the latest installer: 64-bit Installer (preferred) or 32-bit Installer
You'll be asked to confirm uninstalling the previous Gateway, this is OK
Ensure the "Enter one-time access token" selection is NOT selected
To update an existing Gateway on Linux:
If you are replacing an existing Gateway, get the old base64 configuration string from:
on Linux or C:\ProgramData\KeeperGateway\config\gateway-config.json
on Windows.
Follow the step by step guide in the Getting Started section of this documentation. A new Quick Start Wizard is available to instantly create a sandbox for testing out a few of the connection types.
PAM Features differ between Linux, Docker and Windows versions of the Keeper Gateway.
For a full range of features, use the Docker installation method, or Linux installation method on Rocky Linux or RHEL8.
We recommend setting up a Keeper Gateway using the new Quick Start Sandbox. This provides a customized Docker Compose file that provides an instant sandbox for testing.
Please email us at pam@keepersecurity.com with your feedback and we'll quickly assist you with any questions.
Getting Started with KeeperPAM fundamentals
Quickly and easily get started with a pre-configured PAM setup in your vault
To learn some KeeperPAM basics, we have created a wizard that is integrated into the Vault. If you select the Docker install method, this wizard will create all the necessary vault records, configurations and a customized Docker Compose file for quickly standing up a sandbox environment in less than 3 minutes.
Login to the Admin Console in your region:
Under Admin > Roles, create a new role for PAM or modify an existing role
Go to Enforcement Policies and open the "Privilege Access Manager" section.
Enable all the PAM enforcement policies
Ensure you are assigned to this role
Login to the Keeper Vault. If the policies are active, you'll see a Secrets Manager tab on the left side.
Click on Create New > Gateway
Enter a name for the project, such as "My Infrastructure Demo"
Select Docker for the gateway
Select "Create with example records"
Click Next
After the wizard is finished, immediately download the provided docker-compose.yml
and docker-seccomp.json
Set up a VM which supports Docker. It can be a Linux instance or Windows running Docker Desktop. The instance can exist anywhere, even on your local computer.
If necessary, Install Docker per the Docker installation instructions.
Transfer the Docker Compose and Seccomp files from Step 2 to the VM.
Run docker compose up -d
from the folder where the files are saved.
You may need to use a dash, e.g. docker-compose up -d
depending on the VM
You can now instantly connect to any of the resources by clicking "Launch" from the record detail view.
The MySQL account, SSH password and SSH key can be rotated by clicking "Rotate" from the record detail within the Users folder.
Note: Remote Browser Isolation won't work on some ARM processors
The wizard will create the following in your vault:
A folder containing Resources and Users in separate shared folders
A MySQL database
A Linux machine with VNC connection to the desktop UI
A Linux machine with SSH connection using an SSH Key
A Linux machine with SSH connection using a password
A Linux machine with RDP connection to the desktop UI
A Remote Browser Isolation session to bing.com
A Secrets Manager Application and PAM Configuration with all PAM features enabled
A Keeper Gateway ready to initialize
We've created a helpful Keeper 101 video to set up your sandbox environment:
Below are screenshots of the Quick Start Wizard from start to finish.
Security and encryption model of the Keeper Router
Keeper Router ("Router") is a cloud service hosted in Keeper's cloud environment which facilitates communications between the Keeper backend API, end-user applications (Web Vault, Desktop App, etc.), and Keeper Gateways installed in the user’s environment. The Router is responsible for communications that perform resource discovery, password rotation, timed access and privileged connection management.
In traditional or legacy privileged access products, the customer is responsible for installing on-prem software which is difficult to manage and configure in a cloud environment. In Keeper's model, a hosted service (called a Gateway) is installed into the customer's environment which establishes an outbound secure connection to the Keeper Router, enabling bi-directional communication to the Keeper cloud without any network configuration. Keeper Router makes cloud access to on-prem infrastructure easy and secure by utilizing WebSockets for the inbound requests.
With Keeper, WebSockets are established between the end-user device (e.g. Web Vault) and the Keeper Router using the user's current session token. The session token is verified by the Keeper Router to authenticate the session. All encrypted payloads sent to the Keeper Router are wrapped by a 256-bit AES transmission key in addition to TLS, to protect against MITM attacks. The transmission key is generated on the end-user device and transferred to the server using ECIES encryption via the Router's public EC key.
When a user on their Web Vault or Desktop App triggers a password rotation, discovery job or remote connection, the message flow is the following:
Upon installation of the Gateway, it authenticates with the Keeper Cloud using a hashed One Time Access Token one time. The client signs the payload and registers a Client Device Public Key with the server on the first authentication. After the first authentication, subsequent requests are sent to the Keeper Router and signed with the Client Device Private Key.
The Gateway establishes an authenticated WebSocket connection using the Client Device Private Key and ECDSA signature.
The Vault sends a message to the Keeper Router with a command to execute (rotation, tunnel, discovery, connection) and authenticates the command using the user's active session token.
The Vault only transmits command and control messages, for example: Rotate UID XXX
. No secret information is communicated between Vault and Router. The Router authenticates the command using the session token of the record's rotation configuration to validate the user's request.
The Router relays the command to the destination gateway through the existing WebSocket connection.
The Gateway retrieves secrets, admin credentials, record details and other private data by using Keeper Secrets Manager APIs. API requests to the Keeper Cloud are sent with a Client Device Identifier and a request body that is signed with the Client Device Private Key. The server checks the ECDSA signature of the request for the given Client Device Identifier using the Client Public Key of the device. The Client Device decrypts the ciphertext response from the server with the Application Private Key, which decrypts the Record Keys and Shared Folder Keys. The Shared Folder Keys decrypt the Record Keys, and the Record Keys decrypt the individual Record secrets.
The Gateway uses Keeper Secrets Manager "update" commands to update the user's vault with any password or discovery job updates.
After a rotation or discovery job is complete, the Gateway informs the Router that the job is complete. ARAM event logs are triggered by the Router.
The Keeper Router architecture is Zero Knowledge, and Keeper's infrastructure never has the ability to access or decrypt any of the customer's stored vault data.
The Router consists of two logical deployments that work together - the Head and the Workers.
The Router is hosted in Keeper’s AWS cloud environment, isolated to each of the global regions (US, EU, CA, AUS, JP, and US Gov).
The Head is not exposed to the internet, and performs the following functions:
Synchronization of global state between Workers
Inter-worker communication
Scheduling of events (e.g. rotation, discovery and connection requests)
The Workers connect to the Head via WebSocket and also use REST API calls to retrieve information. The Workers perform the following functions:
Communication with Gateways
Communication with Keeper end-user applications
Communication with Keeper backend API
Communication with Head
Workers are scaled and load balanced in each Keeper environment. Access to the Keeper Router is established through a common URL pattern in each region:
US: https://connect.keepersecurity.com
EU: https://connect.keepersecurity.eu
AU: https://connect.keepersecurity.com.au
CA: https://connect.keepersecurity.ca
JP: https://connect.keepersecurity.jp
US GOV: https://connect.keepersecurity.us
The end-user device will always communicate through the same Router instance. When the end-user vault connects to the Router system, a communication exchange is performed to ensure that the vault is communicating to the desired gateway. Once the Gateway communication is established, a Cookie is stored locally on the user's browser which expires automatically in 7 days. This Cookie is only used to establish a sticky session with the target Router instance, and does not contain any secret information.
Each Gateway device is associated with a unique UID. The Gateway UID is stored within an encrypted “PAM Configuration” record in the administrator's vault. This way, the Keeper vault record knows which Gateway must be used to perform the requested rotation, discovery or connection features.
Security and encryption model of Connections and Tunnels
KeeperPAM provides the capability to establish cloud and on-prem privileged sessions, create tunnels, establish direct infrastructure access and secure remote database access.
A Connection is a visual remote session using the web browser. Interaction between the user and the target device is with a web browser window or within the Keeper Desktop application.
A Tunnel is a TCP/IP connection that is established between the local vault client through the Keeper Gateway to the target endpoint. The user can utilize any native application for communicating with the target endpoint, such as the command-line terminal, GUI application or database management application.
When the user establishes a connection or tunnel:
The Vault Client application communicates to the Keeper Router infrastructure to initiate a WebRTC connection that is protected by a ECDH symmetric key that is stored inside the relevant Keeper record.
The Keeper Gateway communicates with the Keeper Router through outbound-only WebSockets. This is described in detail in the Gateway Security section.
The Keeper Gateway utilizes Keeper Secrets Manager APIs to retrieve the necessary secrets from the vault, including the ECDH symmetric key.
For Connections, the Vault Client (using the Apache Guacamole protocol) passes data through the WebRTC connection to the Keeper Gateway that then uses Guacd to connect to the destination found in the Keeper record.
For Tunneling features (port forwarding), a local port is opened up on the local device running Keeper Desktop software. Data sent to the local port is transmitted through the WebRTC connection to the Keeper Gateway and subsequently forwarded to the target endpoint defined in the Keeper record.
Session recordings of connections are protected by an AES-256 encryption key ("recording key") which is generated on the Keeper Gateway on every session. The recording key is additionally wrapped by a HKDF-derived AES-256 resource key.
Keeper Password Rotation architecture diagram and data flow
The KeeperPAM infrastructure and security model ensures zero-knowledge encryption between the end-user's device and the target infrastructure. Keeper's servers have no ability to decrypt or intercept the underlying sessions.
The Keeper Gateway is a service which is installed into the customer's environment and communicates outbound to Keeper services. The Gateway performs the rotation, discovery and connections to assets on the network. The Gateway receives commands from the Keeper Router, then uses Keeper Secrets Manager APIs to authenticate, communicate and decrypt data from the Keeper cloud.
The Keeper Router is infrastructure in Keeper's cloud that manages connections between Keeper and Rotation Gateways. The Cloud Router provides real-time messaging and communication between the Keeper Vault, customer gateway and Keeper backend services.
The Keeper Relay is infrastructure in Keeper's cloud that is responsible for establishing encrypted WebRTC connections between the end-user vault interface and the customer-hosted Keeper Gateway service.
Keeper's Backend API is the endpoint which all Keeper client applications communicate with. Client applications encrypt data locally and transmit encrypted ciphertext to the API in a Protocol Buffer format.
Keeper hosted infrastructure that manages timing and logistics around scheduled rotation of credentials across the target infrastructure.
The Management console used to set and enforce policies across all Keeper components.
The end-user interface for managing the vault, rotating passwords, running discovery jobs, creating connections and managing tunnels.
Keeper user performs action (rotation, connection, tunneling, discovery) from the Vault interface, Admin Console, Commander CLI or other endpoint application.
Keeper Gateway establishes an outbound WebSocket connection to the Keeper Router, receives the requests to perform the action.
The Vault Client application establishes a WebRTC connection to the customer's hosted Keeper Gateway.
The Keeper Gateway pulls the necessary secrets from the vault using Keeper Secrets Manager APIs.
The Keeper Gateway performs the action on the target infrastructure (such as rotating a credential) and updates the relevant Keeper vault records.
The Keeper Gateway runs any required privilege automation scripts on the Gateway or target machines using native protocols and APIs.
Client devices securely retrieve the updated record using Keeper Secrets Manager APIs.
Vault end-users receive push notifications indicating that new data is available for syncing.
The vault performs encrypted syncing to the Keeper cloud to retrieve the latest record content.
Keeper's Advanced Reporting & Alerts module logs all events and triggers alerts.
KeeperPAM is a modern, cloud-based Privileged Access Manager
KeeperPAM is a next-gen privileged access management solution that secures and manages access to critical resources, including servers, web apps, databases and workloads.
KeeperPAM consolidates enterprise password management, secrets management, connection management, zero-trust network access, remote browser isolation and a cloud-based access control plane in one unified product.
To learn more about KeeperPAM or sign up for a trial:
This documentation is broken out into 3 sections:
Additional documentation on the Keeper platform can be found here:
KeeperPAM is a cloud-native privileged access solution that requires only a lightweight gateway installation, while Keeper Connection Manager (KCM) is a fully self-hosted solution.
KeeperPAM works through outbound-only connections with zero-knowledge encryption, eliminating the need for inbound firewall rules or direct line-of-sight to resources. In contrast, KCM is fully hosted by the customer with control over the authentication, database, web server, reverse proxy and session recordings.
Customers who purchase KeeperPAM may use either the cloud version (described in this documentation) or the self-hosted connection manager as part of the license.
KeeperPAM provides the following capabilities:
Zero-trust connections launched from the Vault
Tunnels established from the Desktop App for ZTNA
Sharing connections without exposing credentials
Sharing tunnels on a time-limited basis
Built-in SSH Agent for use with and without tunneling
Launching remote browser isolation sessions
Session recording and playback
File transfer with drag-and-drop
Splitting credentials between PAM Resources and PAM Users
Discovery of resources
All new Keeper Gateway setup wizard
Docker-based deployment of the Keeper Gateway
Role-based enforcement policies covering PAM use cases
Event reporting of all PAM activity with SIEM integration
If you are an existing customer, your customer success team can activate KeeperPAM in your account.
For technical questions, you can also email pam@keepersecurity.com.
Start the setup of KeeperPAM
Launch the Quick Start: Sandbox
Deep dive into the Getting Started guide for KeeperPAM
Security and encryption model of the Keeper Vault
Keeper's platform is built with End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) across all devices and endpoints.
Data stored in the platform is encrypted locally and encrypted in transit between the user's devices
Information exchanged between Keeper users is encrypted from vault-to-vault
Data at rest is encrypted with multiple layers, starting with AES-256 encryption at the record level
Data in transit is encrypted with TLS and additional layers of transmission encryption which protects against access MITM, service providers and untrusted networks.
A full and detailed disclosure of all encryption related to data at rest, data in transit, cloud architecture and certifications can be found on the Keeper Enterprise Encryption Model page.
A video covering this model is below.
KeeperPAM migration of records to new linked format
As part of the KeeperPAM product launch, newly created resources in the Keeper Vault—such as PAM Machines, PAM Directories, and PAM Databases—will no longer support embedding credentials directly within the resource. Instead, KeeperPAM now utilizes Record Linking, where the credential record is securely linked to the resource. This approach ensures a clear separation of encryption and permissions between the resource and its associated credentials.
With Record Linking, resources can be shared with users without exposing the underlying credentials, enhancing both security and access control.
For customers currently using Keeper Secrets Manager with rotation capabilities, if a credential is embedded directly in a resource, a new section will appear when editing the record. This section will display the message:
"We moved your rotating credentials down below. Please convert these credentials into a PAM User record type."
This update guides users to transition their rotating credentials into the more secure PAM User record type for enhanced security and proper separation of credentials from resources.
By clicking "Convert Now", you'll be asked to confirm the change and the credentials will be separated from the resource and placed in the same folder.
Click "Next" to finish the conversion. After this is completed, a new record in the same folder will contain the linked credential.
Once the resource has been split, PAM capabilities including connections, tunnels and rotations can be enabled.
Understanding the Keeper Vault structure and organization for KeeperPAM
In a customer's environment, the Keeper Vault is deployed to all users within the organization across all devices. The Vault is accessible through any web browser, and also available as a native desktop application for Windows, macOS and Linux. Accessing the Keeper vault is the foundation of the KeeperPAM platform, since the vault is deployed to all users, enforces MFA, SSO and implements a zero-knowledge encryption model.
When the Role-based Enforcement Policies are activated from the Keeper Admin Console, those designated users can work with KeeperPAM functionality directly with the vault.
In Keeper, a record can be a password, file, passkey, or any number of possible record type templates. A record is always encrypted locally on the user's device with a record-level encryption key. All information held within a record is encrypted in the vault.
When working with Secrets Management and Privileged Access Management functionality, records can also represent Applications, Machines, Directories, Databases, Domain Controllers, Users and other infrastructure being managed.
Like any password record, these new record types can also be placed into private or shared folders, managed directly in the vault and controlled through policy enforcements.
In the vault, records are placed into folders and shared folders. A typical and recommended setup looks something like this:
Private Folder
Shared Folder containing Resources
Shared Folder containing User accounts
The reason that we recommend splitting up Resources and User accounts is based on least privilege. In this configuration, the resources can be provisioned to a user without sharing access to the underlying credentials. The user accounts are in a separate folder and can remain private in this vault or shared to other privileged users as required.
A resource such as a Linux machine can be seen inside the resource folder below. The Administrative Credentials used for connecting to that resource are linked, but not directly embedded in the resource. This way, you can provide access to the resource without sharing the credential.
In this example, the linked Administrative Credential lives in the Users folder with separate permissions and folder privileges.
At the Shared Folder level, both human users and applications can be assigned with access rights. This allows least privilege enforcement across employees and machines.
A Secrets Manager Application is assigned to specific shared folders. Applications are associated to devices and Gateways for accessing the assigned records.
An Application and the associated devices and Gateways can only decrypt the records assigned to the folder. Keeper recommends implementing the principle of least privilege, ensuring applications are limited in their ability to access records from the vault.
Management of Applications is found in the Keeper Secrets Manager section of the vault. An example of an Application might be "Azure DevOps Pipeline" or "Azure AD Rotations" as seen in the screenshot below.
For more information on Applications:
A Device is any endpoint that needs to access secrets associated with an Application. This can be a physical device, virtual device, or cloud-based device. Each Client device has a unique key to read and access the secrets.
A device can be initialized through the Applications section of the vault user interface.
For more information on Devices:
The Keeper Gateway is a service that is installed on any Docker, Linux or Windows machine in order to execute password rotation, discovery, connection, tunneling or other privileged automation. The Gateway service can be installed in any remote or on-prem environment, powering a secure zero-trust connection.
Typically, a Keeper Gateway is deployed to each environment that is being managed. For example, if you are an MSP managing 500 client environments, you may deploy 500 Keeper Gateways.
The architecture of the Keeper Gateway deployments is based on your use case and can be reviewed with our implementation team.
A PAM Configuration defines the target environment where a Keeper Gateway has been installed. This configuration supplies important secrets to the Gateway that can be used to manage the target infrastructure. For example, it can contain Azure client secrets or Tenant IDs.
The PAM Configuration data is stored as a record in the vault inside the specified "Application Folder". This way, the Gateway has the necessary permission to retrieve this information.
We recommend defining only one Configuration for each Gateway.
More information about PAM Configuration records:
Inside the vault, records define the type of resources being managed. We call these "PAM Resources". Several new Record Types available in the vault are associated with a resource.
When creating a resource, you can select from various targets, such as Machine, Database, Directory, etc.
Visit the pages linked below to learn more about each PAM Resource:
A special record type in the Keeper Vault called PAM User can be directly associated to any PAM Resource. The PAM User is used by the Keeper Gateway for establishing a connection, rotating a password, discovering accounts or running other privilege automation on a target resource.
A PAM User is linked to the PAM Resource in the "Credentials" section of the record. This linkage ensures that access to the resource does not directly allow access to the credential.
A PAM User record can be configured for on-demand and automatic rotation.
More information on PAM Users is found here:
Now that you understand the basic structure of the vault, activating and utilizing PAM features is described in the below sections.
Features included with the PAM License
In order to enable and use KeeperPAM, the following are required:
or License
A minimum of 5 seats
A Keeper Business or Keeper Enterprise License is required to purchase the KeeperPAM add-on.
If you are not a Keeper customer or do not have the required license, you can start a free . The enterprise trial will also include the Privileged Access Manager Add-on.
With the purchase of the Privileged Access Manager add-on, the following features are included:
Secrets Manager - Unlimited API Calls
Password Rotation
Remote Browser Isolation
Session Recordings and Playback
Keeper Connection Manager (Self-Hosted)
PAM Audit and Reporting
The KeeperPAM add-on license includes all the advanced PAM Features. The number of licenses for the enterprise license and the KeeperPAM license is based on:
For example, if an organization has 100 Enterprise users and needs PAM functionality for only 10 of them, they would purchase:
100 Keeper Enterprise Licenses for users who only need the enterprise features.
10 Privileged Access Manager Add-Ons, to cover the 10 users that need PAM functionality.
For existing customers, the following existing Add-ons can be upgraded to the Privileged Access Manager Add-On:
Keeper Secrets Manager Add-On
Keeper Connection Manager Add-On
Both the Keeper Secrets Manager and Keeper Connection Manager Add-Ons are included as part of the Privileged Access Manager Add-On.
Upgrading to the Privileged Access Manager Add-On from the Keeper Secrets Manager Add-On will give you:
Access to new KeeperPAM Features
Unlimited API Calls
Upgrading to the Privileged Access Manager Add-On from the Keeper Connection Manager Add-On will give you new KeeperPAM Features which includes accessing both the cloud and self-hosted KCM.
Security and encryption model of the Keeper Gateway service
The Keeper Gateway is a service that is installed on-premise in order to execute rotation, discovery and connection tasks. The Keeper Gateway communicates outbound to the Keeper Router using WebSockets and Keeper Secrets Manager .
The Keeper Gateway authenticates first to the Keeper Router using the One Time Access Token provided upon installation of the Gateway service on the target machine. After the first authentication, subsequent API calls to the Router authenticate using a Client Device Identifier (which is the HMAC_SHA512 hash of the One Time Access Token).
For accessing and decrypting vault records, the Keeper Gateway uses standard Keeper Secrets Manager APIs which perform client-side encryption and decryption of data. The ensures least privilege and zero knowledge by allocating only specific folders and records that can be decrypted by the service. API requests to the Keeper Cloud are sent with a Client Device Identifier and a request body that is signed with the Client Device Private Key. The server checks the ECDSA signature of the request for the given Client Device Identifier using the Client Public Key of the device.
Like any other Secrets Manager device, access can also be restricted based on IP address in addition to the encryption and signing process.
Rotations can be performed on-demand or on a schedule. When an on-demand rotation, connection or discovery job is triggered by a user in the Web Vault or Desktop App, the Keeper Router uses the active WebSocket connection to the appropriate Gateway to receive instructions. The messages do not contain any secret information or encrypted ciphertext. All messages sent through the WebSocket contain only the command type (e.g. "rotate") and the affected Record UID ("UID") which is not a secret value.
For scheduled rotations, the same mechanism is used. Rotation schedules are tracked in the Router, and at the appropriate intervals rotation instructions are pushed to the Gateway. When the Gateway receives a rotation task, it uses the local KSM configuration to fetch the secrets associated with the provided Record UIDs and decrypts the record information locally. These secrets are in turn used to perform the rotation, discovery or connection.
When the Gateway service is installed, the local KSM configuration is protected by permissions on the local file system. By default, the configuration will be stored in the home directory (.keeper
folder) of the user that installed the Gateway.
