Released on Oct 4, 2022
IOS-6547: Support for Brave browser
IOS-6559: Siri Shortcuts for Keeper
See the user guide for more info:
IOS-6573: Crash when deleting a file from a record containing 10+ file attachments
IOS-6574: Unable to use password zoom on v3 record when the record doesn't contain a login
IOS-6440: File download is being called for individual files instead of as a batch operation
IOS-6535: Record search is slowed when utilizing autofill
IOS-6527: UI issues with 2FA options upon resuming an expired session
IOS-6589: Translations missing for record TOTP menu
Released on August 15, 2022
IOS-6560: Removed hard-coded email addresses from the "sample data" used in screenshots
IOS-6556: Missing translations in the Autofill settings dialog
IOS-6551: Removed invalid "ZZ" country code.
IOS-6550: Fixed multi-stage keyboards for custom fields.
IOS-6542: Removed password color highlighting during edit to prevent crash
IOS-6549: Secure File Storage prompt to purchase not showing in some edge cases
Released on June 5, 2022
IOS-6428: Launch of Keeper One-Time Share for iOS.
See the user guide for more info: https://docs.keeper.io/user-guides/one-time-share
IOS-6464: Crash during sync with large vaults
IOS-6468: Custom TOTP Field not displaying in TOTP filter view
IOS-6474: Unable to unmask password in record history
IOS-6488: Shared user unable to edit or share after owner changes permissions
IOS-6490: Crash when selecting "New Shared Folder" in Share Options screen
IOS-6491: Can't cancel out of Editing Shared Folder
IOS-6506: Missing countries in the 2FA text message screen list
IOS-6512: BreachWatch bar showing red when it should be green in some cases
IOS-6508: Increased password generator length to 99 characters to match other platforms
IOS-6515: Crash updating a record
IOS-6516: Error after saving legacy record when adding notes
IOS-6263: Login loop when using KeeperFill
IOS-6369: Crash after login when sitting on the Shared User screen
Released on April 27, 2022
IOS-6418: Notes field slowing down making it hard to enter text
IOS-6424: Crash if user returns to the Security Key screen after timing out
IOS-6392: Missing country code and extension number for phone number fields
IOS-6403: Server error when saving files when transitioning from offline to online mode
IOS-6249: Custom fields are randomly masked after every save
IOS-6432: New Record Type records are not appearing in KeeperFill search results
Other changes
IOS-6303: Added ability to delete your account (per Apple requirements)
Release ETA March 18, 2022
Keeper for iOS now supports FIDO2 WebAuthn for two-factor authentication using NFC and plug-in devices, such as the Yubikey NFC device.
A video of the setup and login process can be seen in the video demo below:
The FIDO2 WebAuthn device will be required for login based on the configuration of the first 2FA method. For example:
If the first 2FA method is set to "Prompt Every Login", then the Yubikey will be required on every login, and offline login will be disabled.
If the first 2FA method is set to "Every 30 days", then the Yubikey will be required every 30 days, and offline login will be disabled.
If the first 2FA method is set to "Remember Forever", then the Yubikey will only be required one time on each new device. Offline vault login will be enabled.
IOS-6364: Crash after leaving the sharing screen, auto-logout
IOS-6173: Icons for all record types in the trash bin are the same
IOS-6361: Scanned text is not applied in notes for Record Types
IOS-6302: Long folder names are being cut off
IOS-6367: V3 records shared from iOS are not appearing on Android
IOS-6358: User unable to edit a record if the file upload limit has been reached
IOS-6363: User unable to create a record from the 3D Touch menu
IOS-6374: Master Password screen displayed when home-out from 2FA screen during biometric login flow
IOS-6350: Phone number for Contact Record Type looks wrong
IOS-6383: Autofill runs out of memory and crashes with large accounts
IOS-6295: Attachment goes missing after restoring a record
IOS-6405: Changing color on record then immediately making an edit fails
Released onFeb 1, 2022
We have removed the legacy "Keeper Browser" in favor of iOS Autofill, which has been available since iOS 12.
To activate iOS Autofill, please follow the below guide: https://docs.keeper.io/user-guides/autofill-setup-for-ios
iOS-6345: "2FA Code Copied to clipboard" popup occurring when autofilling, even when there is no 2FA code. Fixed.
iOS-6344: Deleted Enterprise account able to open the iOS app locally. No data or syncing occurred, but the result was unexpected and generated errors. Fixed.
iOS-6340: Japanese/Romaji keyboard doesn't work correctly on the notes field. Fixed.
iOS-6283: After transferring phone to new device, Face ID does not work properly and the user is not given any instruction on how to resolve the issue. Fixed.
iOS-5308: Email/login fields visually duplicating in some cases. Fixed.
iOS-6348: Crash on iPad when using Autofill on certain records. Fixed.
iOS-6359: File attachment upload failing on old "V2" format records. Fixed.
iOS-6356: Issue with File Attachments where the file is not linked properly after saving in some cases. Fixed.
