重要: プレビューをインストールする前に、既存のKeeper拡張機能を削除してください。
ステップ 1 ウィンドウ > 拡張機能 に移動し、既存の Keeper 拡張機能を削除します。 ステップ 2 以下のリンクからKeeper プレビュー拡張機能をインストールします。 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hlkdkmefjphnecdoiaajhndjmkpkhifo?authuser=1&hl=en ステップ 3 拡張機能をツールバーに固定します。
重要: プレビューをインストールする前に、既存のKeeper拡張機能を削除してください。
ステップ 1 拡張機能に移動し、Keeper拡張機能の横にあるアイコンをクリックし、削除を選択します。
ステップ2 FirefoxプレビューZIPファイルをダウンロードします。https://keepersecurity.com/browser_extension/preview/firefox.zip
ステップ3 ダウンロードフォルダまたはお好みの場所にファイルを解凍します。
ステップ4 Firefox > 設定 > 拡張機能とテーマを開きます。
ステップ5 歯車アイコン>アドオンのデバッグをクリックし、一時アドオンの読み込みを選択します。
ステップ 6 ステップ 2 でダウンロードした Firefox フォルダにある manifest.json ファイルを選択します。
Safari バージョン16.5.0のSafariエクステンションはMac App Storeで公開されています。また、一般公開前にインストールできるTest Flightビルドも配布しています。
ステップ1 以下のTest FlightリンクをSafariで開きます:
ステップ2 画面の指示に従ってTest Flightアプリをインストールします。
ステップ3 画面の指示に従って、「テストを開始」をクリックして、Keeper拡張機能をインストールします。 変更を有効にするには、Safariを再起動する必要があります。Keeper拡張機能が1つだけインストールされていることを確認してください。
新規作成ボタン (+) を使用するか、記録候補がない場合は[+ 記録の追加]をクリックして記録を簡単に追加できます。記録を追加すると、閲覧中のウェブサイトに基づいてタイトルとURLが自動生成されます。
BE-5717: 記録の詳細のUIを改善しました。画面の左上に以前の画面に戻るための矢印を追加しました。また、ファビコンを記録タイトルの隣に移動しました。
BE-5535: 自動入力機能や自動送信機能を無効にしなくとも、フィールド内に表示されるKeeperアイコンを完全に非表示にする機能が使用できるようになりました。
BE-5489: Manifest V3を全ユーザーにリリース
Manifest V3はChrome拡張機能の最新の標準です。新しいセキュリティ要件を確実に満たすために、すべての拡張機能を2024年6月までにV3に移行する必要があります。
詳細については、Chrome for Developers Manifest V3をご覧ください。
BE-5523: KeeperFillがEメール本文のHTML要素を検出して情報を入力するのを防ぐセキュリティ対策を追加
BE-5457: 期限切れの試用アカウントを持つユーザーがブラウザ拡張機能の「今すぐアップグレード」ボタンをクリックすると、1つではなく2つのタブが開く不具合を修正
BE-5456: キーボード操作でデータセンターをUS (GOV) に変更すると、米国政府アクセス通知が表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5446: SSOとYubikey 2FAを介してログインしようとすると、マスター パスワードが複数回要求される不具合を修正
BE-5431: マスターパスワードが複数回間違って入力された場合に、エラーメッセージが再表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5429: URLが含まれていない記録に「入力」ボタンが表示される不具合を修正
BE-5509: 複数のタブを開いたり閉じたりする特定の状況で、ブラウザ拡張機能が予想よりも多くのメモリを使用する不具合を修正
BE-5439: クロスドメインiFrameに支払い情報を入力しようとすると、複数のポップアップが表示される不具合を修正
BE-5427: ダークモードを使用している場合、フォントの色が検索フィールドの背景色と一致するため、検索フィールドに入力されたテキストが読めなくなる不具合を修正
BE-5512: 記録にURLが追加または削除された後、記録のファビコンの更新がすぐに反映されない不具合を修正
BE-5185: パスワード変更フローに不足していた翻訳を追加
BE-5526: テキストサイズのフィールドなど、Figmaで適用されないフィールドにKeeperアイコンが表示されるという検出の不具合を修正
BE-5468: 以下のウェブサイト固有の不具合の修正
Chrome、Firefox、Chromium Edgeの拡張機能はコードベースが共有されており、同時にリリースされます。
BE-5158: フィルター一致画面からの検索がボルト全体を検索するようになりました。
BE-4986: コピーボタンがメモフィールドに追加されました。
BE-5166: 自動送信オプションのデフォルトがオフになりました。
BE-5240:管理コンソールへの FIDO2 キーログインが Firefox で機能しない点。
BE-5217:Best Buy のパスキーが Firefox で動作しない点。 何百ものサイト固有のバグ修正。
BE-5382: Keeperロックアイコンが予期せず適用されないフィールド (ログイン、電子メール、パスワードなど以外のフィールド) に表示される不具合を修正
BE-4634: Firefoxで、Firefoxの起動時に自動的に起動される保存済みウェブサイトでKeeperアプリが動作しない不具合を修正
BE-5390: Chromeの起動時に自動的に起動するスタートアップページにKeeperアイコンが表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5371: ユーザーが検索した後に「設定」に移動した場合、メインのブラウザ拡張機能ウィンドウの検索結果が10件に制限される不具合を修正
BE-5388: ブラウザ拡張機能が、GmailのActiveInbox 拡張機能によって表示されたフォームに予期せず入力する不具合を修正
BE-5384: Azureのパスワード変更フローが[セキュリティ情報]タブから起動される際、パスワード変更プロンプトが表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5417: ストアのセットアップ前にtranslate関数が呼び出される不具合を修正
BE-5424: 一部ユーザーが「ログイン状態を維持」のセキュリティ設定を更新できない不具合を修正
BE-5488: 拡張機能から新しいタブを起動する際、起動前にURLが消去されていましたが、 この変更は元に戻され、ボルトに保存されているURLを起動するようになっています。
BE-5435: Keeper管理コンソールを使用すると、一部のユーザーにはブラウザ拡張機能からのプロンプトが誤って開く不具合を修正
BE-5453: パスワードの生成からの記録作成フローでは、意図通りにURLの先頭に「https://」が自動的に追加されない不具合を修正
BE-5313: Gmailを特定の言語 (ドイツ語など) で使用している場合、Gmailの検索バーにKeeper ロックアイコンが誤って表示される不具合を修正
BE-5451: Keeper経由でパスワードを変更するフローの完了後に表示されるプロンプトに特定の要素が欠ける不具合を修正
BE-5419: 特定のウェブサイトで、ブラウザ拡張機能がMicrosoft エディター: スペルと文法チェッカーと競合する不具合を修正
BE-5389: アクセシビリティ設定のトグルボタンの位置をわずかに調整
BE-5416: ブラウザ拡張機能の検索結果で、デフォルトの支払いカードインジケータの色をグレーから緑に変更
BE-5415: ダークモードでは、緑色のインジケータの色が画面間で一貫していない不具合を修正
BE-5412: ダークモードでは、特定のテキスト要素の色が原因で読みにくくなる不具合を修正
BE-5410: パスワードの複雑さのチェックマークの色が青色のまま持続する意図にもかかわらず、テーマの色に基づいて変化してしまう不具合を修正
BE-5393: キーボード操作で特定のポップアップを操作できない不具合を修正
BE-5411: ブラウザ拡張機能のジェネレータ履歴画面でキーボード コントロールを使用して特定の操作を行えない不具合を修正
BE-5391: コンプライアンス要件を満たすためにダークモードで一部の要素の色を調整
このリリースでは、新しいランドスケープ モードやパスフレーズ生成ツールなどの新機能に加えて、既存のパスワードジェネレーターも大幅に改善されました。
ツールバーの新しいボタンを使用すると、ランドスケープ (横向き) モードとポートレート (縦向き) モードを簡単に切り替えることができます。
パスワード生成ツールのユーザー インターフェイスもアップグレードしました。
現状ではデフォルト設定は、プラットフォーム (ウェブボルト、Keeperデスクトップ、モバイル) またはデバイス (個人用パソコン、業務用パソコン、モバイル端末など) 間での同期は行われませんのでご留意ください。
ツールバーウィンドウの左上にあるKeeperアイコンをクリックすることでボルトへすばやくアクセスできるようになりました (設定メニューからボルトへアクセスすることもできます)。
モニターに垂直方向のスペースが十分ある場合は、拡張タブの編集可能なウィンドウの長さが拡張されます (そのため、不必要に小さいウィンドウをスクロールする必要がありません)。
レコードを作成する場所 (フォルダ) を選択する際に、フォルダ選択ドロップダウンの長さを長くして、適切なフォルダが見つけ易くなりました。
ブラウザ拡張機能のデフォルトの外観 (ダークモードとライトモード) は、可能な限りデフォルトでオペレーティングシステムの設定と一致する仕様となっています。つまり、パソコンがダークモードの場合は、Keeper拡張機能もインストール時にダークモードとなります。
このため、既存のすべてのユーザーのアクセシビリティ設定をオフにし、すべての新規ユーザーに対してはデフォルトで「オフ」に設定しました。この設定は、ブラウザ拡張機能の[設定] > [アクセシビリティ]からいつでも変更できます。
ログイン画面で、Command/Ctrl+Del を使用して、マスターパスワードポップアップのフィールドの内容全部を消去できるようになりました。
レコード詳細UIにはすでに「起動」ボタンがあるため (まだウェブサイトにアクセスしていない場合)、レコード詳細メニューから「ウェブサイトを起動」オプションを削除しました。
BE-5737: 拡張機能を介してボルトでレコードを開いて削除すると、拡張機能からログアウトしてしまう不具合を修正。
BE-5735: URLがユーザーの閲覧中ウェブサイトと一致している場合でも、新しく作成されたレコードに「自動入力」ではなく「起動」が表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5753: 並べ替え/フィルタリングのドロップダウンで欠落していたツールチップを追加。
BE-5766: レコード作成中にツールバーウィンドウを閉じて開きなおした場合、レコード作成画面での編集内容が保持されない不具合を修正。
BE-5673: 右クリックメニューを使用するとカスタムフィールドが1つしか表示されない不具合を修正。
BE-5644: パスワード変更ウィンドウのタイトルが省略記号なしで途切れて表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5623: 新しいレコードの作成ウィンドウでメニューをクリックした後に表示されるメニューで、オプションの1つをクリックしてもメニューが消えない不具合を修正。
BE-5799: 並べ替え/フィルタリングの表示箇所で長いテキストがある場合に書式が崩れる不具合を修正。
BE-5803: 新規レコード作成画面でファビコンに境界線を追加。
BE-5684: レコード一覧画面で、パスワードが含まれていないレコードの詳細メニューをクリックそても、「パスワードをコピー」が表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5862: ユーザーがカスタムフィールドの表示名を変更しても指定した名前が表示されない不具合を修正。
BE-5802: ウェブボルトではなく右クリックメニューからレコードを直接編集できてしまう不具合を修正。
BE-5804: ウェブサイトのログイン画面のフィールドのKeeperアイコンから2つのURLフィールドを含むレコードを編集しようとしても、ウェブボルトでレコードが開かない不具合を修正。
BE-5774: 2つのURLを含むレコードで自動入力ボタンをクリックすると、ブラウザでアクティブ状態のタブに2つ目のURLが含まれていても、新しいタブで1つ目のURLが開いてしまう不具合を修正。
