KeeperPAM Commands

Management of KeeperPAM functionality including Discovery, Rotation, Connections and Tunneling


KeeperPAM including discovery, password rotation, PAM Configuration and Keeper Gateway configuration can be controlled and managed through Commander using the pam command and sub-commands. These commands support the Password Rotation capabilities of Keeper Secrets Manager.

pam command

command: pam

Detail: Perform KeeperPAM controls.

My Vault> pam --help
pam command [--options]

Command    Description
---------  -----------------------------
gateway    Manage Gateways
config     Manage PAM Configurations
rotation   Manage Rotations
action     Execute action on the Gateway
tunnel     Manage Tunnels

Sub-Command: gateway

Detail: View, create and remove Keeper Gateway services. To learn more about the Keeper Gateway click here.

My Vault> pam gateway help
pam command [--options]

Command    Description
---------  ------------------
list       List Gateways
new        Create new Gateway
remove     Remove Gateway

Sub-Command: config

Detail: View, create, edit and remove Keeper PAM Configurations. To learn more about PAM Configurations and Keeper rotation capabilities, read the Password Rotation documentation.

My Vault> pam config help
pam command [--options]

Command    Description
---------  -------------------------------------------------------------
new        Create new PAM Configuration
edit       Edit PAM Configuration
list       List available PAM Configurations associated with the Gateway
remove     Remove a PAM Configuration

Sub-Command: rotation

Detail: View and create Keeper Rotation configuration for records. To learn more about PAM Configurations and Keeper rotation capabilities, read the Password Rotation documentation. For detailed command information, use the -help option.

My Vault> pam rotation help
pam command [--options]

Command    Description
---------  -----------------------------------
set        Set Record Rotation Configuration
list       List Record Rotation Configurations
info       Get Rotation Info
script     Add, delete, or edit script field


My Vault> pam rotation set --help                                                                                                                                                                                          
usage: pam rotation set [-h] (--record RECORD_NAME | --folder FOLDER_NAME) [--config CONFIG_UID] [--resource RESOURCE_UID] [--schedulejson SCHEDULE_JSON_DATA | --schedulecron SCHEDULE_CRON_DATA | --on-demand] [--complexity PWD_COMPLEXITY]
                        [--enable | --disable]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --record RECORD_NAME  Record UID or Name that will be rotated manually or via schedule
  --folder FOLDER_NAME  Folder UID or name that holds records to be rotated manually or via schedule                        
  --config CONFIG_UID, -c CONFIG_UID
                        UID of the PAM Configuration.
                        UID of the resource recourd.
                        Json of the scheduler. Example: -sj '{"type": "WEEKLY", "utcTime": "15:44", "weekday": "SUNDAY", "intervalCount": 1}'
                        Cron tab string of the scheduler. Example: to run job daily at 5:56PM UTC enter following cron -sc "56 17 * * *"
  --on-demand, -sm      Schedule On Demand
                        Password complexity: length, upper, lower, digits, symbols. Ex. 32,5,5,5,5
  --enable              Enable rotation
  --disable             Disable rotation


My Vault> pam rotation list --help
usage: pam rotation list [-h] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v  Verbose output


My Vault> pam rotation info --help 
usage: dr-router-get-rotation-info-parser [-h] --record-uid RECORD_UID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --record-uid RECORD_UID, -r RECORD_UID
                        Record UID to rotate


My Vault> pam rotation script --help
pam command [--options]

Command    Description
---------  ---------------------------------
list       List script fields
add        List Record Rotation Schedulers
edit       Add, delete, or edit script field
delete     Delete script field

Sub-Command: action

Detail: Discovery of privileged accounts through the Keeper Gateway

My Vault> pam action help
pam command [--options]

Command       Description
------------  ----------------
gateway-info  Info command
discover      Discover command
rotate        Rotate command
job-info      View Job details
job-cancel    View Job details


My Vault> pam action gateway-info --help
usage: dr-info-command [-h] [--gateway GATEWAY_UID] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Gateway UID
  --verbose, -v         Verbose Output


My Vault> pam action discover --help
pam command [--options]

Command    Description
---------  ----------------------------------
start      Start a discovery process
status     Status of discovery jobs
remove     Cancel or remove of discovery jobs
process    Process discovered items
get        Get and save discovery results
rule       Manage discovery rules
record     Discovery record information


My Vault> pam action rotate --help
usage: dr-rotate-command [-h] --record-uid RECORD_UID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --record-uid RECORD_UID, -r RECORD_UID
                        Record UID to rotate


My Vault> pam action job-info --help
usage: pam-action-job-command [-h] [--gateway GATEWAY_UID] job_id

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Gateway UID. Needed only if there are more than one gateway running


My Vault> pam action job-cancel --help
usage: pam-action-job-command [-h] [--gateway GATEWAY_UID] job_id

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Gateway UID. Needed only if there are more than one gateway running

Last updated