Keeper Push is a method of SSO device approval using existing devices
Users can approve their additional devices by using a previously approved device. For example, if you are logged into your web vault on your computer already, and logging into your phone app for the first time, you will get a device approval prompt on your web vault with the mobile device's information which you can approve or deny. Device Approvals perform an encryption key exchange that allow a user on a new device to decrypt their vault.
Keeper Push is a method of approval that the user handles for themselves. Selecting "Keeper Push" will send a notification to the user's approved devices. For mobile and desktop apps, the push will show as a pop-up, and the user can simply accept the device approval.
Here's an example of Keeper Push approval using mobile as the approver device:
(1) Select Keeper Push
(2) User waits for the push approval to appear on the device in which they are already logged in.
(3) User must be already logged into a different, previously approved device in order to receive the notification.