KCM Version 2.12.0

Released January 27, 2023

Features & Improvements

KCM-83: The kcm-setup.run script now allows administrators to directly configure their deployment to use KSM for retrieval of secrets, rather than requiring manual editing of docker-compose.yml after installation. Additional prompts are presented that allow the administrator to provide a KSM one-time token or a base64-encoded KSM configuration during setup.

KCM-226: The keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx image can be configured to require SSL/TLS client authentication by specifying the CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FILE environment variable. A user will only be able to connect to NGINX using their browser if their browser has access to a private key that is signed by this certificate.

This variable is similar to the CERTIFICATE_FILE environment variable in that it points to a file within the container, but in this case it controls the certificate used to authenticate the client’s private key.

Additional environment variables are also available to tweak SSL/TLS auth behavior further:



Default Value


Arbitrary, additional NGINX configuration statements that should be included within the location block that configures NGINX to proxy Guacamole.


Controls how and whether NGINX requires and verifies the certificate presented by the client (browser), as provided by NGINX ssl_verify_client directive.



Controls how deep NGINX will follow through the client’s certificate chain when attempting to validate their certificate, as provided by NGINX ssl_verify_depth directive.


KCM-227: Multiple Hostnames/Configurations for SSL Termination

The keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx image is specifically intended to provide SSL termination for the Guacamole image provided by Keeper for KCM. Historically, this image supported only a single hostname and configuration:

        image: keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
            SELF_SIGNED: "Y"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACAMOLE_HOSTNAME: "guacamole"
            SSL_HOSTNAME: "example.net"

As KCM 2.12.0, the keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx image can be used with multiple hostnames and configurations via a special SERVERS environment variable that accepts YAML (or JSON).

The SERVERS variable must contain a YAML (or JSON) array of objects, where each object contains the name/value pairs of environment variables that should apply to that additional configuration. Any variable that is not specified is inherited from the top-level environment. For example:

        image: keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
            SELF_SIGNED: "Y"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACAMOLE_HOSTNAME: "guacamole"
            SERVERS: |
               - SSL_HOSTNAME: "example.net"
               - SSL_HOSTNAME: "*.example.net"

The above configuration would result in an NGINX instance that handles both example.net and *.example.net hostnames equivalently. Both will get their own self-signed certificates because SELF_SIGNED is set to Y.

A more complex example:

        image: keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACAMOLE_HOSTNAME: "guacamole"
            SERVERS: |
               - SSL_HOSTNAME: "example.net"
                 LETSENCRYPT_ACCEPT_TOS: "Y"

               - SSL_HOSTNAME: "*.example.net"
                 SELF_SIGNED: "Y"

The above configuration would result in an NGINX instance that generates and uses a self-signed certificate for *.example.net, but obtains a certificate for example.net from Let’s Encrypt.

IMPORTANT: The value of SERVERS must be a string, hence the | symbol within the above examples. If this symbol is omitted, then the YAML that follows is parsed as an object, and validation of the docker-compose.yml will fail, as all Docker environment variables must be strings.

NOTE: NGINX will use the first server as the default for any request that does not match any configured hostname. If any server declared in SERVERS should have this behavior, it must be the first server listed.

Bug Fixes

  • KCM-223: When joining a shared connection, the joining client appears to hang (does not receive a copy of the current display) until something changes graphically within the session.

  • KCM-213: When changing the User Time Zone setting to a specific time zone and then going back to clear that time zone, it doesn’t clear the time zone but instead changes it back to the time zone that was set previously.

Last updated

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