BE-5902: AWSコンソールのリージョンが即座に読み込まれない不具合を修正。
BE-5864: パスワード変更ポップアップでのナビゲーションに関する不具合を修正。
BE-5853: 管理者によって特定の再認証の強制適用が設定されている場合、右クリックでから支払いレコードも住所レコードも作成できない不具合を修正。
BE-5846: 一部のユーザーでフォームフィールドアイコンを「常に表示」に設定できない不具合を修正。
BE-5842: 特定の操作を実行すると、v2レコードからファイルが削除されることがある不具合を修正。
BE-5837: 自動送信設定の説明が設定言語に拘らず英語で表示されていた不具合を修正。
BE-5796: Safariでパスワードの一部として絵文字が表示されない不具合を修正。
BE-5721: レコードのURLのドメイン名の前に特定の文字を追加することで、ロール強制適用を迂回できる不具合を修正。
BE-5719: ユーザーがすでにウェブボルトにログインしている場合、拡張機能をインストールしても自動的にログインしない不具合を修正。
BE-5707: パスワード変更フローにキーボードナビゲーションアクセシビリティを追加。
BE-5662: SafariでURLフィールドにポートが含まれているレコードが適切に起動されない不具合を修正。
BE-5640: 拡張機能のフィルタリングがキーボード操作でクリアできない不具合を修正。
BE-5731: パスワードのドメイン固有強制適用に関する不具合を修正。
BE-5609: 誤ったTOTPコードを入力するとエラーメッセージが表示され、スクロールバーが生成されずに特定のテキストが画面の境界線の下に押し出され、そのテキストにアクセスできなくなる不具合を修正。
BE-5602: 検索時に結果が1つしか返されない場合、実際に入力された検索語句ではなく「結果を表示しています: '1'」と表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5593: プロフィール写真が円ではなく四角形として表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5663: 拡張機能の外観設定でテーマにカーソルを合わせると複数のツールチップが表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5540: 関連レコードセクションの[レコード作成]ボタンに関する不具合を修正。キーボードでのアクセス、ツールチップ、ホバー状態を追加しました。
BE-5621: ユーザーが最初にレコードを閲覧した場合、キーボード操作でオプションおよびアカウントウィンドウにアクセスできない不具合を修正。
BE-5857: 支払い記録を作成する際の拡張タブに住所フィールドが欠落する不具合を修正。
BE-5894: 拡張機能タブ内のフォルダ選択でフォルダがアルファベット順に並べ替えられない不具合を修正。
BE-5895: 特定の状況下で拡張機能のデフォルト設定を復元してもフィールドアイコン設定がリセットされない不具合を修正。
BE-5972: レコードの作成時にサイコロアイコンにカーソルを合わせてもツールチップが自動的に閉じない不具合を修正。
BE-5871: 特定のウェブサイトのログインページで誤って「Keeper に追加」ドロップダウンが表示される不具合を修正。
BE-5898: クロスドメインiFrame警告ウィンドウの色の不具合を修正。
BE-5959: パスワードの強制適用ポリシーでプラス記号の使用が適切に制限されない不具合を修正。
BR-5318: パスワード履歴画面から[コピー]をクリックした後、コピーのツールチップが消えない不具合を修正
BE-5228: 記録の編集/作成画面で一部のサブフォルダが表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5234: Keeperでパスワードの変更を保存する前にまずGithubでパスワードを更新すると新しいパスワードが保存されない不具合を修正
BE-4727: airbnb.caのログインフォームの修正
BE-5368: カスタムフィールドのウェブサイト照合の不具合を修正
BE-5383: 弥生ウェブサイトのログインの修正
BE-5368: URLにポート番号が含まれている場合、カスタムフィールドのウェブサイトの照合が機能しない不具合を修正
BE-5369: 拡張機能で、URLにプロトコルが指定されていないとURLが起動しない不具合を修正
BE-5394: ログイン画面で[アカウントの作成]をクリックしても、ウェブボルトのアカウント作成画面に移行しない不具合を修正
BE-5402: ダークモードでのKeeperロゴの不具合を修正
BE-5005: 508 ハイコントラストモードでコンプライアンス関連の不具合の修正
BE-5423: ブラウザ拡張機能の記録詳細のUI/UXに対する大幅なアップデート
1. 記録詳細画面: 記録をクリックすると、表示領域が拡張するのではなく新しい画面に詳細が表示されるようになりました。これにより操作が容易になり、ウェブボルトおよびモバイルでの操作との一貫性が向上します。
2. トップバー: 新しいトップバーの導入により、記録の入力、起動、編集、お気に入りに追加などの一般的な操作を簡単に実行できるようになりました
3. キーボード操作: 新しい記録詳細画面との一貫性を保つために更新されました。矢印キーを使用して記録にフォーカスした後、以下の操作が可能となります。
= 記録詳細を開く
= 起動/記録を入力
4. お気に入り: トップ バーを使用して記録をお気に入りに追加したりお気に入りから削除したりできるようになりました。お気に入りの記録には星のアイコンが表示されるので見つけやすくなりました。
5. パスワードの強度: 記録の詳細に表示されるようになりました。
6. ファビコン (BE-5164): ゼロ知識を維持しながら汎用ファビコンの大部分がサイト固有のファビコンに置き換えられます。
7. 記録アイコン: 記録詳細内の小さなアイコンにより、記録がお気に入りであるか、共有記録であるか、TOTP が含まれているかがわかります。
8. 質の向上: 記録編集画面の[保存]ボタンと[キャンセル]ボタンの用語、記録詳細の[自動入力]と [自動送信]設定を明確にし、ウェブボルトと一貫するよう更新しました。
BE-5482: 拡張機能が強制インストールされている場合、オンボーディングダイアログ (Keeper の拡張機能をピンする方法についての指示) が無効になります。
BE-5452: DUO 2FAで英数字がサポートされるようになりました。
BE-5407: Duo 2FAでマスターパスワード入力画面にリダイレクトされない不具合を修正
BE-5405: 記録編集画面で特定の操作を行うと検索UIが変形する不具合を修正
BE-5420: チームからアクセス権を与えられ、その後チームから削除されたユーザーが、依然として拡張機能を介して共有フォルダの記録にアクセスできる不具合を修正
BE-5434: ユーザーがロール強制ポリシーを介してKeeperfill を無効にした特定のサイトで、依然としてパスキープロンプトが表示される不具合を修正
BE-5466: 「戻る」ボタンが拡張機能のUIに溶け込んでいた不具合を修正
BE-5478: ログアウト後に記録の自動入力や自動送信設定への変更が元に戻ることがある不具合を修正
BE-5484: 記録詳細ビューで記録タイプがテキストキーとして表示される不具合を修正
BE-5483: ダークモード使用時に検索結果でオプションメニューアイコンが見えにくい不具合を修正
BE-5467: 拡張機能ツールバーウィンドウの記録がフォーカスされているときにEnterキーを押しても操作が発生しない不具合を修正
BE-5409, BE-5408: 一部ウェブサイトでのドメイン照会の不具合を修正し、適切な記録が表示されるようになりました
BE-4402: 一部のウェブサイトでフォームフィラーが表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5422: 以下のウェブサイト固有の不具合の修正
ウェブサイトのユーザー名フィールドをクリックしたときにこれまで表示されていた、ユーザーのメール アドレス候補が表示されなくなりました。
BE-5473: Duo 2FAボタンを繰り返しクリックしても、テキスト通知が重複して作成されないようになりました
BE-4266: アカウント移管設定後に、ボルトとブラウザ拡張機能にアクセスするためにログイン2回要求される不具合を修正
BE-5520: ツールバーウィンドウが閉じられている場合、拡張機能のログイン画面から地域セレクターが消える不具合を修正
BE-5511: 複数行のパスワード値が非表示の場合に1行として表示される不具合を修正
BE-5504: 「サブドメインが一致する記録のみ表示」設定が有効になっている場合、2つのURLパラメータを含むカスタム記録が各URLが検出されない不具合を修正
BE-5499: 複数のURLフィールドを持つ記録が正しくソートされない不具合を修正
BE-5590: 特定の操作を実行した場合に、記録が削除後も残る不具合を修正
BE-5727: 拡張機能の「ログイン状態を維持」設定が、ボルトの「ログイン状態を維持」の設定によって誤って上書きされる不具合を修正
BE-5758: 新しい記録を保存しようとすると「キーデータを読み込めません」というエラーが発生する不具合を修正
BE-5739: 特定の特殊文字を含むパスワードを表示すると拡張機能のツールバーウィンドウがクラッシュする不具合を修正
BE-5772: 間違ったプロフィール写真が表示される不具合を修正
BE-5767: TOTPコードを記録に追加した後、拡張機能でTOTPコードが表示されない不具合を修正
BE-5675: 2FAを促されている際にSSOタブを閉じると拡張機能にログインできなくなる不具合を修正
BE-5677: 20個のURLフィールドを含むカスタムログイン記録をツールバーウィンドウの編集ビューで開くと、無期限に表示される不具合を修正
BE-5626: azurewebsites.netでのパフォーマンスの不具合を修正
BE-5728: ariba.comのiFrameリッチテキストエディタとの干渉を修正
BE-5237: 記録を別の共有フォルダに移動すると、その記録が自動入力から消えてしまう点。
BE-5013: 漢字でのKeeperFill検索がうまくいかない点。
BE-5012: Twitter日本の自動入力問題。
BE-4862: 一部のファビコンが壊れた画像を表示している点。
BE-4986: メモ欄に「コピー」ボタンが表示されない点。
BE-4995: 異なる環境下でも日付の書式が変わらない点。
BE-4985: Web ボルトからログインしたときに、拡張機能が電子メールを保持しない点。
BE-4984: デフォルトのパスワード生成よりも安全性が低い場合、 拡張機能は、ランダムなパスワード生成における企業の強制力の複雑さを上書きしていた点。
BE-4936: 一致する記録を検索して1文字ずつ削除する場合、検索フィールドをクリアしても一致する記録が再読み込みされない点。
BE-4933: パスワードの変更ウィンドウのアカウント選択で、新しい記録を作成がリストの一番下に誤って表示される点。
BE-4904: Github 2FAコードが自動入力されない点。
BE-4917: Amtrakログイン問題。
BE-4876: 一部のchromium(今回はopera)ブラウザの起動時に、onBrowserStart関数が完了する前にchrome.tabs.onUpdated関数が呼び出されるケースが報告されています。これにより、いくつかのバグが発生した点。
BE-4840: ユーザーが手動でクエリー文字列のすべての文字を削除した後、BEが一致するすべての記録をリセットしない点。
BE-5127: FirefoxでBest BuyのPasskeyが使えない点。
BE-5240: Firefoxでハードウェアセキュリティキーを使用して管理コンソールにログインできない点。
BE-5166: 新規アカウントの自動送信のデフォルトをオフへ。
BE-5206: 記録UIDが検索可能に。
BE-4537: Handling of Web socket requests when MV3 browser extension service worker has been terminated
BE-4802: New Safari extension [User Guide]
BE-4536: Bootstrapping for MV3: When the service worker is stopped, all memory is lost. The next time the extension boots up, based on what the user's last action was, it grabs what it needs from physical storage, processes that, puts it into memory, then does perform the user's last action if there was one.
BE-4749: Login to Upwork.com is clicking the wrong button
