Custom Invite and Logo

Configure a custom invite email and logo before inviting users

Custom Email Invitations

Prior to adding users to Keeper we recommend uploading your company logo to the vault and customizing the email invitation that will invite your employees to create their Keeper Vault. These configurations are highly recommended as they have shown to help with quick user adoption of Keeper's software.

To customize the email language, subject and logo, select Configurations then Edit next to "Email Invitations".

The email invitation template supports customization of the following four attributes:

  • Subject

  • Message Heading

  • Message Body

  • Download Button Text

Markdown Syntax

The body of the message supports plain text as well as basic markdown syntax. Example of markdown syntax:

Embedded Image from URL:

**This is bold text**

*This is Italic*

# This is Heading 1
## This is Heading 2

Link Text:
Visit [Keeper](!

For more information on the markdown language supported by Keeper, visit the following:

pageCustom Email - Markdown Language

Custom Email Template on Admin Console:

The example above produces the following email invitation:

You can also add your company logo which will appear in the upper left side of the header when users are logged into their Keeper Web Vault and Desktop App. Select Configurations then Edit next to "Company Logo".

Last updated