Compliance Commands

Keeper Commander compliance reporting commands


Requires Compliance Reporting add-on

Compliance reports let account administrators adhere to regulations by providing on-demand visibility to access permissions on records and credentials across the enterprise.

Using Commander, compliance reports can be scheduled and automated, and results can be exported to a CSV file or JSON.

For more information about Compliance Reports, see the Compliance Reports documentation:

The compliance-report command

The compliance-report command allows you to run reports just as you would in the Keeper Admin Console. See record permissions by node, user and title, filter by owned or shared records and output results to a file.


The compliance-report command relies on a cache in order to improve performance across multiple report queries.

This means that the first call to compliance-report may take several minutes as the system pulls in the required data.

During this time, Commander will display messaging explaining the current step.

Additionally, a manual rebuild of the cache can be performed with the -r flag. Do this to see recent changes in the compliance data.

compliance-report -r

By default (so that the generated report reflects reasonably current and accurate data), locally-cached data older than 1 day are automatically refreshed via the process described above. As a result, any call to compliance-report that occurs more than 1 day after a previous call to the same command will result in another data-fetching operation that may take some time to finish (as described above for first-time calls) .

To manually override this default behavior, see the next section.

Conversely, if you would like to circumvent the automatic cache-refresh behavior described above and generate a report based solely on previously cached data (resulting in possibly stale results but nevertheless useful for avoiding the possibly long loading times required to refresh the cache), you can do so with the -nr or --no-rebuild flag. Do this to quickly perform queries on compliance data in cases where you can be fairly confident that the relevant data have not changed significantly since the last command call / cache refresh.

compliance-report -nr

Removing the Cache

The compliance report cache can be removed manually with the --no-cache flag. When run, this completely removes all cached compliance report information from your machine.

compliance-report --no-cache

Alternatively, you can delete the cache file locally on disk from the location where you ran Commander. Delete the file called sox_<ID>.db which contains the encrypted compliance data.


The compliance report can be filtered by Node, User, Job Title and if the record is shared, deleted, or active.

Filter by Node


--node [NODE NAME or ID] or -n [NODE NAME or ID]


compliance-report --node "Chicago Office"


Filters the record results to only records that exist in Keeper Vaults in the given Node. By default this uses the root enterprise node and searches all vaults.

Filter by Username


--username [USER EMAIL] or -u [USER EMAIL]


compliance-report --username ""


Filters the record results to only records that exist in the Keeper Vault of the given username

Filter by Record


--record [UID or TITLE] or -r [UID or TITLE]


compliance-report --record "Twitter Login"


Filters the results to the record with the given UID or title

Filter by URL


--url [URL]


compliance-report --url ""


Filters the results to records with the given URL value

Filter by Job Title


--job-title [TITLE] or -jt [TITLE]


compliance-report --job-title "Engineers"


Filters the record results to only records that exist in Keeper Vaults owned by users with the given title

Filter by Shared Records




compliance-report --shared


Only shows records that have been shared

Filter by Deleted Records




compliance-report --deleted-items


Only shows records that have been deleted (not valid with --active-items flag)

Filter by Active Records




compliance-report --active-items


Only shows records that are active (not valid with --deleted-items flag)

Filter by Record

Requires Commander version 16.7.5+


--team <TEAM NAME>


compliance-report --team "Engineering"


Show only users which are in the given team

Filter by Team

Requires Commander version 16.7.5+


--record <RECORD NAME or UID>


compliance-report --record "Twitter Login"


Show report for the given record

Using Multiple Filters Together

The filter flags can be used together to create advanced reports


compliance-report --node "Chicago" --job-title "Managers" --shared

This example shows a report of records that have been shared from Vaults owned by Managers in the Chicago Node.

The same filter can also be used multiple times

compliance-report -u "" -u ""

This example retrieves records for both users "" and ""


Filters the record results to only records that exist in Keeper Vaults in the given Node

Outputting to a File

Like many Commander reports, the compliance report results can be saved to a file. To do this use the --output and --format options.


--output [FILE PATH]

Tells Commander to write results to a file at the given location. If no file exists it will be created.


--format [csv, json, table]

Tells Commander the format to write the report results as. The default result is in table format, which displays a formatted table of results. The other options are Comma Separated Values (CSV), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

If the --format flag is added without the --output flag, the results will be shown in Commander in the the given format

Save results to CSV (Excel)

To save compliance report results as a CSV file viewable in Excel, use the following flags:

--format csv and --output /path/to/file.csv


compliance-report --username "" --format csv --output "./craig_compliance.csv"

The results will be saved as a csv formatted file at the given location

Save results to JSON

To save compliance report results as a CSV file to use in code or scripting, use the following flags:

--format json and --output /path/to/file.json


compliance-report --username "" --format csv --output "./craig_compliance.json"

The results will be saved as a json formatted file at the given location

The compliance command

In addition to enabling users in generating custom reports, Commander also provides users the ability to generate specific reports with the compliance command. These specific reports can be generated by invoking the compliance command's supported sub-commands.

The compliance command supports the following sub commands:

Refer to the sub command's section for more information.

