Keeper MSP Onboarding Process
White Glove Provisioning
The following section covers the creation of a managed company to be managed by the MSP as opposed to handing off the instance to the client for future administration and management.
Schema Design
It's best to start a design by looking at your overall customer base across all account and extract as much commonalty as possible. We are looking for common requirements across all MC's. The closer all the MC's are to each other, the easier they will be to administer as a whole. Our goal is to create a templated procedure which can be re-used by future MC's.
In the table below, we can use a role named "Vault Transfer Required" across all the MC's. At first look, one might be tempted to create a role named "2FA" to handle each MC's different 2FA requirement. However, this naming is ambiguous as Keeper has over a dozen 2FA options. For long term platform management, it's best to name roles for the exact setting(s) they enforce. Our goal is consistent role naming and results across all MC's.
Roles are all about platform administration, so they will have a lot of commonality across MC's. On the other hand, due to varying business requirements, Teams and Shared Folders tend to be MC specific. In the table below we would create one shared folder for each Team present in a given MC. Unlike the table, try and use a common naming convention across all MC. Resist creating an "AP" team in one MC and a "Accounts Payable" team in another.
Vault Transfer Required 2FA Required
Master Password Complexity
Share per team
Vault Transfer Required 2FA Optional
No mobile device access
Accounts Payable
Share per team
Vault Transfer Required
Office access only
Create a New Managed Company
From the console interface, create a new managed company, decide on a provisioning method and create any desired roles and teams.
Additionally, create any desired MC customizations including corporate logo and or customized email invitations.
Nodes & Provisioning Methodology
Once the "MC" had been created, a provisioning method need to be chosen as this will effect the node structure. If Single Sign-On or Advance Provisioning will be utilized, a node needs to be added to host the provisioning method. For our example, we will use basic master password access and manual provisioning so no additional nodes will be required.
Note: On-Prem SSO Connect & AD Bridge require an administrator account within the managed company to bind the service. When setting up one of the fore-mentioned services, the administrators email tells the service which instance to bind to.
Create Roles
Create all desired Roles within the admin console. Roles are stackable, i.e., users can belong to multiple roles and will receive the lest permissive outcome of the summed roles. Keeper recommends naming your roles for the function they provide as opposed to a business unit or geo location. If a role enforces vault transfer, name it "Vault Transfer"
MSP administrative Vault Transfer passthrough
If configured correctly, the platform can allow members of the top-level MSP default "Keeper Administrator" role to perform vault transfers for a managed company without the need for a unique administrator account within the managed company. The administrative Vault Transfer passthrough can be enabled by:
Enable the "Transfer Account" option within the "Administrative Permissions" for the default top level "Keeper Administrator" role.
Perform the same operation for the default "Keeper Administrator" role within the managed company.
Within the managed company's user account transfer role, select "Keeper Administrator" as the "Eligible Role".
If the client managed company wishes to restrict the vault transfer ability to only certainly members of their organization and prevent the MSP from preforming the action, create and use a role other than the default "Keeper Administrator" as the "Eligible Role". The MSP passthrough will only work with the default administrator roles provided by Keeper. To set up local transfer rights only:
Create a new role within the managed company.
Enable "Transfer Account" option within the "Administrative Permissions" of the new role.
Use the new role as the "Eligible Role" for the "user" role where account transfer will be enabled.
Details on setting up vault transfer are available here: Account Transfer Policy.
Any roles with the "Set as Default Role for Node and Sub Nodes "Create Teams" option enabled will be automatically assigned to all new users. Users can also be indirectly added to roles via team memberships as roles can contain to both users and teams.
For small companies, often, only two roles are required. An administrative role for platform administration and a second for the general user base. Keeper recommends enabling the following minimum "role enforcement" policies:
"Keeper Administer" Role (predefined)
Setting Group
Login Settings
Minimum 12 characters
Login Settings
90 days
Require use of two factor
All Platforms
Require code every login
Account Settings
Disable Stay Logged in
Account Settings
Logout Timers (all)
10 Minutes
Account Settings
Allow IP List
See note below
Transfer Account
Enable Account Transfer
Note - Administrative access can be restricted to the MC's public facing egress IP addresses by creating an "Allow IP List" This will require an administrator to be on the MC's LAN or VPN to administer the platform.
"Default" user role
Setting Group
Login Settings
Minimum10 characters
Login Settings
90 days
Require use or two factor
See note below
All Platforms
See note below
Sharing & Uploading
Prevent sharing outside Enterprise
Sharing & Uploading
Prevent exporting of records
Account Settings
Prevent users from changing email
Account Settings
Disable Stay Logged in
Account Settings
Logout Timers (all)
15 to 90 Minutes
Transfer Account
Enable Account Transfer
Transfer Account
Eligible role
Keeper Administrator
Generally, two-factor is configured for master password based authentication. Try and encourage your clients to adopt "Require code at every login" policy settings, especially for mobile devices. "Require code at every 30 days" is often used for desktop clients. If using SSO authentication with two-factor enabled at the idP, it can be off or un-configured . By default, users can still opt to setup and use two-factor unless all the "available" methods are explicitly disabled within the enforcement policy.
By default, user invitations are sent upon account creation. If you wish to suppress the invitations until a later date, preform the following steps:
Within the MC, create a new role. For this example, we name the role "Suppress Emails Invitations".
Open the roles "Enforcement Policies" dialog.
Select "Account Settings".
Enable the "Disable email invitations" option and click "done".
Check / enable the "Set as Default Role for Node and Sub Nodes" option. This is to ensure the role will be applied to the user upon first login.
Create Teams
Teams offer the ability to group users for sharing and applying additional sharing options. If using SCIM provisioning you can indirectly add users to roles via team to role assignments.
Create all desired Teams.
Add any applicable role mappings as needed.
Pre-Deploy Keeper Applications and Extensions
Prior to onboarding users, you may wish to distribute certain Keeper's browser extensions, desktop and mobile apps. Details on centralized software distribution methods are covered here.
Configure Reporting & Alerts for "Plus" MC's
Managed Companies with a "plus" license type have access to Keeper's Advanced reporting and Alerts module. SEIM log forwarding, alerts and custom reports should be created as needed. Please see: MSP Best Practice Reports and Alerts.
Onboard Users
Keeper offers several options for onboarding users. Multiple methods can be used in parallel.
Manual entry via the admin console
CSV import via the admin console
Active Directory provisioning via Keeper's AD Bridge agent
Just In Time (JIT) provisioning via Keeper's Cloud SSO Connect or SSO Connect On-Prem.
SCIM provisioning via an IdP
SCIM provisioning via API.
Email provisioning via domain entry
Advanced automated provisioning via Keeper Commander's API / CLI interface
Account Recovery
Due to Keeper's zero-knowledge architecture, additional configuration may be required for account recovery. If SSO is in use, the administrator can perform an end-user password reset via the IdP's user management interface. Master Password based users do not have this option so extra steps are required to ensure recover is possible if needed. The first option for Master Password based users is a self-service solution by providing a recovery phrase. A recovery phrase is a simple, auto-generated set of 24 words that was configured when setting up their vault. If the user has forgotten their recovery phrase and vault transfer has been configured by the administrator and accepted by the end user, you can use the following procedure to recover the account: Password Recovery Via Vault Transfer
Configure Logging and Custom Reporting & Alerts
Keeper's Advanced Reporting and Alerts Module (ARAM) is available to managed companies with a "plus" license type. SIEM and Syslog forwarding configurations are covered here: Reporting & Alerts (SIEM). Best practice and example reports and alerts are covered here: Best Practices.
Last updated
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