The passes in the configuration through an environment variable in the Docker Compose file.
If Gateway is started as a user:
Config file: ~/.keeper/gateway-config.json
Logs folder: ~/.keeper/log
If Gateway is running as a service:
User: keeper-gateway-service
Config file: /etc/keeper-gateway/gateway-config.json
Logs folder: /var/log/keeper-gateway
If the Gateway is started via Command Line
Logs location: C:\Users\[USER NAME]\.keeper\logs\
Config File location: C:\Users\[USER NAME]\.keeper\gateway-config.json
If Gateway is started as a Windows Service
Logs location: C:\ProgramData\KeeperGateway\
Config File location: C:\ProgramData\KeeperGatewayPrivate\
Note: This folder can only be accessed by the user who installed the Gateway Service.
Access to the KSM configuration file allows a user to retrieve any associated secrets from Keeper. To prevent unauthorized access, this configuration file is only readable by the installing user and administrative accounts. On a Windows server, the Windows System account is used to run the service by default, and also has access to the KSM configuration.
Caching is used for discovery but not for rotation. Every time a secret is rotated, the Gateway retrieves associated records in real time using the Keeper Secrets Manager APIs.
The Gateway includes a virtual command shell. When the Gateway is run as a stand-alone application, the user is dropped into the shell. When the Gateway is run as a service, the shell is not accessible.
An SSH service is bundled with the Gateway to provide advanced debug access to the shell. The SSH service is not running by default, and there is no way to access the shell while it is disabled. When the Gateway service is started, an optional argument can be supplied to enable the SSH service component. When the SSH service is enabled, by default there are no accounts that can connect to it. A system administrator must create a key pair with an account to utilize SSH.
The Gateway shell does not provide commands to interact directly with secrets.
Keeper Commander can also be used to access the Gateway for troubleshooting. This leverages the connection between the Gateway and the Router, and the associated security mechanisms. For example, Commander can send a command to the Router to retrieve a list of running tasks on the Gateway. These commands can be used with any Gateway in the same enterprise as the Commander user.
Any secrets that are retrieved during rotation are automatically scrubbed from log messages produced by the Gateway. This includes accidental logging, such as stack traces.
Keeper Gateway supports the ability to execute admin-generated scripts in PowerShell and Bash for performing customized behaviors after a successful rotation has taken place. The script is provided to the Gateway through a file attachment in the corresponding Keeper record. Post-Rotation scripts are categorized differently from general file attachments, and only the record owner has the ability to attach post-rotation scripts on the corresponding record.
The script is decrypted by the Gateway and then executed on the Gateway. Connections to secondary devices, for the purpose of restarting services, etc., must be orchestrated within the post-rotation script.
Obviously, the script which is uploaded to the Keeper record and executed on the gateway must be protected from malicious abuse. Keeper Administrators need to ensure that least privilege is assigned to the Keeper record.
When Post-Rotation scripts are run, stdout and stderr output from the script are written to disk in logs. Secrets are also automatically scrubbed from this output. Record UIDs can be logged in this way for diagnostic purposes. The Post-Rotation script can be written with any arbitrary code, however the Keeper Gateway provides the script with minimal information required to perform standard use cases through the command-line parameters. This includes the following parameters:
PAM Rotation Record UID (contains environment settings)
Resource Record UID (contains target resource data)
Account Record UID (the record that was rotated)
Old Password (from Account Record)
New Password (from Account Record)
Username (from Account Record)
After the command is executed, Keeper Gateway clears the command line history on Linux and Windows instances.
Role-based enforcement policy settings for KeeperPAM
Role-based Access Controls (RBAC) provide your organization the ability to define enforcements based on a user's job responsibility as well as provide delegated administrative functions. Prior to proceeding with this guide, familiarize yourself with roles and enforcement policies.
From the Admin Console, enable the corresponding PAM Enforcement Policies.
Login to the Keeper Admin Console for your region.
Under Admin > Roles, create a new role for PAM or modify an existing role.
Go to Enforcement Policies and open the "Privileged Access Manager" section.
Discovery is currently only available on Keeper Commander. The UI is coming soon.
These policies are not required moving forward, but they exist for support of legacy features.
The fastest way to understand the relationship between records, folders, applications and configurations is using the . This wizard instantly creates a sandbox environment where you can work with the different resources and vault records.
KeeperPAM is a cloud-native privileged access solution that requires only a lightweight gateway installation, while Keeper Connection Manager (KCM) is a fully self-hosted solution. For more information, visit this .
Keeper’s allows MSPs and their Managed Companies (MCs) to allocate Keeper licenses to their users and pay only for used licenses at the beginning of the following month.
KeeperPAM will be a that MSPs can add or remove at any time for their Managed Companies.
Features available with the KeeperPAM Add-On are listed .
To purchase, upgrade, or if you have any questions, contact your Keeper account manager or use our .
In AWS environments, the configuration can be .
If a Post-Rotation script requires access to other secrets beyond those passed in automatically, users are strongly encouraged to use the or the tool.
Enable all the to use the new features.
The CLI enterprise-role
command can be used to set these policies through automation. The list of policies related to PAM functionality is listed below.
Windows, Linux, macOS devices, VMs, EC2 instances, Azure VMs, Network devices and other operating systems.
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, MariaDB, Oracle
Active Directory, Azure AD, OpenLDAP
Web-based Applications, self-hosted apps, cloud apps, any http or https target.
Business or Enterprise License
Number of Users using the Business or Enterprise Features
Privileged Access Manager Add-On
Number of Users using the Business or Enterprise Features AND PAM Features
Can create applications and manage secrets
Allow users to create and manage KSM application
Can create, deploy, and manage Keeper Gateways
Allow users to create, setup, and manage Keeper Gateways
Can configure rotation settings
Allow users to configure Rotation settings on PAM User and PAM Configuration Record Types
Can rotate credentials
Allow users to rotate credentials on PAM User Record Types
Can configure connection and session recording
Allow users to configure Connection and Session Recordings settings on PAM Machine, PAM Directory, PAM Database and PAM Configuration Record Types
Can launch connections
Allow users to launch connections on PAM Machine, PAM Directory, PAM Database Record Types
Can view session recordings
Allow users to view Session Recordings
Can configure tunnel settings
Allow users to configure Tunnel settings on PAM Machine, PAM Directory, PAM Database and PAM Configuration Record Types
Can start tunnels
Allow users to start tunnels on PAM Machine, PAM Directory, PAM Database Record Types
Can configure remote browsing and session recording
Allow users to configure Remote Browser and Session Recordings settings on PAM Remote Browsing and Configuration Record Types
Can launch remote browsing
Allow users to launch remote browsing on PAM Remote Browsing Record Types
Can view RBI session recordings
Allow users to view RBI Session Recordings
Can run discovery
Allow users to run discovery
Legacy allow rotation
Allow users to perform password rotation
Creating a Keeper Gateway
In order to install and setup a Keeper Gateway device, you need to have a few resources set up:
Shared Folders to hold the PAM Resources (Machines, Databases, Users, etc)
Keeper Secrets Manager application
PAM Configuration
To simplify the process, we have a new Gateway wizard which creates all of the necessary components. Or, you can run each step individually.
A new Gateway deployment can be created by clicking on Create New > Gateway from the Web Vault. We have also posted a page describing how to create a sandbox environment in just a few steps.
In the Keeper Web Vault or Desktop App user interface, create a Shared Folder. This Shared Folder will contain the PAM resource records.
Navigate to the "Secret Managers" tab on the left and click on "Create Application" to create a KSM application
In the prompted window:
Enter the name of your KSM application
Choose the Shared Folder
Set the Record Permissions for Application to "Can Edit"
Click on "Generate Access Token" and then click on "OK"
You can safely ignore the first One-Time Access Token generated for the newly created KSM application. When creating a Keeper Gateway device, a different One-Time Access Token will be created.
You can also create a Gateway and configuration file from the Commander CLI:
The Application names and UIDs can be found with secrets-manager app list
Instructions for installing Keeper Gateway on Docker
This document contains information on how to install, configure, and update your Keeper Gateway on Docker. The Docker container is built upon the base image of Rocky Linux 8 and it is hosted in DockerHub.
For full PAM capabilities, use a Linux host with a x86 AMD processor.
A Linux host with a x86 AMD processor
and docker-compose
installed (see Docker Install for help)
Note: The syntax is docker-compose
for servers, but on a local Docker Desktop it might be docker compose
(with no space).
A new Gateway deployment can be created by clicking on Create New > Gateway from the Web Vault or Desktop App (version 17.1 or newer required).
You can also create a Gateway and configuration file from the Commander CLI:
The Application names and UIDs can be found with secrets-manager app list
A Docker Compose file is provided through the Vault UI. Typically this file would be saved in your local environment as docker-compose.yml
in your preferred folder. An example is below:
The only required environment variable setting is GATEWAY_CONFIG which is the resulting base64-encoded configuration provided when creating a Gateway device.
When running the latest version of the Keeper Gateway, you'll see the output in the logs like below:
On the Vault UI in the Secrets Manager > Applications > Gateways screen, the Gateway will show Online.
If you need to enable verbose debug logs on the Gateway, enable debug logging by adding the below environment
section variables to your Docker Compose file:
After debug is enabled, restart the service with docker compose restart
Executing the following command will update the Keeper Gateway container to the latest version and restart the service:
Adding the "restart" parameter in the docker-compose.yml
file will assign a restart policy to the environment:
If you would like to force the host operating system to automatically start the Keeper Gateway on a Docker installation, follow these steps (Linux host).
First, create a .service
file in /etc/systemd/system/keeper-gateway.service
Replace /home/ec2-user
with the path to your docker-compose.yml
Replace ec2-user
user with your user running Docker
Replace docker
group with your defined group
Then enable the service:
The Gateway establishes outbound-only connections to the following:
Keeper Cloud
TLS Port 443
Needed to communicate to target infrastructure through native protocols (SSH, RDP, etc).
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
TCP and UDP opened on Port 3478
Needed to establish secure & encrypted connections between the user's vault and the Gateway service.
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
Outbound access to TCP and UDP ports 49152 through 65535
Needed to establish outbound access over the designated port ranges
The Gateway preserves zero knowledge by performing all encryption and decryption of data locally. Keeper Secrets Manager APIs are used to communicate with the Keeper cloud.
DockerHub listing: https://hub.docker.com/r/keeper/gateway
Quick reference for Installing Docker and Docker Compose on Linux
Secrets Manager Applications with KeeperPAM
A Secrets Manager Application allows a machine or device to communicate with the Keeper vault, retrieve assigned records and decrypt the data.
Folders are shared to the application, similar to how users are folders are shared to users. This gives the application the capability of accessing and decrypting the records in the folder.
From the Keeper Vault, go to Secrets Manager and click on Create Application.
The Application Name typically represents the use case or environment where it is being used
The Folder selected is where the application is assigned. An application can be added to any number of shared folders.
Record permissions give the application either read-only or read/write access to the folder. This is an additional restriction on top of the existing shared folder permissions.
Click on Generate Access Token to create the first access token, representing the first device
If you don't plan to set up a device yet, the first access token can be discarded
When creating an application, a one-time access token for the first Device is provided. This one-time access token is supplied to the 3rd party system, Keeper Secrets Manager SDK, Keeper Secrets Manager CLI or other device which needs to access information from the vault.
After creating the application, it is managed from the Secrets Manager screen. You can then assign additional devices or Keeper Gateways.
Applications can be added to new or existing Shared Folders.
Edit the Shared Folder to assign the application.
By assigning the Application to shared folders, the application's devices can send Keeper Secrets Manager API requests to the Keeper vault to access and manage the records assigned. There are many use cases where a device can use Keeper Secrets Manager APIs to communicate with the Keeper vault. Below are a few examples.
Keeper Gateways are created and associated to an application. To create a new Gateway, open the application and click on the "Gateways" tab. Select "Provision Gateway" to create a Gateway.
Alternatively, Keeper provides a wizard that creates several components at once, and automatically links everything together. From the main vault screen, select "Create New" then "Gateway".
The "Project Name" is used to create a PAM Configuration, Gateway, Application and optionally a set of example folders and records.
Keeper Secrets Manager Devices with KeeperPAM
A Device can be any machine, application or endpoint that has the ability to communicate with the Keeper platform, authenticate and decrypt data that has been provisioned.
Applications have any number of devices associated. Each device has a unique identifier so that it can be tightly controlled and managed. Devices authenticate and decrypt data using a API and encryption model as defined in the Keeper Secrets Manager Security & Encryption model page.
See the Security & Encryption Model of a Device
A device can be created through the Applications section of the vault user interface or through the Keeper Commander CLI.
From the Vault user interface, go to Secrets Manager and select the Application. Then select the Devices tab and click "Add Device".
A Keeper device can be initialized through either a One-Time Access Token or a pre-built configuration file in either base64 or JSON format.
The One-Time Access Token is an encryption key used by a device for only one authentication to the cloud. After that, a local configuration is created with all of the necessary keys for subsequent authentications and decryption of the resulting vault ciphertext. The Keeper Secrets Manager SDKs and many out of the box integrations utilize this method.
One additional feature of this method is that you can optionally lock down API requests to a specific IP address. The IP address allowed to transact is based on the IP as seen by Keeper's cloud infrastructure.
The Configuration file method of creating a device is useful for tools and integrations where all of the secrets need to be provided at runtime. Most of the CI/CD integration methods use this pre-built configuration file.
For more information about the contents of a Keeper Secrets Manager configuration:
The Keeper Commander CLI can create devices with some additional capabilities that are not available in the UI. For example, the CLI can create any number of devices in bulk, or set an expiration on the validity of the device.
Additional features of the Commander CLI device initialization method:
Control over the device name
Access expiration when the device can be initialized
Access expiration of the device
Allow all IPs or restrict to the first requested IP
Generate a number of device tokens or configurations in bulk
Option to initialize with a on-time access token or configuration file
secrets-manager client add --app [APP NAME OR UID] --unlock-ip
--name [CLIENT NAME] : Name of the client (Default: Random 10 characters string)
--first-access-expires-in-min [MIN] : First time access expiration (Default 60, Max 1440)
--access-expire-in-min [MIN] : Client access expiration (Default: no expiration)
--unlock-ip : Does not lock IP address to first requesting device
--count [NUM] : Number of tokens to generate (Default: 1)
--config-init [json, b64 or k8s] : Initialize configuration string from a one-time token
See more details on the secrets-manager Commander CLI command
Installation and setup of the Keeper Gateway
The Keeper Gateway is a service that is installed on any Docker, Linux or Windows machine in order to execute rotation, discovery, connection and tunneling. A single Gateway can be used to communicate with any target infrastructure, both on-prem and cloud. Typically, customers deploy a Keeper Gateway in each environment that is being managed.
The Keeper Gateway offers different feature capabilities based on the underlying operating system and hardware. We recommend using Docker on a Linux or Windows host with x86 CPUs for full feature support and ease of management.
Docker (Linux or Windows host w/ x86)
All features supported
Linux (RHEL 8, Rocky Linux 8)
All features supported
Docker (Linux host on ARM)
No Remote Browser Isolation
Linux Binary Install (Ubuntu, Debian)
No Remote Browser Isolation
Limited connection protocols
Windows Binary Install
No Remote Browser Isolation
No database connections
Note: EL9 which includes Rocky Linux 9 and RHEL 9 support is coming soon.
System requirements vary based on the number of simultaneous user sessions and the types of connections being established. As the volume of simultaneous connections grows, scaling CPU and memory resources becomes essential. In particular, remote browser isolation (RBI) launches a headless Chromium instance for each session. If you anticipate a high number of RBI sessions, ensure the system is scaled to meet these demands.
For a testing or sandbox a minimum of 2 CPUs with 8GB of memory and 10GB of storage is required. In a production environment, increase to at least 4 CPUs with 16GB of memory. Scale the number of CPUs and memory as the number of simultaneous sessions increases.
The Gateway establishes outbound-only connections to the following:
Keeper Cloud
TLS Port 443
Needed to communicate to target infrastructure through native protocols (SSH, RDP, etc).
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
TCP and UDP opened on Port 3478
Needed to establish secure & encrypted connections between the user's vault and the Gateway service.
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
Outbound access to TCP and UDP ports 49152 through 65535
Needed to establish outbound access over the designated port ranges
The Gateway preserves zero knowledge by performing all encryption and decryption of data locally. Keeper Secrets Manager APIs are used to communicate with the Keeper cloud.
The Keeper Gateway generates encryption keys and a local Secrets Manager configuration that is used to authenticate with the Keeper cloud. The location depends on the context in which the Gateway is being run. It can be installed to the local user or installed as a service.
Login to the Keeper Web Vault or Desktop App (version 17.1 or newer required)
Click on Secrets Manager on the left side
Create a new Secrets Manager Application or select existing application
Click on the "Gateways" tab and click "Provision Gateway"
Select Docker, Linux or Windows install method
Install the Keeper Gateway using the provided method
During the creating of a Keeper Gateway using a one-time token method for Linux and Windows, you have the choice to select "Lock external WAN IP Address of device for initial request". This will additionally IP lock the Gateway in addition to the authentication and encryption built into the service.
Based on your Operating System, refer to the corresponding guide on installing the Keeper Gateway:
If you are installing on an EC2 instance in AWS, the Keeper Gateway can be configured to use the instance role for pulling its configuration from AWS Secrets Manager. Detailed instructions on this setup can be found here.
Instructions for installing Keeper Gateway on Linux
This document contains information on how to install, configure, and update your Keeper Gateway on Linux.
Prior to proceeding with this document, make sure you created a Gateway device.
For full capabilities, use Rocky Linux 8, RHEL 8 or Alma Linux 8.
If you cannot use one of these Linux flavors, please install using the Docker method
Executing the following command will install the Keeper Gateway, and run it as a service:
Replace XXXXX with the One-Time Access Token provided from creating the Keeper Gateway
The gateway will be installed in the following location:
An alias gateway
is also created in the same directory
For managing the Keeper Gateway as a service, the following are created during the Gateway installation:
A keeper-gateway
A keeper-gw
keeper-gateway folder
The keeper-gateway
folder contains the gateway configuration file and is created in the following location:
keeper-gw user
During the gateway installation, a new user, keeper-gw
, is created and added to the sudoers list in /etc/sudoers.d/.
The keeper-gw
user is the owner of the keeper-gateway folder and runs the gateway service. This is required when performing rotations on the gateway service and performing post-execution scripts.
The following commands can be executed to start, restart, or stop the Keeper Gateway as a service:
The Keeper Gateway configuration file contains a set of tokens that includes encryption keys, client identifiers, and tenant server information used to authenticate and decrypt data from the Keeper Secrets Manager APIs. This configuration file is created from the One-Time Access Token generated when you created the Gateway.
If the Keeper Gateway is installed and running as a service, the gateway configuration file is stored in the following location:
If the Keeper Gateway is installed locally and not running as a service, the gateway configuration file is stored in the following location:
Logs that contain helpful debugging information are automatically created and stored on the local machine.
If the Gateway is running as a service, the log files are stored in the following location:
If the Gateway is not running as a service, the log files are stored in the following location:
To add verbose debug logging, modify this file:
and add the -d
flag to the "gateway start" command, e.g:
Apply changes to the service:
Tailing the Logs
Executing the following command will upgrade the Keeper Gateway to the latest version:
Configure your Keeper Gateway installation to automatically check for updates, ensuring it stays up-to-date with the latest version.
Executing the following command will uninstall the Keeper Gateway:
The Gateway establishes outbound-only connections to the following:
Keeper Cloud
TLS Port 443
Needed to communicate to target infrastructure through native protocols (SSH, RDP, etc).
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
TCP and UDP opened on Port 3478
Needed to establish secure & encrypted connections between the user's vault and the Gateway service.
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
Outbound access to TCP and UDP ports 49152 through 65535
Needed to establish outbound access over the designated port ranges
The Gateway preserves zero knowledge by performing all encryption and decryption of data locally. Keeper Secrets Manager APIs are used to communicate with the Keeper cloud.
Monitoring Gateway events and integrating with your SIEM
KeeperPAM supports integration with your SIEM provider to provide real-time event logging and monitoring of all privileged access management activity. In the Keeper Admin Console, alerts can also be configured based on any event.
For more information on activating SIEM integration from the Keeper Enterprise guide:
Push over 200 different event types to any connected SIEM provider
Send alerts to email, SMS, Webhook, Slack or Microsoft Teams on any event trigger
Run custom reports from the Keeper Admin Console or CLI
Events related to KeeperPAM include:
Starting and stopping sessions, tunnels, remote browser isolation
Gateway lifecycle (online, offline, added/removed)
Connection lifecycle (creation, editing and deleting PAM resources)
As a KeeperPAM administrator, it is useful to receive alerts related to Gateway actions, such as when a Gateway goes offline (in case of server outage or system restart).
From the Admin Console, go to Reporting & Alerts > Alerts > select Event Types and set the recipient information.
Event alert details will include the name and UID of the affected Keeper gateway.
Email alerts contain event information
Advanced configuration of the Keeper gateway with Keeper Vault custom fields
These configuration capabilities are functional and currently in an experimental phase, and we invite users to actively explore and utilize them. We are actively evaluating their functionality and performance, with the intention of considering them for official integration into our product in the future.
When setting up Rotation in your Keeper Vault, you store the credentials of your assets involved in rotation on their corresponding PAM Record Types. On these record types, you are able to .
The additional gateway configurations will be defined with these custom fields on the PAM Record Types. The Keeper Gateway will then adjust its behavior based on the defined configurations.
The following tables lists all the possible configurations with custom fields:
The custom fields values are not case-sensitive.
Storing and protecting the Keeper Gateway Configuration using AWS KMS
If the Keeper Gateway is installed on an AWS EC2 Instance, the corresponding Gateway configuration file can be protected and stored in AWS Secrets Manager. This method eliminates the need for storing a configuration file on the instance, and instead stores the configuration file with AWS KMS protection.
AWS KMS is a fully managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the cryptographic keys used to encrypt and decrypt your data. The service is integrated with other AWS services, making it easier to encrypt data and manage keys. You will need a AWS KMS key as part of this process, and it is recommended that you follow the principle of least privilege when assigning permissions to this key.
In order to use AWS KMS to protect the Gateway configuration secrets, you need to install the Keeper Gateway on an EC2 instance which assumes an IAM Role. This works on either Docker or Linux install methods.
From the Keeper Vault, go to Secrets Manager > Applications and select the application configured with your Gateway. Then select the Gateways tab and select "Provision Gateway".
Select the Gateway initialization method of "Configuration" and click Next.
