Keeper Connection Manager

Instantly access your infrastructure with zero-trust security

Keeper Connection Manager ("KCM") is an agentless remote desktop gateway that provides IT Admins and DevOps with secure easy access to RDP, SSH, database and Kubernetes endpoints through a web browser. This is a fully self-hosted connection manager which can be deployed to any on-prem, public cloud or private cloud environment.


  • RDP, SSH, K8s, database (MySQL) and VNC protocols

  • Remote Browser Isolation

  • Session Recording

  • Privileged Session Management

  • Cloud Instance Discovery

  • Multi-User Session Sharing

  • Role-Based Access Controls

  • Two-Factor Authentication

  • SSO, Active Directory and LDAP Integration

  • Custom Branding

Keeper Connection Manager can be installed through Docker or native Linux binaries.

RDP Connections

Keeper Connection Manager creates privileged RDP sessions through a web browser.

SSH Connections

Keeper Connection Manager creates privileged SSH terminal sessions through a web browser.

MySQL Database Connections

Keeper Connection Manager creates privileged MySQL interactive terminal sessions through a web browser.

VNC Connections

Keeper Connection Manager creates privileged VNC desktop sessions through a web browser.

Kubernetes Connections

Keeper Connection Manager creates privileged K8s terminal sessions through a web browser.

Remote Browser Isolation

Enable secure access to internal and cloud-based websites and applications without a VPN.

Secrets Manager Integration

Keeper Connection Manager integrates with Keeper Secrets Manager to retrieve session credentials directly from the Keeper Vault.

Secrets Manager Integration


Keeper Connection Manager is installed as a gateway in your cloud, virtual or on-prem environment. There are several methods of deployment, depending on your requirements and desired feature set.

Last updated

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