Released to all customers on Jan 18, 2022
IOS-5334: Support for Keeper Record Types (Enterprise customers only)
A Keeper Record Type is a structured template that can contain any type of information such as logins, payment cards, bank accounts, and many more. There are several out-of-the-box record types available, and Admins can create custom types that fit the needs of your organization. Custom types can be created for all users, or users within specific roles. Learn more about Keeper Record Types below:
IOS-6039: Support for Compliance Reports (Enterprise customers only)
Compliance Reports provide on-demand visibility to access permissions on records and credentials in your enterprise. These reports simplify the compliance auditing process for Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) and other regulations requiring periodic access control auditing. These Keeper Administrator-defined Compliance Reports run on-demand and can be forwarded to automated compliance systems or sent directly to external auditors. Since the reports contain some non-credential encrypted record data, an administrator must have permission to run and view these reports. The encrypted record data is included in the report and can also be used as report filters.
More information can be found here:
Released on Sep 24, 2021
🇱🇷 Support for the Amazon AWS GovCloud environment. Keeper is currently FedRAMP in-process and public sector entities can now establish their Keeper tenant in the GovCloud environment. Contact the public sector sales team at govsales@keepersecurity.com for more information.
Increased the number of special characters to this set:
IOS-6079: Opt-in to Push Notifications can be dismissed accidentally
IOS-6074: Password Zoom feature doesn't scale for very long passwords
IOS-6077: Adding a linked personal account from iOS doesn't work
Released June 2, 2021
ETA Release April 30, 2021
iOS 14 Widget - When enabled, an account security overview is displayed on the user's home screen containing the following data:
Password Strength Score
Password Reuse Score
Number of Breached Records
BreachWatch - Enabled/Disabled
Two-Factor Authentication - Enabled/Disabled
IOS-5942: Keeper automatically fills the user's email address during account recovery
IOS-5931: Users are prompted to reset Keeper after initiating account recovery on initial login
IOS-5929: Error message received with text key on attempt to login to KeeperFill with a locked account
IOS-5926: Users are prompted for their Master Password after Face ID and KeeperDNA authentication are successful
IOS-5854: Record history appears blank after the user changes the record password
IOS-5922: Keeper Push pop-up fails to dismiss after a selection is made
IOS-5920: "Encryption Error" occurs when the user attempts to change their Master Password while in offline mode
IOS-5936: Users are unable to tap the "Change Password" button in Keeper's in-app browser
IOS-5873: The "Reset Master Password" screen persists after session timeout without an error message
IOS-5952: Attempting to login after device approval via email generates an error message
Release ETA April 5, 2021
Expansion to AU Data Center - Keeper now supports an AU data center. Users have the option to select "AUS" from the region selector at login.
IOS-5973: Crash occurs when user selects "Approve Device and Location" button in device approval email.
IOS-5980: Crash occurs when adding a login URL to a record when editing it for the first time after creation
IOS-5977: Keeper Push and 2FA device approval notifications fail to appear on other platforms
Released February 17, 2021
IOS-5928: Phone numbers in Identity & Payments fail to sync on initial login
IOS-5927: Enterprise user unable to return to auto-logout settings after setting a custom logout value
IOS-5924: Crash occurs if user logs in offline then connects to the internet and creates a new folder
IOS-5910: Users are unable to 'paste' into Master Password login field
IOS-5833: Device approval using 2FA method (Keeper DNA) doesn't work
IOS-5789: The "Shared Users" screen automatically closes after the user creates a new record
IOS-5800: Watch setup verification appears on the user's phone rather than their watch
Released on Jan 20, 2021
IOS-5860: Users are able to reset Keeper directly from the application
IOS-5840: After updating the app, an error message appears upon logging into KeeperFill
iOS-5824: register_device_in_region is repeatedly called, forcing users to reset app
iOS-5848: Expired users are unable to sync down
IOS-5850: Restoring app from backup presents users with an empty vault
IOS-5861: Users who log in with biometrics are unable to reset their Master Password
IOS-5830: Biometric login only works with the first extension users log into
Released on December 30, 2020
IOS-5802: Keeper DNA push method with Apple Watch fails
IOS-5791: Keeper "Quick Start" module fails to appear after account creation
IOS-5801: Device Approval notification fails to appear on iOS devices when a user attempts to login to another platform or device
IOS-5821: Identity and Payment Info fails to automatically sync after update to iOS v15