Compliance Team Report

Shared folders can be shared to Keeper Teams as well as individuals. The compliance report can display a report of the access that each team has to these shared folders.

To run the Compliance Team Report, use the following command in Commander:

compliance team-report

This report uses the compliance report cache described above.

The report shows each team that has access to a shared folder, and what access it has to that shared folder.

My Vault> compliance team-report
Team Name    Team UID                Shared Folder Name  Shared Folder UID       Permissions            Records
-----------  ----------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -------------------  ---------
Engineering  qLoY4YptKEs30VK_D8px1A  Devops Secrets      YZaagndh8CQToqlhuvv95Q  Read Only                    1
Marketing    XWLBkyN_HnwJKA4BYWrByw  Website Logins      -IcFcSgrFPEW9aP1-noiWw  Can Share, Can Edit          2

If you would like to include team-membership information (i.e., which users belong to each team) in the report, you can include the optional flag --show-team-users/-tu in your command call, as illustrated in the following example:

compliance team-report -tu

Please note that, as a result of the additional flag in the above command call, a column titled "Team Users" (in which the usernames of all members of each relevant team can be found) will be added to the generated report.

Compliance Record-Access Report

The compliance record-access report displays a list of all records that either a) have been accessed by, or b) are currently accessible to any given user(s), along with other relevant information (e.g., app used, IP address, event timestamp, etc.).

To run the Compliance Record-Access Report and show a user's record-access history, run the following command in Commander:

compliance record-access-report --email

where is the user whose record-access activity we'd like to audit, with the resulting output being something like the following:

My Vault> compliance record-access-report --email
Vault Owner       Record UID              Record Title  Record URL     Has Attachments    In Trash    Record Owner       IP Address     Device             Last Access
----------------- ----------------------  ------------  -------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------------- LDUw6M6jNcUmEkuArp4LXQ  User1-Login     False              False   Web App 16.10.2    2023-05-30 17:04:23
                  5U4DK0MmJ5ZVui-o6JcDQw  User2-Login     True               False   Web App 16.10.2    2023-01-24 17:04:18
                  MMhu6YQ5gKtYbgPiVD41UQ  User3-Login    False              False   Web App 16.10.2    2022-11-31 14:35:23

Similarly, to show a list of all records that are currently accessible by that same user (i.e., all records currently in the user's vault), run the following command:

compliance record-access-report --report-type=vault

The output of the above command should look similar to the previous example, but will exclude records that are not currently in the user's vault and may include records that have never been accessed by that user.

Additionally, if you would like to run this report for multiple users, you may do so by 1) specifying each username / ID separately, 2) by using the "@all" shorthand to indicate that you would like to run the report for all users or 3) by not providing a user — yet a more concise way to include all users in the report. This is illustrated in the following corresponding examples:

compliance record-access-report -e -e

compliance record-access-report --email @all

compliance record-access-report

Compliance Summary Report

The compliance summary report displays aggregate information about records within the enterprise (grouped by record-owner by default for now, but support for grouping by other entities may be added to this feature later)

To run the Compliance Summary Report, run the following command in Commander:

compliance summary-report


compliance stats

with the resulting output being something like the following:

My Vault> compliance summary-report

Email                             Total Items    Total Owned    Active Owned    Deleted Owned
------------------------------- -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------                   22             14              12                2                   49             42              33                9              3              3               3                0                15              5               5                0                  17             13               4                9              4              1               1                0
TOTAL                                                     78              58               20

Compliance Shared-Folder Report

Similar to compliance team-report, this command outputs a report detailing the access that all entities (teams as well as individual users) have to all shared folders within the enterprise.

To run the Compliance Shared-Folder Report, run the following command in Commander:

compliance shared-folder-report


compliance sfr

with the corresponding output:

My Vault> compliance sfr
Loading record information....
Loading compliance data....:
Shared Folder UID       Team UID                Team Name    Record UID              Email
----------------------  ----------------------  ------------ ----------------------  ------------------------------
y01GmuTipqHGLdd0NkM4qw                                       PG7MELDIOaNMQkDiw--JoQ
YZaagndh8CQToqlhuvv95Q  qLoY4YptKEs30VK_D8px1A  Engineering  IOYb8jAmDsaIGtTwZB5Biw
-IcFcSgrFPEW9aP1-noiWw  XWLBkyN_HnwJKA4BYWrByw  Marketing    O69TWFDnPCG_dpg9wpABqg
                        qLoY4YptKEs30VK_D8px1A  Engineering  f46BWlqg5SoWraVlEFFSDA
0qpDTAWuznWrInnednG3Xw  XWLBkyN_HnwJKA4BYWrByw  Marketing    EnqP808xakJA9hOpjhYb9A

Similar to the compliance team-report command described above, this command also accepts an optional --show-team-users/-tu flag indicating that team-membership data be included (where appropriate) in the resulting report. Here is an example of its usage:

compliance sfr -tu

Please note that, in contrast to the output of compliance team-report -tu, the resulting report generated by the above command will include the appropriate additional team-membership data in the existing column named "Email" and each username associated with a team will by preceded by "(TU)" to denote it as such.

See the Reporting Documentation for other reports available in Commander

Last updated

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