Security Audit Score Calculation
Information on how the security scoring is calculated in the Admin Console
How are Security Scores Calculated?
This document will cover how the following Security Audit Scores are calculated:
Record Password Strength
The Record Password Strength score represents the percentage of record passwords, across all record passwords for all users, that are strong, medium, or weak. This score is calculated by adding all user's individual Record Password Strength, and then dividing it by the total number of records.
For each user, the Record Password Strength is calculated by the taking the number of strong, medium, or weak passwords and dividing it by the total number of records.
For example, if a user's vault has 10 total records where:
6 of the records have a strong password
3 of the records have a medium password
1 of the record has a weak password
The Record Password Strength score for this user will be as follows:
Strong passwords: 6/10 = 0.6 = 60%
Medium passwords: 3/10 = 0.3 = 30%
Weak passwords: 1/10 = 0.1 = 10%
Unique Record Passwords
The Unique Record Passwords score represents the percentage of record passwords, across all record passwords for all users, that are Unique or Reused. This score is calculated by adding all user's individual unique password score, and then dividing it by the total number of records.
For each user, the Unique Passwords Record Score is calculated by taking the number of unique passwords in the user's vault and dividing it by the total number of records.
For example, if a user's vault has 10 total records where:
6 of the records have a unique password
2 of the records share the same password
2 of the records share the same password
There are 6 unique passwords, 1 unique password that is shared between 2 records, and another unique password that is shared between 2 records. Thus, there are a total of 8 unique passwords. The Unique Passwords Record Score for this user will be as follows:
Unique passwords: 8/10 = 0.8 = 80%
Reused passwords: 2/10 = 0.2 = 20%
Two-Factor Authentication
The Two-Factor Authentication score represents the percentage of users that have enabled Two-Factor Authentication. This score is calculated by adding all the Two-Factor Authentication scores of all users and then dividing it by the number of total users.
For each user, the Two-Factor Authentication score will be one of the following values depending on whether the user has Two-Factor Authentication On or Off:
0% if Two-Factor Authentication is Off
100% if Two-Factor Authentication is On
Master Password Strength
The Master Password Strength is not displayed on neither the Vault Clients nor Admin Console. Instead, the Master Password Strength is displayed upon Account Creation:

For each user, the Master Password will be 100% if the Master Password's strength is Strong, and 0% otherwise.
For the overall Security Audit Score calculation, the average Master Password across all users is used.
Security Audit Score
The Security Audit Score represents the Overall Average Security Score across all your users in your organization.
For each user, the Average Security Score is calculated by taking the average of the user's score from the following categories:
The Strong password % is used
The Unique password % is used
If Two-Factor Authentication is On, 100% is used, if Off 0% is used
If Master Password strength is strong, 100% is used, otherwise 0% used.
User's Average Security Score is calculated as follows:
User's Average Security Score = (% of Strong Password Strength + % of Unique Password + Two-Factor Authentication + Master Password Strength)/4
For example, if a user has the following scores:
Strong Password Strength = 60%
Unique Record Passwords = 80%
Two Factor Authentication is Off = 0%
Master Password Strength = 100%
The Average Security Score for the above user would be the sum of all the category scores divided by 4:
I have 0 Records, why is my Security Audit Score not 0?
Since the following variables affect the Security Audit Score:
Record Password Strength
Unique Record Passwords
Master Password Strength
Two-Factor Authentication
if the user has 0 records, this disqualifies the Record Password Strength and Unique Record Passwords variables, but the calculation of the Security Audit Score still takes the Master Password Strength and Two-Factor Authentication into consideration.
Why is my Security Audit Score negative?
Across the various Keeper Vault Clients, user's Security Scores are independently calculated which may rarely cause the overall Security Audit Scores to be negative. If the Keeper Admin Console displays negative scores, visit the following page to correct this issue.
Last updated
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