IOS-5818: Biometric login fails to automatically launch after initiating KeeperFill
IOS-5827: "Back" button causes a crash in some cases
IOS-5826: Enabling "BOLD" text within Accessibility settings causes KeeperFill to fail
IOS-5817: User receives "Master Password Required" prompt repeatedly after initial login
IOS-5825: Error message appears at 2FA screen after update to iOS v15 with Biometric login enabled
Released on December 21, 2020
IOS-5469: Login V3 General Availability (GA) More information available here: https://docs.keeper.io/enterprise-guide/login-api-v3
Support for Keeper SSO Cloud
New "Password Zoom" when press-and-hold on a password field
New "Password Update" screen to show Old and New password after change
IOS-4668: Client fails to cache the enterprise public key
IOS-5547: Numeric keypad is presented in create account verification screen instead of alphanumeric keypad preventing user from proceeding forward
IOS-5672: "Invalid email" error message appears when user taps "Send Email" method for device approval
IOS-5655: User unable to dismiss keyboard and tap "Next" button during Forgot Password flow
IOS-5638: User experiences login loop when using Biometric login when Yuibkey 2FA is enabled
IOS-5645: Yubikey popup appears behind keyboard on device verification
IOS-5644: Logging in with FaceID and 2FA prompts user for master password entry
IOS-5621: Client update message appears when user attempts App Switcher mode
IOS-5583: Text key appears in error message when user submits incorrect verification code
IOS-5582: "Add Account" button incorrectly directs user to "Create Account" screen
Released August 19, 2020
Released July 17, 2020
Privacy Screen - Admins now have the ability to control the viewing (unmasking) of passwords based on a specified domain. This policy is enforceable by the Admin for individual domains within each of their Generated Password Complexity settings by enabling "Apply Privacy Screen".
Logins Visible in Vault View - Each record's username/email are now visible in the "All Records" view of the vault, making it easier for users to locate a record when they have multiple logins for a single site.
Fixed: A message reading "A Wi-Fi or Data Connection is required" replaces the existing "client update" message at the login screen.
Fixed: A crash occurs when attempting to restore deleted records.
Fixed: Although changes are not saved, an error message fails to appear when a user attempts to modify a record when they lack record permissions.
Fixed: Restoring a record takes longer than it should when a user's vault exceeds 500 records.
Fixed: Various design issues.
Released June 23, 2020
Increase Tappable Area of Custom Field Eye Icons - The tappable area of the eye icon of custom fields values has increased in size to improve the user's accessibility to its masking/unmasking functionality.
Fixed: The payment dialogue for expired paid accounts closes immediately after opening, preventing the user from entering their payment information.
Fixed: The share screen freezes when a new user attempts to share a record after they have verified their email address as directed.
Fixed: Select QR codes are unable to be scanned for two-factor authentication.
Fixed: Retry upload prompt causes crash (iPad only).
Fixed: Various design and alignment issues.
Released May 12, 2020
"Need Help?" Button Added to the Login Screen - A "Need Help?" button is now available to provide immediate assistance to users at the login screen. When clicked on, users are presented with two options:
Forgot Master Password - walks existing users through the account recovery process (enter a verification code and answer security question) and allows them to reset their Master Password.
Visit Support Page - Automatically directs users to Keeper's User Guide support page, comprised of helpful instructional documentation and resources.
Improved Display of "Notes" Field - Users can easily expand and shrink the "Notes" field of a record with the use of the "Show More" and "Show Less" buttons.
Fixed: A crash occurs when a user attempts to login to an expired account.
Fixed: Upon receiving a group invite, a crash occurs when the user taps "Request a New Invitation".
Fixed: The "High Risk" info button is unresponsive in BreachWatch's "Scan Results" view.
Fixed: Personal Info's "Phone" field does not provide the user with a country code dropdown menu when editing.
Fixed: Various visual and design issues and inconsistencies.
Released March 30, 2020
Safari Browser Based SSO Enterprise Authentication - The custom web view that was used for SSO Enterprise authentication has been replaced with the Safari browser for its web-based authentication and support of Safari certificates.
Updated Privacy Policy - Our privacy policy was previously only viewable within the app. Users now can click on a URL that will direct them to view our updated privacy policy on the Keeper website.
"Notes" Field Improvements - The "Notes" field within records has been improved by providing expansion and scrolling functionality for easier viewing and utilization.
