Password Rotation Commands

Commands for performing password rotations on target systems.

Rotation Commands

Keeper Command Reference

Whether using the interactive shell, CLI or JSON config file, Keeper supports the following commands, each command supports additional parameters and options.

To get help on a particular command, run:

help <command>



rotate or r

Rotate the password in a record


Set environment variables that can be used for substitution within other commands or arguments


Display environmental variables

rotate command:

Command: rotate or r

Detail: Rotate a record's password

To be eligible for rotation, a record must have the custom field 'cmdr:plugin'='noop'


Record name or UID to rotate


--print display updated record content after rotation

--match <REGULAR EXPRESSION> select all records that match this expression to rotate

--password <NEW PASSWORD> sets a new password. Commander generates random password if switch omitted. Ignored when passwords are rotated with --match parameter.


rotate servers/dev
rotate BhRRhjeL4armInSMqv2_zQ --print
rotate --match [0-z]*\machine
rotate BhRRhjeL4armInSMqv2_zQ --password "XXX"
  1. Rotate the password of the record titled "dev" in the "servers" folder

  2. Rotate the password of the record with the given UID

  3. Rotate the password of all records that end with "machine" (Using regex)

  4. Rotate the password of the give record UID with the specific password provided

For more information and examples see Connection to hosts documentation

set command:

Command: set

Detail: Set an environment variable


environment name, value to set


set <name> <value>


set MySecret XXX

Set the MySecret variable to XXX

echo command:

Command: echo

Detail: Display environmental variables


argument to display (optional)


echo ${<variable>}

If no argument is given, all environment variables are shown


echo ${MySecret}
  1. Display all currently set environment variables

  2. Display the value for the MySecret variable

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