Alternatively, you can generate a One-Time Access Token and then use the Keeper Gateway's "gateway ott-init" command:
In either case, you'll be provided with a base64 encoded configuration. Save this for the next step.
From the AWS Console, go to the Secrets Manager and create a new secret.
Select "Other type of secret"
Select Plaintext and paste the entire base64 value there.
Click Next.
Enter a Secret Name and a description then click Next, Next and Store.
The EC2 instance role needs to be assigned a policy which provides read access to the specific AWS Secrets Manager key. As an example:
From the EC2 instance, the below command will confirm the policy has been applied:
For Docker installations, remove the GATEWAY_CONFIG
entry and add AWS_KMS_SECRET_NAME
with the value containing the name of the secret from the AWS secrets manager.
Then update the service with the new environment:
Open the Keeper Gateway service unit file:
Modify the "ExecStart" line as seen below, replacing YourSecretName with your assigned name.
Apply changes to the service:
If there are any errors starting up, they can be seen through this command:
Instructions for installing Keeper Gateway on Windows
This document contains information on how to install, configure, and update the Keeper Gateway on Windows.
The latest Keeper Gateway for Windows is downloaded from here:
You can run the service under system privilege or use a service account.
If you are upgrading an existing Gateway, un-check the "Enter a Keeper One-Time Access Token" so that the existing configuration is maintained.
The default installation location is the following:
Install Windows service - Installs the gateway as a Windows service.
Start Windows service - Start the Keeper Gateway service immediately after installation
Enable automatic updates
Remove Keeper Gateway configuration and logs from previous installations
If "Use service account" is specified you will be prompted to enter the valid credentials of the desired service account:
After clicking "Next", click "Install" in the next screen to install the Keeper Gateway.
After installing and running the Keeper Gateway as a service, this service can be accessed and easily managed within the Windows Services Manager as "Keeper Gateway Service".
If the Keeper Gateway is installed and running as a service, the gateway configuration file is stored in the following location:
If the Keeper Gateway is installed locally and not running as a service, the gateway configuration file is stored in the following location:
Logs that contain helpful debugging information are automatically created and stored on the local machine.
If the gateway is running as a service, the gateway log files are stored in the following location:
If the gateway is not running as a service, the gateway log files are stored in the following location:
To activate verbose logging:
Go to Windows Services > Keeper Gateway > Properties
Stop the service
Set the "Start parameters" to: --debug
or -d
Start the service by clicking on "Start" Do not click "OK" without first starting the service as it will not persist the Parameter setting
To upgrade, stop the service, install the latest version and then start the service.
Back up your gateway-config.json
configuration file
Run the latest Keeper Gateway installer
During installation DO NOT select "Enter a Keeper One-Time Access Token".
Select "Enable automatic updates" during the installer process to ensure that your Keeper Gateway is automatically updated when there are new versions available.
This section provides instructions for performing a silent installation of the Keeper Gateway on Windows systems. Silent installation allows the setup process to run in the background without displaying any user interface or messages.
To install the Keeper Gateway silently, use the following command in your command prompt or script:
Replace <TOKEN>
with the token provided in the Keeper Vault when creating the Keeper Gateway.
If you have previously installed Keeper Gateway and wish to use the existing configuration, you can bypass the token entry by using:
To generate a log file during the installation process, use the following option and specify the desired log file path:
If you prefer to run the Keeper Gateway under a specific Windows service account, use the following options to specify the account details:
with the credentials of the service account you intend to use.
To enable the Auto Updater feature, allowing Keeper Gateway to automatically check for and apply updates, use the following option:
To uninstall the service:
Uninstall Keeper Gateway from "Add and remove programs"
If desired, delete the private configuration .json file
The Gateway establishes outbound-only connections to the following:
The Gateway preserves zero knowledge by performing all encryption and decryption of data locally. Keeper Secrets Manager APIs are used to communicate with the Keeper cloud.
Instructions for installing and configuring the Auto Updater for the Keeper Gateway.
Automatic updates of the Keeper Gateway can be enabled on Linux and Windows installations through Keeper's Auto Updater feature. The Auto Updater makes periodic checks to update your Keeper Gateway to the latest version.
By default, the Auto Updater is disabled when installing the Keeper Gateway
We recommend enabling the Auto Updater to ensure you receive the most recent security and functionality enhancements. The Auto Updater verifies all Keeper Gateway downloads by checking the GPG signature of hash value, which are then utilized to checksum each file.
Ensure that you have administrative privileges on the system.
Version 1.4.0 or later of Keeper Gateway is required.
On Docker based installations, the best way to update the container is running the below commands from a cron job or your CI/CD tools.
As an example, create a file called update_gateway.sh
that contains:
Make the script executable:
Edit the crontab:
Add a line to schedule the script. For example, to run it every day at 3 AM:
Execute the following command to download and run the KeeperPAM installer with auto update enabled.
The --autoupdate
parameter activates the auto updater in addition to the Keeper Gateway.
Activate the Auto Updater on an existing installation by executing the following Keeper Gateway command:
Verify Installation (Optional)
Verify that the Auto Updater has been installed successfully by executing the following Keeper Gateway command:
Download and run the latest version of the Gateway installer.
During installation, check the box "Enable automatic updates".
This setup option will create a new Task Scheduler task for updating the Gateway.
Existing Gateway
Open a command prompt as Administrator.
Install Auto Updater with the following Keeper Gateway command:
Verify Installation (Optional)
Open a command prompt as Administrator.
Verify that Auto Updater has been installed successfully by executing the following Keeper Gateway command:
Ensure that you have administrative privileges on the system.
Version 1.4.0 or later of Keeper Gateway is required.
Check the Auto Updater status by executing the following Keeper Gateway command:
Open a command prompt as Administrator
Check the Auto Updater status by executing the following Keeper Gateway command:
Edit the crontab that runs Auto Updater.
Here is an example of the default crontab entry that checks for updates every hour:
The first part 0 * * * *
is the crontab expression which will cause execution to occur every hour at 0 minutes.
The second part is the update command keeper-gateway-update
The option --trust
causes explicit trust of the Keeper Gateway GPG public key for verification of downloaded install files.
Configure the update frequency and other settings with the following steps:
Run taskschd.msc
to open Windows Task Scheduler.
In the left pane double-click on Task Scheduler Library -> Keeper -> Gateway -> AutoUpdate to show the Auto Updater Task.
In the upper middle pane double-click on the AutoUpdate Task with the name of the current version and click on the Triggers menu tab.
Click Edit...
to change when the Auto Updater checks for a new update to install. The default is to "Repeat task every 1 hour indefinitely" as shown below.
Ensure that you have administrative privileges on the system.
Version 1.4.0 or later of Keeper Gateway is required.
Remove Auto Updater by executing the following Keeper Gateway command:
Remove Auto Updater with the following steps:
Open a command prompt as Administrator.
Remove Auto Updater with the following Keeper Gateway command:
To assist with diagnosing issues or monitoring the status of updates, the Gateway Auto Updater generates two types of logs. These logs are subject to rotation policies to avoid overuse of disk space.
Log Location
All log files for Linux are located in /var/log/keeper-gateway
Log Files
Update Logs:
Any logs generated during an update will be timestamped and stored as update_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.log
Last Update Check:
The file last-update-check.log
contains information regarding the most recent check for updates.
The log files for the Gateway Auto Updater are located in \ProgramData\KeeperGateway\install
Log Files
Update Logs:
Any logs generated during an update will be timestamped and stored as YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.log
Last Update Check:
The file last-update-check.log
contains information regarding the most recent check for updates.
Setting up your AWS environment to work with KeeperPAM
Resources in your AWS environment can be managed by a Keeper Gateway using EC2 instance role policy or using a specified Access Key ID / Secret Access Key configured in the PAM Configuration record.
The role policy must be configured appropriately to enable access to the target AWS resources:
The following diagram shows the AWS environment hierarchy:
To create a EC2 IAM policy which supports PAM features such as password rotation and discovery, a role with the appropriate policy settings should be configured then attached to the EC2 instance running the Keeper Gateway.
For KeeperPAM to have the authority to rotate IAM users and RDS databases, the following inline role policy should be modified to meet your needs and ensure least privilege.
To ensure least privilege, the JSON policy should be modified based on which target resources that KeeperPAM will be managing through the "Action" and "Resource" attributes.
Follow these steps to create a new role and apply the policy:
Create role with JSON specified above, or click on IAM > Roles > Create Role > Select "AWS Service" with "EC2 use case".
Attach the policy JSON to the role.
From EC2 > Instances, select the instance with the gateway and go to Actions > Security > Modify IAM Role > Select your new role.
Using EC2 instance role policy is preferred, however the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key can be directly set in the PAM Configuration. The IAM Admin account needs to be created with the appropriate policy settings configured to access the target resource in AWS.
An sample policy is below.
To ensure least privilege, the JSON policy should be modified based on which target resources that KeeperPAM will be managing through the "Action" and "Resource" attributes.
The steps to create the access keys is below:
Create a new IAM user or select an existing user
Attach the policy to the user
Open the IAM user > Security credentials > Create access key
Select "Application running outside AWS"
Save the provided Access Key ID / Secret Access Key into the PAM Configuration
Creating a PAM Configuration in the Keeper Vault
In Keeper, the PAM Configuration contains essential information of your target infrastructure, settings and associated Keeper Gateway. We recommend setting up one PAM Configuration for each Gateway and network being managed.
To create a new PAM Configuration:
Login to the Keeper Vault
Select Secrets Manager and the "PAM Configurations" tab
Click on "New Configuration"
When setting up the PAM Configuration, you have the option of choosing one of the following environments:
The following tables provides more details on each configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record regardless of the environment you choose:
Security Note (1) The PAM Configuration information is stored as a record in the vault inside the specified Application Folder and may contain secrets. Therefore, we recommend that the Application Folder should be limited in access to only privileged admins.
The following tables provides more details on each configurable fields in the PAM Network Configuration record based on the environment you chose:
This PAM Configuration type is not yet available, it will be launched in January 2025.
The "PAM Features Allowed" and "Session Recording Types Allowed" sections in the PAM Configuration allow owners to enable or disable KeeperPAM features for resources managed through the PAM configuration:
Prior to proceeding with this document, make sure you .
Upon installation of the service, select "Enter a Keeper One-Time Access Token" and supply the token provided by when you on the Vault. After installation, the service will automatically start up and register with the Keeper cloud.
Use service account - Use the , otherwise the account installing the gateway will be used.
Turn on debug logging - Enable on the gateway log files. NOT recommended for production environments. Only use this when debugging with Keeper support.
The final step prior to successfully installing the Keeper Gateway as service is to enter the Token provided from the Keeper Vault.
The Keeper Gateway configuration file contains a set of tokens that includes encryption keys, client identifiers, and tenant server information used to authenticate and decrypt data from the Keeper Secrets Manager APIs. This configuration file is created from the One-Time Access Token generated when you .
In addition to these policies, we recommend protecting the Gateway Configuration secrets .
See additional information on
See additional information on
Keeper Cloud
TLS Port 443
Needed to communicate to target infrastructure through native protocols (SSH, RDP, etc).
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
TCP and UDP opened on Port 3478
Needed to establish secure & encrypted connections between the user's vault and the Gateway service.
Keeper KRelay (coturn) Server (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu|com.au|jp|ca|us])
Outbound access to TCP and UDP ports 49152 through 65535
Needed to establish outbound access over the designated port ranges
EC2 User
Rotation uses local credentials and no specific AWS permissions are needed.
Managed Database
Rotation uses AWS APIs for PAM Database records and requires: iam:GetUser iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy rds:ModifyDBInstance rds:DescribeDBInstances
For managing PAM Database or PAM User Records via SQL no AWS permissions are needed.
Directory User
Rotation uses AWS APIs for PAM Directory records and requires:
iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy ds:DescribeDirectories ds:ResetUserPassword ds:DescribeLDAPSSettings ds:DescribeDomainControllers
IAM User
Rotation uses AWS APIs for PAM User records and requires:
iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy iam:UpdateLoginProfile iam:GetUser
Name of PAM configuration record
Ex: US-EAST-1 Config
The configured gateway
See docs for more info
Application Folder
The shared folder where the PAM Configuration data will be stored
Best practice is to create a folder with limited access to admins. See Security Note (1) below
PAM Settings
List of Zero-Trust KeeperPAM features that should be enabled
See this section for more info
Default Rotation Schedule
Specify frequency of Rotation
Ex: Daily
Port Mapping
Define alternative default ports
Ex: 3307=mysql
See port mapping docs
Network ID
Unique ID for the network
This is for the user's reference
Ex: My Network
Network CIDR
Subnet of the IP address
Refer to this for more info
A unique id for the instance of AWS
Required, This is for the user's reference
Access Key ID
From an IAM user account, the Access key ID from the desired Access key.
Leave Empty when EC2 instance role is assumed.
Secret Access Key
The secret key for the access key.
Leave Empty when EC2 instance role is assumed.
Region Names
AWS region names used for discovery. Separate newline per region
Ex: us-east-2 us-west-1
Port Mapping
Any non-standard ports referenced. Separate newline per entry
Ex: 2222=ssh 3390=rdp
Azure ID
A unique id for your instance of Azure
Required, This is for the user's reference
Ex: Azure-1
Client ID
The application/client id (UUID) of the Azure application
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID of the subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO).
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Resource Groups
A list of resource groups to be checked. If left blank, all resource groups will be checked. Newlines should separate each resource group.
DNS Domain Name
The FQDN domain used by the Domain Controller. For example, EXAMPLE.COM and not EXAMPLE.
Hostname and Port
Hostname and port for the domain controller.
If using LDAPS (default 636), check the box. If using LDAP (default 389), uncheck the box.
Scan Network
Scan the CIDRs from the domain controller. Default to False.
Network CIDR
Scan additional CIDRs from the field.
Port Mapping
Define alternative default ports
If enabled, allow rotations on privileged user users managed by this PAM configuration
If enabled, allow connections on resources managed by this PAM configuration
Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)
If enabled, allow RBI sessions on resources managed by this PAM configuration
If enabled, allow tunnels on resources managed by this PAM configuration
Graphical Session Recording
If enabled, visual playback sessions will be recorded for all connections and RBI sessions
Text Session Recording (TypeScript)
If enabled, text input and output logs will be logged for all connections and RBI sessions
Allows you to specify a custom shell path that the Gateway will use when executing rotation and post-rotation scripts. This gives you control over the environment in which these scripts run.
Example Value: C:\MY\SHELL
Allows you to control whether the Gateway performs the primary rotation operation or proceeds directly to execution of the post-rotation script.
If set to True
the Gateway will skip the rotation process and proceed directly in executing the post-rotation script(s).
Example Value: True
Specifically designed for WinRM connections using Kerberos authentication.
By default, the Gateway automatically decides whether to use Kerberos based on certain rules, and If these conditions are met, the Gateway will attempt to use Kerberos for WinRM. However, if you encounter issues with this automatic detection, setting this field to True
will override the default behavior and force the Gateway to use Kerberos for WinRM.
Example Value: True
Private Key Type
Gateway Version 1.3.4+
This custom field pertains to the type or algorithm of the private key stored in a record.
When adding a private key to a record, users do not need to take any additional action regarding its type or algorithm. The system is designed to automatically recognize and use the same algorithm as the existing private key during the rotation process. If the algorithm in use is ECDSA, the key size will also be preserved during the rotation.
Available Options if needed to overwrite the key type:
(Note: 4096 bits)
(Note: 1024 bit, obsolete) ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
Private Key Rotate
Gateway Version 1.3.4+
- (Default) If the custom field doesn't exist, the private key will be rotated if it exists.
- The private key won't be rotated, even if it exists. Users should pick this if they wish to retain the private key in the record without any rotations.
Setting up your Local environment to work with KeeperPAM
The PAM Configuration contains critical information on your local infrastructure, settings and associated Keeper Gateway. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for configuring the PAM Configuration in your local environment, enabling the Keeper Gateway to manage all resources within it and allowing users to utilize KeeperPAM features on those resources.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure to install and configure your Keeper Gateway.
To create a new PAM Configuration:
Login to the Keeper Vault
Select Secrets Manager and the "PAM Configurations" tab
Click on "New Configuration"
The following tables provides more details on each configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record for the local environment:
Title (Required)
Name of PAM configuration record
Ex: Local Configuration
Environment (Required)
Your infrastructure's environment
For this guide, select "Local"
Gateway (Required)
The configured gateway
Application Folder (Required)
The shared folder where the PAM Configuration data will be stored
Best practice is to create a folder with limited access to admins. See Security Note (1) below
PAM Settings (Required)
List of Zero-Trust KeeperPAM features that should be enabled
Default Rotation Schedule
Specify frequency of Rotation
Ex: Daily
Port Mapping
Define alternative default ports
For Discovery, the following fields are required, otherwise they are optional:
Network ID
Unique ID for the network
This is for the user's reference
Ex: My Network
Network CIDR
Subnet of the IP address
The "PAM Features Allowed" and "Session Recording Types Allowed" sections in the PAM Configuration allow owners to enable or disable KeeperPAM features for resources managed through the PAM configuration:
If enabled, allow rotations on privileged user users managed by this PAM configuration
If enabled, allow connections on resources managed by this PAM configuration
Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)
If enabled, allow RBI sessions on resources managed by this PAM configuration
If enabled, allow tunnels on resources managed by this PAM configuration
Graphical Session Recording
If enabled, visual playback sessions will be recorded for all connections and RBI sessions
Text Session Recording (TypeScript)
If enabled, text input and output logs will be logged for all connections and RBI sessions
After creating the PAM configuration, visit the following pages to:
Configure Rotation
Configure Connections
Configure RBI
Configure Tunnels
Configure Discovery
Configuring SSH Server as a PAM Machine Record
In this example, you'll learn how to configure a Linux Machine in your Keeper Vault as a PAM Machine record.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure you have
Machines such as a Linux Machines can be configured on the PAM Machine record type.
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Machine" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
Suppose I have a local Linux Virtual Machine with the hostname "linux-machine", the following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values:
Title (Required)
Title of the PAM Machine Record
Linux Machine
Hostname or IP Address (Required)
Address or RDP endpoint or Server name of the Machine Resource
Port (Required)
Port to connect to the Linux Resource
Operating System
The target's Operating System
Instance Name
Azure or AWS Instance Name
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Instance ID
Azure or AWS Instance ID
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed Azure Machine
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS Machine
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential. The following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values for the Linux Machine:
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Required - This is the PAM configuration you created in the prerequisites
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Native protocol used for creating a session from the Gateway to the target
Required - for this example: "SSH"
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type.
The Admin Credential Record in the PAM Machine links the admin user to the PAM Machine record in your Keeper Vault. This admin user is used for performing password rotations and authenticating connections.
User Accounts can be configured on the PAM User record. Visit this page for more information on the PAM User.
If you prefer not to authenticate a connection using the admin credential, you can optionally designate a regular user of the resource as the admin credential.
PAM Machine records can be shared with other Keeper users within your organization. However, the recipient must have the appropriate PAM enforcement policies in place to utilize KeeperPAM features on the shared PAM records.
When sharing a PAM Machine record, the linked admin credentials will not be shared. For example, if the PAM Machine is configured with a Linux Machine, the recipient can connect to the Linux Machine on the PAM Machine record without having direct access to the linked credentials.
Learn more about Sharing and Access Control
Configuring an Azure Windows VM as a PAM Machine Record
In this example, you'll learn how to configure a Azure Windows VM in your Keeper Vault as a PAM Machine record.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure you have
Machines such as a Azure Virtual Machines can be configured on the PAM Machine record type.
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Machine" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
Suppose I have a Azure Virtual Machine with the hostname "", the following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values:
Title (Required)
Title of the PAM Machine Record
Windows VM
Hostname or IP Address (Required)
Address or RDP endpoint or Server name of the Machine Resource
Port (Required)
Port to connect to the Azure VM for rotation. 22 for SSH, 5986 for WinRM
Operating System
The target's Operating System
Set to: Windows
Instance Name
Azure or AWS Instance Name
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Instance ID
Azure or AWS Instance ID
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed Azure Machine
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS Machine
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential. The following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values for the Azure Virtual Machine:
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Required - This is the PAM configuration you created in the prerequisites
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Native protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Required - for this example: "RDP"
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
The Admin Credential Record in the PAM Machine links the admin user to the PAM Machine record in your Keeper Vault. This admin user is used for performing password rotations and authenticating connections.
User Accounts can be configured on the PAM User record. Visit this page for more information.
If you prefer not to authenticate a connection using the admin credential, you can optionally designate a regular user of the resource as the admin credential.
PAM Machine records can be shared with other Keeper users within your organization. However, the recipient must have the appropriate PAM enforcement policies in place to utilize KeeperPAM features on the shared PAM records.
When sharing a PAM Machine record, the linked admin credentials will not be shared. For example, if the PAM Machine is configured with a Azure Virtual Machine, the recipient can connect to the Azure Virtual Machine on the PAM Machine record without having direct access to the linked credentials.
Learn more about Sharing and Access Control
Guide for using PAM Resource Records in the Keeper Vault for privileged access functionality.
KeeperPAM Resource records are special record types designed to organize and store information of your target infrastructure, machines, web apps, workloads and user accounts.
In your Keeper Vault, resources that represent your infrastructure are created with the following Record Types:
Windows/macOS/Linux Machines, EC2 Instances, Azure VMs, etc.
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, MariaDB, Oracle
Active Directory, OpenLDAP
Web-based Applications, internal apps or cloud apps
Any local user, remote user, database credential or admin account. PAM User records can also be configured for scheduled or on-demand password rotation.
The PAM User record is special because it can be linked from the other resources. This way, you can share access to a Machine, Database, Directory or Remote Browser without sharing access to the underlying credentials.
From the Vault UI, click on Create New and select either Rotation, Tunnel or Connection.
Alternatively, you can right-click on a folder and select Rotation, Tunnel or Connection.
The "Target" selection will determine what type of record will be created.
Setting up your Azure environment to work with KeeperPAM
In order to set up your Azure environment, the following steps must be taken:
Create an Azure application in the default Azure Active Directory.
Get values for the Keeper PAM Configuration from this new application.
Grant permissions to the application to access the Azure Active Directory.
Create a custom role to allow the application to access/perform actions on various Azure resources.
Go to the Azure portal > Home and click on Microsoft Entra ID on the left side vertical menu. Select App Registrations, and then New Registration. Give the new application a name and select Single tenant. Then click the Register button at the bottom.