Fixed: Upon entering the correct SSO login credentials, users are directed to the Keeper login screen containing a blank password field instead of proceeding to their vault.
Fixed: The SSO onboarding message appearing at the Enterprise domain login screen does not accurately reflect the iOS flow.
Fixed: The SSO Connect screen hangs indefinitely after a user attempts to enter and submit the correct login credentials.
Released February 11, 2020
Light/Dark Mode Configuration - With this release, users have the option to choose between two appearance modes, which are available in Keeper's application Settings menu. The app can adapt to the Light or Dark appearance mode that is selected on your device by choosing "Use Device Settings". Alternatively, users have the option to keep the familiar style and theme of the app by choosing the "Classic" mode.
Privacy Notice Update - Our privacy notice and certification status, including a TRUSTe seal (Privacy Shield Verification Program) have been updated within the Registration and Help screens.
Master Password & Security Answer Character Length Enforcement - For added security purposes, the minimum character length for users' Master Password has increased to 10, while the minimum character length for a Security Answer has increased to 8.
Fixed: Various design inconsistencies.
Fixed: Issues causing certain buttons to be unresponsive.
Fixed: Some areas containing translations discrepancies.
Fixed: When a user attempts to save a record attachment as an image a crash occurs.
Fixed: When a user is prompted for DUO enrollment in Account Selection View, a crash occurs.
Fixed: Upon launching the KeeperFill browser extension, the user does not receive visual feedback/popup if they have entered an invalid DUO code at login.
Fixed: Users are unable to use alternative Two-Factor Authentication methods (text message or TOTP) upon tapping cancel when the Yubikey prompt appears.
Released on 12/19/2019
Released on 12/03/2019
Fixed: an issue causing the biometric login switch to revert back to its previous state when scrolling in and out of view.
Fixed: an issue causing a crash when performing a keyword search with Enterprise accounts containing 1000+ records and a team folder.
Fixed: When saving a scanned document, a pop-up appears with truncated text; text now wraps (only some languages affected).
Released on: 11/05/2019
Document Scanner V2: The ability to upload a scanned image file in addition to the transcribed text within the Record Notes field. The new functionality is paired with help pop-ups to support the user experience and potential storage limitations.
Two-Factor Codes Update: Added favicons and a timer indicator to the Two-Factor Codes screen displaying additional information regarding each record setup with a time-based one-time password code.
Storage Renewals & Up-sells: Adjustments to support storing files to records including multiple flows leading users to the appropriate up-sell if they exceed their storage limit.
Fixed: An issue that causes records to still be visible to users after they are removed from shared folders
Fixed: Crashes for MSP and MC accounts upon logins
Fixed: An issue that causes a duplication of a folder when a child-record is deleted
Fixed: An issue causing Apple watch verification to appear during every login attempt upon switching from a different 2FA method
Released on 10/17/2019
Released on October 11th, 2019.
An update to the font style from “San Francisco” to “Overpass” was completed. This update aides uniformity across the web, mobile, desktop and watch platforms
The Notes field in each record was moved to the bottom of the field options within the Edit view in order to allow for long-form notes to be viewed without pushing other important record elements beyond immediate visibility on the screen
Headers for “Primary Method” and “Security Keys” were added within the "Settings">"Two-Factor Authentication" section
TOTP codes were added to the KeeperFill browser lookup options in the top-right corner of the screen in addition to the username, password, and other field options
Fixed: An issue causing two duplicate "Turn On Now" buttons to appear in a pop-up
Fixed: The tab bar menu options include BreachWatch when Business and Enterprise users are not subscribed
Released on September 6th, 2019.
New functionality using optical character recognition (OCR) adding the ability to scan and transcribe documents or images within the “Notes” section of any record by using the device's own camera and the new VisionKit framework
The "Create a record"/"Create a folder" button and respective animation have been enlarged and made more prominent within the tab bar for ease of use
The new Classic Blue and Metal themes are now available within "Settings"
BreachWatch was moved into the tab bar, replacing KeeperChat in the 2nd position left-to-right. KeeperChat remains available to subscribed customers in the slide-out left navigation menu.
Fix for an overlap issue which caused the tooltip icon to overlap with the "Two-factor" authentication field within the record "Edit" view
Fix for an issue that causes the tooltip of the "Two-factor" field to become un-clickable when transitioning from Portrait mode to Landscape mode while editing a record
Released on September 4th, 2019.
Released on August 29, 2019.
