Creating Record Types
Description and examples for using and managing Record Types
Within the Vault and via the commander CLI, it's possible to create records of a specific type. And if this capability is enabled by your Keeper Administrator, you can even create custom record type templates. Record Types define the fields available to a record. They act as a record blueprint, which makes it easy to create and manage records for a variety of different uses.
There is a set of standard record types defined by Keeper, these include common types like Login, Passport, and SSH Keys.
It is also possible to define new record types to be used by your organization.
For a list of associate record type commands, see commands documentation
Quick Start
Add login record type record
add type=login title='my login' f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o f.url= f.oneTimeCode=otpauth://totp/Label?secret=Secret
View all available record types
View details for a record type
record-type-info -lr login
View example JSON to create record for a given record type
record-type-info -lr login -e
Field Types
Field | Description |
| text field |
| number field |
| Login field recognized by the KeeperFill |
| Password field which is masked and allows for password generation |
| First, Middle and Last text fields which make up a name |
| Plain text company name |
| Phone number and type fields |
| Validated email address |
| Multiple fields which capture an address |
| Reference to another record which is a address |
| Calendar date with validations. stored as unix milliseconds |
| Calendar date with validations. stored as unix milliseconds |
| Calendar date with validations. stored as unix milliseconds |
| Validated card number, expiration, and security code fields |
| Plain text |
| Plain Text |
| Bank account information fields |
| Reference to a |
| Multiline text |
| URL text field. Can be followed as a link in the Vault |
| Reference to a file field in another record |
| Multiple fields which capture host information |
| Security Question and answer text fields |
| Pin which is masked |
| Given the TOTP seed, provides the TOTP code |
| Private and public keys in ASN.1 format |
| Multiline text input |
| A text input that is masked |
Standard Record Types
Record Type | ID |
| 1 |
| 11 |
| 19 |
| 20 |
| 21 |
| 22 |
| 23 |
| 24 |
| 26 |
| 27 |
| 28 |
| 29 |
| 30 |
| 31 |
| 32 |
| 34 |
| 40 |
Below you can see the fields in each record type, an example json representation, and and example of how to create a record of each type.
All record types have the following fields:
- what the record is named (required)
- text
- custom fields and values can be added to records. See add documentation for more information on adding custom fields
login Record Type
Name: login
Id: 1
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| |||
| Text |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=login title='my login' f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o f.url= f.oneTimeCode="otpauth://totp/Label?secret=Secret"
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "login", "title": "my login", "fields": [{"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}, {"type": "url", "value": [""]}, {"type": "oneTimeCode", "value": ["otpauth://totp/Label?secret=Secret"]}], "custom": []}'
bankAccount Record Type
Name: bankAccount
Id: 11
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| 'Checking | Savings | Other' | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| |||
| |||
| Text |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=bankAccount title='my bankAccount' f.bankAccount.accountType=Checking f.bankAccount.otherType=SomeText f.bankAccount.routingNumber=SomeText f.bankAccount.accountNumber=SomeText f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o f.url= f.oneTimeCode="otpauth://totp/Label?secret=Secret"
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "bankAccount", "title": "my bankAccount", "fields": [{"type": "bankAccount", "value": [{"accountType": "Checking", "otherType": "SomeText", "routingNumber": "SomeText", "accountNumber": "SomeText"}], "required": true}, {"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}]}, {"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}, {"type": "url", "value": [""]}, {"type": "cardRef", "value": []}, {"type": "oneTimeCode", "value": ["otpauth://totp/Label?secret=Secret"]}], "custom": []}'
address Record Type
Name: address
Id: 14
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=address title='my address' f.address.street1=SomeText f.address.street2=SomeText f.address.state=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "address", "title": "my address", "fields": [{"type": "address", "value": [{"street1": "SomeText", "street2": "SomeText", "city": "SomeText", "state": "SomeText", "zip": "SomeText", "country": "SomeText"}]}], "custom": []}'
bankCard Record Type
Name: bankCard
Id: 18
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | cardholderName | |
| Text | ||
| |||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=bankCard title='my bankCard' f.paymentCard.cardNumber=SomeText f.paymentCard.cardExpirationDate=SomeText f.paymentCard.cardSecurityCode=SomeText f.text=SomeText f.pinCode=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "bankCard", "title": "my bankCard", "fields": [{"type": "paymentCard", "value": [{"cardNumber": "SomeText", "cardExpirationDate": "SomeText", "cardSecurityCode": "SomeText"}]}, {"type": "text", "value": ["SomeText"], "label": "cardholderName"}, {"type": "pinCode", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "addressRef", "value": []}], "custom": []}'
birthCertificate Record Type
Name: birthCertificate
Id: 19
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Number | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=birthCertificate title='my birthCertificate' f.birthDate=1624485827145
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "birthCertificate", "title": "my birthCertificate", "fields": [{"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}]}, {"type": "birthDate", "value": [1624485827145]}], "custom": []}'
contact Record Type
Name: contact
Id: 20
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | company | |
| Text | ||
| Region | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Home | Mobile | Work | |
| |||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=contact title='my contact' f.text=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "contact", "title": "my contact", "fields": [{"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}], "required": true}, {"type": "text", "value": ["SomeText"], "label": "company"}, {"type": "email", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "phone", "value": [{"region": "US", "number": "(555)555-5555", "ext": "3", "type": "Mobile"}]}, {"type": "addressRef", "value": []}], "custom": []}'
