Terraform Plugin
Keeper Secrets Manager Terraform plugin for accessing secrets in Terraform builds

Retrieve secrets from the Keeper Vault to use in Terraform builds
Inject credentials directly into Terraform build scripts
Get Files from the Keeper Vault
For a complete list of Keeper Secrets Manager features see the Overview
This page documents the Secrets Manager Terraform integration. In order to utilize this integration, you will need:
Keeper Secrets Manager access (See the Quick Start Guide for more details)
Secrets Manager addon enabled for your Keeper account
Membership in a Role with the Secrets Manager enforcement policy enabled
A Keeper Secrets Manager Application with secrets shared to it
See the Quick Start Guide for instructions on creating an Application
An initialized Keeper Secrets Manager Configuration
The Terraform integration accepts JSON and Base 64 format configurations
The Keeper Terraform Plugin utilizes Keeper Secrets Manager to provide access to secret credentials saved in the Keeper Vault. The Keeper Terraform plugin allows for injecting secrets directly into Terraform builds securely using Keeper's zero-knowledge infrastructure.
Registry install
The Keeper Secrets Manager provider page is located here
To install this provider, add the following code to your Terraform configuration and run terraform init
Manual Installation
Download the latest version of the Terraform Provider for your platform from our GitHub release page and copy the archive to the corresponding Terraform plugin folder (creating any missing folders in the path). Initialize source with full provider URL: source = "github.com/keeper-security/secretsmanager"
For help on manually installing Terraform Providers, please refer to the official Terraform documentation.
Configure the Provider
The Keeper Secrets Manager provider is used to interact with the resources supported by Keeper Secrets Manager. The provider needs to be configured with Keeper credentials before it can be used.
Configuration File Contents
- (Required) Application key.client_id
- (Required) Client ID.private_key
- (Required) Private key.hostname
- (Optional) By default plugin will connect tokeepersecurity.com
For more information on creating a Secrets Manager configuration, see the Configuration Documentation
Get Secrets Using Data Sources
A data source is provided for each standard Keeper record type, which facilitates easy fetching of secret credentials.
Data sources are accessed using the following format:
For example, using a Login type record:
To access any additional custom fields or standard fields for user defined record types use secretsmanager_field
data source
List of supported record types
To see the fields available to each data source see Record Types Data Source Reference
For more information on record types see record types documentation
Accessing Record Fields
To access a secret credential saved to a field in a record, access the field as part of the data source.
Access the field of a typed record data source
Use this format to access fields of a typed data resource
Example: access the password of a login type data source
Use the field data source to query any field in a record with Keeper Notation
Create a data source using the "secretsmanager_field" data source type, and specify a field query in the path property.
The field query uses the format: "<UID>/field/<field type>"
Creating Records With Resources
Keeper provides Terraform resources for the major Keeper record types shown above. Using these resources, Keeper records can be created using the Keeper Secrets Manager Terraform plugin.
To create a record, use the resource corresponding to the record type that you would like to use.
Each record resource requires at least a folder_uid
and title
as well as values for each record field.
Example login resource
Folder UID
To create records, Keeper Secrets Manager requires a folder UID so that it knows where to create the new records.
A folder UID can be found in the Keeper Vault or by using Keeper Commander.
The given folder must by accessible by the Keeper Secrets Manager Application being used by your Terraform plugin. The folder must also have at least one record in it before being used by Keeper Secrets Manager.
The record title.
Record Fields
The value and settings for each record field can be set in the resource. For information on the available fields per record type, see the resource definitions.
Each field is represented as an object in the resource.
Example login field
Setting Field Values
Use the value
field to set the intended value for each field. The format of fields can differ, for example the login
field type takes a string, while the name
field takes an object with "first", "middle" and "last" fields.
For reference of each field's value format see the resource documentation.
Setting Field Settings
Each field can be configured with various settings:
The field label
if True, the field will be considered required by the Keeper Vault
if True, the field will be hidden in the Keeper Vault
Password Field
The password field has some special features.
Password Generation
Records created using the Terraform plugin can have a password generated automatically. To have the plugin generate a password, do not provide a value
field to the password, and instead use generate = "True"
The password generation can be configured to generate a password of a specified length using the complexity field
Additionally, password fields have an extra configuration setting: enforce_generation
which when true will make the Keeper Vault enforce that the password can only be generated and not set by a user.
To have Terraform regenerate a password, it needs to notice a difference in the generate field. To allow for triggering a difference, the generate field accepts both "true" and "yes" values. Change from one to the other to trigger a regeneration.
Read Credentials
This example provisions Keeper Secrets Manager, reads a login type data source, and accesses each field of the data source.
Create a Keeper Record
For more examples, check out the examples folder in the source code.
Last updated
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