Example: Azure Windows VM
Configuring an Azure Windows VM as a PAM Machine Record
In this example, you'll learn how to configure a Azure Windows VM in your Keeper Vault as a PAM Machine record.
Prior to proceeding with this guide, make sure you have
PAM Machine Record
Machines such as a Azure Virtual Machines can be configured on the PAM Machine record type.
Creating a PAM Machine
To create a PAM Database:
Click on Create New
Depending on your use case, click on "Rotation", "Tunnel", or "Connection"
On the prompted window:
Select "New Record"
Select the Shared Folder you want the record to be created in
Specify the Title
Select "Machine" for the Target
Click "Next" and complete all of the required information.

Configure a Windows Machine on the PAM Machine Record
Suppose I have a Azure Virtual Machine with the hostname "", the following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values:
Title (Required)
Title of the PAM Machine Record
Windows VM
Hostname or IP Address (Required)
Address or RDP endpoint or Server name of the Machine Resource
Port (Required)
Port to connect to the Azure VM for rotation. 22 for SSH, 5986 for WinRM
Operating System
The target's Operating System
Set to: Windows
Instance Name
Azure or AWS Instance Name
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Instance ID
Azure or AWS Instance ID
Required if AWS/Azure Machine
Provider Group
Azure or AWS Provider Group
Required if a managed Azure Machine
Provider Region
Azure or AWS Provider Region
Required if a managed AWS Machine
Configuring PAM Settings on the PAM Machine
On the "PAM Settings" section of the vault record, you can configure the KeeperPAM Connection and Tunnel settings and link a PAM User credential for performing rotations and connections. Tunnels do not require a linked credential. The following table lists all the configurable fields and their respective values for the Azure Virtual Machine:
PAM Configuration
Associated PAM Configuration record which defines the environment
Required - This is the PAM configuration you created in the prerequisites
Administrative Credential Record
Linked PAM User credential used for connection and administrative operations
Required Visit this section for more details
Native protocol used for connecting from the Gateway to the target
Required - for this example: "RDP"
Connection Parameters
Connection-specific protocol settings which can vary based on the protocol type
See this section for RDP protocol settings We recommend specifying the Connection Port at a minimum. E.g. "3389" for RDP.
Administrative Credential Record
The Admin Credential Record in the PAM Machine links the admin user to the PAM Machine record in your Keeper Vault. This admin user is used for performing password rotations and authenticating connections.
User Accounts can be configured on the PAM User record. Visit this page for more information.
Setting a Non Admin User as the Administrative Credential Record
If you prefer not to authenticate a connection using the admin credential, you can optionally designate a regular user of the resource as the admin credential.
Sharing PAM Machine Records
PAM Machine records can be shared with other Keeper users within your organization. However, the recipient must have the appropriate PAM enforcement policies in place to utilize KeeperPAM features on the shared PAM records.
When sharing a PAM Machine record, the linked admin credentials will not be shared. For example, if the PAM Machine is configured with a Azure Virtual Machine, the recipient can connect to the Azure Virtual Machine on the PAM Machine record without having direct access to the linked credentials.
Learn more about Sharing and Access Control
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