BE-4938: Firefox using too much memory
BE-4979: Keeper throws errors on mapfreconnect.com
BE-4977: When you disconnect from the network and reconnect, the extension shows logged in; however, it prompts for 2FA and can send SMS 2FA incorrectly.
BE-4983: Form filling is broken for V2 (general) custom fields
BE-4990: Autofill broken on squareup.com
BE-4956: Based on customer feedback, we removed the "prompt to login" on page loads.
BE-4988: When the extension fills into an http / insecure site, the extension will ask the user through a window popup if the user would like to continue to fill the inputs because the connection is insecure. Clicking "OK" doesn't fill the contents or close the window and clicking cancel doesn't close the window.
BE-4973: Pasting text into the browser extension can sometimes scramble characters
BE-4972: In some rare scenarios, the browser extension is encrypting a record with a new key instead of using the existing record key. This can cause data corruption and require the user to revert to the prior version of a record.
このアップデートには、Meta Offensive Security Group (Godlove Penn、Samuel Manzer、Tom Ravenscroft、Aaron Grattafiori、Greg Prosser) によって発見されたバグに関するセキュリティアップデートが含まれています。 このリリースはチケットBE-5131に対処するもので、Keeperブラウザ拡張機能がユーザーのコンピュータデバイスのストレージに一時的なエフェメラルログを書き込んでおり、その中にはローカルのボルトデータとKeeperに入力されたデータが含まれています。
Released on April 3, 2023
BE-4923: Protection against Chromium crash when max IndexedDB reaches quota
BE-4928: SSO Logout generating duplicate requests to the server, creating replay error
BE-4952: Browser Extension crashes when switching VPN connections while logged in
BE-4953: Record matching stops working properly after network changes occur on the user's machine
BE-4960: When a user has Firefox set to "never to remember history" in the security settings and disconnects from the network, none of the records show for a specific domain after reconnecting.
BE-4942: When a user deletes a record from a domain then logs out and logs in again, the other records on that domain disappear when navigating to that domain.
BE-4943: The browser action window crashes on startup sometimes because the tabs value is undefined or null from a chrome listener. This makes it so that initialization steps in the extension don't complete because these thrown errors interrupt the startup process.
BE-4682: Extension reverts to Backup 2FA over WebAuthn with Cloud SSO activated account With this update, SSO Cloud accounts that enforce 2FA will default to the use of WebAuthn instead of TOTP/SMS.
BE-4934: In order to reduce sync calls in large enterprise customers with many shared records, the browser extension will process closely received incoming messages in batches.
This Browser Extension release has been many months in the making, due to major restructuring of the codebase due to the new Manifest V3 requirement being enforced by Google. We took this opportunity to refactor syncing and performance for large vault accounts, with over 100 bug fixes.
BE-4515: When a user logs in with SSO, logout will go back to the "normal" login screen displaying the email address and "Next" button, instead of showing the SSO Enterprise Domain screen.
BE-4738: Support for upcoming "WiFi" Record Type
BE-4654: Geolocations API permission to set user's region upon install
BE-4559: Payment Card icons now compatible with all display modes
BE-4515: Unless user previously logs in using Enterprise SSO Login, login screen will always default to Master Password login
BE-4538, BE-4530, BE-4532, BE-4531: Manifest V3 migration including new record sharding, redux actions and message queuing.
BE-4744: New progress animation during sync
BE -4814: Significant performance improvements to extension on Firefox Browser
BE-4729: Issues with extension login via Azure SSO on-prem connect (Firefox)
BE-4729: Search results fail to update when a character is deleted in the search field (Firefox)
BE-3831: Crash occurs on master password re-authentication after six attempts
BE-4489: Changes to extension settings do not take effect until user logouts/logins
BE-3763: Autofill via right-click context menu fails for Amazon AWS new credit card entry
BE-4730: KeeperFill window unable to be moved by user on touch screen
BE-4683: Autofill does not detect password fields on various Google foreign language pages
BE-4640: User is unable to see Private Key field in an "SSH Key" Record Type without filling the Public Key field
BE-4616: Custom Fields within a custom record type fail to autofill
BE-4502: Prompt to login fails to appear on newly installed extension
BE-4440: "Payment Card" Record Type autofill via the right-click context menu fails for billing address fields
BE-4788: Logging into the Web Vault fails to simultaneously log user into the extension
BE-4811: Prompt to change password fails to appear when a user has an existing record for a domain and visits the change password page
BE-4631: After reverting a password during the password change workflow, the change is not reflected in the user interface of the BE until logout/login. This will be addressed in our next update.
Released on July 23, 2022
BE-4641: Reduce size of total package by lazy loading libraries
BE-4649: Existing session token login with Region Redirect is not redirecting
BE-4657: EU region not receiving Keeper Push approval notification
BE-4652: Very Large payload unable to decode response
BE-4645: Confirmation Popup on Show Cards/Address button
BE-4912: High CPU usage due to repeated message sending when many tabs in use
BE-4922: Prompt to Login is showing on the Okta login screen, in some flows
BE-4920: Credit card numbers not masked by default
BE-4926: Keeper prompts are taking mouse focus
BE-4923: Local storage cache growing too large causes browser to crash.
BE-4921: When typing an email during login to a site, the Autofill suggestion dialog is not clearing.
