Provision Family plans via API

API access to creating free family plans associated to a business account

Note: This API is for partners of Keeper and Enterprise customers deployed in the Keeper Security Government Cloud region.


Keeper offers enterprise customers APIs to provision Family plans. Keeper provides REST APIs that enable you to build custom applications and integration in provisioning Family plans.

Capabilities of the API

Provision Family Plan API endpoint is for enterprise accounts & MSP partners to register Keeper Family licenses. This endpoint will create a 1 year license with the following Product/Add-ons:

  • Keeper Family

  • BreachWatch (Dark Web Monitoring)

  • 10GB File Storage

For the full list of Keeper Family License features, visit the following page.

API definition


This is an API endpoint for partners to register Keeper Family licenses.This endpoint will create a 1 year license with the following Product/Add-ons -- Keeper Family,BreachWatch, 10GB File Storage

Query parameters
transaction_idstring · min: 1required

Partner Transaction Id (external Id used by the partner as a reference)

first_namestring · min: 1required

First name of user

last_namestring · min: 1optional

Last name of user

emailstring · min: 1required

Email of user

hashstring · min: 1required

Salted hash, hash = SHA256.hexdigest.bytesToHex(email + salt )

partner_namestring · min: 1required

Keeper will provide the expected partner name along with the salt ("secret")

curl -L \
  --url ''
  "success": true,
  "order_number": "12345678-1234",
  "vault_url": ""

Additional API details

API Parameters

For more information on the required parameters, visit:

API Parameters

API Response codes

For more information on the response codes, visit:

API Response Codes

API Explorer

If you wish to explore the APIs in another tool like postman or the swagger editor, download the associated YAML definition of the APIs below

For more information on exploring the API with swagger, visit:

API Explorer - Swagger

If you need support or have additional questions on the usage of these APIs, please contact support or your sales representative.

Sample node.js script

Use the below sample so understand how you might implement this in your environment:

var request = require('request');
var CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');

var secret = 'PARTNER_SECRET';
var partner_name = 'PARTNER_NAME';
var email = 'EMAIL';
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(email + secret);
var transaction_id = 'TRANSACTION_ID';
var first_name = 'FIRST_NAME';
var last_name = 'LAST_NAME';

var options = {
  'method': 'GET',
  'url': ''+transaction_id+'&first_name='+first_name+'&last_name='+last_name+'&email='+email+'&hash='+hash+'&partner_name='+partner_name+'',
  'headers': {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'

  request(options, function (error, response) {
      if (error) console.log("Error From the server: "+error);
      console.log("response body: "+response.body);
      console.log("response status: "+response.statusCode);

Last updated

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