driverLicense Record Type
Name: driverLicense
Id: 21
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | dlNumber | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Number | ||
| |||
| Number | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=driverLicense title='my driverLicense' f.accountNumber=SomeText f.birthDate=1624485827145 f.expirationDate=1624485827145
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "driverLicense", "title": "my driverLicense", "fields": [{"type": "accountNumber", "value": ["SomeText"], "label": "dlNumber"}, {"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}]}, {"type": "birthDate", "value": [1624485827145]}, {"type": "addressRef", "value": []}, {"type": "expirationDate", "value": [1624485827145]}], "custom": []}'
encryptedNotes Record Type
Name: encryptedNotes
Id: 22
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Number | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=encryptedNotes title='my encryptedNotes' f.note=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "encryptedNotes", "title": "my encryptedNotes", "fields": [{"type": "note", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "date", "value": [1624485827145]}], "custom": []}'
file Record Type
Name: file
Id: 23
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=file title='my file'
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "file", "title": "my file", "fields": [], "custom": []}'
healthInsurance Record Type
Name: healthInsurance
Id: 24
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Text | insuredsName |
| Text | insuredsName |
| Text | insuredsName |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=healthInsurance title='my healthInsurance' f.accountNumber=SomeText f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o f.url=
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "healthInsurance", "title": "my healthInsurance", "fields": [{"type": "accountNumber", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}], "label": "insuredsName"}, {"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}, {"type": "url", "value": [""]}], "custom": []}'
membership Record Type
Name: membership
Id: 26
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=membership title='my membership' f.accountNumber=SomeText f.password=75vf@5JB@o
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "membership", "title": "my membership", "fields": [{"type": "accountNumber", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}], "custom": []}'
passport Record Type
Name: passport
Id: 27
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | passportNumber | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Number | ||
| |||
| Number | ||
| Number | dateIssued | |
| Text | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=passport title='my passport' f.accountNumber=SomeText f.birthDate=1624485827145 f.expirationDate=1624485827145 f.password=75vf@5JB@o
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "passport", "title": "my passport", "fields": [{"type": "accountNumber", "value": ["SomeText"], "label": "passportNumber"}, {"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}]}, {"type": "birthDate", "value": [1624485827145]}, {"type": "addressRef", "value": []}, {"type": "expirationDate", "value": [1624485827145]}, {"type": "date", "value": [1624485827145], "label": "dateIssued"}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}], "custom": []}'
photo Record Type
Name: photo
Id: 28
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=photo title='my photo'
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "photo", "title": "my photo", "fields": [], "custom": []}'
serverCredentials Record Type
Name: serverCredentials
Id: 29
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=serverCredentials title='my serverCredentials' f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "serverCredentials", "title": "my serverCredentials", "fields": [{"type": "host", "value": [{"hostName": "", "port": "5000"}]}, {"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}], "custom": []}'
softwareLicense Record Type
Name: softwareLicense
Id: 30
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Number | ||
| Number | dateActive | |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=softwareLicense title='my softwareLicense' f.licenseNumber=SomeText f.expirationDate=1624485827145
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "softwareLicense", "title": "my softwareLicense", "fields": [{"type": "licenseNumber", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "expirationDate", "value": [1624485827145]}, {"type": "date", "value": [1624485827145], "label": "dateActive"}], "custom": []}'
ssnCard Record Type
Name: ssnCard
Id: 31
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | identityNumber | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=ssnCard title='my ssnCard' f.accountNumber=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "ssnCard", "title": "my ssnCard", "fields": [{"type": "accountNumber", "value": ["SomeText"], "label": "identityNumber"}, {"type": "name", "value": [{"first": "John", "middle": "Danger", "last": "Doe"}]}], "custom": []}'
general Record Type
Name: general
Id: 32
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=general title='my general' f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o f.url= f.oneTimeCode=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "general", "title": "my general", "fields": [{"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}, {"type": "url", "value": [""]}, {"type": "oneTimeCode", "value": ["SomeText"]}], "custom": []}'
sshKeys Record Type
Name: sshKeys
Id: 34
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
| Text | |
| Unknown - Text | |
| |||
| Text |
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=sshKeys title='my sshKeys' f.login=John.Doe f.keyPair=SomeText - Text f.secret=SomeText
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "sshKeys", "title": "my sshKeys", "fields": [{"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "keyPair", "value": ["SomeText"]}, {"type": "host", "value": [{"hostName": "", "port": "Unknown - Text"}]}, {"type": "secret", "value": ["SomeText"]}], "custom": []}'
databaseCredentials Record Type
Name: databaseCredentials
Id: 40
Record Fields:
Field Name | Sub Field | Type | Field Label |
| Text | type | |
| Text | |
| Text | |
| Text | ||
| Text | ||
Add Record Example:
Dot Notation add type=databaseCredentials title='my databaseCredentials' f.text=SomeText f.login=John.Doe f.password=75vf@5JB@o
JSON Data add --data '{"type": "databaseCredentials", "title": "my databaseCredentials", "fields": [{"type": "text", "value": ["SomeText"], "label": "type"}, {"type": "host", "value": [{"hostName": "", "port": "5000"}]}, {"type": "login", "value": ["John.Doe"]}, {"type": "password", "value": ["75vf@5JB@o"]}], "custom": []}'
Last updated