Use Secrets Manager with automated workflows in Cortex XSOAR

Use credentials from your Keeper Vault in XSOAR workflows. Integrate with Keeper Secrets Manager to securely access all the platforms and services you connect to with XSOAR.
Activate Keeper Secrets Manager
Follow the Quick Start Guide to enable Keeper Secrets Manager on your account.
Create A Keeper Secrets Manager Configuration
Follow the steps in the documentation page to create a Secrets Manager configuration.
Configure Keeper Secrets Manager on Cortex XSOAR
In XSOAR, follow these steps to configure the Keeper Secrets Manager integration.
Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for "Keeper Secrets Manager"
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

The following options are available to configure your XSOAR integration:
KSM Configuration (Required)
The KSM config to use for connection. Paste in the configuration generated by the steps above.
Trust any certificate
When 'trust any certificate' is selected, the integration ignores TLS/SSL certificate validation errors. Use to test connection issues or connect to a server without a valid certificate.
Fetches credentials
If selected, credentials are fetched from login records.
Concat username to credential object name
when selected, the username and credential name will be combined. Use to make the credential object unique in case of duplicate names in different folders/secrets.
A comma-separated list of credential names to fetch.
Partial names are not supported. If left empty, all credentials will be fetched.
Once configured, click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
Available KSM Commands
The following commands can be used in XSOAR. Use these commands to fetch records and files from the Keeper Vault. Only records that are shared to the Secrets Manager Application can be accessed by these commands.
List Available Credentials
This command will only show records which can be used as credentials in XSOAR. Records must have a login and password to be used as a credential.
List Available Records
This command shows all records available to XSOAR through the KSM Application.
Get a Keeper Record by Title
add partial_match=True
to use partial matching of the record title
Get a Value From a Keeper Record
See the Keeper Notation documentation for more details on using keeper notation to identify fields
List Files Attached to Keeper Records
Get a File from a Keeper Record
Find Records That Have Files Attached With Given Filename
Using Commands in a Playbook
To use Keeper Secrets Manager commands in your XSOAR playbooks, click "Task Library" and search for "Keeper" to show all the available commands.

Select a command to use and fill in the required fields if any.
Example: Get a Password From a Keeper Record
Fetch a password from the Keeper Vault to login to other services in your playbook.
Search for the "ksm-get-field" command and click to add it to your playbook
Enter Keeper notation pointing to the password using the UID of the record you want to use. This will look like:
Any field in a record can be fetched this way. See Keeper Notation documentation for more information
Click "OK" to add the task to your playbook
You can add additional tasks after the ksm-get-field task to use the password.
Last updated
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