In the Overview of the application, the Application (client) ID UUID is shown. This is the Client Id field of the Keeper PAM Configuration record. The Directory (tenant) ID is also shown. This is the Tenant Id field of the Keeper PAM Configuration record. Save these values for later.
Next, go to Home > General > Subscriptions and get your subscription ID. Copy the subscription ID into the Keeper PAM Configuration "Subscription ID" field. For more information on how to get your subscription ID, visit this page.
Next, click on the Add a certification or secret for Client credentials. On the next page, click on New client secret, give the client secret a Description, and select a desired Expires date, and click Add.
The page will refresh showing the secret Value. Copy the Value (not Secret ID) into the Keeper PAM Configuration "Client Secret" field. Save this value for later.
At this point, all the required the PAM Configuration fields should be filled in. You also have an Azure application that cannot do anything yet.
In order for the Azure tenant service principal/application to rotate Azure Active Directory users or Azure Active Directory Domain Service users, the application must be a assigned to an Administrative role.
From the Azure portal go to Home > Azure Active Directory > Roles and administrators, and click on the Administrative role to use (such as Privileged Authentication Administrator). The correct role depends on what privileges are needed for your use case. Custom roles can be used.
Global Administrator - It is not recommended to use a Global Administrator on a service principal. However, it will allow both administrator and user passwords to be rotated.
Privileged Authentication Administrator - Can change the password for any user, including a Global Administrator user.
Authentication Administrator - Can change the password for any user, except a Global Administrator user.
To add the application, click Add assignments and Search for the service principal/application that was created, click it, and then Add.
Roles need to be attached to the Azure Application (also called a Service Principle here) in order to rotate passwords of target resources. This is done in the Subscription section of the Azure portal.
Go to the Azure portal > Home > Subscriptions then select your subscription. Click on Access control (IAM), and then Roles.
Click Add on the top menu, and then Add custom role. Jump to the JSON tab. Click on Edit and paste the JSON object from below, modifying it according to your setup.
This is a complete list of all of the permissions that Keeper Gateway can use, if applicable. Only include those that are needed for your setup.
Change the following before you save:
<ROLE NAME>: Role Name, e.g. "Keeper Secrets Manager"
<DESCRIPTION>: Description, e.g. "Role for password rotation"
<SUBSCRIPTION ID>: Subscription ID of this Azure subscription
Click Save.
When done, click Review + create, and click Create.
Once the role is created, it needs to be assigned to the Application (Service Principle). Click View in the Details column.
A panel will appear on the right side of the screen. Click Assignments, and then Add assignment.
Enter in the new role's name in the search bar on the Role tab, then double click it to select it. Move to the Members tab. Click Select members. In the panel that opens, enter the name of the Azure application, select the current application, and click Select.
Go to the Review + assign tab click Review + assign.
At this point, you have created the necessary roles and applications within your Azure environment.
The "PAM Features Allowed" and "Session Recording Types Allowed" sections in the PAM Configuration allow owners to enable or disable KeeperPAM features for resources managed through the PAM configuration:
If enabled, allow rotations on privileged user users managed by this PAM configuration
If enabled, allow connections on resources managed by this PAM configuration
Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)
If enabled, allow RBI sessions on resources managed by this PAM configuration
If enabled, allow tunnels on resources managed by this PAM configuration
Graphical Session Recording
If enabled, visual playback sessions will be recorded for all connections and RBI sessions
Text Session Recording (TypeScript)
If enabled, text input and output logs will be logged for all connections and RBI sessions
After creating the PAM configuration, visit the following pages to:
Configure Rotation
Configure Connections
Configure RBI
Configure Tunnels
Configure Discovery
KeeperPAM resource for managing machines on-prem or in the cloud
A PAM Machine record is a type of KeeperPAM resource that represents a workload, such as a Windows or Linux server.
PAM Machine
Windows/macOS/Linux Machines, EC2 Instances, Azure VMs
The PAM Machine resource supports the following features:
Password rotation
SSH key rotation
Zero-trust Connections using RDP, SSH, VNC, K8s and Telnet protocols
TCP Tunnels
Session recording
Sharing access without sharing credentials
File transfer through drag-and-drop
Connecting to the PAM machine requires only that the Keeper Gateway has access to the target machine. The Keeper Vault operates independently and does not require direct connectivity to the machine, leveraging Keeper's zero-trust network access model to securely manage access through the Gateway. See the network architecture diagram for more details.
Prior to creating a PAM Machine, make sure you have already created a PAM Configuration. The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure while the PAM Machine contains information of an asset, such as a Windows or Linux server.
To create a PAM Machine:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Machine" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
The following table lists all the configurable fields on the PAM Machine Record Type:
Hostname or IP Address
Address of the machine resource
Port to connect on. The Gateway uses this to determine connection method.
Required Must be a port for SSH or WinRM
Keeper expects 22, 5985, 5986, or an alternative port for SSH or WinRM specified in the PAM Configuration port mapping
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
PAM settings
This is where you configure Connection and Tunnel settings for this machine.
Operating System
The target's Operating System
For your reference only
SSL Verification
When checked, verifies certificate of host when connecting with SSH
Only applies to certain databases and directories where SSL is optional
Instance Name
Azure or AWS Instance Name
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Instance Id
Azure or AWS Instance ID
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Provider Group
Provider Group for directories hosted in Azure
Required if Azure Machine
Provider Region
AWS region of hosted directory
Required if AWS Machine
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential.
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Native protocol used for connecting the session from the Gateway to the target
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters (multiple)
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
Depends on protocol. We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum.
Below are a couple examples of PAM Machine records with Connections and Tunnels activated.
Visit the following pages to set up:
KeeperPAM resource for managing databases either on-prem or in the cloud
In your Keeper Vault, the following assets can be configured on the PAM Database record type:
PAM Database
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, MariaDB, Oracle
This guide will cover the PAM Database Record type in more details.
The PAM Database resource supports the following features:
Password rotation
Zero-trust Connections
TCP Tunnels
Graphical session recording
Text session recording (Typescript)
Sharing access without sharing credentials
Connecting to the PAM database requires only that the Keeper Gateway has access to the database either through native protocols or AWS/Azure APIs. The Keeper Vault operates independently and does not require direct connectivity to the database, leveraging Keeper's zero-trust network access model to securely manage access through the Gateway. See the network architecture diagram for more details.
Prior to creating a PAM Database, make sure you have already created a PAM Configuration. The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure while the PAM Database contains information about the target database, such as the hostname, type (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc) and port number.
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Database" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
The following table lists all the configurable fields on the PAM Database Record Type:
Hostname or IP Address
Address of the Database Resource
Port to connect to the Database Resource
Required Standard ports are: PostgreSQL: 5432 MySQL: 3306 Maria DB: 3306 Microsoft SQL: 1433 Oracle: 1521 Mongo DB: 27017
Use SSL when connecting
Connect Database
Database name to connect to
Required for connecting to PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MS SQL Server
Database Id
Azure or AWS Resource ID
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Database Type
Appropriate database type from supported databases.
If a non-standard port is provided, the Database Type will be used to determine connection method.
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential.
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Native database protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters (multiple)
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
Depends on protocol
Below is an example of a PAM Database record with Connections and Tunnels activated.
Visit the following pages to set up:
Configuring Microsoft SQL Server DB as a PAM Database Record
In this example, you'll learn how to configure a Microsoft SQL Server DB in your Keeper Vault as a PAM Database record.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure you have
Databases such as a Microsoft SQL Server DB can be configured on the PAM Database record type.
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Database" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
Suppose I have a database with the hostname "db-mssql-1
", the following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values:
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential. The following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values for the Microsoft SQL Database:
The Admin Credential Record in the PAM Database links a user to the PAM Database record in your Keeper Vault. This linked user is used for authenticating the connection when clicking "Launch".
If you prefer not to authenticate a connection using the admin credential, you can optionally designate a regular user of the resource as the admin credential.
PAM Database records can be shared with other Keeper users within your organization. However, the recipient must be assigned to a role with the appropriate PAM enforcement policies in place to utilize KeeperPAM features.
When sharing a PAM Database record, the linked admin credentials will not be shared. For example, if the PAM Database is configured with a Microsoft SQL Database, the recipient can connect to the database without having direct access to the linked credentials.
The Microsoft SQL Database record is set up. The user with the ability to launch connections can now launch an interactive SQL connection or tunnel to the target database.
Configuring PostgreSQL DB as a PAM Database Record
In this example, you'll learn how to configure a PostgreSQL DB in your Keeper Vault as a PAM Database record.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure you have
Databases such as a PostgreSQL DB can be configured on the PAM Database record type.
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Database" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
Suppose I have a database with the hostname "db-postgres-1
", the following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values:
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential. The following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values for the PostgreSQL Database:
The Admin Credential Record in the PAM Database links a user to the PAM Database record in your Keeper Vault. This linked user is used for authenticating the connection when clicking "Launch".
If you prefer not to authenticate a connection using the admin credential, you can optionally designate a regular user of the resource as the admin credential.
PAM Database records can be shared with other Keeper users within your organization. However, the recipient must be assigned to a role with the appropriate PAM enforcement policies in place to utilize KeeperPAM features.
When sharing a PAM Database record, the linked admin credentials will not be shared. For example, if the PAM Database is configured with a PostgreSQL Database, the recipient can connect to the database without having direct access to the linked credentials.
The PostgreSQL Database record is set up. The user with the ability to launch connections can now launch an interactive PostgreSQL connection or tunnel to the target database.
Record Type Details for PAM User Record Type
A PAM User is a type of KeeperPAM resource that represents an account credential. The PAM User is typically linked from other resources.
KeeperPAM User records define a specific account inside another PAM resource. PAM Machines, PAM Databases, PAM Directories and PAM Remote Browser records link to a PAM User.
The PAM User resource supports the following features:
On-demand and scheduled password rotation
PAM Scripts for privilege automation
Sharing with time-limited access
Prior to creating a PAM User, make sure you have already created a PAM Configuration and a PAM Resource such as a Machine, Database, Directory or Browser.
To create a PAM User:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "User" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
The following table lists all the configurable fields on the PAM Remote Browser Record Type:
When connecting to Windows machines that are domain-joined:
For domain-joined systems, always use the UPN format (user@domain.local
) as it is more modern, DNS-reliant, and avoids NetBIOS issues.
Reserve DOMAIN\user
for older systems or mixed environments where UPN isn't supported.
KeeperPAM resource for managing remote browser isolation access to a protected web application
A PAM Remote Browser is a type of KeeperPAM resource that represents a remote browser isolation target, such as a protected internal application or cloud-based web app.
KeeperPAM remote browser isolation records provide secure access to internal and cloud-based web applications through a protected browser, embedded within the vault. This browser is projected visually from the Keeper Gateway through the Keeper Vault, isolating the session and providing zero-trust access.
The PAM Remote Browser resource supports the following features:
Zero-trust Connections over http:// and https:// websites
Session recording
Sharing access without sharing credentials
Autofill of linked credentials and 2FA codes
URL AllowList patterns
Navigation bar
Prior to creating a PAM Remote Browser, make sure you have already created a PAM Configuration. The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure while the PAM Remote Browser contains information about the target web application and associated access rules.
To create a PAM Remote Browser:
Click on Create New
Select "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Browser" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
The following table lists all the configurable fields on the PAM Remote Browser Record Type:
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and link a PAM User credential for performing autofill.
Configuring MySQL DB as a PAM Database Record
In this example, you'll learn how to configure a MySQL DB in your Keeper Vault as a PAM Database record.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure you have
Databases such as a MySQL DB can be configured on the PAM Database record type.
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Database" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
Suppose I have a database with the hostname "db-mysql-1", the following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values:
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential. The following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values for the MySQL Database:
The Admin Credential Record in the PAM Database links a user to the PAM Database record in your Keeper Vault. This linked user is used for authenticating the connection when clicking "Launch".
If you prefer not to authenticate a connection using the admin credential, you can optionally designate a regular user of the resource as the admin credential.
PAM Database records can be shared with other Keeper users within your organization. However, the recipient must be assigned to a role with the appropriate PAM enforcement policies in place to utilize KeeperPAM features.
When sharing a PAM Database record, the linked admin credentials will not be shared. For example, if the PAM Database is configured with a MySQL Database, the recipient can connect to the database without having direct access to the linked credentials.
The MySQL Database record is set up. The user with the ability to launch connections can now launch an interactive MySQL connection or tunnel to the target database.
KeeperPAM resource for managing directory services, either on-prem or in the cloud
A PAM Directory record is a type of KeeperPAM resource that represents an Active Directory or OpenLDAP service, either on-prem or hosted in the cloud.
The PAM Machine resource supports the following features:
Password rotation using either LDAP, LDAPS or WinRM
Connections using RDP
TCP Tunnels over any protocol
Session recording and playback
Sharing access without sharing credentials
Prior to creating a PAM Directory Record type, make sure you have already created a PAM Configuration. The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure while the PAM Directory contains information of an asset, such as a Active Directory server, within that target infrastructure.
To create a PAM Directory:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Directory" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.
The following table lists all the configurable fields on the PAM Directory Record Type:
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential.
Note: PAM User is only required to successfully configure connections and rotation, and not required for Tunnels.
Configuration Steps:
On the PAM Database record, navigate to the PAM Settings section
Select the PAM Configuration and Administrative Credential Record
To configure Keeper Connections and Keeper Tunnels settings, visit the following page:
The following screenshot is a PAM Directory Record with LDAPS rotation, RDP connections and LDAPS tunnels enabled:
See for more info
See for more info
Ex: 3307=mysql
See docs
Refer to for more info
Required Visit this for more details
See this for SSH protocol settings. We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum. E.g. "22" for SSH.
Required Visit this for more details
See this for RDP protocol settings We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum. E.g. "3389" for RDP.
Required Visit this for more details
Required Visit this for more details
Required Visit this for more details
User Accounts are configured on the PAM User record. Visit this for more information.
Learn more about
User Accounts are configured on the PAM User record. Visit this for more information.
Learn more about
Connecting to the protected web application requires only that the Keeper Gateway has access to the target website. The Keeper Vault operates independently and does not require direct connectivity to the website, leveraging Keeper's zero-trust network access model to securely manage access through the Gateway. See the for more details.
Additional information on Remote Browser Isolation is .
User Accounts are configured on the PAM User record. Visit this for more information.
Learn more about
Connecting to the PAM Directory requires only that the Keeper Gateway has access to the target directory service. The Keeper Vault operates independently and does not require direct connectivity to the service, leveraging Keeper's zero-trust network access model to securely manage access through the Gateway. See the for more details.
Title (Required)
Title of the PAM Database Record
Local SQL Database
Hostname or IP Address (Required)
Address or RDP endpoint or Server name of the Database Resource
Port (Required)
Port to connect to the Database Resource
Use SSL (Required)
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Database ID
Azure or AWS Resource ID (if applicable)
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Database Type
Appropriate database type from supported databases.
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Required - This is the PAM configuration you created in the prerequisites
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Required Visit this section for more details
Native database protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Required - for this example: "SQL Server"
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
See this section for SQL Server protocol settings We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum. E.g. "1433" for SQL Server.
Title (Required)
Title of the PAM Database Record
PostgreSQL Database - postgresuser
Hostname or IP Address (Required)
Address or RDP endpoint or Server name of the Database Resource
Port (Required)
Port to connect to the PostgreSQL DB Resource
Use SSL (Required)
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Database ID
Azure or AWS Resource ID (if applicable)
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Database Type
Appropriate database type from supported databases.
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Required - This is the PAM configuration you created in the prerequisites
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Required Visit this section for more details
Native database protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Required - for this example: "PostgreSQL"
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
See this section for PostgreSQL protocol settings We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum. E.g. "5432" for PostgreSQL.
PAM User
Account credential, IAM user, password or SSH Key
Username; exact context and format depends on the associated resource. See Note (1) below.
Password of the user
Can be rotated
Private PEM Key
PEM Key associated with user
Can be rotated
Distinguished Name
Distinguished name; used if associated with a PAM Directory
Required only when the User is managed by a directory Example: CN=Jeff Smith,OU=Sales,DC=demo,DC=COM
If left blank, defaults are attempted depending on the provider type
Managed User
Flag for accounts that are managed by the AWS or Azure IAM systems
Set by Keeper Discovery to indicate that the password cannot be rotated. For example, AWS token-based auth.
Connect Database
Used in certain scenarios if a database name is needed
Edge cases, e.g. using LDAP to connect to a MySQL database
PAM Remote Browser
Any http:// or https:// web application, on-prem or in the cloud
IP or Website address
Required The target URL only needs to be accessible from the Keeper Gateway
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Browser Autofill Credentials
Linked PAM User credential used for autofill
Native protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Browser Settings (multiple)
Browser-specific protocol settings
See RBI page
Title (Required)
Title of the PAM Database Record
Local MySQL Database
Hostname or IP Address (Required)
Address or RDP endpoint or Server name of the Database Resource
Port (Required)
Port to connect to the Database Resource
Use SSL (Required)
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Database ID
Azure or AWS Resource ID (if applicable)
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Database Type
Appropriate database type from supported databases.
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS or Azure Database
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Required - This is the PAM configuration you created in the prerequisites
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Required Visit this section for more details
Native database protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Required - for this example: "MySQL"
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
See this section for MySQL protocol settings We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum. E.g. "3306" for MySQL.
PAM Directory
Active Directory, OpenLDAP
Hostname or IP Address
Address of the directory resource
Port to connect on
Required Typically 389 or 636 (LDAP/LDAPS) Active Directory only supports 636
Use SSL when connecting
Required for Active Directory
Alternative IPs
List of failover IPs for the directory, used for Discovery
Newline separated
Directory ID
Instance ID for AD resource in Azure and AWS hosted environments
Required if Azure Active Directory or AWS Directory Service AWS Example: "d-9a423d0d3b'
Directory Type
Directory type, used for formatting of messaging
Required Must be Active Directory or OpenLDAP
User Match
Match on OU to filter found users during Discovery
Domain Name
domain managed by the directory
Example: some.company.com
Provider Group
Provider Group for directories hosted in Azure
Required for directories hosted in Azure
Provider Region
AWS region of hosted directory
Required for directories hosted in AWS
Example: us-east-2
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Native protocol used for connecting the session from the Gateway to the target
Session Recording
Options for recording sessions and typescripts
Connection Parameters (multiple)
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
Depends on protocol. We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum.
Keeper password rotation capabilities with Keeper Secrets Manager
KeeperPAM Password Rotation enables customers to securely and automatically rotate credentials across cloud-based and on-premises environments, including Active Directory accounts, Windows and Linux users, database passwords, Azure IAM accounts, AWS accounts, SSH keys, and more. Adhering to Keeper’s Zero Trust and Zero Knowledge security model, this feature helps organizations mitigate risks associated with weak, reused, or long-standing credentials, as well as threats such as breaches, terminations, and dark web exposure.
Comprehensive Credential Rotation: Automate rotation for machines, service accounts, and user accounts across your infrastructure and multi-cloud environments.
Flexible Scheduling: Schedule rotations to occur at any time or trigger them on demand.
Service Management: Automatically update the log on credentials for Windows services and scheduled tasks after rotation.
Post-Rotation Actions: Perform custom actions or functionality after rotation takes place.
Access-Based Rotation: Automatically rotate credentials once access expires.
Secure Access Control: Control and audit access to credentials through secure sharing and compliance reporting.
Detailed Audit Logs: Track all rotation events using Keeper’s Advanced Reporting and Alerts Module (ARAM).
Automation with Keeper Commander: Leverage Keeper Commander for fully automated rotation workflows.
Rotation is performed on the Keeper Gateway and controlled through the Keeper Web Vault, Desktop App or Commander CLI.
In KeeperPAM, the way Password Rotation works is as follows:
The PAM User record holds the credential that is being rotated.
The Rotation Settings of the PAM User record references a specific PAM Machine, PAM Database or PAM Directory resource. This is the target resource where the rotation is performed.
The Keeper Gateway uses the Admin Credential associated to the PAM Machine, PAM Database or PAM Directory resource to perform the rotation with native protocols.
For AWS and Azure managed resources, Keeper uses Instance Role permission of the Gateway, or specific PAM Configuration secrets to perform the rotation with APIs.
Step by step guides for performing rotation on any target system
The setup and configuration of Keeper Rotation is defined by the use case. Keeper supports any cloud or on-prem environment.
Looking for a specific use case we don't cover? Please email pam@keepersecurity.com.
Password Rotation in the Azure Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within the Azure network environment across various target systems. Rotation works on the devices configured and attached to the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) which can also be your default directory.
KeeperPAM can rotate the password for Azure AD users, service accounts, local admin users, local users, managed services, databases and more.
Configurations for the Azure Active Directory are defined in the PAM Configuration section of Keeper Secrets Manager.
Configurations for the Azure AD joined devices are defined in the PAM Directory, PAM Machine, and PAM Database record types. The credentials and user accounts are defined in PAM User records. The following table shows the supported Azure AD joined devices with Keeper Rotation and their corresponding PAM Record Type:
Azure AD Domain Services
PAM Directory
Virtual Machines
PAM Machine
Managed Databases
PAM Database
Prior to rotating user credentials within your Azure environment, you need to make sure you have the following information and configurations in place:
All Azure AD joined devices that you want to use with Rotation need to be created and configured within your Azure Active Directory
To successfully configure and setup Rotation within your Azure Network, the following values are needed for your PAM Configuration:
Client ID
The application/client id (UUID) of the Azure application
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID of your subscription to use Azure services (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO)
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Make sure all the Azure services or Azure AD joined devices you plan on using for rotation have access to the Azure Active Directory.
Create a custom role to allow application to access/perform actions on various Azure resources. For more information see the Azure Environment Setup document.
At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on your Azure network:
Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation
Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records representing each resource
Create PAM User records that contain the necessary account credentials for each resource
Link the PAM User record to the PAM Resource record.
Assign a Secrets Manager Application to all of the shared folders that hold the PAM records
Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration with the Azure environment setting
Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records
Rotating Azure AD Admin and User passwords with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate passwords for Azure AD users. In Keeper, the PAM Configuration contains all of the information needed to rotate passwords. The record containing the Azure AD user accounts to be rotated are stored in the PAM User record.
The Keeper Gateway uses Azure APIs to rotate the credentials defined in the PAM User records.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
Your Keeper Gateway is online
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for Azure.
Prior to setting up the PAM Configuration, make sure that:
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is provisioned in the Keeper Secrets Manager application you created.
We recommend installing the Keeper Gateway service in a machine within the Azure environment in order to rotate other types of targets.