Two-factor Authentication - adding TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) to the two-factor authentication capabilities
Improvement of the account recovery process
Fixed an issue causing application crashes when new records are created and two-factor authentication is enabled
Fixed an issue causing password complexity options to get stuck on screen
Fixed an issue causing long record titles bleed into right margin in new favicon view
In addition to performance improvements and bug fixes, version 14.6.0 includes new ways to confirm your identity, and a visual enhancement.
First, we’ve added the ability to attach TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) tokens to records which are unique time-based multi-digit codes commonly used by websites and apps for two factor authentication.
Also, we are adding support for YubiKey 5Ci security keys for two-factor authentication which allow you to insert a hardware device in your USB port to verify your identity.
We are also excited to introduce the addition of favicons in list view making it easier to find your most used passwords.
Released on August 14, 2019 on 7-day staged rollout.
Support for Enterprise password generator enforcement policy.
Backend API updates to align with other client app devices.
Enterprise SSO user is able to bypass the login screen by following specific sequence of steps. Fixed.
Enterprise user is unable to log in to Autofill Extension after moving to SSO-enabled node. Fixed.
Wells Fargo Autofill not working. Fixed.
Marking record as "Favorite" not reflecting on the Web Vault. Fixed.
"Accept Invite" button not working when user has multiple share invites. Fixed.
Released July 20, 2019
Keeper iOS now supports Drag and Drop. Tap and hold a record to drag into a folder, or tap and hold a folder to move it into a subfolder.
BreachWatch available for Keeper Business & Enterprise accounts.
Visual differentiation between "ignored" and "resolved" records.
Various bug fixes relating to end-user purchase flows on secure file storage and BreachWatch.
Crash when saving empty URL on in-app browser screen.
Team member w/ record edit restrictions appears to have edit permissions but it reverts the change after save.
SSO users were able to see "Change Email" screen in Settings. Removed.
Keeper does not launch if user taps on a "Create Account" link from post-purchase page that's directed to EU data center. Fixed.
Released on April 17, 2019 on phased rollout.
Release date: March 30, 2019 (7-day phased release)
New security question workflow, new users must select a "Custom" security Q&A
You can now filter and sort records while searching
New Duo Security login screen design
Remove unsupported features from Duo screen based on Enterprise Duo settings
All record deletion prompts are now consistent across screens
KeeperFill UI improvements when no matching records found
Localization improvement in Arabic and Hebrew
Family Plan upgrade paths improved
Improved purchase flow path when changing devices
Removed redundant login event data to Advanced Reporting & Alerts Module
EU Account login issues
Enterprise enforcement error messages clarified during sharing
Audit scoring not matching exactly to the Web Vault audit screens
Remove "Restore Purchase" button for Enterprise users
Resolved "Restore Purchase" issues for consumers
iOS Version 14.3.1 will include a series of UI improvements to KeeperFill, such as multi-account switching. Version 14.4 will support the new BreachWatch for Business capabilities.
Released on February 18, 2019.
Security Audit screen slow with large number of records
Clipboard not cleared when app in background
Crash after deleting custom fields
BreachWatch purchase button issues resolved
Opening deleting records while offline causes crash
Adding record to shared folder not immediately displayed in permissions screen
Released on February 10, 2019.
User can choose their default browser setting for AutoFill
New, clearer in-app purchase instructions and workflow
Added "re-used" password audit
AutoFill UI improvements
Add new Copy/Clone feature from the Record Detail view
Added Costa Rica to the 2FA country list
Sometimes the "Buy" button is unresponsive, this is being addressed in 14.2.1.
BreachWatch was showing for some Enterprise users, this was resolved.
Error messages during syncing on expired accounts
View not dismissing when removing a user from a shared record
Mask Passwords not enforced if Hide Passwords local setting is off
Crash accessing the camera role
Attachments not uploading if user transitions from Offline to Online
Unable to open Word documents when Keeper installed
Crash saving image from Keeper to device
Face ID not available in DNA screen when turned off in device Settings
Localization issues
iOS Release 14.2.1 contains several bug fixes
Released on January 9, 2018.
Enterprise role enforcement support for Admin Console v13.1
Custom Field masking (Enterprise only)
Notes masking (Enterprise only)
Improved support for Duo Push
Password masking enforcement policy is partially supported, the user can still disable the feature from Setting screen. This will be fully restricted in v14.2.0
Duo Security workflow issues resolved
Sharing screen crash resolved
Speed improvements on BreachWatch "Ignore" feature
Apple Watch "Tap to Verify" issues resolved
Translation issues in Hebrew and German
Fixed account recovery issues in certain circumstances
Fixed several crashes in Identity & Payments screens
iOS Release 14.2.1 contains several new UI updates related to in-app subscription purchases