BE-4595: Updated to the latest Keeper Javascript SDK
BE-4534, BE-4010, BE-4535: Migration to MV3
BE-4479: 2 single tab windows with different domains confuses the context menu
BE-4623: Extension does not allow users to retry with different Enterprise Domains
BE-4494: After moving a subfolder out of a folder, the extension shows info in 2 locations
BE-4593: User not taken to Web Vault when clicking vault button from sign-in screen
BE-4587: Mouse changes from arrow to hand on record title
BE-4639: Editing the URL from the extension does not reflect in the UI
BE-4659: Users in AU are not auto-logged-in to the extension when installing it from within the Vault.
BE-4646: Error message "object already exists" when logging into the GovCloud region.
BE-4661: MAPFRE website causes JS error
BE-4692: Open in Vault does not open the record when the vault is already open in another tab.
BE-4695: KeeperFill is showing in Gmail search box
BE-4703: Prompt to Save is not showing correctly when the user does not have a record in their vault.
BE-4701: Expiring the Master Password does not show the proper error message in the UI.
BE-4716: Filling on VMware Horizon with Autosubmit does not click the correct button.
BE-4717: Throttling message not being displayed in the UI properly in some cases.
BE-4691: Vault Transfer consent notice not showing in the browser extension
Released to Beta on May 20, 2022
BE-4524: Legacy (general) records with non-latin1 characters are showing scrambled in the UI
BE-3890: Using Firefox in Private Browsing Mode not functional
BE-4547: Duo 2FA shows Voice Call option when not supported
BE-4553: Unable to log back in after user logged out by and admin-enforced Logout timer.
BE-4526, BE-4527, BE-4528, BE-4529: Partial migration to Manifest V3 packaging. Local storage changes, bundling of Javascript, configuration of setting storage.
BE-4523, BE-4522: Updated crypto libraries to match Web Vault
Customers can install the Keeper Beta Version: 1. Uninstall your existing Keeper extension
2. Install the Beta available here:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keeper%C2%AE-password-manager/hlkdkmefjphnecdoiaajhndjmkpkhifo?hl=en&authuser=0 Please ensure that you only have one Keeper extension installed at a time.
Published on Dec 5, 2021
BE-4278: Expiration dates from payment card records not filling properly
BE-4256: Ensure minimum default password strength on "change password" screens is 20 characters.
BE-3920: Remember Email setting does not work
BE-4318: User gets infinite spinner when typing password wrong 2 times
BE-4319: User logged out with "throttle" error after attempting to on/off logout timer
BE-4304: User sometimes logged out from "throttle"
BE-4334: Error when logging into the extension when a URL contains a comma
BE-4335: Form filling issue on turborater.com
BE-4337, BE-4338: Remove old unused code references to resolve flagged vulnerabilities on crxcavator.io (https://crxcavator.io/report/bfogiafebfohielmmehodmfbbebbbpei/16.0.3?platform=Chrome)
BE-4301: Support for new Twitter.com login flows
BE-4291: Autofilling Facebook in German website does not fill
BE-4292: URLs with port numbers in the value are not showing properly on search results
BE-4346: Resolve login issues with Dell.com
BE-4344: Payment cards and addresses are auto-submitting, this should not occur.
BE-4355: BE does not enforce "require re-authentication" enforcement
BE-4301: Support for new Twitter login flow
BE-4314: Payment card filling broken on craigslist
Several improvements for 508 compliance: Focus events, Voiceover, Labels and Field Instruction
BE-4332: Improved syncing in environments with thousands of shared records among thousands of users.
Released on April 2, 2022
BE-4326: Support for High Contrast (Dark Mode)
You can now activate Dark Mode in the Settings > Themes screen
BE-4316: Color indicators show on the list of records
BE-4329: Combined Stay Logged In and Logout Timers
To simplify the user experience, we have merged the Logout Timer and Stay Logged In setting into a new "Security" settings screen.
When logging in or registering for an account on a website with no stored credentials, Keeper provides the user with a user experience that quickly and seamlessly creates the vault record. The user is first presented with a list of possible email addresses to use for the login field.
On the password field, the user can instantly generate a password.
If you already know the password, when you start to type Keeper will allow you to instantly save the information, making it super easy to capture existing passwords.
This new workflow also solves another pain point for users by allowing the saving of credentials on single-page application websites such as sketch.com, hubspot.com and thousands of similar sites.
In addition to this workflow, we have also introduced Folder Selection so you can save a record directly to a private or shared folder without having to leave the current page. This highly requested capability is included in several workflows and will be incorporated into other areas of the browser extension moving forward.
While saving the new record, you can also directly set the "Autofill" and "Autosubmit" options.
This new workflow can be controlled through a new Settings screen called "Autofill Suggestions":
BE-4407: 2FA code filling on Slack.com
BE-4409: Improved behavior on login with "blocked" account status
BE-4408: Google social login button being clicked by Autofill
BE-4405: AWS multi-page login improvements
BE-4384: Improved filling of "textarea" form field types
BE-4350: Filling 2FA codes that are separated between different input fields such as newegg.com
BE-3937: Autofill causing errors on cashweb.nl
BE-4462: Search crashing from corrupt record data
BE-4411: If user has "Block 3rd party cookies" setting turned on, the extension screen is not visible.
Changes made to Autofill and auto-submit settings are not activated until the next logout/login
Few visual issues with Dark Mode
Enterprise Users with Vault Transfer enabled are not immediately logged into the browser extension upon first acceptance. Logout/login is required.
Released on Aug 9, 2021
Released on Sep 27, 2021
Updated User interface, added workflow optimizations around filling and viewing sites.
Support for Record Types. Record Types are launching in late Sept across all devices, however it can be activated for customers on a per-request basis. More information on Record Types is available here: https://docs.keeper.io/enterprise-guide/creating-new-record-types
Enhanced 508 Accessibility / Ergonomics support with high contrast themes, larger fonts, better visibility and generally a cleaner layout. Support for screen readers and Keyboard navigation have also been improved.
Our password generator has has its special characters set expanto this set:
Adding more special character is a balance between generating the most secure password possible, and ensuring the passwords generated do not cause issues on websites, this evolution increases our password entropy.
BE-4068: Disable Stay Logged In enforcement not allowing user to turn off the setting.
BE-4138: Better handling of the password strength slider
BE-4141: Master Password re-entry feature broken on enforcement
BE-4139: Auto-submit on Microsoft.com
BE-4085: Logout timer with blank input logs out of the extension
BE-4100: Extension remembers email when Remember Email is Off
Release starting on Jan 26, 2022
This new Browser Extension version 16.2 introduces a new and improved workflow and elegant user experience for saving new passwords.
When logging in or registering for an account on a website with no stored credentials, Keeper provides the user with a user experience that quickly and seamlessly creates the vault record. The user is first presented with a list of possible email addresses to use for the login field.
On the password field, the user can instantly generate a password.
If you already know the password, when you start to type Keeper will allow you to instantly save the information, making it super easy to capture existing passwords.
This new workflow also solves another pain point for users by allowing the saving of credentials on single-page application websites such as sketch.com, hubspot.com and thousands of similar sites.
In addition to this workflow, we have also introduced Folder Selection so you can save a record directly to a private or shared folder without having to leave the current page. This highly requested capability is included in several workflows and will be incorporated into other areas of the browser extension moving forward.
While saving the new record, you can also directly set the "Autofill" and "Autosubmit" options.
This new workflow can be controlled through a new Settings screen called "Autofill Suggestions":
Other changes:
BE-4311: Change "Sym" string to "!@#"
BE-4331: Improved sync speed and performance for accounts with a large number of records
BE-4400: Support for role enforcement policy "Autofill_Suggestion" which can disable the new workflow, if a customer requests it.
BE-4328: Role enforcement "Autofill Disable" is being ignored by the browser extension
BE-4342: Password filling prompts popping up in some unrelated pages
BE-4354: Saving a record fails after the extension appears to be logged in, even though the user is not logged in.
BE-4362: Prompt to Login is still appearing if it's toggled to OFF
BE-4379: Random lock appearing in brightree.net
BE-4341: Prompting not working on ADP website
BE-3493: TOTP filling not working with new Record Typed records
BE-4426: Improvements to autofill on Apache Guacamole
BE-4383: Header disappears when clicking Back from Edit screen
BE-4349: Form filling search screen does not allow typing space characters.
BE-4363: Form filler dialog shows visually cut off in some cases
BE-4413: Brand new records created on new Vault accounts are not syncing instantly to the extension
Support for the Amazon AWS GovCloud environment. Keeper is currently FedRAMP in-process and public sector entities can now establish their Keeper tenant in the GovCloud environment. Contact the public sector sales team at govsales@keepersecurity.com for more information.
Released on June 25, 2021
BE-4000: The password generator only allows a maximum of 51 characters (should be 100)
BE-4008: IP Addresses are displayed and linking incorrectly in record view of search results
BE-3916: SSO login to extension generates "update your account settings" error
BE-3742: "Prompt to Update" dialogue disappears too quickly on page redirect
BE-3707: Payment card autofill fails on portal.azure.com
BE-4013: Creating a record at walmart.com registration screen submits the form prematurely
BE-4036, BE-4016, BE-4017, BE-4019, BE-4021: Fill button fails to fill existing record on various sites
BE-4020, BE-4022: Auto Submit fails on various sites
BE-4025: Auto Submit occurs on various registration forms when it shouldn't
BE-4026: The second password fields of various registration forms are not filled when a new record is created
BE-4015: Privacy Screen allowed user to copy password in one particular flow
BE-3998: If user explicitly turned Autofill OFF, don't prompt to turn autofill on anymore.
