iOS Version 14.8.0

Released on: 11/05/2019

Features and Benefits:

  • Document Scanner V2: The ability to upload a scanned image file in addition to the transcribed text within the Record Notes field. The new functionality is paired with help pop-ups to support the user experience and potential storage limitations.

  • Two-Factor Codes Update: Added favicons and a timer indicator to the Two-Factor Codes screen displaying additional information regarding each record setup with a time-based one-time password code.

  • Storage Renewals & Up-sells: Adjustments to support storing files to records including multiple flows leading users to the appropriate up-sell if they exceed their storage limit.

Bugs & Fixes:

  • Fixed: An issue that causes records to still be visible to users after they are removed from shared folders

  • Fixed: Crashes for MSP and MC accounts upon logins

  • Fixed: An issue that causes a duplication of a folder when a child-record is deleted

  • Fixed: An issue causing Apple watch verification to appear during every login attempt upon switching from a different 2FA method

Last updated

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