Docker Installation

Instructions for installing Keeper Gateway on Docker


This document contains information on how to install, configure, and update your Keeper Gateway on Docker. The Docker container is built upon the base image of Rocky Linux 8 and it is hosted in DockerHub.


  • A Linux host with a x86 AMD processor

  • docker and docker-compose installed (see Docker Install for help)

Note: The syntax is docker-compose for servers, but on a local Docker Desktop it might be docker compose (with no space).

Create a Gateway

A new Gateway deployment can be created by clicking on Create New > Gateway from the Web Vault or Desktop App (version 17.1 or newer required).

You can also create a Gateway and configuration file from the Commander CLI:

pam gateway new -n "<Gateway Name>" -a <Application Name or UID> -c b64

The Application names and UIDs can be found with secrets-manager app list



Docker Compose

A Docker Compose file is provided through the Vault UI. Typically this file would be saved in your local environment as docker-compose.yml in your preferred folder. An example is below:

        platform: linux/amd64
        image: keeper/gateway:latest
        shm_size: 2g
          - "seccomp:docker-seccomp.json"
          ACCEPT_EULA: Y

The only required environment variable setting is GATEWAY_CONFIG which is the resulting base64-encoded configuration provided when creating a Gateway device.


SecComp File

Download this file called docker-seccomp.json and place it in the same folder as your Docker Compose file.


Start the Service

Ensure that you are located in the folder where the docker-compose.yml is saved. Executing the following command will run the Keeper Gateway container in the background, as specified in the docker compose file:

docker compose up -d


When running the latest version of the Keeper Gateway, you'll see the output in the logs like below:

docker compose logs keeper-gateway
Docker Logs from Keeper Gateway

On the Vault UI in the Secrets Manager > Applications > Gateways screen, the Gateway will show Online.

Gateway is Online

Gateway Service Management

Starting the service

docker compose up -d

Stopping the service

docker compose stop

Restarting the service

docker compose restart

Connecting to the Gateway container

docker compose exec keeper-gateway bash

Enable Debugging

If you need to enable verbose debug logs on the Gateway, enable debug logging by adding the below environment section variables to your Docker Compose file:

          KEEPER_GATEWAY_LOG_LEVEL: "debug" # logs for gateway
          LOG_LEVEL: "debug" # logs for guacd

After debug is enabled, restart the service with docker compose restart

Tailing the logs:

docker compose logs -f keeper-gateway


Executing the following command will update the Keeper Gateway container to the latest version and restart the service:

docker compose pull
docker compose down
docker compose up -d

Start up automatically

Adding the "restart" parameter in the docker-compose.yml file will assign a restart policy to the environment:

restart: always

Starting Gateway on Reboot

If you would like to force the host operating system to automatically start the Keeper Gateway on a Docker installation, follow these steps (Linux host).

First, create a .service file in /etc/systemd/system/keeper-gateway.service

Description=Keeper Gateway Docker Compose

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose down



  • Replace /home/ec2-user with the path to your docker-compose.yml

  • Replace ec2-user user with your user running Docker

  • Replace docker group with your defined group

Then enable the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable keeper-gateway.service
sudo systemctl start keeper-gateway.service

Network Configuration

The Gateway establishes outbound-only connections to the following:

Port Needed
More Info

Keeper Cloud (keepersecurity.[com|eu||ca|us|jp)

TLS Port 443

Outbound access for Vault login and Keeper Secrets Manager APIs.

Keeper Relay (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu||jp|ca|us])

TCP and UDP port 3478

Needed to establish secure & encrypted connections between the user's vault and the Gateway service.

Keeper Relay (krelay.keepersecurity.[com|eu||jp|ca|us])

Outbound access to TCP and UDP ports 49152 through 65535

Needed to establish outbound access over the designated port ranges

The Gateway preserves zero knowledge by performing all encryption and decryption of data locally. Keeper Secrets Manager APIs are used to communicate with the Keeper cloud.

Connecting to the Host Instance

A very useful capability of the Keeper Gateway is being able to open connections and tunnels to the host machine. By adding the extra_hosts section to your docker compose file with a value of host.docker.internal:host-gateway, you can open sessions directly to the host.

Example docker compose with the Gateway container:

        platform: linux/amd64
        image: keeper/gateway:latest
        shm_size: 2g
        restart: always
          - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
          - "seccomp:docker-seccomp.json"
          ACCEPT_EULA: Y
          GATEWAY_CONFIG: xxxxxxxx

Enabling this option allows you to establish a Connection to the host. For example, to open an SSH connection:

  • Create a PAM User record with the SSH private key

  • Create a PAM Machine record with the hostname to host.docker.internal and port 22

  • Activate the SSH connection in PAM settings referencing the PAM User

Upgrading the Keeper Gateway service through the host

If you use KeeperPAM to SSH over to the host service, you can upgrade the container by running the container update of the gateway in the background:

docker-compose pull
nohup docker-compose up -d keeper-gateway &


Last updated

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