BE-4002: Improved Password Change detection routine to ensure password is saved even if the user forgets to click Save.
BE-4035: Records are not deleted for the user immediately when the user is removed from a Team.
BE-2358: Fixed auto-submit on Lifelock website
BE-3968: Locked down Content Security Policy embedded within the extension.
BE-4012: Improved synchronization with the Web Vault and backend system for Logout persistence.
Release ETA March 19, 2021
BE-3897: Support for HTTP fill enforcement in the Admin Console. Disabling this enforcement removes the HTTP fill warning from the browser extension prompts.
BE-3917: The "Stay logged In" feature fails when a user closes out of their browser. Affected certain SSO Cloud users.
BE-3909: Custom field matching fails when a record's "Website Address" field is left blank
BE-3889: Clicking on a row within a list of matching records fails to expand/collapse the row
BE-3773: The extension's search field should clear upon returning to it when the user begins typing
Released on May 10, 2021
BE-3803: Improved memory management / clearing after logout
BE-3864: Right click menu to create payment card not working
BE-3956: Select-all Ctrl+A appended 'a' to end of the string
BE-3864: Google sign-in screen not prompting to save password
BE-3914: Stay Logged In sometimes not keeping the user logged in
BE-3840: Crowdstrike login interferes with icons
BE-3991: When a user creates a new record from the the password generator, the autofill and autosubmit toggle settings don't save
BE- 3988: Unable to login to extension when Yubikey is activated (Firefox)
Keeper has been making UI changes across all web-applications and browser extensions to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d). The Keeper browser extension now supports keyboard navigation and it's compatible with popular screen readers and other assistive technology.
The vault search bar is always visible, and the search logic matches the Web Vault and Desktop App algorithm exactly. Therefore, the same search can be applied in both platforms. Users can search for a website login or any other piece of other information stored in their Keeper vault by simply opening the extension and entering their search criteria. The search feature is case insensitive and will match any record within your vault as you type, even partial words. The search results can also be sorted by name and date.
Keeper's password generator is now within easy reach in the extension toolbar landing screen. Users can generate and copy the secure password or use it to create a new record directly from the main screen.
The new "Matching Records" screen will now appear in the extension toolbar window.
Clicking the copy icon next to a record gives you the option to quickly copy the username and password or you can autofill the record by clicking the fill button. If there are many record matches, users can enter search terms to narrow down the results and even sort them by name or date.
The Autofill and Auto Submit settings can be enabled or disabled for individual records from both the extension toolbar and fill window.
Important Notes:
This setting will override the global Auto Submit setting.
If you have multiple records that match the same website, Keeper will not auto-fill and you will be prompted to select the record to fill. When there are multiple matches to a domain, you must click "Fill" to prevent undesirable behavior.
From the on-page fill window, users can filter on all records matching the current site's domain name. This is helpful for sites with many stored records.
Released March 6, 2021 and rolling out over a few days
Multiple: "Stay Logged In" improvements to prevent edge cases where the extension logs out
BE-3822: Added capability for Browser Extension to perform Vault Transfer acceptance
BE-3787: Improved the performance of Firefox when Keeper is running
BE-1873: Improved performance with Dynamics 365
BE-2008: Improved performance with Microsoft Sharepoint
BE-2508: Improved performance with Gitbook.com
BE-2630: Improved performance with eSource
BE-3506: Additional support for Role Policy enforcements in the KeeperFill section of the Admin Console / Role Policy / Enforcements section.
BE-3820: Improved handling of Web socket disconnections (Syncing is broken until logout/login)
BE-3815: Back button freezes the extension in certain paths
BE-3787: Slow performance on Firefox
BE-3808: If Web Vault access is restricted, don't auto-login the user to the Web Vault.
BE-3040: Copy of masked custom field / masked note from search results
BE-3267: Country list with Samoa listed in the wrong location
BE-3331: Certain letters chopped off in the country name list
BE-3335: Extension closes the vault after logging in with Yubikey
BE-3637: Error message appears when trying to login to US data center after having logged into the EU data center with an SSO account.
BE-3651: Login sequentially to accounts on both US and EU region causes the extension to be confused
Released on Aug 9, 2021. Merged with 15.3.6.
BE-4073: Increased the number of special characters to this set:
BE-3898: Improved the clarity of the account selection when changing a password.
The right-click context menu is now usable on the entire page, not just over form fields.
BE-4097: The TOTP code on the browser extension is sometimes different than the Web Vault value.
BE-3995: Better handling of expired Enterprise accounts
BE-3935: Wells Fargo login with Single Click Fill
BE-2107: PNC Bank autofill
BE-3721: ebanking-services.com autofill
BE-3404: ZenQMS autofill
BE-3781: Kaysera autofill
BE-2215: ringcentral.com, sainsburys
BE-4054: Compatibility with sites that use craftcms.com
BE-4060: ESPN.com autofill
BE-3615: Fixed interference with Vimeo .woff files
BE-4083: Display if the user's account is throttled
BE-4095: When there is one username field and 3 password fields, autofill fails
BE-3397: Autofill on AT&T business portal
BE-4065: Autofill on abramscapital.com
BE-4063: Autofill on Staplescopyandprint.ca
BE-4062: Autofill on smart-trial.co
Estimated Release Date: December 23, 2020
Estimated Release Date February 5, 2021
BE-3506: Implemented KeeperFill role enforcement policy that enforces all settings/features of the Browser Extension
BE-3637: Error message appears when logging into US SSO after been logged into EU SSO
BE-3378: Logging into EU SSO Vault fails to simultaneously log user into browser extension
BE-3335: Extension closes Vault after logging in with Yubikey 2FA
BE-3113: Character length doesn't update when user clicks on dice icon in record view
BE-3040: Copying masked note or custom field copies the wrong values
BE-3020: Password strength indicator doesn't work as expected
BE-3014: Fill button is not active when user attempts to fill password from browser extension
BE-3685: Character checkboxes don't function as expected
BE-3710: Users are unable to save Vault records with v15 extension on Beta Edge on Linux
BE-3699: Infinite spinner appears after user sets up DUO for US SSO Cloud account
BE-3389: Denying DUO push doesn't close DUO screen
BE-3736: Record match doesn't appear at corresponding website when the site's URL is entered in the custom field
BE-3734: Error message persists after user attempts to save record after filling out the password field
BE-3738: User experiences infinite loop at dropbox.com/dropins/login
BE-3794: Custom field matching doesn't work with subdomains
BE-3811: RSA 2FA method doesn't allow alphanumeric codes
BE-1873: Chrome browser extension causes errors on Dynamics 365 CRM tool
BE-3815: User receives an infinite spinner after clicking back button on device approval
Estimated Release Date December 16, 2020
Released on December 10, 2020
Keeper now prompts for 2FA **before** Master Password. This is part of our new Login V3 security protocol.
We have 2 extensions in the store, version 14 and version 15.
Please ensure that you only have one Keeper browser extension installed. Do not install both v14 and v15 on the same browser or you'll run into issues.
BE-3362: This release includes the addition of a session persistence setting, "Stay Logged In". The purpose of this setting if enabled, allows the user to resume their session based on their "Logout Timer" value, regardless of exiting the application, restarting their computer, etc... This feature can be restricted by the Keeper Admin via Role Policy.
BE-3680: Support for multiple monitors
BE-2334: A new event is created to track when a user selects the "copy" button for a password from the record detail screen
BE-3650: The password generator character limit has increased from 50 to 100 characters
BE-3680: Users with multiple monitors experience visual issues when entering their Master Password and selecting browser extension buttons and switches
BE-3640: Auto-logout fails to clear old timer setting
BE-3439: Edit option is not available when email field is pre-filled in login screen
BE-3375: User receives incorrect error message when the email address field is left empty upon attempted login
BE-3364: Filling of custom field values fails on special character regex
BE-3349: Disabling KeeperFill for specific website fails to prevent form filling from extension toolbar
BE-3347: Device restriction error dialogue offers user incorrect "Forgot Password?" action
BE-3345: Warning message is missing when an Enterprise user attempts to change timer with a logout timer enforcement policy present
BE-3337: Create Record form fails to reset after creating and saving a new record in the form filler
BE-3336: Error message fails to appear when a user leaves the 2FA code field empty upon attempted login
BE-3626: Expected behavior fixes for various vault and browser extension interactions for "Stay Logged In" setting
BE-1851: New user unable to dynamically provision via SSO Connect
BE-3645: Auto-submit fails from search field for various sites
BE-3658: A user is prompted twice for their Master Password when certain conditions are met
BE-3659: User is unable to open their vault from browser extension toolbar at first attempt (FirefoxESR)
BE-3389: DUO push prompt persists after user selects "Deny" button
BE-3344: DUO accounts fail to send a new code when user selects "Resend Code"
BE-3669: Empty records, payment cards and addresses appear editable to the user
BE-3667: A user re-authentication is triggered in attempt to create a new record
BE-2913: Change password action by user fails to trigger change password event
BE-3610: Keeper Push acceptance is not reflected in both windows upon SSO Cloud user login
BE-3676: Keeper Push device approval fails for SSO cloud account that has 2FA (SMS) enabled
Since v15 is a new store listing, we would appreciate if you posted a rating and review.
