Windows Installation
Instructions for installing Keeper Gateway on Windows

This document contains information on how to install, configure, and update the Keeper Gateway on Windows.
Prior to proceeding with this document, make sure you created a Gateway device.
The latest Keeper Gateway for Windows is downloaded from here:
You can run the service under system privilege or use a service account.

New Installs
Upon installation of the service, select "Enter a Keeper One-Time Access Token" and supply the token provided by when you created a Gateway on the Vault. After installation, the service will automatically start up and register with the Keeper cloud.
If you are upgrading an existing Gateway, un-check the "Enter a Keeper One-Time Access Token" so that the existing configuration is maintained.
Installation Location
The default installation location is the following:
Setup Options
Install Windows service - Installs the gateway as a Windows service.
Use service account - Use the specified service account, otherwise the account installing the gateway will be used.
Start Windows service - Start the Keeper Gateway service immediately after installation
Enable automatic updates
Turn on debug logging - Enable verbose logging on the gateway log files. NOT recommended for production environments. Only use this when debugging with Keeper support.
Remove Keeper Gateway configuration and logs from previous installations
Specifying the Keeper Gateway Service Account
If "Use service account" is specified you will be prompted to enter the valid credentials of the desired service account:

One-Time Access Token
The final step prior to successfully installing the Keeper Gateway as service is to enter the One-Time Access Token provided from the Keeper Vault.

After clicking "Next", click "Install" in the next screen to install the Keeper Gateway.
Gateway Service Management
After installing and running the Keeper Gateway as a service, this service can be accessed and easily managed within the Windows Services Manager as "Keeper Gateway Service".

Configuration File
The Keeper Gateway configuration file contains a set of tokens that includes encryption keys, client identifiers, and tenant server information used to authenticate and decrypt data from the Keeper Secrets Manager APIs. This configuration file is created from the One-Time Access Token generated when you created the Gateway.
If the Keeper Gateway is installed and running as a service, the gateway configuration file is stored in the following location:
If the Keeper Gateway is installed locally and not running as a service, the gateway configuration file is stored in the following location:
Log files
Logs that contain helpful debugging information are automatically created and stored on the local machine.
If the gateway is running as a service, the gateway log files are stored in the following location:
If the gateway is not running as a service, the gateway log files are stored in the following location:
Verbose Logging
To activate verbose logging:
Go to Windows Services > Keeper Gateway > Properties
Stop the service
Set the "Start parameters" to:
Start the service by clicking on "Start" Do not click "OK" without first starting the service as it will not persist the Parameter setting

To upgrade, stop the service, install the latest version and then start the service.
Back up your
configuration fileRun the latest Keeper Gateway installer
During installation DO NOT select "Enter a Keeper One-Time Access Token".
Auto Updates
Select "Enable automatic updates" during the installer process to ensure that your Keeper Gateway is automatically updated when there are new versions available.
Silent Install
This section provides instructions for performing a silent installation of the Keeper Gateway on Windows systems. Silent installation allows the setup process to run in the background without displaying any user interface or messages.
To install the Keeper Gateway silently, use the following command in your command prompt or script:
Replace <TOKEN>
with the token provided in the Keeper Vault when creating the Keeper Gateway.
Configuration Options
If you have previously installed Keeper Gateway and wish to use the existing configuration, you can bypass the token entry by using:
To generate a log file during the installation process, use the following option and specify the desired log file path:
Windows Service Account
If you prefer to run the Keeper Gateway under a specific Windows service account, use the following options to specify the account details:
with the credentials of the service account you intend to use.
Auto Updater
To enable the Auto Updater feature, allowing Keeper Gateway to automatically check for and apply updates, use the following option:
To uninstall the service:
Uninstall Keeper Gateway from "Add and remove programs"
If desired, delete the private configuration .json file
Network Configuration
The Gateway establishes outbound-only connections to the following:
Keeper Cloud (keepersecurity.[com|eu||ca|us|jp)
TLS Port 443
Outbound access for Vault login and Keeper Secrets Manager APIs.
Keeper Relay (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu||jp|ca|us])
TCP and UDP port 3478
Needed to establish secure & encrypted connections between the user's vault and the Gateway service.
Keeper Relay (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu||jp|ca|us])
Outbound access to TCP and UDP ports 49152 through 65535
Needed to establish outbound access over the designated port ranges
The Gateway preserves zero knowledge by performing all encryption and decryption of data locally. Keeper Secrets Manager APIs are used to communicate with the Keeper cloud.
Checksum Verification
Keeper Gateway SHA256 hashes for the latest version are published at the below location:
Calculating and verifying the checksum:
Last updated
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