PowerShell Plugin

Utilize PowerShell's Secret Management module to access secrets with the Keeper Secrets Manager PowerShell Plugin


  • Retrieve secrets from the Keeper Vault to use in PowerShell

  • Integrate Keeper vault with PowerShell Secrets Manager

  • Update secret values in the Keeper Vault from PowerShell

  • Get files from the Keeper vault

For a complete list of Keeper Secrets Manager features see the Overview


This page documents the Secrets Manager PowerShell integration. In order to utilize this integration, you will need:


The Keeper Secrets Manager PowerShell plugin utilizes Microsoft PowerShell's Secret Management module to inject secrets from the Keeper Vault into your PowerShell scripts.

The Keeper Secrets Manager extension can be easily configured added as a secret vault into new or existing PowerShell Secret Management workflows.

For more information about PowerShell Secret Management, see the PowerShell docs on their GitHub page.


1. Install PowerShell Secret Management Module

Keeper Secrets Manager uses the Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement module to manage secrets in PowerShell.

Install using PowerShell:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement

See PowerShell Gallery for other installation options

2. Install Keeper Secrets Manager for PowerShell

Install the Keeper Secrets Manager PowerShell extension from the PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module -Name SecretManagement.Keeper

See the PowerShell Gallery page for more installation options, or find the source code in GitHub.

To update SecretManagement, use the command: Update-Module -Name SecretManagement.Keeper

3. Install a PowerShell Secret Management Extension

If you already have a local secrets extension that you would like to use, you can skip this step

The Keeper Secrets Manager PowerShell plugin will need a secret management extension to store the plugin configuration locally to your machine.

Keeper recommends Microsoft.Powershell.SecretStore or SecretManagement.KeyChain

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Powershell.SecretStore

4. Register a Vault to use for Configuration Storage

If you already have a local secrets vault registered that you would like to use, you can skip this step

Register a secret vault for the previously installed secret management extension, so that the Keeper Secrets Manager plugin configuration can be stored.

Register-SecretVault -Name LocalStore -ModuleName Microsoft.Powershell.SecretStore

The name of this vault will be used to register the Keeper extension. We used LocalStore in this example.

The Secret Management extension that you use for local storage may ask you to create a password for securely accessing the local vault.

5. Register the Keeper Vault

Register the Keeper Secrets Manager Vault using the local vault registered above to save your credentials, and a one time token to connect to Keeper.

Replace 'XXX' below with a one time token.

Register-KeeperVault -Name Keeper -LocalVaultName LocalStore -OneTimeToken XXX 

Alternatively you can use already generated config - replace 'XXX' below with a base64 encoded config.

Register-KeeperVault -Name Keeper -LocalVaultName LocalStore -Config XXX 

6. Set Keeper Vault as Default Secret Storage (Optional)

Set the Keeper vault you just added as the default secret storage. This will tell the PowerShell SecretsManagement module to use your Keeper vault when getting and setting secrets.

Set-SecretVaultDefault Keeper

This step is optional, but if you choose not to do it, you may receive secrets from your default vault if they have the same name, and you will need to add -Vault <keeper vault name> (e.g. -Vault keeper ) to Get-Secret, Set-Secret commands

Source Code

Find the Keeper Secrets Manager PowerShell Plugin source code in the GitHub repository.


Find descriptions and examples of the most common usage of the Keeper Secrets Manager PowerShell plugin below.

For more information about PowerShell Secret Management commands, see the PowerShell docs on their GitHub page.

Listing Secrets

Run the following PowerShell command to see a list of secrets from Keeper

Get-SecretInfo -Vault <KEEPER VAULT NAME>

Use the name set for your Keeper secrets vault, in the examples above we use Keeper.

The secrets shown are any records shared with the Secrets Manager Application. The Name column displays each record's UID and title.

Getting a Single Secret

Get information and values of a single secret

Get-Secret -Vault <KEEPER VAULT NAME> <RECORD NAME or UID> -AsPlainText

Wrap the record name in quotation marks when there is a space in it.

-AsPlainText Shows the actual values of the secrets. Otherwise PowerShell shows them as a SecureString

Get a Value From a Secret

Utilize Keeper Dot Notation to identify a field to access. Note that you do not need the 'keeper://' prefix.


Set a Value to a Secret

Update the value of a single secret field


Download a File

Use dot notation to specify a file attached to a secret in the Keeper vault. Then pass that file to the Set-Content command to download it.

| Set-Content -Path <FILE PATH> -AsByteStream

The specified file will be downloaded to the path location given to Set-Content

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