In the left menu of the vault, select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Configuration Record with your information:
Configuration name, example: Azure AD Configuration
Select: Azure
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-1
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application. It’s random looking text.
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper Rotation uses the Azure Graph API to rotate the PAM User records in your Azure environment. The PAM User records need to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM User record with your information:
Keeper record title i.e. Azure User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. The username has to be in one of the following formats:
Providing a password is optional. Performing a rotation will set one if this field is left blank.
There should only be one PAM User record for each Azure AD user. Having multiple PAM User records with the same user/login will cause conflicts.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select "IAM User" for the rotation method, since this uses Azure APIs.
The "Rotation Settings" should select the PAM Configuration setup previously.
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Providing access to PAM resources through KeeperPAM policies
Access to resources and features in KeeperPAM is governed by a robust cloud-based access control plane, leveraging multiple layers of policies and configuration settings. Devices and gateways are assigned specific permissions, enabling them to access and decrypt data allocated to them from the vault. Users with KeeperPAM management privileges can assign access rights to managed resources with flexibility, offering permanent, time-limited, or just-in-time (JIT) access based on organizational needs.
For optimal use of KeeperPAM, it is recommended to create a dedicated service account user within the Keeper Admin Console. This account will oversee the creation and management of Applications, Shared Folders, Gateways, Resources and their associated rights and permissions.
A scheduled update in Q1 2025 will introduce the capability to assign multiple administrators to Applications and Gateways, offering enhanced flexibility for larger teams.
Enforcement Policies determine what overall permissions a user has associated to their role. A role can have administrative abilities, or they can be limited to only using resources assigned to them.
From the Admin Console, visit Admin > Roles
Either create a new role or modify an existing role
Under Enforcement Policies, visit the "Privileged Access Manager" tab
A more in-depth look at Admin Console nodes, roles and permissions can be found in the Keeper Enterprise admin guide:
The PAM Configuration acts as a set of "parental controls" for PAM records. It enables or disables specific PAM features for all resources using the configuration.
More information on PAM Configuration
When creating an application with its devices and gateways, the admin assigns access to specific shared folders with record permissions. This setup allows controlled vault access for both the gateways and the connected devices interacting with the Keeper vault. By managing permissions at both the application and gateway levels, an extra security layer is added.
Multiple applications can be associated to a Shared Folder with different levels of permission.
When creating a new Device or Gateway on a Windows or Linux-based installation method, Keeper provides the option to apply IP locking upon first access. This added security measure is layered on top of the existing device authorization model.
In the Keeper Vault, Shared Folders control access to any resource managed by KeeperPAM. Resources can be placed inside shared folders just like any other Keeper record.
One of the key benefits of the KeeperPAM platform is the ability to share access to a resource without exposing credentials to the recipient.
A Shared Folder contains PAM Resources, such as:
PAM Machine
PAM Database
PAM Directory
PAM Remote Browser
PAM User
To ensure least privilege, we recommend splitting the PAM Users into a separate shared folder, in order to restrict what users and devices can access the underlying secrets. When launching our Quick Start Sandbox or using our Gateway wizard, Keeper will automatically place the resources and users into separate shared folders.
For example, this demo environment as seen below provides full access to DevOps, but limits access to only viewing and using resources to the Developers team:
In this scenario, only the DevOps team has access to the Users folder. The Developers are restricted from accessing these credentials.
Resource-level permissions in a shared folder limit members from editing or sharing records. Users with view-only access can still use PAM features, like launching sessions, if their role allows it.
To ensure least privilege access, the recommendation is to reduce record-level permissions in a Shared Folder to "View Only". Only the Keeper service account user responsible for building Applications and Gateways should have full administrative capabilities.
A record can be shared to an individual user with persistent or time-limited access.
To share an individual record, click on Share and then select the user. Providing view-only access to a resource allows the recipient to launch connections and tunnels to the target without having access to the underlying credentials.
A user can be assigned standing access or time-limited access to a resource.
From the Admin Console, a team can optionally be restricted in their ability to edit or re-share records that have been provisioned to the team via shared folders across the entire environment. This only applies to shared folders that have been assigned to a specific team.
Managing ownership and permissions of resources and records within the Keeper Vault can be delegated to other Keeper admins through the Share Admin permission.
Read more about the Share Admin feature in the Keeper Enterprise docs
A PAM User record containing credentials can be "linked" to a PAM Resource. Sharing a PAM Resource record to another user does not automatically share the linked credentials. This allows the recipient with view-only access with the ability to launch zero-trust connections without having access to the underlying credentials.
Sharing a resource to a user with view-only access only gives them the ability to launch connections and tunnels.
Keeper's zero-trust architecture provides access to the target systems without sharing the credential, ensuring least privilege access.
In the example below, a PAM Database is linked to a specific user sqluser
. Connections to the database using that account is available to users without access to the actual credential.
Here's another example which provides SSH access to a Linux machine without sharing the key:
Folder and record access can be either persistent or time-limited.
Access to the resource can be revoked at a specific date and time.
Removing a user from a Shared Folder or removing the user from a direct share of the resource will immediately destroy any active sessions or tunnels.
To remove a user from a Shared Folder:
Select the Shared Folder
Select "Edit" and then remove the user or team from the "Users" tab
Click Save
To remove a user from an individual resource
Select the record
Click on "Sharing"
Delete the share
If you select "Remove ... from all your shared records", this will revoke access to all resources and destroy any active sessions or tunnels for that user.
If you have a use case where a PAM User credential needs to be shared to another user, you have the option of automatically rotating the credential after the sharing has expired.
Quick start guide to Keeper Password Rotation
An active license is required in order to use the features available with KeeperPAM. This license is available for both business and enterprise customers.
Prior to setting up password rotation, make sure to have the following set up:
Learn about KeeperPAM in the Getting Started section
Enforcement policies for KeeperPAM password rotation are managed in the Keeper Admin Console under Admin > Roles > Enforcement Policies > Privileged Access Manager.
For Password Rotation capabilities, enable the necessary policies:
Can create applications and manage secrets
Allow users to create a Secrets Manager Application
Can create, deploy and manage Keeper Gateways
Allow users to deploy and manage a Keeper Gateway
Can configure rotation settings
Allow users to set up rotation on a PAM User record
Can configure rotation settings (legacy setting)
This should be set the same as ALLOW_PAM_ROTATION
Can rotate credentials
All users to perform a password rotation action
Rotation can also be enabled on the Keeper Commander CLI using the enterprise-role
If you haven't yet created a Keeper Gateway yet, a new Gateway deployment can be created by clicking on Create New > Gateway from the Web Vault or Desktop App (version 17.1 or newer). We have also posted a page describing how to create a sandbox environment in just a few steps:
When you use the Gateway using the Create New > Gateway feature, Keeper will automatically create the Secrets Manager Application, Shared Folders and PAM Configuration. In the Secrets Manager section of the vault, you'll see the Application assigned to Shared Folders and also assigned to the Gateway.
A PAM user record holds a privileged account credential, password or private key. For steps on creating a PAM User, follow this page. The example below shows a PAM User record for an admin password on a Windows server. The PAM User record is added to a Shared Folder containing user accounts.
A PAM Resource represents a Machine, Database or Directory.
The rotation of credentials is restricted to the PAM User record type.
In previous versions of Keeper, rotation was permitted on PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records. In the latest version of KeeperPAM, you will be prompted to separate the PAM Resources from the PAM User. See the Record Linking documentation for more info.
When you have activated Keeper Secrets Manager or KeeperPAM, the following new record types will be available to users:
PAM User Contains a login / password, private key, or both.
PAM Directory Information about your on-prem or cloud-based directory
PAM Database Self-hosted or managed cloud-based databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, etc.
PAM Machine Windows, Linux, macOS machines on-prem or in the cloud
PAM Remote Browser Remote browser isolation to protect web-based applications
All 5 record types can be added in the Vault, placed in folders, and shared like any other Keeper records.
See PAM Resources
When rotation is activated, within the Secrets Manager screen of the vault you'll see a section called PAM Configurations. A PAM Configuration is an object which is contains the following:
Environment Local Network, AWS or Azure
Keeper Gateway Service which you install into your on-prem or cloud infrastructure
Application Folder Shared Folder which contains the Secrets Manager application and associated records
Administrative Credentials Keeper record which contains privileged credentials for performing rotation and discovery.
Customers may have any number of PAM Configurations, Applications and Gateways.
More information on: PAM Configuration, Applications and Gateways
The basic steps to rotation of passwords in any target environment are:
Add PAM User records to the Shared Folder
Add PAM Resource (Machine, Database, Directory) records to a Shared Folder
Configure rotation settings on each PAM User record
Create a Secrets Manager application
Assign the Secrets Manager application to the Shared Folders
Set the shared folder permissions containing the PAM Users from Read Only to Can Edit
Add a Keeper Gateway to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration which ties everything together
Assign rotation settings to the PAM User records
For automation of Rotation capabilities, Keeper Commander supports KeeperPAM rotation using the following commands:
Keeper Rotation can also update the "log on" credentials for Windows service accounts and scheduled tasks. See the Service Management documentation.
Keeper supports importing in bulk from JSON format. See the Importing PAM Records section for more details.
Rotate Azure Managed Database credentials with Keeper
In this section, you will learn how to rotate DB User or Admin credentials on the following Azure Managed Databases:
Rotating local and remote user accounts on Azure Virtual Machines with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Azure Virtual Machine local and remote user accounts within the Azure environment using KeeperPAM.
is available on all Windows machines and bash
on all Linux targets
Keeper can rotate any local user account on either the Gateway machine or any other machine on the network. A PAM Machine record should be created for every machine. This PAM Machine record will be associated to a linked administrative credential that has the rights to change passwords for users on the machine.
Once a PAM Machine record is created for every machine, a PAM User record needs to be created for each user account that will be rotated.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Machine records.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
Make sure the following items are completed first:
PAM Machine records have been created for each target machine
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Configuration.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials linked from the PAM Machine record to rotate the credentials of accounts referenced by the PAM User records.
The following table lists all the required fields that need to be filled on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine admin credential specific to this user's machine.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Keeper can automatically update the Windows service account "log on as" credentials for any Windows services running as the PAM User, and restart the service. Keeper will also update the credential of any scheduled task running as that user on the target machine.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure PostgreSQL Single or Flexible Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure PostgreSQL Database Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using KeeperPAM. Azure PostgreSQL is an Azure managed resource where the PostgreSQL Admin Credentials are defined in the record type and the configurations of the PostgreSQL Users are defined in the record type.
For Azure Managed PostgreSQL database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Your Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with the Azure Managed PostgreSQL database
The PAM Database record links to the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the PostgreSQL Server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure PostgreSQL Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment..
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure MariaDB Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure MariaDB Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using KeeperPAM. Azure MariaDB is an Azure managed resource where the MariaDB Admin Credentials are defined in the record type and the configurations of the MariaDB Users are defined in the record type.
For Azure Managed MariaDB database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Your Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with the Azure Managed MariaDB database
The PAM Database record links to the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MariaDB server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure MariaDB Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure MySQL Single or Flexible Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure MySQL Database Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using Keeper Rotation. Azure MySQL is an Azure managed resource where the MySQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Azure Managed MySQL database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Your Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with the Azure MySQL Server Database
The PAM Database record links to the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MySQL Server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure MySQL Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular Azure SQL Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for Azure SQL Database Users and Admin accounts on your Azure environment using Keeper Rotation. Azure SQL is an Azure managed resource where the SQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the SQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Azure Managed SQL database, the Azure SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the linked admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
The Keeper Gateway is able to communicate with your Azure SQL Server Database
The PAM Database record links to admin credentials and contains the necessary configurations to connect to the SQL Server on Azure. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Azure SQL Server instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Group, Provider Region, and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the Azure SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the linked admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Azure environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
See the for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
Your Azure environment is per our documentation
A Keeper Rotation is already installed
The Gateway can communicate to the target Windows machine using or
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is provisioned in the Keeper Secrets Manager application you created.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
To learn more and set up this capability, see the page.
See the for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
Your Azure environment is per our documentation
Your is online
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
See the for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
Your Azure environment is per our documentation
Your is online
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
See the for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
In 2024, Azure is going to sunset the non-flexible MySQL managed services. Most likely the term flexible will be removed. See:
are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
Your Azure environment is per our documentation
Your is online
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
See the for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
Your Azure environment is per our documentation
Your is online
If the Gateway is installed on a Linux or macOS server, install the
Your Azure environment is per our documentation
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
Name of the Record e.g. Windows Machine 1
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway, e.g.
Typically 5985 or 5986 for WinRM, 22 for SSH
Private PEM Key
Required for SSH if not using a password
Operating System
The VM Operating System: Windows
or Linux
SSL Verification
For WinRM, if selected, will use SSL mode port 5986. Ignored for SSH. See this section for troubleshooting tips
Configuration name, example: Azure Demo
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the machines.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered.
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application.
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper record title i.e. Local User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. The username has to be in one of the following formats:
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: Azure PostgreSQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e testdb-psql.postgresql.database.azure.com
For default ports, see port mapping
i.e. 5432
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User admin account username that will perform rotation. If the Admin account in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-psql
Database Type
or postgresql-flexible
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure PostgreSQL database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper record title i.e. Azure PostgreSQL User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Keeper record title Ex: Azure MariaDB Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e testdb-mariadb.mariadb.database.azure.com
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mariadb=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User admin account username that will perform rotation. If the admin in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-mariadb
Database Type
or mariadb-flexible
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure MariaDB database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper record title i.e. Azure MariaDB User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: Azure MySQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e testdb-sql.mysql.database.azure.com
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mysql=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User admin account username and password that will perform rotation. If the Admin account in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-sql
Database Type
or mysql-flexible
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure MySQL database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper record title i.e. Azure DB User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: Azure SQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The Database Server name i.e testdb-sql.mssql.database.azure.com
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: 1433
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
PAM User providing the Admin account username and password that will perform rotation. If the admin in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Database ID
Name of the Azure Database Server i.e. testdb-sql
Database Type
Provider Group
Azure Resource group name
Provider Region
Azure Resource region i.e. East US
Configuration name, example: Azure DB Configuration
Select: Azure Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Azure SQL database from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
Azure ID
A unique ID for this instance of Azure. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: Azure-Prod
Client ID
The unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the application was registered
Client Secret
The client credentials secret for the Azure application
Subscription ID
The UUID that identifies your subscription (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO) to use Azure services.
Tenant ID
The UUID of the Azure Active Directory
Keeper record title i.e. Azure DB User1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@SERVERNAME
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Automatically rotate the secret of an Azure app using Keeper Secrets Manager rotations
This documentation explains how to rotate Azure application secrets using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example. The script ensures secure application secrets rotation, including deletion of previous application secrets, and stores the new application secret in Keeper. This new secret is automatically available to all already allowed KSM applications and users.
See the Azure Overview for a high level overview and getting started with Azure
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Azure environment is configured per our documentation
The gateway host will need to have a supported Python version installed with the 2 dependencies below:
The script retrieve admin credentials in three ways:
Record directly attached to the post rotation script.
The access key provided to the Azure PAM config selected for the rotation. This will be used if no access key is found in the record(s) attached (method 1 above) to the post rotation script.
Attaching another record containing the admin application secret to the PAM Script will allow to easily rotate this admin application secrets in that other record using the same process described in this documentation.
The script will:
Retrieve an admin application secret either from an attached record to the PAM Script or from the PAM Config.
Get a Microsoft Graph access token using the admin application secret found at the step above.
Create a new client secret on the Azure application defined in the PAM User record.
Delete all other existing secrets for the defined Azure application. Only the one generated at the step above will be kept.
Update the Keeper PAM User record with the new secret, and secret ID.
You need to create a PAM User record where the rotation will be configured later on. The fields below need to be created.
This mandatory field is not used in this script. You can use the field to store any useful information, like the name of the Azure app that will be rotated.
It will be a dummy value in this case. The password field gets automatically rotated, but it is not used anywhere. This is still required field.
This field is used to specify which application in Azure you want to rotate. You need to retrieve the application object ID of the application to rotate from the Azure portal > App Registration > Overview tab of your app > Application (client) ID.
This field will receive the new client secret ID after the rotation.
Hidden Field
This field will receive the new client secret after the rotation.
This field will receive the expiration date of the new secret after the rotation.
Second field to enable NOOP.
The value has to be:
Instead of creating the PAM User record manually using the details above, you could also import the csv file below. It will create a template record you can amend and duplicate as needed.
Importing the file will generate a Login record type: make sure to convert it to PAM User.
The script require an admin application secret to authenticate against Azure and rotate another application's secret. Here we will be using the admin app secret provided in the Azure PAM Configuration.
Create a shared folder in the vault
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described above.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on a Linux box. Simply run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure Python and the dependencies listed above are installed.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment, please select “Azure”, select the Gateway, select the shared folder, provide the “Entra ID” name (arbitrary name of your Entra ID environment), the admin application “Client ID” (Overview tab of the admin application in the Azure portal), “Client Secret” (Certificates & secrets tab of the admin application in the Azure portal), "Subscription ID" and "Tenant ID".
Edit the PAM User record previously described in this documentation:
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Select "Run PAM Scripts only" as the Rotation method.
Add PAM Script to the record: select the provided file below and make sure to specify the script command:
It is possible to also rotate the application secret of the admin Azure application. To do this, you will need to store you admin Azure app secret in another Keeper PAM User record.
The PAM user record will need all fields as described in the documentation above, along with the additional fields below:
Enter your Azure Tenant ID.
Enter your admin application client ID. This is available in the Overview tab of the admin application in the Azure portal > App registrations.
Instead of creating the PAM User record manually using the documentation above and the extra fields above, you could also import the csv file below. It will create a template record you can amend and duplicate as needed.
Importing the file will generate a Login record type: make sure to convert it to PAM User.
Create a shared folder in the vault
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described above.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on a Linux box. Simply run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure Python and the dependencies listed above are installed.
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment, please select “Local Network”, select the Gateway and the shared folder.
Edit the target app PAM User record:
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Add PAM Script to the record:
Select the provided Python file below.
Rotation Credential: select the admin app PAM User record.
Specify the script command:
Automatically rotate AWS access keys using Keeper Secrets Manager rotations
This documentation explains how to rotate AWS IAM user access keys using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example. This provided script supports both provided admin credentials (AWS Access key for an admin account) and EC2 instance role authentication. The script ensures secure access key rotation, including deletion of previous user keys. The new key is stored in the Keeper record after rotation is complete.
KSM role: Ensure that the Keeper user has a role providing access to Keeper Secrets Manager, and Keeper Secrets Manager rotations.
A Linux instance to run the Keeper Gateway: The Gateway can be deployed in an EC2 instance, any private Cloud or on-prem. This script is capable of leveraging EC2 Instance Roles Authentication to perform the Access Key rotation if the Gateway runs in an EC2 instance. If the gateway runs somewhere else, then an Access Key with role privilege needs to be provided in the Keeper vault to perform the rotation of the end user Access Key.
The script retrieve admin credentials in three ways:
Record directly attached to the post rotation script.
The access key provided to the AWS PAM config selected for the rotation. This will be used if no access key is found in the record attached (method 1 above) to the post rotation script.
Uses AWS instance role authentication if no credentials are provided from either methods above. The gateway needs to be running on an EC2 Instance with an EC2 Instance Role in place.
The script provides two modes of operation based on the delete_all_keys_before_rotating custom field:
If False (default), a new access key is created first, then the old ones are deleted, keeping only the newly created key. This will fail if the user account has already two access keys: AWS will not allow the script to create a third one.
If this custom field is set to True, the script deletes all existing access keys for the IAM user before creating a new one. This helps in the scenario described above where the end user account has already two access keys.
After key rotation, the script updates the rotated PAM User Keeper record with the new AWS access key ID, secret access key, creation date, and any deleted access keys IDs.
You need to create a PAM User record where the rotation will be configured later on. The fields below need to be created.
Instead of creating the PAM User record manually using the details above, you could also import the csv file below. It will create a template record you can amend and duplicate as needed. Importing the file will generate a Login record type: make sure to convert it to PAM User.
When the gateway runs in an EC2 instance, you don’t need to provide an admin access key to the script. The gateway will leverage the AWS Instance Role permissions assigned to the VM.
The steps below explains how to set up an EC2 Instance role to the gateway EC2 instance with minimal permissions:
Select Policies and click Create policy.
Select JSON and paste the following, make sure to replace your AWS Account ID:
Name the policy and save it.
Go to the IAM Management Console.
Select Roles and click create role.
Choose AWS service and select EC2.
Attach the necessary IAM policies (e.g., the policy we created above with the minimum permissions).
In the EC2 Management Console, find your instance.
Click Actions > Security > Modify IAM Role.
Select the role you created and click Update
Verify Instance Role Permissions
You can ensure that the instance role has appropriate permissions to interact with IAM by running the command below on the Gateway EC2 Instance:
After configuring this role, your EC2 instance, in this case your Keeper Gateway, will automatically use the attached role credentials for your script, allowing it to perform actions like creating and deleting IAM access keys without needing explicit access key credentials.
Create a shared folder in the vault
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on an EC2 instance. On the EC2 Instance run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure boto3 and keeper_secrets_manager_core are installed by running the following commands in the EC2 instance:
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment you can select “Local Network” or “AWS”. If you select “AWS”, please make sure to leave the “Access Key” and “Secret Access Key” field empty. If you provide one, it will be automatically used by the script instead of using the Instance Role authentication. You will still need to provide the AWS Account ID to the AWS PAM configuration.
Select the gateway, select the shared folder and save the PAM configuration.
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Add PAM Script to the record: select the provided file below and make sure to specify the script command:
When the gateway does not run in an EC2 instance, it will require an admin access key to authenticate against AWS and rotate another user's access key. Here we will be using the admin access key provided in the AWS PAM Configuration.
Create a shared folder in the vault
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, create a new application for the gateway if there is no gateway yet.
Make sure the Application has edit permissions on the shared folder created above.
Provision the gateway (gateway tab after selecting the application) on a Linux box. Simply run the install command provided by the Keeper vault and make sure boto3 and keeper_secrets_manager_core are installed by running the following commands on the Linux box:
In the Secret Manager tab of the Keeper vault, go to the PAM Configurations tab. Create a new PAM configuration if needed.
Under Environment, please select “AWS”, select the Gateway, select the shared folder, provide the “AWS ID”, the “Access Key” and “Secret Access Key”. This will be the admin access key that the script uses to rotate a user access key.
Password Rotation Settings: select your desired schedule and the PAM configuration created above.
