Released on January 23, 2019.
Over 20 bug fixes and improvements to the Keeper SSO Connect application service.
Ability to add additional SAML debugging logging
Show IDP errors in the UI console in addition to log file
Update the user prompts during the config process
CLI auto-switches between US and EU regions
Improvements to OKTA integration
Removed information disclosure related to the internal HTTP server version
Removed external Javascript content downloads
User not logged out from IdP (Okta) on Keeper Logout
Malformed request on Okta IdP logout
UI string fixes
CLI switching between US and EU regions
Port 443 explicitly configured on the UI not compatible with Okta
Inconsistent "ping" status response in HA environments
Support <EntitiesDescriptor> at the top level of SAML metadata file
OneLogin IdP login failures
Full support of SAML data compression according to SAML 2.0 specification
Disable client-initiated renegotiation
Version 14.0.0: Support for Gemalto HSM key storage, support for latest Keeper Backend API encryption updates.