JumpCloud Configuration
How to configure Keeper SSO Connect On-Prem with JumpCloud for seamless and secure SAML 2.0 authentication.
For a 100% cloud-based integration with JumpCloud, see Keeper SSO Connect Cloud
JumpCloud instructions for setting up Single Sign On (SSO) with Keeper Security. As listed in the JumpCloud SSO Prerequisites a public certificate and a private key pair are required. Instructions can be found here:
Log into the JumpCloud Administrator console.
Select the Applications tab on the side menu.
Next, select the + icon in the upper left corner.
Search for Keeper in the Application list search bar. Select Configure on the Keeper Application.
Next, on Keeper Application connector page, enter the IDP ENTITY ID:
The IDP ENTITY ID is a unique, case-sensitive identifier used by JumpCloud for this Service Provider (SP). This value should match the value specified in the Entity ID field of the Keeper SSO Connect. Your domain name, SSO Connect server name or IP address are possible examples. Next, Upload the IdP Private Key (private.pem file) and IDP Certificate (cert.pem file).
In the SP Entity ID field, enter the value found in the Entity ID field of the Service Provider Section from Keeper SSO Connect.
In the ACS URL field, enter the value found in the ACS URL field of the Service Provider Section from Keeper SSO Connect.
In the field terminating the IdP URL, either leave the default value or enter a plaintext string unique to this connector. (i.e. keepersecurity)
In the Display Label field, enter a label that will appear under the Service Provider logo within the JumpCloud User console. (i.e. Keeper Security)
Note: Keeper SSO Connect expects that the SAML response is signed. Ensure that JumpCloud is configured to sign SAML responses.
To complete the configuration, select the activate button.
Last step is to export the metadata from this connector to import it into the Keeper SSO Connect in Step 8.
Upload this file into the Keeper SSO Connect interface by dragging and dropping the file into the Setup screen:
Select Save and Your Keeper SSO Connect setup is now complete!
User Provisioning SSO+SCIM
JumpCloud® supports Automated Provisioning with SCIM (System for Cross Domain Identity Management) which will update and deactivate Keeper user accounts as changes are made in JumpCloud®. Step-by-Step instructions can be found here, https://docs.keeper.io/enterprise-guide/user-and-team-provisioning/jumpcloud-provisioning-with-scim
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