Add PAM Script to the record: select the provided file below and make sure to specify the script command:
When the gateway does not run in an EC2 instance, it will require an admin access key to authenticate against AWS and rotate another user's access key. Here we will be using the admin access key provided in another Keeper record. This option also allows to rotate the admin access key the same way Keeper rotates an user access key.
You may have followed any of the two other tabs available in this doc (Using AWS instance role, or Using AWS PAM Config) to set up the rotation: you will have a PAM configuration that contains or does not contain an access key. Following the steps below will force the use of an admin access key stored in another Keeper record.
The attached record could be any record type. It needs at least the two custom fields “aws_access_key_id” and “aws_secret_access_key” with the admin access key.
When attaching a record to the PAM script itself to provide an admin AWS access keys also allows to leverage AWS AssumeRole to rotate an AWS user access key across multiple AWS accounts.
To leverage this feature, you need to add a new custom field to the record attached to the PAM script (Rotation Credentials).
The custom field label needs to be:
This field will contain the role arn from your AWS environment that has the permissions to rotate access keys in other AWS accounts.
When this field exists, the rotation script will use it along with the provided admin access key ID and secret to generate a new temporary access key to rotate the end user’s one in the other AWS account. The script will then update the Keeper PAM User record with the new key and information, the same way it usually does without this extra field.
Password Rotation in the AWS Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within the AWS Cloud environment across various target systems and services.
Configurations for your AWS environment are defined in the PAM Configuration section of Keeper Secrets Manager. Keeper will use the inherited EC2 instance role where the Gateway is installed to authenticate with the AWS system and perform rotation. If instance roles are not defined, the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Key can be stored in the PAM Configuration record to authenticate and perform rotations.
Configurations for managed resources like EC2, RDS, and Directory Services are defined in the PAM Machine, PAM Database, and PAM Directory record types. The following table shows the supported AWS managed resources with KeeperPAM and their corresponding PAM Record Type:
PAM Machine
PAM Database
Directory Service
PAM Directory
Configurations for directory users or IAM users are defined in the PAM User record type.
To successfully rotate IAM User accounts or EC2 local user accounts, the Keeper Gateway needs to have the necessary AWS role policies with the permissions for performing the password rotation.
See the AWS environment setup guide for more information.
If you are not using EC2 instance role policies, the following values are needed in the PAM Configuration:
Access Key ID
This is the Access Key ID from the desired Access Key found in the IAM User account
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if the gateway is deployed to an EC2 Instance that supports instance roles
Secret Access Key
This is the Secret Access Key from the desired Access Key found in the IAM User account
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if the gateway is deployed to an EC2 Instance that supports instance roles
The Keeper Gateway will always first attempt to use the EC2 instance role to authenticate and perform the rotation. If this fails or is not available on the machine, Keeper will use the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key stored in the PAM Configuration.
At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on your Azure network:
Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation
Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records representing each resource
Create PAM User records that contain the necessary account credentials for each resource
Link the PAM User record to the PAM Resource record.
Assign a Secrets Manager Application to all of the shared folders that hold the PAM records
Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration with the AWS environment setting
Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records
Rotating AWS IAM account passwords with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate passwords for AWS IAM users. In Keeper, the PAM Configuration contains all of the information needed to rotate passwords. The record containing the AWS IAM user accounts to be rotated are stored in the PAM User record.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed and running
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The Keeper Gateway uses AWS APIs to rotate the credentials defined in the PAM User records.
In this folder, you’ll create records for the AWS IAM accounts that you’ll rotate. You will create a PAM User record for each user that will be rotated.
Note: The target user to be rotated must have AWS Console access and at minimum have a temporary password set in the AWS Console before the password can be rotated.
Keeper Rotation uses the AWS API to rotate the PAM User records in your AWS environment. The PAM User records need to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS user: TestUser
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated.
Providing a password is optional. Performing a rotation will set one if this field is left blank.
Distinguished Name
This is the full ARN of the user identity, e.g: arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/TestUser
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
In the left menu of the vault, select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS IAM Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application.
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is only for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-DepartmentName
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 2, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select "IAM User" as the rotation method, since this uses AWS APIs.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Note: The user must have AWS Console access and at minimum have a temporary password set in the AWS Console before the password can be rotated.
Rotating AWS EC2 Virtual Machine accounts with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate AWS EC2 Virtual Machine (VM) Accounts on your AWS Environment using Keeper Rotation. The EC2 VM is an AWS managed resource where the EC2 VM Admin Credentials are linked to the PAM Machine record and the identity of the EC2 VM Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For EC2 VM Accounts, normal operating system commands are used to change the password. Keeper will connect to the target machine and send command-line commands to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate via SSH or WinRM with your target AWS Virtual Machine(s).
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
Keeper can rotate any local user account on either the Gateway machine or any other machine on the network. A PAM Machine record should be created for every machine. This PAM Machine record should link to an administrative credential that has the rights to change passwords for users on the machine.
Once a PAM Machine record is created for every machine, a PAM User record needs to be created for each local user account that will be rotated.
Keeper will use the referenced admin credential to rotate the password or SSH key of AWS Virtual Machine users in your AWS environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of these user accounts.
If you are running a rotation on a PAM Machine record which also happens to be the same machine running the Keeper Gateway, Keeper will attempt to rotate the password or SSH key for the account using the keeper-gw user. Assuming that keeper-gw has sudoers privilege, it will be able to perform rotations on the local Gateway machine.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Machine record:
Name of the Record i.e AWS Linux 1
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway
Typically 5985 or 5986 for WinRM, 22 for SSH.
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH key) of the Admin account.
Operating System
The VM Operating System, i.e Windows
or Linux
SSL Verification
For WinRM, if selected, will use SSL mode port 5986. Ignored for SSH.
This PAM Machine Record with the linked admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
Make sure the following items are completed:
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is provisioned in the Keeper Secrets Manager application you created.
PAM Machine records have been created for each target machine
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Configuration.
Configuration name, example: AWS VM Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the prerequisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the machines.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Secret Access Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper will use the credentials linked from the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records in your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields that need to be filled on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS Machine1 ec2-user
Case sensitive username of the user account being rotated, e.g. ec2-user
This is only required if the user logs in with a password. If the password is left blank, performing a rotation will set one.
Private PEM Key
SSH private key. This is only required if you are planning to rotate the PEM key instead of rotating the password.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating AWS Managed Microsoft AD Service accounts with Keeper
In this guide, you will learn how to rotate Admin and User Accounts of an AWS Managed Microsoft AD service using Keeper Rotation. The Active Directory Service is an AWS managed resource where the Directory Service admin credentials are linked to the PAM Directory record type and the configurations of the AD Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon Managed Active Directory Services, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Directory Admins. User Account passwords will be rotated using LDAP and, in order to successfully rotate, server-side LDAPS must be configured and the Directory Admin, defined in the PAM Directory record type, must be using a SSL Connection.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS Directory Services
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
Keeper Rotation will use the linked admin credentials of your AWS Managed Directory Service to rotate passwords of Domain Service's directory accounts. These admin credentials can also be used to rotate the passwords of the Directory admin.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Directory Record:
Name of the Record i.e. AD Domain Service
Hostname or IP Address
The Directory DNS Name i.e. ad.pam.test
Use SSL (checkbox)
Must be checked
Administrative Credentials
PAM User providing the directory service admin account and password i.e. Admin
Note: Either Login and Domain Name or Distinguished Name is required. Distinguished Name is preferred.
Distinguished Name
Directory Service Admin Account's Distinguished Name (DN).
Note: If DN is not provided, the following format will be used:
Given domain name is example.com
Domain Name
The Directory DNS Name Note: This is required if using Login instead of Distinguished Name
Directory ID
Directory Service's Identifier i.e d-##########
Directory Type
Directory Service Directory type, defaults to Active Directory
if left blank.
Provider Region
AWS region name i.e. us-east-1
Note: Adding Provider Region and Directory ID will enable managing the PAM Directory Record through the AWS SDK, which is preferred.
This PAM Directory Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS AD Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Active Directory server from the pre-requisites
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the machines.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Region Names
List of AWS region names, one per line
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Directory record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS Directory User1
Username of the Directory Service's user account
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Distinguished Name
Directory Service User Account's Distinguished Name (DN)
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Directory credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
The following windows command can be used to get the distinguished name of the Directory user:
If the command does not exist, you need to import the appropriate module with:
Rotating AWS RDS accounts with Keeper
In this section, you will learn how to rotate DB User or Admin credentials on the following AWS Managed Databases:
If you are running a database directly on an EC2 instance in your AWS environment instead of using a managed service, refer to the documentation for rotating passwords.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS MariaDB Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS MariaDB Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for MariaDB is an AWS managed resource where the MariaDB Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MariaDB RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the MariaDB RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS PostgreSQL Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS PostgreSQL Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for PostgreSQL is an AWS managed resource where the PostgreSQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the PostgreSQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the PostgreSQL RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the PostgreSQL RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS SQL Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS MySQL Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for MySQL is an AWS managed resource where the MySQL Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the MySQL RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the MySQL RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS SQL Server Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS SQL Server Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for SQL Server is an AWS managed resource where the SQL Server Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the SQL Server Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the SQL Server RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the SQL Server RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Go to the .
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described .
Edit the PAM User record previously described in this :
Create a PAM User record in the shared folder with the fields and custom fields described .
Edit the PAM User record previously described in this :
When , it is possible to attach Rotation Credentials.
Using the PAM User record type to store the admin access key allows you to also automate the rotation of the admin access key. Make sure to follow in that case.
More information about AWS AssumeRole .
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS MariaDB Database
Your AWS environment is per our documentation
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS PostgreSQL Database
Your AWS environment is per our documentation
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS MySQL Database
Your AWS environment is per our documentation
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS SQL Server Database
If the Gateway is installed on a Linux or macOS server, install the
Your AWS environment is per our documentation
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this .
Name of the user account in AWS where the access key needs to be rotated.
It will be a dummy value in this case. The password field gets automatically rotated, but it is not used anywhere. This is still required field.
This field will receive the new access key id after the rotation.
Hidden Field
This field will receive the new secret access key after the rotation.
This field will contain the timestamp of when the new key has been generated by the script.
This field will contain the old access key id(s) removed from the user account in AWS during the rotation.
This custom field is optional. It could be set to “False” or “True”, the default value is “False”.
If set to “True” then the rotation script will start by deleting all existing access keys on the user account before creating a new one. This is needed when the user has already 2 access keys setup. AWS will not allow the script to create a third one, hence the need to delete the existing keys before adding a new one.
This rotation requires the gateway to only execute the rotation script, and not try to rotate something using the built-in rotation features.
The value has to be:
Second field to enable NOOP.
The value has to be:
Keeper record title Ex: AWS MariaDB Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e. rdsdb.ckivswes.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MariaDB RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: AWS PostgreSQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e. rdsdb.ckivswes.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 5432
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your PostgreSQL RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Keeper record title Ex: AWS MySQL Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e. rdsdb.ckivswes.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MySQL RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the admin accounts, not the databases.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: RDS SQL Server Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e. rdsdb.ckivswes.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com
The RDS Port, for default ports see port mapping
i.e. 1433
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your SQL Server RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Password Rotation in the Local Network Environment
In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within a Local Network environment across various target systems.
A "local network" simply means any resource that has line of sight access from the Keeper Gateway. This configuration can be used in any cloud or managed environment. Native protocols are used to communicate to the target resources and perform rotations.
At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on a network:
Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation
Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records representing each resource
Create PAM User records that contain the necessary account credentials for each resource
Link the PAM User record to the PAM Resource record.
Assign a Secrets Manager Application to all of the shared folders that hold the PAM records
Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application
Create a PAM Configuration with the AWS environment setting
Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records
Rotating Windows User Accounts on Local Network
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Windows user accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed and showing online
The Keeper Gateway can communicate over WinRM or SSH to the target machine:
WinRM: Enabled and running on port 5986.
Verification: Run winrm get winrm/config
to verify that WinRM is running. See WinRM setup page for installation help.
SSH: Enabled and running on port 22.
Verification: Run ssh [your-user]@[your-machine] -p 22
to verify that SSH is running.
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
In this guide, we will store the admin credentials in a PAM Machine Record.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Machine Record with your information:
Name of the Record ex: "Local Windows Admin"
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway (internal) or "localhost"
22 for SSH, 5985 (HTTP) or 5986 (HTTPS) for WinRM
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH Key) of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
The linked PAM User record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is accessible to the Keeper Gateway.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Windows LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has SSH access to your Windows devices
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the machine resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Keeper can automatically update the Windows service account "log on as" credentials for any Windows services running as the PAM User, and restart the service. Keeper will also update the credential of any scheduled task running as that user on the target machine.
To learn more and set up this capability, see the Service Management page.
Rotating Local Mac User Accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to remotely rotate MacOS accounts via SSH using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Keeper Rotation will use the linked admin credential to rotate other accounts in your environment. This account does not need to be joined to a domain, or a full admin account, but the account needs to be able to successfully change passwords for other accounts.
Record Type
PAM Machine
My macOS User
Hostname or IP Address
IP address or hostname of the directory macOS device. Use localhost if the gateway is installed on the device. Examples:
, MarysMacBook
, localhost
SSH port, typically: 22
- SSH is required for rotation.
Must be enabled
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH Key) of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Operating System
For Mac OS rotation, use: MacOS
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
In the left menu of the vault, select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab. Create a new configuration:
Configuration name, example: MAC Rotation
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that has SSH access to your MacOS devices
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the machine resources.
Default Rotation Schedule
Keeper Rotation will use the linked credentials in the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records in your environment.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Other fields
These should be left blank
Select the PAM User record, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the "PAM Machine" credential setup previously.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Linux User Accounts on Local Network
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Linux user accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation, including both password-based and SSH Key-based credentials. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
In this guide, we will store the admin credentials in a PAM Machine Record.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Machine Record with your information:
Name of the Record ex: "Local Linux Admin"
Hostname or IP Address
Machine hostname or IP as accessed by the Gateway (internal) or "localhost"
22 for SSH
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password (or SSH Key) of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
The linked PAM User record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is accessible to the Keeper Gateway.
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Linux LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has SSH access to your Linux devices
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the machine resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Machine record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Private PEM Key
SSH private key. This is only required if you are planning to rotate the PEM key instead of rotating the password.
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Machine credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Admin/Regular AWS Oracle Database Users with Keeper
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate passwords for AWS Oracle Database User and Admin accounts on your AWS environment using Keeper Rotation. RDS for Oracle is an AWS managed resource where the Oracle Admin Credentials are defined in the PAM Database record type and the configurations of the MySQL Users are defined in the PAM User record type.
For Amazon RDS, the AWS SDK will be used to rotate the password of Database Admin Accounts. To rotate the passwords of Regular Database Users, Keeper connects to the DB instance with the provided admin credentials and executes the necessary SQL statements to change the password.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate with your AWS Oracle Database
Your AWS environment is configured per our documentation
The PAM Database record contains the admin credentials and necessary configurations to connect to the Oracle RDS instance on AWS. Keeper Rotation will use these provided configurations to rotate passwords of regular database user accounts in the Oracle RDS instance. These provided admin credentials need to also have sufficient database permissions to successfully change the credentials of the database user accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Database Record:
Keeper record title Ex: AWS Oracle Admin
Hostname or IP Address
The RDS Endpoint i.e. rdsdb.ckivswes.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Admin account username that will perform rotation
Admin account password
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
Database ID
The AWS DB instance ID
Database Type
Provider Region
The region your Amazon RDS instance is using. i.e us-east-2
Note: Adding Provider Region and Database ID will enable managing the PAM Database Record through the SDK.
This PAM Database Record with the admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration".
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: AWS RDS Configuration
Select: AWS
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Oracle RDS Instance
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
A unique ID for this instance of AWS. This is for your reference and can be anything, but its recommended to be kept short
Ex: AWS-1
Access Key ID
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Access Key ID.
Access Secret Key
Set this field to USE_INSTANCE_ROLE
if you are using EC2 role policy (default). Otherwise use a specific Secret Access Key.
For more details on all the configurable fields in the PAM Configuration record, visit this page.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your AWS environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Keeper record title i.e. AWS DB User 1
Case sensitive username of the account being rotated. If the user in the DB user table is in a Host other than %, add the Host value to the user name as USERNAME@HOST
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Active Directory or OpenLDAP user accounts remotely using KeeperPAM
In this guide, you'll learn how to remotely rotate Active Directory or OpenLDAP user accounts using KeeperPAM.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Rotation enforcements are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
Your Keeper Gateway is online
The Keeper Gateway is able to communicate via LDAPS (port 636) or LDAP (port 389) to your directory.
Keeper Rotation will use the linked admin credential to rotate other accounts in your directory. This account does not need to be a domain admin account, but needs to be able to successfully change passwords for other accounts.
The linked admin credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the pre-requisites. Only the KSM application needs access to this privileged account, it does not need to be shared with any users.
Record Type
PAM Directory
Keeper record title
Hostname or IP Address
IP address, hostname or FQDN of the directory server. Examples:
, dc01.mydomain.local
- LDAPS is required for rotation on Active Directory.
LDAP over port 389
is insecure and should be avoided.
Must be enabled for use with Active Directory
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User credential used for performing the LDAP rotation. Example: rotationadmin
Domain Name
Domain name of the Active Directory. Example: mydomain.local
Directory Type
Set to Active Directory
or OpenLDAP
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
A PAM Configuration associates an environment with a Keeper Gateway and credentials. If you don't have a PAM Configuration set up yet for this use case, create one.
Configuration name, example: My Active Directory
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that has access to your directory server
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder that contains the PAM Directory record
Other fields
KeeperPAM will use the credentials linked from the "PAM Directory" record to rotate other "PAM User" records in your environment. The PAM User credential needs to be saved in a shared folder that is assigned to the secrets manager application. In the example below, the AD user demouser
can be rotated.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title, e.g. AD User - demouser
Username of the account being rotated. The format of the username depends on the target system and type of service.
Account password is optional. In most cases, a password rotation will not require the existing password to be present. However there are some scenarios and protocols which may require it.
Distinguished Name
Required for Active Directory and OpenLDAP directories.
The LDAP DN for the user, e.g.
CN=Demo User,CN=Users,DC=lureydemo,DC=local
If you don't know the user's DN, the following PowerShell command can be used to find it:
Select the PAM User record, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Any user with edit rights to a PAM User record and enforcement policies allowing rotation has the ability to set up rotation for that record.
The "Rotation" should be of type "General".
The "PAM Resource" field should select the "PAM Directory" credential setup previously.
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
An easy way to test if LDAP is properly configured is to run 'LDP.exe' and test the connection. If this connection succeeds, then Keeper Rotation should also succeed.
For the purpose of testing an Active Directory user account rotation with Keeper, it is necessary to ensure that the LDAPS connection is active and using a valid certificate. If you are just testing and don't have a production certificate, the instructions below provide you with a self-signed cert.
Using a self-signed certificate with AD is only for testing purposes, do not use in production
Rotating Local Network MariaDB database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MariaDB User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this .
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database record to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network MySQL database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MySQL Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this .
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked from the PAM Database record to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network Microsoft SQL Server database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MS SQL Server Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this .
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database record with your information:
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network MongoDB database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local MongoDB User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this .
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials linked from the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Rotating Local Network PostgreSQL database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local Postgres Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this .
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database Record with your information:
Note: You can skip this step if you already have a PAM Configuration set up for this environment.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
The RDS Port, for default ports see
i.e. 1521
Depends on your use case. See the section.
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MariaDB database
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MySQL database
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MySQL database
If the Gateway is installed on a Linux or macOS server, install the
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your MongoDB Database
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
A Keeper Rotation is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your Postgres database
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mariadb=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Database Type
or maridb-flexible
Configuration name, example: MariaDB LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MariaDB database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mysql=3306
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Database Type
Configuration name, example: MySQL LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MySQL database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mssql=1433
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Database Type
Configuration name, example: MSSQL LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MS SQL Server database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MS SQL server requires a database and so this will default to master
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: mongodb=27017
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example, MongoDB requires a database and so this will default to admin
Database Type
Configuration name, example: MongoDB LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your MongoDB database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server.
For example: MongoDB requires a database and so this will default to admin
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
For default ports, see port mapping
Ex: postgresql=5432
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example, PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1.
Database Type
or postgresql-flexible
Configuration name, example: Postgresql LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your PostgreSQL database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Connect Database
Optional database that will be used when connecting to the database server. For example: PostgreSQL requires a database and so this will default to template1.
Rotating Snowflake users within your Keeper Vault
This documentation explains how to rotate Snowflake accounts using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
snowflake.connector Library: Ensure that the snowflake connector library is installed in your python environment.
The Snowflake Connector for Python provides an interface for developing Python applications that can connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations. You should have snowflake connector library installed in your python environment to successfully run the post-rotation script. To install snowflake connector, activate a Python virtual environment in your keeper-gateway environment and run the following command:
pip install snowflake-connector-python
NOTE: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here Python Environment Setup
Follow these steps to successfully setup rotation on Snowflake User Records:
Create a new PAM User record to store Snowflake User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Snowflake user's email address.
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
PAM script to rotate Snowflake user credentials:
The above script for the Snowflake Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Snowflake User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential:
Rotating Okta user accounts using the Okta API
This documentation explains how to rotate Okta accounts using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Okta API Token: You will need an Okta API Token to interact with the Okta API.
Follow the steps in the official Okta documentation to generate an API token.
Store this API token in a Keeper record. The record can be of any type, but for this example, we will use a "Login" type.
Store the API Token in the "password" field.
Store the Organization URL in the "Website Address" field.
Name this record "Okta API Access Details" as this title will be used to fetch the record in the script later.
Create a new PAM User record to store Okta User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Okta user's email address.
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Okta SDK only supports password rotation if the current password is valid. If the password is incorrect, the rotation will fail.
Add the "Additional Credential" record, which is the "Okta API Access Details" record created in Step 1.
In the example below, we'll use the bash script because the Keeper Gateway is running as a Docker container.
Rotation Type: Set it to "Run PAM scripts only"
PAM Configuration: Select the configuration for your environment
In order for the post-rotation script to execute, the host where the Keeper Gateway is running needs to have the necessary execution environment available.
The Bash script below works on the latest Docker version of the Keeper Gateway or any Linux environment that has jq
The Python script below is well-commented and follows best practices. It imports necessary modules, initializes variables, and defines functions for various tasks like finding a password by its title, fetching all Okta users, and rotating the password for the particular user.
