Existing MSP Admins
This page will guide existing MSPs as they migrate to our upgraded platform with new features and billing improvements.
Thank you for being a valued KeeperMSP customer! We’re launching powerful features and products to further improve your KeeperMSP experience. When Keeper releases our upgraded KeeperMSP product, you can expect new zero-trust Secure Add-ons and an improved billing model.
MSP consumption-based billing is live. Some MSPs have not been fully migrated to consumption billing. If you have any questions, please contact your Keeper sales representative.
Introducing Secure Add-Ons
These new features and Secure Add-Ons provide comprehensive visibility, security and control, all within one unified platform - with zero-trust and zero-knowledge security:
The Advanced Reporting & Alerts (ARAM) Module empowers InfoSec administrators to monitor more than 100 different security and activity-related event types via customizable reports, real-time notifications and seamless integration into any third-party SIEM solution.
BreachWatch continuously scans the dark web and receives alerts on compromised passwords to take immediate action for preventing an account takeover attack.
Compliance Reporting provides on-demand visibility of access permissions for the organization's credentials and secrets and; supports audits for Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) and other industry regulations that require access-control monitoring and event auditing.
KeeperChat enables secure, ephemeral messaging across employee devices with the world’s most secure messaging solution, protecting communications with end-to-end encryption.
Secure File Storage taps into Keeper’s zero-knowledge encryption to put secure file storage, retrieval and decryption privileges in the hands of approved users only.
Keeper Secrets Manager secures your environment and eliminates secrets sprawl by removing hard-coded credentials from your source code, config files and CI/CD systems.
Keeper Connection Manager provides DevOps and IT teams with effortless access to RDP, SSH and Kubernetes endpoints through a web browser.
Billing Related Improvements
Based on your licensing pool balance, your account will also soon transition from your current license pool billing model to our new consumption-based billing model. Once your current entitlements match or exceed your consumption, the switch will be automatic and seamless.
Consumption-Based Billing
Upon transitioning your account to our new billing model, you can expect the following key benefits:
It’s cost-effective and designed to scale with your business
You will only be charged for the licenses you use, thereby eliminating the need to estimate the number of users upfront.
No long-term commitments on licenses and users can activate or deactivate a user license at any time
Keeper will track your account’s daily license usage and bill you monthly, in arrears. You may continue to add licenses for any of our products (e.g. Secrets Manager, Compliance Reporting, KeeperChat and Connection Manager) as needed.
Adding a New Managed Company
Click Add Managed Company and enter their name and select the managing node. Next, choose a base plan and any additional Secure-Add Ons you would like to add. You will be able to view what Secure-Add Ons are included with each base plan once you select it.
By default, "Allow unlimited license consumption" will be enabled. To override this, deselect the checkbox and enter the maximum licenses allowed.
More information regarding base plans can be found here.
Edit an Existing Managed Company
To edit an existing Managed Company's details, Base Plan, maximum licenses and Secure Add-Ons, click on the name of the Managed Company, then click Edit.
MSP Subscription Manager
Since Keeper's new billing model is based on actual daily license usage, the default "License Pool Manager" Role will be replaced with the "MSP Subscription Manager" role. The MSP Subscription Manager’s main function is to manage billing for the MSP. This role has access to the “Subscriptions” tab of the console in order to make changes to the billing method and manage Secure Add-Ons for MSP internal use.
The users in the "License Pool Manager" role already have access to the Subscription tab, therefore, they will remain in the role and the role name will automatically change to "MSP Subscription Manager"
Administrative Permissions
The "Allocate Company Licenses" permission has been merged with the "Manage Companies (MSP) permission".
SEPA Payment Method
In order for SEPA to appear as a payment method on the checkout page upon purchase or renewal of KeeperMSP you must fulfill the following criteria:
(1) The selected country in the "Your Information" form must be supported by SEPA
(2) The selected currency in "Order Summary" form must be EUR
Last updated
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