Released October 1, 2020
Keeper Browser Extension supporting SSO Connect Cloud is available as a separate install from the respective app store on Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kbedblbpfmeicfpadihimgombbafaeeh?authuser=1&hl=en Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/keeper%C2%AE-password-manager-/mpfckamfocjknfipmpjdkkebpnieooca?hl=en-US Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keeper-password-manager/
Please note the following:
New extension v15 is required for SSO Connect Cloud customers
Do not run v14 and v15 extensions at the same time
Both v14 and v15 will be maintained during the first phase of deployment
Migration from v14 to v15 is planned for November
Release ETA November 11, 2020
The Keeper Browser Extension supporting SSO Connect Cloud is available as a new download from the respective app store on Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
New extension v15 is required for SSO Connect Cloud customers
Both v14 and v15 will be maintained during the first phase of deployment
Migration from v14 to v15 is planned for November
BETA LINK: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hlkdkmefjphnecdoiaajhndjmkpkhifo?authuser=1&hl=en
Please ensure only one extension is running at a time. Having multiple Keeper extensions will cause conflicts and errors.
Send any issues to feedback@keepersecurity.com
(Multiple Tickets) login scenarios improved for Cloud SSO user authentication in US and EU regions.
BE-3593: Filling from Search doesn't work
BE-3577: Add additional protections to prevent auto-submit loops
BE-3681: Error "This object no longer exists"
BE-3611: Admin device approval fails for Cloud SSO user with the Account Transfer enforcement policy enabled
BE-3605: Logging into the Web Vault fails to automatically log user into the browser extension when 2FA is enabled (extension v15)
BE- 3606: User unable to login with Cloud SSO after switching between accounts
BE-3603: Upgrading Firefox browser extension from version 14.4.0 to 15.0.0 causes several extension settings to reset
BE-3601: Autofill fails when "Require Re-Authentication" enforcement policies are enabled
BE-3604: Duo push doesn't work from first attempt on a new install
BE-2830: Login on redbox.com
BE-3618: Login on disneymovieinsiders.com
BE-3677: Right-click menu show more than 5 credit cards
Released August 25, 2020
Fixed: The logout timer switch is not defaulting properly when enforced.
Fixed: User receives "Decryption Error" message when attempting to login with SSO Master Password rather than their enterprise domain.
Fixed: After user checks "Don't Ask Again" box, prompt to login to the extension still persists after browser restart.
Released August 20, 2020
New Browser Extension User Interface - This release introduces major improvements to our existing KeeperFill Browser Extension UI. The changes include a complete overhaul of the existing design elements featuring a cleaner, more intuitive user interface. Users can expect increased accessibility to Keeper's tools and features directly from the browser extension, resulting in a streamlined workflow and efficient browser extension usability. In addition to significant visual enhancements, there are a number of noteworthy features that are introduced in this extensive update, including:
Users now have the ability to create new records and edit existing records directly from the browser extension toolbar.
If there is more than one matching record for a site, users can designate which record Keeper will autofill moving forward or simply opt-out of the autofill feature for that single site entirely.
From a site's login field, users can search within the various matching records to locate and fill the desired login credentials. It is important to note the key factors (in order) that determine record matches:
A email address match that is present on the login page
The website subdomain and domain of the Keeper record URL (e.g. xyz.microsoft.com will first match xyz.microsoft.com and second, microsoft.com)
The website path (e.g. /some/path/to/file)
When a record was last filled or edited
Users can expect simpler, more intuitive navigation of Keeper's dynamic browser extension settings; including the addition of font size adjustability and easier access to the logout timer. The familiar settings users have come to know such as themes, hover locks, auto-submit and match on subdomain still remain within the Settings menu.
This update presents a larger, more accessible search bar for improved usability as well as a significantly faster search experience.
Users can quickly view and search their record "Favorites" containing the most frequently visited sites directly from the browser extension toolbar.
Released May 20, 2020
Fixed: A communication key is generated when a user attempts to login to their vault from the browser extension.
Fixed: Browser extension does not offer "Remember for 30 Days" option when only DUO push is available for 2FA method.
Fixed: Various issues causing site slowdowns.
Fixed: Email field in the extension login screen fails to clear after user clicks "Add Account".
Released May 5, 2020
Master Password Re-entry Enforcement - This role enforcement allows Admins to further enhance their security policies by requiring users to re-enter their Master Password in order to unmask or copy a password. Once unmasked, the password will be re-masked after 30 seconds have passed.
Support for Duo Push with SSO Login - Duo Push authentication is now supported for users who login to the Keeper browser extension using SSO.
Fixed: The search function fails to display any results.
Fixed: The Master Password login prompt appears in the Keeper browser extension after logging in and out the Vault with SSO.
Fixed: The autofill feature fills both the first name and city fields of an address form with the user's first name.
Released March 26, 2020
KeeperFill Browser Extension Role Enforcement Update - Administrators now have the ability to prevent their users from enabling the Auto Submit and Prompt to Fill features in the KeeperFill Browser Extension.
Fixed: TOTP code (Time-based One-time Password) is failing to autofill at first login attempt to Facebook, requiring the user to manually enter the code and enable "Remember Browser" setting.
Fixed: Both Auto Submit and autofilling of TOTP codes are not working when logging into Snap Chat.
Fixed: Record favorites from the vault are not appearing in the "Favorites" section of the browser extension.
Fixed: When logging into their web vault, users are not automatically logged into the browser extension as expected. (Chromium Edge).
Fixed: Various sites are missing Keeper locks and do not allow the user to fill their credentials using the right-click context menu.
Released August 22, 2020
Fixed: If a record's "Website Address" field is empty, no record matches are presented to the user based on domains that are entered in the custom field values.
Fixed: Following a user's search for a record in the extension toolbar, the "Fill Record" button doesn't work.
Fixed: Various alignment and design inconsistencies.
Released March 23, 2020
Fixed: Auto submit fails when logging into Instagram when TOTP (time-based one-time password) is enabled.
Fixed: Infinite loop occurs when autofilling an Instagram record containing an authenticator app's 2FA code (two-factor authentication).
Fixed: The Firefox browser console is unnecessarily flooded with "Error on Firefox" messages (MacOS)
Released February 19, 2020
Fixed: 2FA codes upon submission are not stored properly in memory and instead are saved to custom fields.
Fixed: "Undefined" appears in the domain field of the extension toolbar following a user logging in and out of an Enterprise domain through the browser extension.
Fixed: SSO accounts with alternate passwords are presenting decryption errors.
Fixed: The "Country" field in address records, is defaulting to the United States when left blank in the Web Vault and then accessed through the browser extension (Chrome).
Fixed: Various website specific autofill issues.
Released December 17, 2019
Forced Reload Updates Vault Version - The extension now identifies when the user's Vault is out-of-date and initiates a hard reload to update it to the latest version.
Fixed: An infinite spinner appears in Enterprise accounts with an expired master password when user clicks on "Web Vault".
Fixed: When a user logs into their Vault and installs the extension, the onInstall login to extension does not work.
Fixed : An issue causing the extension to open two tabs upon use of the "Fill from Vault" button (Firefox and Edge).
Released January 9, 2020
New Login API - This version introduces move to the new Restless Server API.
Fixed: Enterprise users that have created Generated Password Complexity Rules (by domain) force every domain, including those not listed in the enforcement, to use these rules when creating records.
Fixed: An issue causing EU SSO redirect to not function as expected.
Fixed: Users with EU account are unable to login through the browser extension; receive "region_redirect" error message.
Fixed: Logging into the browser extension does not simultaneously log user into their Vault (Edge).
Fixed: "Add Account" button in the toolbar extension window redirects users to the registration page rather than the login page.
Fixed: An issue related to the extension's change password feature at the Salesforce site. The form fields do not appear activated when password feature inputs both password and TOTP entries.
Fixed: User unable to uncheck "Remember Email" box at login screen.
Fixed: An infinite spinner appears when user attempts to login with an expired trial account.
Pre-release notes for the upcoming Keeper Browser Extension v14.0
Offline Mode The Browser Extension will support full Offline Mode capability to align with the Keeper Web Vault offline mode. Offline mode will be enforced by the Keeper Administrator on Enterprise accounts via role enforcement policies.
Integration with new Keeper Backend API The Keeper v14 API platform supports an enhanced level of encryption utilizing encrypted Protocol Buffers instead of JSON. The Keeper Web Vault, Desktop App, iOS, Android and Safari extensions have already migrated to the v14 API.
Autofill improvements on a variety of customer-reported sites
Payment card filling improvements
The estimated release date is August 1, 2019.
Released on October 11, 2019
Fixed: Firefox SSO users with 2FA unable to login.
Fixed: Performance issues when extension is active on complex CRM and Chat applications
Fixed: Inconsistent issue with sorting matching records within the same subdomain
Fixed: Extension errors when using Firefox ESR 60.9
Fixed: Right-click menu can still be used when the domain is restricted by the Enterprise "KeeperFill" enforcement policy.
Released to BETA on August 16, 2019. Production ETA Aug 20, 2019.
Released on December 17, 2019
Match on Subdomain - This release introduces a new setting that enables the in-page extension to recognize and differentiate a record's subdomain from its domain.
Only records that match the subdomain of the page visited will be populated into the in-page extension window upon log in.
Alternatively, if no records exist for the subdomain of the page visited but they do for the domain, the in-page extension window will populate all of the existing records containing that domain.
Keyboard Shortcut to Browser Extension Toolbar + Automatic Search Upon Typing - This feature further streamlines the ability to quickly open the browser extension as well as automate the use of the search bar upon typing, essentially eliminating the need for mouse clicks.