Rotating Local Network Oracle database accounts with Keeper Rotation
In this guide, you'll learn how to rotate Local Oracle Database User and/or Admin accounts within your local network using Keeper Rotation. For a high-level overview on the rotation process in the local network, visit this page.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
Keeper Secrets Manager is enabled for your role
Keeper Rotation is enabled for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager application has been created
A Keeper Rotation gateway is already installed, running, and is able to communicate to your Oracle database
Keeper Rotation will use an admin credential linked to the PAM Database to rotate credentials of other accounts in your local environment. These admin credentials need to have the sufficient permissions in order to successfully change the credentials of other accounts.
The following table lists all the required fields that needs to be filled on the PAM Database record with your information:
Keeper record title Ex: dbadmin
Hostname or IP Address
Server address - doesn't need to be publicly routable
Check to perform SSL verification before connecting, if your database has SSL configured
Administrative Credentials
Linked PAM User record that contains the username and password of the Admin account which will perform the rotation.
Database Type
If you already have a PAM Configuration for your Local environment, you can simply add the additional Resource Credentials required for rotating database users to the existing PAM Configuration.
If you are creating a new PAM Configuration, login to the Keeper Vault and select "Secrets Manager", then select the "PAM Configurations" tab, and click on "New Configuration". The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM Configuration Record:
Configuration name, example: Oracle LAN Configuration
Select: Local Network
Select the Gateway that is configured on the Keeper Secrets Manager application and has network access to your Oracle database
Application Folder
Select the Shared folder where the PAM Configuration will be stored. We recommend placing this in a shared folder with the PAM User records, not the database resources.
Keeper Rotation will use the credentials in the PAM Database record to rotate the PAM User records on your Local environment. The PAM User credential needs to be in a shared folder that is shared to the KSM application created in the prerequisites.
The following table lists all the required fields on the PAM User record:
Record Type
PAM User
Keeper record title
Case sensitive username of the db account being rotated. Example: msmith
Account password is optional, rotation will set one if blank
Select the PAM User record(s) from Step 3, edit the record and open the "Password Rotation Settings".
Select the desired schedule and password complexity.
The "Rotation Settings" should use the PAM Configuration setup previously.
The "Resource Credential" field should select the PAM Database credential setup from Step 1.
Upon saving, the rotation button will be enabled and available to rotate on demand, or via the selected schedule.
Any user with edit
rights to a PAM User record has the ability to setup rotation for that record.
Automatically rotate any cloud-based account using a REST API with Keeper Secrets Manager
This documentation provides generic instructions on how to set up password rotation using KeeperPAM's rotation option called "Run PAM scripts only". This is a setting in the PAM User rotation settings which tells the Gateway to skip the primary rotation method and directly execute the post-rotation script attached to the PAM User record in the vault.
This guide includes pre-requisites, step-by-step instructions, and a Python script example.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
REST API Token: You will need an API Token to interact with the arbitrary API.
Follow the steps in your target application or service to generate an API token.
Store this API token in a Keeper record. The record can be of any type, but for this example, we will use a "Login" type.
Store the API Token in the "password" field.
Store the Organization URL in the "Website Address" field.
Name this record "API Access Details" as this title will be used to fetch the record in the script later.
Create a new PAM User record to store target User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the user's login ID.
Set the password to the current password set for the user (this really depends on the REST endpoint)
Attach the below Python script that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Add the "Rotation Credential" record, which is the record created in Step 1 containing the API Token and URL.
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
Below steps are related to the environment where the Keeper Gateway is running.
Ensure that the Python environment has all necessary dependencies installed.
If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script.
Note: Ensure that the shebang line does not contain spaces. If it does, create a symbolic link without spaces. Example to create a symbolic link on Linux:
sudo ln -s "/Users/john/PAM Rotation Example/.venv/bin/python3" /usr/local/bin/pam_rotation_venv_python3
The Python script is well-commented and follows best practices. It imports necessary modules, initializes variables, and defines a rotation function to call an arbitrary REST API that changes user's password.
Managing the credentials of Windows services and scheduled tasks
KeeperPAM Password Rotation is able to automatically manage the "log on" credentials for Windows services and scheduled tasks.
When rotation is performed for a specific PAM User record, the Keeper Gateway will update the credentials for all services and scheduled tasks on the target machine, and restart the services.
This guide assumes the following tasks have already taken place:
The Keeper Gateway can communicate over WinRM or SSH to the target machine:
SSH: Enabled and running on port 22.
Verification: Run ssh [your-user]@[your-machine] -p 22
to verify that SSH is running.
Any Windows-based PAM Machine record being managed needs to have the operating system field set to windows
If you don't use Discovery, this can be managed directly through the Commander CLI interface using the pam action service
Keeper Commander provides the necessary commands to associate services and scheduled tasks, such that password rotations will trigger an update and restart of the service.
Use the pam gateway list
command to locate the Gateway UID which manages the machine containing the services and scheduled tasks. You'll need this for the next step.
The PAM Machine and PAM User UIDs can be found in Commander by using the ls -l
command inside a folder or by using the search
The UIDs can also be found in the Keeper Vault "Record Information" screen:
Use the pam action service
command to instruct Keeper to update services and scheduled tasks on a particular machine, for a particular user, within a network.
To instruct Keeper to update and restart services and scheduled tasks on a particular machine, use the syntax below:
To instruct Keeper to remove the associations of services and scheduled tasks on a machine:
To display the current mappings between Gateway, Machine and User accounts where services and tasks need to be managed, use the pam action service list
To perform a password rotation of a PAM User account, click on the Rotate button from the vault user interface.
To perform the rotation from Commander, run pam action rotate
To view the status of the rotation job, check the Vault UI or run the pam action job-info
command as instructed:
Note: Keeper will not start a service which is currently stopped. We will only restart any actively running services after updating the log on credential.
When troubleshooting a service credential update issue, please make sure of the following:
For a Windows server, ensure the operating system field is set to Windows
Ensure that the Keeper Gateway can communicate to the PAM Machine via WinRM or SSH.
Check the Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application events for any error messages
Perform privileged automation tasks with Post-Rotation scripts and password rotation
Post-rotation scripts (PAM Scripts) are user-defined software programs that can perform privilege automation tasks. Scripts can be attached to any PAM resource records in the vault. Depending on the PAM record the script is attached to, the script will execute either on the Keeper Gateway, or the remote host where password rotation occurred.
The following table shows all the available PAM Records and where the attached script will execute:
When setting up rotation on a record, you can select from one of the following methods:
IAM User
Run PAM scripts only
When the "General" or "IAM User" methods are selected, Keeper will attempt to rotate the credentials using built-in capabilities based on the information stored in the record.
When the "Run PAM scripts only" option is selected, Keeper will skip the default rotation task and immediately run the attached PAM scripts instead.
Scripts will be executed in the following order:
Scripts attached to PAM User records
Scripts attached to PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory Record types
Scripts attached to PAM Configuration Record types
If multiple scripts are attached to a record, scripts will be executed in the order they appear on the PAM Record.
Here are some of the use cases made possible with Keeper Post-Rotation Scripts:
Custom rotation scripts for any type of target
Revoking access to a resource
Sending notifications to team members
Propagating the password change to other systems
Any other custom privilege automation task
Attaching post-rotation scripts to PAM resource records
When creating or editing a PAM record, click on the Add PAM Script button
Clicking on Add PAM Script will allow you to:
Browse locally and choose your Rotation Script(s).
Add "Additional Credentials". This is an option to add additional records which contains the credentials needed by the post rotation script. These credentials must be available to the Keeper Gateway.
Specify an optional custom command to executed. In the below screenshot, a python script (postRotationTest.py
) is attached, and a specific command to be used to execute the python script.
After successfully selecting the script(s), the record will be updated to show the attached Post Rotation scripts:
Click Save to create or update the record. Attached Post Rotation Scripts can be deleted or edited by clicking on their respective actions.
Description of the input parameters passed into PAM Scripts
Upon successful rotation of credentials on a PAM record, Keeper executes the attached Post-Rotation scripts with parameters containing information on the involved records, credentials, and user.
The Keeper Gateway executes PAM scripts and provides inputs to the script through stdin parameters. These parameters are placed in a Base64 encoded JSON object and piped to the script.
For example, the Keeper Gateway will essentially execute the script on a Linux machine as follows:
The following keys can be found in this base64 encoded JSON object:
fieldThe records key value is a Base64, JSON array of dictionaries. This array will include the following data:
PAM Configuration information
Related PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory Record Data
Additional Records supplied when uploading the post-rotation scripts
User Record Data
Each dictionary object will contain:
- The UID of the Vault record.
- The title of the Vault record.
The rest of the dictionary will contain key/value pairs of the record's data where the key will be the label of the field. If the field does not contain a label, the field type will be used. If the key already exists, a number will be added to the key.
Upon execution of the PAM Script, an array is returned containing instances of RotationResult
for each script that was executed. The class RotationResult
has the following attributes:
- Keeper Vault record UID that has the script attached
- Command that was issued to the shell
- Operating system the script will run upon
- Title of the script attached to the Keeper Vault record
- Name of the script attached to the Keeper Vault record
- Was the script successful?
Linux and macOS - Script returned in a 0 return code.
Windows - Script returned a True status.
- The stdout from the execution of the script
- The stderr from the execution of the script
Additionally, the following methods can be used to determine if the script was a success, or not:
With this, it is possible to customize logging:
The class RotationResult
has attribute stderr
which logs the errors from execution of the script.
Although post rotation script results and information are available via the RotationResult
class, errors and outputs of scripts are based on the type of shell the script is executed on. Keeper does not check the stdout or errors of the scripts as Keeper does not know what defines as an error for a customer-controlled script.
For example, if a BASH script does not contain a set -e
, the script will continue even if part of the script fails. If the script exits with a 0
return code, the script will be flagged as successful.
Therefore, it is up to the customer to properly handle the outputs and errors of the script.
Rotate your Cisco IOS XE Network Credentials
In this guide, you will learn how to set up password rotation to rotate Cisco IOS XE network credentials.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Requests Library: Ensure that the requests library is installed in your Python environment. This library is necessary for making HTTP requests to Cisco devices.
Setting up AnyConnect Cisco VPN: In order to connect to cisco devices, ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured
Test Cisco Device Connectivity
The Requests library allows you to send HTTP requests easily. Activate a Python virtual environment in your Keeper Gateway environment and install the library using the following command:
Ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured in order to connect to cisco device. This setup is necessary for establishing secure connections to Cisco devices.
Following these steps will allow you to test the Cisco device and create a new user in the Cisco sandbox environment.
Log in with your Cisco account credentials.
Select and launch the sandbox.
Navigate to the sandbox catalog.
Select the appropriate sandbox for your Cisco device (e.g., Cisco IOS XE, etc.).
Launch the sandbox.
After launching the sandbox, you will receive an email with the connection details or find them in the DevNet Environment under Quick Access.
Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Enter the VPN connection details provided in the email or from the DevNet Environment.
Connect using the provided username and password.
At this point, you will see Developer Credentials—a host, username, and password. Store these values in a Keeper Security record of type Login
named as Cisco Authentication Record
. You will need this Keeper Security record name in order to run the post-rotation script.
Add a custom field named host_endpoint
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Open your terminal or SSH client.
Connect to the Cisco device using the provided IP address and credentials.
Login with Admin User (developer):
Enable privileged commands:
Enter configuration mode:
Create a new user with a password:
Login with the new user:
Note: Replace
with the username you created and<device-ip>
with the IP address of the Cisco device.
Once you have your prerequisites ready, make sure you cover the following:
Make sure you satisfy all the prerequisites
Ensure that the post-rotation script references the Keeper Security record containing your Cisco admin credentials.
Attach the post-rotation script to a Keeper Security PAM user record using the Keeper Security documentation. When this record has its secrets rotated, the post-rotation script will execute and update the password for the specified Cisco device user.
Create a new PAM User record to store Cisco User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Cisco device admin credentials
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Add a custom field named host_endpoint
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
PAM script to rotate Cisco IOS XE user credentials:
The above script for the Cisco Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
Note: The user whose password is getting rotated should not be an administrator and must be Authorized for Client VPN [While adding the user via user management portal, the authorized option should be selected as 'Yes'].
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Cisco User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential:
Rotate your Cisco Meraki Network Credentials
In this guide, you will learn how to set up password rotation to rotate Cisco Meraki network credentials.
KSM Application: Ensure that the Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) application is set up.
Shared Folder: A shared folder should be set up where all the records will be stored.
PAM Configuration: Ensure that the PAM Configuration is set up and that the Gateway is running and attached to this configuration.
Requests Library: Ensure that the requests library is installed in your Python environment. This library is necessary for making HTTP requests to Cisco devices.
Setting up AnyConnect Cisco VPN: In order to connect to cisco devices, ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured
Test Cisco Device Connectivity
The Requests library allows you to send HTTP requests easily. Activate a Python virtual environment in your Keeper Gateway environment and install the library using the following command:
Ensure that the machine hosting Keeper Gateway has Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed and properly configured inorder to connect to cisco device. This setup is necessary for establishing secure connections to Cisco devices.
Following these steps will allow you to test the Cisco device and create a new user in the Cisco sandbox environment.
Log in with your Cisco account credentials.
Select and launch the sandbox.
Navigate to the sandbox catalog.
Select the appropriate sandbox for your Cisco device (e.g., Cisco IOS XE, etc.).
Launch the sandbox.
After launching the sandbox, you will receive an email with the connection details or find them in the DevNet Environment under Quick Access.
Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Enter the VPN connection details provided in the email or from the DevNet Environment.
Connect using the provided username and password.
At this point, you will see Developer Credentials—a host, username, and password. Store these values in a Keeper Security record of type Login
named as Cisco Authentication Record
. You will need this Keeper Security record name in order to run the post-rotation script.
Add a custom field named network_id
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Open your terminal or SSH client.
Connect to the Cisco device using the provided IP address and credentials.
Login with Admin User (developer):
Enable privileged commands:
Enter configuration mode:
Create a new user with a password:
Login with the new user:
Note: Replace
with the username you created and<device-ip>
with the IP address of the Cisco device.
Once you have your prerequisites ready, make sure you cover the following:
Make sure you satisfy all the prerequisites
Ensure that the post-rotation script references the Keeper Security record containing your Cisco admin credentials.
Attach the post-rotation script to a Keeper Security PAM user record using the Keeper Security documentation. When this record has its secrets rotated, the post-rotation script will execute and update the password for the specified Cisco device user.
Create a new PAM User record to store Cisco User details whose password will be rotated.
Set the username to match the Cisco device admin credentials
Set the password to the current password set for the user.
Add a custom field named network_id
to the Cisco Authentication Record and set its value to the host address (e.g.,
Enable No-Operation (NOOP) atomic execution:
In the current PAM User record where user's details are stored, create a new custom text field labeled NOOP
and set its value to True
Rotation Type: Set it to "On-Demand" for this example.
Password Complexity: Leave it as default unless you have specific requirements.
Rotation Settings: Point to the PAM Configuration set up earlier.
Administrative Credentials Record: Can should be left empty
PAM script to rotate Cisco Meraki user credentials:
The above script for the Cisco Post-Rotation Script can be also found here:
Note: The user whose password is getting rotated should not be an administrator and must be Authorized for Client VPN [While adding the user via user management portal, the authorized option should be selected as 'Yes'].
After successfully setting up Rotation for your Cisco User Credentials on the PAM User Record, clicking on "Run Scripts Only" will rotate the credential:
For default ports, see
Ex: oracle=1521
are configured for your role
A Keeper Secrets Manager has been created
Your is online
WinRM: Enabled and running on port 5986.
Verification: Run winrm get winrm/config
to verify that WinRM is running. See for installation help.
When running a , Keeper will automatically locate any services or scheduled tasks that require update when a password is rotated.
If you haven't set up Keeper Commander yet, please follow the .
Note: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here in the .
Go to the
Get detailed connection instructions .
Attach the below that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
Note: If you want to use a virtual environment, add a shebang line at the top of the script as documented here in the .
Go to the
Get detailed connection instructions .
Attach the below that will perform the password rotation. The script has additional comments inside that describe each line.
PAM Configuration
PAM Machine
The Machine specified in the record
PAM Database
PAM Directory
PAM User
The UID of the PAM Configuration record
The UID of the PAM Resource record
The UID of the PAM User record
The new password generated for the User
The previous password for the User
The username for the User
Base64-encoded JSON array of record dictionaries
boolean, return True if failure, False if success
boolean, returns True if success, False if failure
Examples of post-rotation scripts in KeeperPAM
The below example post-rotation scripts simply echo the input parameters in various languages and platforms. The output of the print statements can be found in the Keeper Gateway log file.
Note: For this example, jq needs to be installed to parse the JSON. Attach this as a PAM script and perform the rotation. The Gateway logfile will contain the output.
Attach this as a PAM script and perform the rotation. The Keeper Gateway logfile will contain the output. This script simply echoes the input.
Here's a PowerShell script that sends a Webhook to a 3rd party site.
The post rotation script is not limited to shell scripts. Applications can be written in languages like Python or C# to get the piped parameters. Since the UIDs of the Rotation involved records are passed in the params, the post-rotation script can use the Keeper Secrets Manager SDKs to get additional information.
Instantly access your infrastructure with zero-trust security from your Keeper Vault
Keeper Connections allow users to instantly and securely access assets within their target infrastructure, such as servers, databases, web apps and workloads directly from their Keeper Vault. Keeper Connections are configured on PAM Machine, PAM Database, PAM Directory and PAM Remote Browser record types, and once configured, connections are launched directly from these records.
One of the key features of Keeper Connections is the agentless and clientless architecture. Organizations need to install only a Keeper Gateway in each managed environment. This streamlined approach simplifies deployment and enhances security by centralizing access management.
Connections are launched directly from the Vault interface with one click. The connection is established between the Keeper Gateway and the target machine, and the session is visually projected into the Vault where you can interact seamlessly.
Full screen mode and zoom controls are available from the upper right corner of the window.
The Connection Dock provides instant switching between active sessions. The dock can be moved to any desired location on the screen.
The dock can be minimized and moved anywhere on the screen.
When launching a connection, the Web and Desktop Vault Client will render a window with the established connection protocol to the specified target defined on the PAM record. This is done by:
The Vault Client communicating with the Keeper Gateway with the relevant connection info through a secure tunnel
The Keeper Gateway then establishes the connection protocol to the target defined on the PAM Record
After establishing the connection, the Keeper Gateway projects the visual session to the Keeper vault client.
For more information on the architecture, see this page.
IT Admins, DevOps and development teams struggle with protecting access to cloud and on-prem infrastructure to endpoints like remote desktops, Windows machines, Linux Servers, critical web-based apps, Kubernetes clusters and Databases.
Keeper Connections protects your business, your employees and your customers against data breaches by providing a unified vault for all access and control. Reducing risk and simplifying access are the core tenants of the Keeper platform.
Lower complexity: All zero trust access is managed by the Keeper Vault
Lower employee risk: No VPNs, No ZTNAs and no Agents
Lower supply chain risk: No client-side connection apps
Lower attack surface risk: Zero-knowledge encryption and networking
Support for RDP, SSH, VNC, K8s, telnet remote access protocols
Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server database protocols
Remote browser isolation (http/https) protocol for web-based apps
Drag-and-drop file transfer via SFTP to target machines
Session Recording and playback
Privileged Session Management
Role-Based Access Controls
To get started with Keeper Connections, proceed to the next section.
Details on the available connection protocols in KeeperPAM for interactive privileged sessions
The following table lists all the supported connection protocols that can be configured in your Keeper Vault to establish zero-trust privilege sessions. Visit the associated link for each protocol for more details on configuration.
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the SSH connection protocol
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the RDP connection protocol
PAM Database
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Database Record with the MySQL connection protocol
PAM Database
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Database Record with the SQL Server connection protocol
PAM Database
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Database Record with the PostgreSQL connection protocol
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the VNC connection protocol
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the Telnet connection protocol
PAM Remote Browser
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with http or https protocol in an isolated Chromium browser session
Keeper Connections - SSH Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for target infrastructure using the SSH protocol. This guide explains how to set up SSH connections on your PAM Machine Records in the Keeper Vault. Secure SSH sessions are established from the Vault, through the Keeper Gateway, and directly to target devices.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's Getting Started page.
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
This guide will use a Linux server to represent a PAM Machine record.
After creating a PAM Record Type (PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory) with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the SSH protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable connection settings for the SSH protocol on the PAM Settings:
The protocol to be configured on the record. The protocol settings will be populated based on the selected protocol. In this guide, the SSH protocol should be selected
Enable Connection
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Text Session Recording (Typescript)
When enabled, text session recordings (typescript) will be enabled for this record
Connection Port
The port used to establish the selected protocol connection. By Default, this will be the port value defined on the PAM Machine record. The port specified here will override the default port. For SSH, the port is 22
Public Host Key (Base64)
The known hosts entry for the SSH server, in the same format as would be specified within an OpenSSH known_hosts
file. If not provided, no verification of host identity will be performed.
Color Scheme
The color scheme to use for the terminal emulator used by SSH connections. Each color scheme dictates the default foreground and background color for the terminal. Programs which specify colors when printing text will override these defaults. Legal values are:
"black on white" - Black text over a white background
"gray on black" - Gray text over a black background (the default)
"green on black" - Green text over a black background
"white on black" - White text over a black background
"Custom" - custom color scheme
Default value is "white-black"
Font Size
Font size displayed for the terminal session
If enabled, the user can drag and drop files into the terminal session to transfer one or more files.
File Browser Root Directory
If SFTP is enabled, file transfers will be saved to the specified folder path.
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user.
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from clipboard within the connected protocol session.
Once you have configured the SSH Protocol connection on your PAM Machine Record, your record will contain the following connection banner with the "Launch" Button:
In the above image, a Linux server has been configured on the PAM Machine Record. When clicking launch, the Vault Client will render a window with the established connection protocol to the specified target:
If the SFTP file transfer feature is enabled, the user can drag and drop files into the terminal session to transfer the files to the machine.
Keeper supports one or more files transferred simultaneously through drag-and-drop.
While the files are being uploaded to the target machine, a file transfer status is displayed in the dock area of the Keeper Vault:
The SSH protocol can also be used to access Windows servers for execution of PowerShell commands or other administrative actions.
Learn more on how to activate SSH on Windows
Keeper Connections - RDP Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for target infrastructure using the RDP protocol. This guide explains how to set up RDP connections on your PAM Machine Records in the Keeper Vault. Secure RDP sessions are established from the Vault, through the Keeper Gateway, and directly to target devices.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's Getting Started page.
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure
The PAM Machine record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish an RDP protocol connection to.
