Vault Version 16.8.0
Released on Oct 20, 2022
Last updated
Released on Oct 20, 2022
Last updated
Share Admin Keeper's Share Admin feature is a role-based permission that gives administrators elevated access rights over your organization's shared folders and shared records. Share Admins have full user and record privileges for any shared record that they have access to. See:
MSP to Managed Company Team Sharing Directly share folders to Managed Company teams
General to Record Type Conversion You can now right-click to change the type of any record, including migration from the legacy "General" record types. Multi-select + right click allows migration of multiple records at once.
Default Record Permissions Quickly set permissions during the creation of a Shared Folder
Default Folder Settings moved into the "Settings" tab In addition, you can now apply permission changes recursively and retroactively.
Shared Folder UI improved visibility Several enhancements to the UI which improve the visibility and management of Shared Folders.
Team Visibility There is now a "View Team" function in several locations so that you can see who you're sharing to.
Collapsed View of Records When a folder contains subfolders and records within subfolders, you can now collapse the view, in order to apply changes recursively. Select "Show subfolder records" to collapse the list.
Retroactively apply permissions When "Show subfolder records" is selected, the Settings tab will display a checkbox called "Apply permissions to all subfolders" which will apply the default folder settings to all existing records within folders and subfolders.