Command+Shift+k (for Mac OS) and Alt+k (for Windows) will automatically open the browser extension toolbar.
Once the browser extension is open, the user can simply begin typing their search terms using the up and down arrows on their keyboard to easily navigate to the desired record. The highlighted record can then be autofilled by pressing the enter key.
Launch Button Triggers Automatic Fill and Login - A new enhancement to the "Launch" button within the Vault with one click, automatically takes the user to the site, autofills their credentials, and logs them in a matter of a few seconds.
Fixed dozens of reported website autofill issues
Released on September 30, 2019. Full rollout after 24 hours.
This is a feature update, bug fix and security update for the Keeper browser extension on Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.
Changed default password generator length to 20 characters
Improved filling for sites that separate login and password on different screens (Google, IBM Cloud, etc...)
Improved several sites for two-factor code filling (Amazon AWS, Rackspace, Dropbox, several others)
Fixed: Sites that override iFrame styles (datto.com)
Fixed: Zendesk.com login
Fixed: caremark.com
Fixed: Pasting a Password string into an edited record not functioning consistently
Fixed: Removed locks appearing on buttons (Okta.com)
Security Update 1: UI Clickjacking on partially visible form To prevent malicious websites from performing "clickjacking" attacks against the Keeper extension on partially visible forms (specifically the payment card and address info), we have added additional protections. Users are now prompted to confirm their intention to load payment card and address details. The methods used to load information are blocked until such time that the user approves the action. If the user has a login/password saved for the website previously, the user will not be prompted for the additional confirmation.
Special thanks to the security researcher who submitted the report to Keeper's security team via the Bugcrowd Bug Bounty program.
Security Update 2: Renderer compromise scenario
Chrome's "Site Isolation" protects users against attackers who have an ability to compromise renderer process. This means that an attacker who can run arbitrary code inside renderer process can't steal information from other sites. In the remote case that an attacker has successfully compromised the Chrome web browser and defeated the "Site Isolation" capabilities of Chrome, additional protections can be put in place to ensure that the Keeper extension cannot also be compromised by sending arbitrary messages to the Keeper background process. A link to a discussion on this topic can be found here: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-extensions/0ei-UCHNm34 Although an attacker would need to first defeat Chrome's site isolation, the Chrome team and a prominent security researcher now recommends that all browser extension developers implement the necessary changes. To resolve this potential issue, Keeper now performs additional message checks to ensure the originator of the message, even in the case of a compromised Chrome browser. Special thanks to the security researcher who submitted the report to Keeper's security team via the Bugcrowd Bug Bounty program. For more information about the Keeper Security Bug Bounty Program or to submit a bug, please visit: https://bugcrowd.com/keepersecurity
Released on August 29th, 2019
This release encompasses new two-factor authentication functionality and a feature improvement along with bug fixes. Below you can find the summary of these items and their benefits.
Two-factor Authentication - This release adds new two-factor authentication functionality to our existing list of capabilities. The new method using TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) adds
tokens to records which are unique time-based multi-digit codes commonly used by websites and apps for two factor authentication and makes the capability available across the Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Add-ons and Windows Store. TOTP covers the following functionality:
Protects Two-Factor Codes in an encrypted vault record
Prevents lost access to a Two-Factor Code due to continuous backup
Synchronize Two-Factor Codes to multiple devices and computers
Sharing of Two-Factor Code among individual users & teams
Autofill Two-Factor Codes on most browsers
Emergency Access to your vault
Account Transfer of a user’s vault with Two-Factor codes to admin when off-boarding
Free trial users are restricted to 2 TOTP-enabled records
Changing a "Password Attach Save" to "Submit Button" - This feature improvement allows for the save password button to be attached to the save button in the confirmation screen as well as the submit button on the change password form of the site. This allows the user to skip the confirmation screen going forward.
Fix for Autofill issue filling out the UN/Pass on the wrong url
Fix for an issue which caused password changes to save the 2 FA to be saved as a custom field
Fix for clickjacking vulnerability
A multitude of record "lock" issues
Adding auto-submit restrictions from vault
A fix for a bug which caused custom field changes to not be published on incremental syncs
Released on August 6, 2019
This is a bug fix release to address several site-specific Autofill issues. Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers have been released. Safari will release with the next Desktop application update.
KeeperFill was removing some form elements of certain sites. The reason this was happening is because certain websites liked to inject an "eyeball" element to allow users to see the password that they were typing in. We attempted to control this by removing the feature of the target website, but unfortunately it caused issues with certain sites. This has been reverted and we have addressed the issue.
Resolved performance issues that affected the BlackBoard university systems.
Improved Fill issues on dozens of reported websites
Created Backend support for upcoming TOTP field types release
Security Update to Keeper Browser Extension published on July 20, 2019.
This update addresses a potential security vulnerability on the Keeper Browser Extension version 12.4.0. Within three hours of receiving the security researcher’s vulnerability report, Keeper Security’s development and security team released a new version of the Keeper Browser Extension to eliminate the risk associated with the reported vulnerability. The version number for Chrome and Firefox is 12.4.1. Version 12.4.0 has been blocked and is no longer available for use. Version 12.4.1 is now live on Chrome and Firefox app stores.
For the exploit to be realized, a sequence of conditions would be required which in turn, would impact the Keeper Browser Extension. No customer reported being affected by this issue.
Special thanks to Jun Kokatsu for the discovery and documentation of this issue.
The security researcher’s findings were reported via Keeper's Bugcrowd Public Vulnerability Disclosure Program today, marked on July 20, 2019 at 3:50AM PST. Discussions between Keeper’s Security Team and the security researcher occurred within three hours of receiving the researcher’s report. The issues disclosed in the report were accepted, validated and submitted for publication to the app stores, within five hours of receipt.
The security researcher reported that a user’s stored data could be read by a malicious website utilizing a cross-site scripting attack against the browser extension code.
In order for this potential vulnerability to result in an exploit of the user’s password for a website, the following conditions would need to exist:
The user must visit a malicious website using version 12.4.0 of the Keeper Browser extension released between July 19, 2019 at 7PM PST and July 20, 2019 9:35AM PST on Chrome or Firefox.
The Keeper user would require a password stored in their Keeper Vault for xyz.com.
The malicious website would then request the password and associated data stored for the size xyz.com upon visiting the malicious website.
The Keeper Browser Extension will auto-update from Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons. The old extension version 12.4.0 which was released approximately 12 hours earlier has been disabled.
We appreciate the detailed report, reproduction steps and supporting documentation provided by the security researcher, Jun Kokatsu.
All security and vulnerability reports are managed and submitted to Keeper's Bugcrowd Public Vulnerability Disclosure program at:
Released on July 12, 2019
This update addresses two reported potential security vulnerabilities affecting websites that have installed an IFrame from a malicious source. For the exploit to be realized, a sequence of conditions would be required which in turn, would impact the Keeper Browser Extension. No customer has reported being affected by this issue. Despite the fact that this is an extremely rare and improbable situation, Keeper takes all reported bugs seriously.
Within five hours of receiving the security researcher’s vulnerability report, Keeper Security’s development and security team released a new version of the Keeper Browser Extension to eliminate the risk associated with the reported vulnerabilities. The Keeper Browser Extension has been submitted to the app stores for publication. The version number for Chrome, Firefox and Edge is 12.3.7. The Safari version is 14.0.4.
Special thanks to Alesandro Ortiz for the discovery and documentation of this issue.
The security researcher’s findings were reported via Keeper's Bugcrowd Public Vulnerability Disclosure Program today, marked on July 12, 2019 at 2:51 PM PST and 2:53PM PST. Discussions between Keeper’s Security Team and the security researcher occurred within one hour of receiving the researcher’s report. The issues disclosed in the report were accepted, validated and submitted for publication to the app stores, within five hours of receipt.
The security researcher reported that a user’s website login credentials could potentially be autofilled into a website containing a malicious sandboxed IFrame to capture the user’s login credentials for that specific site.
In order for this potential vulnerability to result in an exploit of the user’s password for a website, the following conditions would need to exist:
The website owner / developer (e.g. xyz.com) must explicitly embed a malicious iFrame into their website’s HTML served from the same origin or another domain origin with "sandbox" property set that contains a login form.
The Keeper user would require a password stored in their Keeper Vault for xyz.com.
The Keeper user would need to visit the subject website, xyz.com.
The Keeper user would need to enable Autofill for the subject website, xyz.com, if prompted by the user's Keeper software. If the user previously clicked "Yes" on the Autofill prompt for site xyz.com, the user would not be prompted again.
Keeper then fills the password for the saved xyz.com site into the malicious iFrame which contains the sandbox property.
The security researcher reported that a user’s website login credentials could potentially be autofilled into a website containing a malicious IFrame, served from a different domain, to capture the user’s login credentials for that specific site.
In order for this potential vulnerability to result in an exploit of the user’s password for a website, the following conditions would need to exist:
The website owner / developer (e.g. xyz.com) must explicitly embed a malicious IFrame into their website's HTML served from an untrusted origin (e.g. somesite.com) that contains a login form, or the website owner has embedded a 3rd party library from an untrusted origin which injects a malicious IFrame.
The Keeper user would require a password stored in their Keeper Vault for xyz.com.
The Keeper user would need to visit the subject website, xyz.com.
The Keeper user would need to enable Autofill for the subject website, xyz.com, if prompted by the user's Keeper software. If the user previously clicked "Yes" on the Autofill prompt for site xyz.com, the user would not be prompted again.