The PAM User record contains the user credentials that will be used to connect to the endpoint
This guide will use a Azure VM as an example. For more details on how this is setup on the PAM Machine Record, visit the following page:
After creating a PAM Record Type (PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory) with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the RDP protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable settings for the RDP protocol on the PAM Settings:
The protocol to be configured on the record. The protocol settings will be populated based on the selected protocol. In this guide, the RDP protocol should be selected
Enable Connection
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Connection Port
The port used to establish the selected protocol connection. By Default, this will be the port value defined on the PAM Machine record. The port specified here will override the default port. For RDP, the port is 3389
Security Mode
The security mode to use for the RDP connection. This mode dictates how data will be encrypted and what type of authentication will be performed, if any. By default, security mode negotiation is performed.
Legal values are:
"any" - Negotiate with the server, allowing the RDP server to choose its preferred security mode (the default).
"NLA" - Network Level Authentication, sometimes also referred to as "hybrid" or CredSSP (the protocol that drives NLA) and uses TLS encryption.
"RDP Encryption" - Standard RDP encryption. Newer Windows servers generally have this mode disabled by default, and instead require NLA.
"TLS Encryption" - Transport Layer Security.
"Hyper-V/VMConnect" - Automatically select the security mode based on the security protocols supported by both the client and the server, limiting that negotiation to only the protocols known to be supported by Hyper-V / VMConnect. This security mode must be selected if connecting to the console of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
Default value is Any
Disable Authentication
If enabled, authentication will be disabled. Note that this refers to authentication that takes place while connecting. Any authentication enforced by the server over the remote desktop session (such as a login dialog) will still take place. By default, authentication is enabled and only used when requested by the server.
If you are using NLA, authentication must be enabled by definition.
Ignore Server Certificate
If enabled, the certificate returned by the server will be ignored, even if that certificate cannot be validated. This is useful if you universally trust the server and your connection to the server, and you know that the server's certificate cannot be validated (for example, if it is self-signed)
Load Balance Info/Cookie
The load balancing information or cookie which should be provided to the connection broker. If no connection broker is being used, this should be left blank
RDP Source ID
The numeric ID of the RDP source. This is a non-negative integer value dictating which of potentially several logical RDP connections should be used. This parameter is only required if the RDP server is documented as requiring it. If using Hyper-V, this should be left blank.
Preconnection BLOB (VM ID)
An arbitrary string which identifies the RDP source - one of potentially several logical RDP connections hosted by the same RDP server. This parameter is only required if the RDP server is documented as requiring it, such as Hyper-V. In all cases, the meaning of this parameter is opaque to the RDP protocol itself and is dictated by the RDP server. For Hyper-V, this will be the ID of the destination virtual machine.
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from clipboard within the connected protocol session
Disable Audio
Audio output is always enabled by default. If you are concerned about bandwidth usage, or audio is causing problems, you can explicitly disable audio output
When troubleshooting authentication and connection issues, check the following:
Ensure the user specified in the linked PAM User record has the rights to RDP to the target machine.
Adjust your group policy or add the user to the "Remote Desktop Users" group on Windows to grant access.
For additional troubleshooting, refer to the Gateway logs which will contain additional information. The location of the Gateway logs depends on the installation method.
Getting Started with configuring connections on your PAM Record types
In this guide, you will learn how to setup connections for all the supported protocols on your PAM Record types in your Keeper Vault.
Prior to configuring Connections, make sure to have the following:
The following Enforcement Policies affect user's permissions to use Connections and need to be enabled.
Enforcement policies for KeeperPAM are managed in the Keeper Admin Console under Admin > Roles > Enforcement Policies > Privileged Access Manager.
Can configure connection settings
Allow users to configure Tunnel settings on PAM Machine, PAM Directory, PAM Database and PAM Configuration Records Types
Can start connections
Allow users to start tunnels on PAM Machine, PAM Directory and PAM Database Record Types
Can view recordings
Allow users to view session Recordings.
Tunnels can also be enabled on the Keeper Commander CLI using the enterprise-role
If a user should only have access to launching connections and not configuring connections, then only "Can start connections" policy should be enabled for the user.
In addition to launching connections, If a user should also have access to configure connections, then "Can configure connections settings" and "Can start connections" should be enabled for the user.
Launched connections can also be recorded. These recordings are available on the PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory record types and can be played back on your Vault. For more details on session recording and playback, visit this page.
The Keeper Gateway is a hosted agentless service that is installed on the customer's network to enabled zero-trust access to target infrastructure. Typically this service is installed on a Linux or Docker environment in each of the networks that requires access.
For more details on installing and setting up your gateway, visit this page.
The PAM Configuration contains essential information of your target infrastructure, settings and Keeper Gateway. Setting up a PAM Configuration for your infrastructure is required. For more information on creating and configuring the PAM Configuration, visit this page.
A Keeper Connection is a secure, encrypted interactive session established between your vault client to the target endpoint. The target endpoint needs to be defined on one of the following PAM Record types:
Windows/MacOS/Linux Machines, EC2 Instances, Azure VMs
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, MariaDB, Oracle
Active Directory, OpenLDAP
Web-based applications
Depending on your target endpoint, visit the corresponding PAM Record Type page for more information on setup.
The following table lists all the supported connection protocol that can be configured in your Keeper Vault. Visit the associated link for each protocol for more details on configuration.
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the SSH connection protocol
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the RDP connection protocol
PAM Browser
Connecting to the URL defined in the PAM Browser Record with the Remote Browser Isolation (http/https) protocol
PAM Database
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Database Record with the MySQL connection protocol
PAM Database
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Database Record with the SQL Server connection protocol
PAM Database
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Database Record with the PostgreSQL connection protocol
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the VNC connection protocol
PAM Machine
Connecting to the target defined on the PAM Machine Record with the Telnet connection protocol
Keeper Connections - Remote Browser Isolation (http/https) Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for web applications using the Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) protocol. This guide explains how to configure RBI connections on your PAM Remote Browser Records in the Keeper Vault. Secure web sessions are initiated from the Vault, routed through the Keeper Gateway, and delivered directly to target applications.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's .
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
This guide will use a Jenkins web application.
After creating a PAM Remote Browser with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the RBI protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable settings for the RBI protocol on the PAM Settings:
Keeper Connections - MySQL Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for MySQL databases through an interactive CLI. This guide shows how to configure MySQL connections on your PAM Database Records in the Keeper Vault. Sessions are securely initiated from the Vault, routed via the Keeper Gateway, and connected to target databases.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's .
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
This guide will use a MySQL Database. For more details on how this is setup, visit the following page:
After creating a PAM Record Type (PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory) with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the MySQL protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable settings for the MySQL protocol on the PAM Settings:
Keeper Connections - SQL Server Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for SQL Server databases through an interactive CLI. This guide shows how to configure SQL Server connections on your PAM Database Records in the Keeper Vault. Sessions are securely initiated from the Vault, routed via the Keeper Gateway, and connected to target databases.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's .
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
This guide will use a SQL Database. This is similar to setting up a MySQL database, for more details on how this is setup, visit the following page:
After creating a PAM Record Type (PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory) with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the SQL Server protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable connection settings for the SQL Server protocol on the PAM Settings:
Insert Configured PAM Settings Pic
Keeper Connections - VNC Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for target infrastructure using the VNC protocol. This guide explains how to set up VNC connections on your PAM Machine Records in the Keeper Vault. Secure VNC sessions are established from the Vault, through the Keeper Gateway, and directly to target devices.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's .
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
This guide will use a Azure VM. For more details on how this is setup on the PAM Machine Record, visit the following page:
After creating a PAM Record Type (PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory) with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the VNC protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable settings for the VNC protocol on the PAM Settings:
Enable Remote Browser Isolation
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Allow navigation via direct URL manipulation
Ignore server certificate
Allowed URL Patterns
Allowed Resource URL Patterns
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from clipboard within the connected protocol session
Browser Autofill
The protocol to be configured on the record. The protocol settings will be populated based on the selected protocol. In this guide, the MySQL protocol should be selected
Enable Connection
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Text Session Recording (Typescript)
When enabled, text session recordings (typescript) will be enabled for this record
Connection Port
The port used to establish the selected protocol connection. By Default, this will be the port value defined on the PAM Database. The port specified here will override the default port. For MySQL, the port is 3306
Default Database
The database schema selected when connecting to the specified database server.
Can export CSV
Enables CSV export of data when using the SQL statement "select ... into local outfile"
Can import CSV
Enables CSV import of data when using the SQL statement "load data local infile ... into table
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from local clipboard into the connected protocol session
The protocol to be configured on the record. The protocol settings will be populated based on the selected protocol. In this guide, the SQL Server protocol should be selected
Enable Connection
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Text Session Recording (Typescript)
When enabled, text session recordings (typescript) will be enabled for this record
Connection Port
The port used to establish the selected protocol connection. By Default, this will be the port value defined on the PAM Database. The port specified here will override the default port. For SQL Server, the port is 1433
Default Database
The database schema selected when connecting to the specified database server.
Can export CSV
Enables CSV export of data when using the SQL statement "select ... into local outfile"
Can import CSV
Enables CSV import of data when using the SQL statement "load data local infile ... into table
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from local clipboard into the connected protocol session
The protocol to be configured on the record. The protocol settings will be populated based on the selected protocol. In this guide, the VNC protocol should be selected
Enable Connection
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Connection Port
The port used to establish the selected protocol connection. By Default, this will be the port value defined on the PAM Machine record. The port specified here will override the default port. For VNC the port is 5900
Destination Host
Required if using a VNC Repeater such as UltraVNC Repeater
The destination host to request when connecting to a VNC proxy such as UltraVNC Repeater
Destination Port
Required if using a VNC Repeater such as UltraVNC Repeater
The destination port to request when connecting to a VNC proxy such as UltraVNC Repeater
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from clipboard within the connected protocol session
PAM Configuration
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure.
PAM Remote Browser
The PAM Remote Browser record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish a web session to.
PAM User Record
The PAM User record contains the user credentials that will be used to autofill credentials on the web page.
PAM Configuration
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure
PAM Database Record
The PAM Database record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish an MySQL protocol connection to.
PAM User Record
The PAM User record contains the MySQL user credentials that will be used to connect to the endpoint
PAM Configuration
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure
PAM Database Record
The PAM Database record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish an SQL Server protocol connection to.
PAM User Record
The PAM User record contains the SQL Server user credentials that will be used to connect to the endpoint
PAM Configuration
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure
PAM Machine Record
The PAM Machine record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish an VNC protocol connection to.
PAM User Record
The PAM User record contains the VNC credentials that will be used to connect to the machine
Keeper Connections - PostgreSQL Protocol
KeeperPAM enables zero-trust privileged session management for PostgreSQL databases through an interactive CLI. This guide shows how to configure PostgreSQL connections on your PAM Database Records in the Keeper Vault. Sessions are securely initiated from the Vault, routed via the Keeper Gateway, and connected to target databases.
Prior to following this guide, familiarize yourself with the prerequisites on the Connection's Getting Started page.
The following PAM records are needed in order to successfully setup this protocol:
PAM Configuration
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure
PAM Database Record
The PAM Database record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish an PostgreSQL protocol connection to.
PAM User Record
The PAM User record contains the PostgreSQL user credentials that will be used to connect to the endpoint
This guide will use a PostgreSQL Database. For more details on how this is setup, visit the following page:
After creating a PAM Record Type (PAM Machine, PAM Database, or PAM Directory) with your target endpoint, navigate to the Connection Section on the PAM Settings screen by:
Editing the PAM Record
Clicking on "Set Up" in the PAM Settings section
Navigate to the "Connection" section in the prompted window
Prior to configuring the PostgreSQL protocol settings on the PAM Settings screen, the following fields are all required and need to be configured:
The following table lists all the configurable connection settings for the SQL Server protocol on the PAM Settings:
The protocol to be configured on the record. The protocol settings will be populated based on the selected protocol. In this guide, the PostgreSQL protocol should be selected
Enable Connection
To enable connection for this record, this toggle needs to be enabled
Graphical Session Recording
When enabled, graphical session recordings will be enabled for this record
Text Session Recording (Typescript)
When enabled, text session recordings (typescript) will be enabled for this record
Connection Port
The port used to establish the selected protocol connection. By Default, this will be the port value defined on the PAM Database. The port specified here will override the default port. For PostgreSQL, the port is 5432
Default Database
The database schema selected when connecting to the specified database server.
Can export CSV
Disables CSV export of data when using the SQL statement \COPY
FROM "input.csv" With CSV
Can import CSV
Disables CSV import of data when using the SQL statement \COPY () TO ".csv" With CSV HEADER
Can copy to clipboard
If enabled, text copied within the connected protocol session will be accessible by the user
Can paste from clipboard
If enabled, user can paste text from local clipboard into the connected protocol session
Insert Configured PAM Settings Pic
For this protocol, both graphical and the full, raw text text content of terminal sessions, including timing information, are recorded. For more information on recordings and how to access these recordings, visit this .
Learn more about
For this protocol, both graphical and the full, raw text text content of terminal sessions, including timing information, are recorded. For more information on recordings and how to access these recordings, visit this .
Learn more about
For this protocol, both graphical and the full, raw text text content of terminal sessions, including timing information, are recorded. For more information on recordings and how to access these recordings, visit this .
Learn more about
For this protocol, both graphical and the full, raw text text content of terminal sessions, including timing information, are recorded. For more information on recordings and how to access these recordings, visit this .
Learn more about
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
PAM Configuration
This is the PAM Configuration that contains the details of your target infrastructure and provides access to the target configured on the PAM Record
Administrative Credential Record
This is the linked PAM User that will be used to authenticate to the target and perform administrative operations on it.
The PAM Configuration contains information of your target infrastructure
PAM Machine Record
The PAM Machine record contains information of the endpoint you want to establish an SSH protocol connection to.
PAM User Record
The PAM User record contains the user credentials that will be used to connect to the endpoint
For this protocol, graphical data, including timing information, is recorded. For more details on the recordings and how to access them, see the Session Recording & Playback docs.
For this protocol, graphical data, including timing information, is recorded. For more details on the recordings and how to access them, see the Session Recording & Playback docs.
For this protocol, graphical data, including timing information, is recorded. For more details on the recordings and how to access them, see the Session Recording & Playback docs.
An active license is required in order to use the features available with KeeperPAM. This license is available for both business and enterprise customers.
A very useful capability of the Keeper Gateway is being able to open connections and tunnels to the host machine. By adding the extra_hosts
section to your docker compose file with a value of host.docker.internal:host-gateway
, you can open sessions directly to the host.
Example docker compose with the Gateway container:
Enabling this option allows you to establish a Connection to the host. For example, to open an SSH connection:
Create a PAM User record with the SSH private key
Create a PAM Machine record with the hostname to host.docker.internal
and port 22
Activate the SSH connection in PAM settings referencing the PAM User
If you use KeeperPAM to SSH over to the host service, you can upgrade the container by running the container update of the gateway in the background:
When rotating the private PEM Key credential on a target machine or user, Keeper will update the authorized_keys file on the machine with the new public key. The first time that a rotation occurs, the old public key is left intact in order to prevent system lockout. The second public key added to the file contains a comment that serves as an identifier for future rotations. For example:
By default, Keeper will not remove other keys from the .ssh/authorized_keys
file since some providers will place in their own keys in order to control the virtual machine (ie Google Cloud Provider).
If the first rotation is successful, you can optionally delete the old public key entry in the authorized_keys file. On subsequent rotations, Keeper will update the line which contains the "keeper-security-xxx" comment.
Rotation will also create backup of the prior .ssh/authorized_keys
inside of the .ssh
For private key rotation, the new private key will be same algorithm and key size (bits) as the current private key. For example, if the current private key is ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
the new private key will be ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
. This can be overridden by adding a custom text field, with the label Private Key Type
, and setting the value to one support algorithms:
- 4096 bits
- ECDSA, 256 bits
- ECDSA, 384 bits
- ECDSA, 521 bits
.This custom field can also be used if the current private key's algorithm cannot be detected.
To prevent private key rotation, a custom text field can be added to the PAM User record with the label Private Key Rotate
. If the value of the field is TRUE, or the field doesn't exists, the private key will be rotated if it exists. If the value is FALSE, the private key will not be rotated.
For Linux user rotations, password-encrypted PEM files are not currently supported.
When rotating the private PEM Key credential on a target machine or user, Keeper will update the authorized_keys file on the machine with the new public key. The first time that a rotation occurs, the old public key is left intact in order to prevent system lockout. The second public key added to the file contains a comment that serves as an identifier for future rotations. For example:
By default, Keeper will not remove other keys from the .ssh/authorized_keys
file since some providers will place in their own keys in order to control the virtual machine (ie Google Cloud Provider).
If the first rotation is successful, you can optionally delete the old public key entry in the authorized_keys file. On subsequent rotations, Keeper will update the line which contains the "keeper-security-xxx" comment.
Rotation will also create backup of the prior .ssh/authorized_keys
inside of the .ssh
For private key rotation, the new private key will be same algorithm and key size (bits) as the current private key. For example, if the current private key is ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
the new private key will be ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
. This can be overridden by adding a custom text field, with the label Private Key Type
, and setting the value to one support algorithms:
- 4096 bits
- ECDSA, 256 bits
- ECDSA, 384 bits
- ECDSA, 521 bits
.This custom field can also be used if the current private key's algorithm cannot be detected.
To prevent private key rotation, a custom text field can be added to the PAM User record with the label Private Key Rotate
. If the value of the field is TRUE, or the field doesn't exists, the private key will be rotated if it exists. If the value is FALSE, the private key will not be rotated.
For Linux user rotations, password-encrypted PEM files are not currently supported.
On the "Rotation Settings" section of the PAM User vault record, you can configure how credential rotation is managed.
Rotation Type
Specifies which type of rotation is being performed (and which protocol is utilized).
Required "General", "IAM User" or "Run PAM Scripts Only". See below for details.
PAM Resource
For General rotation type, specifies the PAM Resource record which can provide the necessary privilege. For IAM User rotation type, specifies the PAM Configuration utilizing cloud APIs.
Required only for "General" and "IAM User" rotation types
Rotation Schedule
Rotation can be performed on-demand or on a specific schedule.
Password Complexity
Applies to password-based rotations, not PEM keys.
Select "Show More" to control special characters and symbols.
Keeper supports 3 different types of rotation:
General: Uses native protocols for performing the rotation, such as LDAP, Databases, SSH keys, etc.
IAM User: Uses the cloud-specific APIs for performing rotation, such as AWS IAM users and Azure managed resources. In this case, only the PAM Configuration is required since it contains the necessary
Run PAM scripts only: Skips the standard rotation and only executes the attached PAM Scripts.
The rotation schedule can be set on a specific interval, or using a cron spec.
To complete the Rotation setup, you need to select a resource, which depends on the rotation type.
For a "General" rotation, the Keeper Gateway uses a native protocol for performing the necessary rotation, and the rotation will be executed on the associated PAM Resource supplied. If necessary, the rotation will use the associated administrative credential on the PAM Resource.
In the example below, a Windows service account password is going to be rotated on the associated Windows Server.
For an "IAM User" rotation type, the Keeper Gateway will use the referenced PAM Configuration to determine which APIs and methods are used to perform the rotation. In the example below, an IAM user in AWS will use the "AWS (US-WEST-1)" configuration.
When using the IAM User rotation method, it is assumed that the Keeper Gateway either inherits its privilege from the instance role policy, or through explicit access keys that are provided on the PAM Configuration record.
The PAM User record holds the credential that is being rotated.
The Rotation Settings of the PAM User record references a specific PAM Machine, PAM Database or PAM Directory resource. This is the target resource where the rotation is performed.
The Keeper Gateway uses the Admin Credential associated to the PAM Machine, PAM Database or PAM Directory resource to perform the rotation with native protocols.
For AWS and Azure managed resources, Keeper uses Instance Role permission of the Gateway, or specific PAM Configuration secrets to perform the rotation with APIs.
Below are some examples of PAM User records.
Windows Domain Admin
Windows Domain User with post-rotation scripts
Database user
Azure AD User
On the "Rotation Settings" section of the PAM User vault record, you can configure how credential rotation is managed.
Rotation Type
Specifies which type of rotation is being performed (and which protocol is utilized).
Required "General", "IAM User" or "Run PAM Scripts Only". See below for details.
PAM Resource
For General rotation type, specifies the PAM Resource record which can provide the necessary privilege. For IAM User rotation type, specifies the PAM Configuration utilizing cloud APIs.
Required only for "General" and "IAM User" rotation types
Rotation Schedule
Rotation can be performed on-demand or on a specific schedule.
Password Complexity
Applies to password-based rotations, not PEM keys.
Select "Show More" to control special characters and symbols.
Keeper supports 3 different types of rotation:
General: Uses native protocols for performing the rotation, such as LDAP, Databases, SSH keys, etc.
IAM User: Uses the cloud-specific APIs for performing rotation, such as AWS IAM users and Azure managed resources. In this case, only the PAM Configuration is required since it contains the necessary
Run PAM scripts only: Skips the standard rotation and only executes the attached PAM Scripts.
The rotation schedule can be set on a specific interval, or using a cron spec.
To complete the Rotation setup, you need to select a resource, which depends on the rotation type.
For a "General" rotation, the Keeper Gateway uses a native protocol for performing the necessary rotation, and the rotation will be executed on the associated PAM Resource supplied. If necessary, the rotation will use the associated administrative credential on the PAM Resource.
In the example below, a Windows service account password is going to be rotated on the associated Windows Server.
For an "IAM User" rotation type, the Keeper Gateway will use the referenced PAM Configuration to determine which APIs and methods are used to perform the rotation. In the example below, an IAM user in AWS will use the "AWS (US-WEST-1)" configuration.
When using the IAM User rotation method, it is assumed that the Keeper Gateway either inherits its privilege from the instance role policy, or through explicit access keys that are provided on the PAM Configuration record.
The PAM User record holds the credential that is being rotated.
The Rotation Settings of the PAM User record references a specific PAM Machine, PAM Database or PAM Directory resource. This is the target resource where the rotation is performed.
The Keeper Gateway uses the Admin Credential associated to the PAM Machine, PAM Database or PAM Directory resource to perform the rotation with native protocols.
For AWS and Azure managed resources, Keeper uses Instance Role permission of the Gateway, or specific PAM Configuration secrets to perform the rotation with APIs.
Below are some examples of PAM User records.
Windows Domain Admin
Windows Domain User with post-rotation scripts
Database user
Azure AD User
For advanced scheduling, see the .
For advanced scheduling, see the .