New Features
Compliance Reports (General Availability)
Note: This feature is available for Business and Enterprise customers only. It will be available for MSPs and their managed companies when MSP Consumption Billing is launched.
Compliance Reports provide on-demand visibility of the access permissions associated with your enterprise records. These reports simplify the compliance auditing process for Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) and other regulations requiring access control monitoring. The user-defined reports can be exported and fed into automated compliance systems or sent directly to external auditors. This is a secure add-on feature to your Keeper license package. (See Admin Console 16.0.0 release notes or "Compliance Reports" section of the Enterprise Guide for more details on the feature.)
Note: Record types will automatically be activated when Compliance Reports is activated as a trial in the Admin Console, or purchased through sales. Record types may not be available yet for iOS and Android devices.
Record Types Controls (General Availability)
Record Types Admin Controls allow administrators to customize the use of record types for their enterprise. Keeper administrators with permission to manage record types, can create new custom record type templates and restrict the use of any record types by role and/or node. (See Admin Console 16.0 release notes or "Compliance Reports" section of the Enterprise Guide for more details on the feature.) To effectively turn off Record Types for your enterprise, create a default role at your enterprise root node and assign a record types enforcement policy that turns off all record types except "General", then assign all enterprise users to this default role.
New Reporting and Alerting Events (General Availability)
See release notes for Admin Console 16.0.0 for the list of new Advanced Reporting and Alerting events logged in support of the new features in this release.
Bug Fixes
EM-4974: Access permissions for records that are visible through "links" to other records will not be reflected in Compliance Reports. The compliance reports will show only record permissions where the record is shared via a direct share or through a shared folder. An example of this would be a Payment Card linked to a Bank Account record type.
EM-4979: Record Type records are not successfully transferred on second account transfer after a first successful account transfer.
EM-4969: When selecting a report criteria filter that includes a deleted node, the Admin Console fails and displays a blank screen.
EM-4973: No user warning when re-running reporting criteria that includes a user that is no longer associated with the selected node/s.
EM-4958: Not logging Compliance Reports “exported report” events to ARAM.
Known Issues
EM-5057: Records shared outside the enterprise to consumers will not show the consumers listed in the report. The records shared with consumers will be listed as "shared" in the report but the consumer user names and permissions will not be shown.
EM-5056: Some Folder and Record UIDs are not translating correctly when exporting CSV records files to Microsoft Excel.
EM-4884: Custom record type template changes are not automatically reflected in the Admin Console without a manual sync or administrator login.
EM-5041: User Reports that are exported before the Compliance Report is generated and saved, are not logged as ARAM events.
EM-5053: Custom URL fields in records are not captured in Compliance Reports.
Last updated