Keeper then fills the password for the saved xyz.com site into the malicious IFrame served from a different domain.
It would be extremely unlikely and unusual for a website owner to purposely inject an untrusted IFrame into their page source from a different origin. Despite this, Keeper Security’s development team made the security improvements to its browser extension to prevent an autofill operation under the two reported scenarios.
The Keeper Browser Extension will auto-update from each respective app store (i.e. Mac Store, Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons and Microsoft Edge Store).
We appreciate the detailed report, reproduction steps and supporting documentation provided by the security researcher, Alesandro Ortiz. If you have any questions regarding this update please email security@keepersecurity.com. Alesandro's website is https://AlesandroOrtiz.com.
All security and vulnerability reports are managed and submitted to Keeper's Bugcrowd Public Vulnerability Disclosure program at:
Released on July 19, 2019
This is a major feature and bug fix release for the Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari browser extensions. This release has been published on Chrome and Firefox as of July 19, 2019. Microsoft Edge and Safari will be live as soon as they are approved by the App Store, ETA July 21, 2019.
Only show Lock Icon on Login and Registration Forms Feedback from customers is that the "Lock Icon" is showing on too many fields in websites and applications. With this update, the lock icons will only show on Login and Registration form fields. If accessing the extension is required on a field in which Keeper is not showing the lock, you can simply use the new right-click menu.
Location of Popups Based on customer feedback, we have moved the "Prompt to Save", "Prompt to Fill", "Prompt to Change" and "Prompt to Login" dialogs to the top right section of the web browser window, instead of obstructing the view over the login form. You can customize the location and animation that is used when displaying the popup screens. Visit the Settings -> Prompt Appearance screen.
Right-Click Menu You can now access many different and useful filling functions from the new Right-Click Menu. Fill logins, payment cards, addresses, and create new passwords with just one click.
Credit Card and Identity Info can now be filled on sites without the restriction of requiring a password stored for that site.
Autofill issues on several reported sites
Locks appearing in non-login forms
Improvements to the Admin Console enforcement policy to disable KeeperFill on specific sites/domains
Improved checks to prevent ability to fill a password into a non-password field
Record moved into a shared folder not recognized by extension until logout/login
Creating new address or payment record not appearing immediately
Released April 22, 2019
When creating a new account on a website, we made an improvement to simplify the user flow if the username or password is rejected at the target site.
ADFS SSO Login improvements
Don't Ask Again prompt not behaving to user expectation
Ability to edit a password without unmasking
Other site-specific issues
Releasing Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge on February 28, 2019. Note: Safari extensions are not available for update until version 14.0.0 which is deployed via the new Mac App Store.
Subdomain matching and sorting improvements. The sorting of records offered by the KeeperFill on-page login screen will prioritize the subdomain first, followed by the root domain matches. Within each subdomain, the results are sorted by date of last login.
Custom Field matching on website label form field is improved
Account Switching feature implemented for faster selection of previously used accounts
Support for upcoming Password Complexity role enforcement policy on Admin Console
Support Website Address matching on any custom field values
"Do not ask again" is not turning off Prompt to Login
Change Password "Yes" button on Firefox not working
KeeperFill not prompting immediately upon login
Firefox timing related bug fixes
Firefox issue with various websites reported by customers
Improved login to ConnectWise applications
Locks showing on some Date Pickers
Autofill not working for some Russian sites
Locks not showing on staples.com
Ignore email sign-up forms
Fix login for schwab.com
Fix auto-filling of multiple fields on registration forms
Turn off the Browser Extension on the Keeper Admin Console screen
Apple has implemented a major architecture change in Mac OS Mojave and Safari 12 in regards to browser extensions. In the past, the KeeperFill browser extension for Safari has shared a common development platform with Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge browsers. Apple now requires developers to publish browser extensions in the Mac App Store using a platform that is unique to the Mac OS ecosystem. We are currently creating a new version of KeeperFill for Safari 12 and Mojave that complies with our strict security requirements. We plan to publish the new Keeper Safari 12 soon. If you haven't updated to Mojave yet, we recommend waiting until the new KeeperFill extension is released. If you have already updated and are no longer able to use KeeperFill, you may use KeeperFill on Chrome, Firefox or Opera browsers until our new Safari extension is published.
Browser Extension Release 14.0.0 adds support for the Mac App Store
Major update to Browser Extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera.
Note: Safari extensions are not available for update until version 14.0.0 which is deployed via the new Mac App Store.
Improved overall user flow for performing "Change Password" on a website
Over 50 site-related bug fixes
Full support for Admin Console v13.1 role enforcement policies
Added "Prompt to Disable" feature
Show On/Off indicator on the status of each prompting feature
Hiding custom fields when masking is enabled
Apple has implemented a major architecture change in Mac OS Mojave and Safari 12 in regards to browser extensions. In the past, the KeeperFill browser extension for Safari has shared a common development platform with Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge browsers. Apple now requires developers to publish browser extensions in the Mac App Store using a platform that is unique to the Mac OS ecosystem. We are currently creating a new version of KeeperFill for Safari 12 and Mojave that complies with our strict security requirements. We plan to publish the new Keeper Safari 12 extension this month. If you haven't updated to Mojave yet, we recommend waiting until the new KeeperFill extension is released. If you have already updated and are no longer able to use KeeperFill, you may use KeeperFill on Chrome, Firefox or Opera browsers until our new Safari extension is published.
Sites with many input fields freeze the Edge browser
French website fixes with AutoFill
Duo Security issues in Edge browser
Custom field filling in subsequent pages
Amazon credit card filling
Browser Extension Release 12.3.1 adds support for improved subdomain filtering
Release date: December 10, 2018
Over 40 bug fixes
Select and fill proper record when launching from desktop or web vault
Mask passwords in Edit/New mode
Additional "equivalent domains" added
Localization / translation fixes
Enabled KeeperFill within the Keeper Admin Console
Full support for v13.1 Admin Console role enforcements are not completed.
Firefox BE is auto logging user after 5 minutes
Intralinks site prompts wrong message
Adding a char to notes and deleting it makes prompt freeze
Last record used not being saved for subdomain
Create a new record after editing a record doesn't generate new password
Prompt to Save leaves behind artifact on the screen
Cannot Save Address Edits
Can't create a new record if there's an existing record with the "disable edit" enforcement
Stripe payment widget not working with KeeperFill
Payment fill and new account registration fill on Shopify sites
Amazon.com loops at logout with auto submit
YubiKey issues
Missing Translations (Addresses, Set to Default)
UATP credit card type not being validated
Icon in the Windows store is missing
Google Sheets lock appears in input for conditional formatting
Paypal doesn't bring up prompt only in Safari browser
Autosubmit Not Working on United.com
Digital River e-commerce checkout page doesn't fill credit card
myclientline.net login form
CVC eyeball toggle not working
Password Strength Bar Not Showing Color
Check and X buttons for edit mode do not disappear after edit restriction error message
Twitter change password not working
Adobe account payment screen
Payment card doesn't work on Calendly.com
Credit card filling on Pagerduty.com
Credit card filling on Github.com
Credit card fill doesn't work on JIRA
Credit card filling on Monitis.com
Indeed.com credit card filling doesn't work
Restore Default Settings doesn't default logout timer
Save new password for an existing record does not open vault to view
Southwest.com Payment Fill
GitHub password reset not filling both fields
Console Popup issue
Browser Extension Release 12.3.0 contains a new user experience for "Change Password" flows to address all non-standard websites. In addition, we are completing all role enforcement policy changes for v13.1.0 Admin Console requirements.
Release ETA May 5, 2021 on Firefox, Chrome, Edge Browsers.
BE-3803: Improved memory management / clearing after logout
BE-3864: Right click menu to create payment card not working
BE-3956: Select-all Ctrl+A appended 'a' to end of the string
BE-3864: Google sign-in screen not prompting to save password
BE-3914: Stay Logged In sometimes not keeping the user logged in
BE-3840: Crowdstrike login interferes with icons
Keeper has been making UI changes across all web-applications and browser extensions to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d). The Keeper browser extension now supports keyboard navigation and it's compatible with popular screen readers and other assistive technology.
The vault search bar is always visible, and the search logic matches the Web Vault and Desktop App algorithm exactly. Therefore, the same search can be applied in both platforms. Users can search for a website login or any other piece of other information stored in their Keeper vault by simply opening the extension and entering their search criteria. The search feature is case insensitive and will match any record within your vault as you type, even partial words. The search results can also be sorted by name and date.
Keeper's password generator is now within easy reach in the extension toolbar landing screen. Users can generate and copy the secure password or use it to create a new record directly from the main screen.
The new "Matching Records" screen will now appear in the extension toolbar window.
Clicking the copy icon next to a record gives you the option to quickly copy the username and password or you can autofill the record by clicking the fill button. If there are many record matches, users can enter search terms to narrow down the results and even sort them by name or date.
The Autofill and Auto Submit settings can be enabled or disabled for individual records from both the extension toolbar and fill window.
Important Notes:
This setting will override the global Auto Submit setting.
If you have multiple records that match the same website, Keeper will not auto-fill and you will be prompted to select the record to fill. When there are multiple matches to a domain, you must click "Fill" to prevent undesirable behavior.
From the on-page fill window, users can filter on all records matching the current site's domain name. This is helpful for sites with many stored records.