Exporting Connection Data from Keeper Connection Manager
This document describes one method of exporting connection data along with connection parameters to a JSON file using a supplied Python script. The resulting file can then be used import connections to another Keeper Connection Manager instance (as documented here) or for migration to the Keeper Connection Manager (Cloud) version.
The example provided in this document is based on the standard Auto Docker Install method of Keeper Connection Manager, using a MySQL database.
Step 1: Open MySQL port to local machine
In order for the python file to query the database from within the Docker container, edit the /etc/kcm-setup/docker-compose.json file and add the "ports" section to the "db" container as displayed below:
Copy and paste the below code into a file called export.py and place it on the Keeper Connection Manager instance, perhaps in the same location as your kcm-setup.run file. This Python script performs the following:
Locates the docker-compose.yml file in the standard /etc/kcm-setup/ folder
Pulls the MySQL credentials and connects to the database
Exports the connection information and creates a file called export.json in the same folder
Depending on your environment, you may need to edit the file.
import mysql.connector
import json
import yaml
# Path to the docker-compose.yml file
docker_compose_file = '/etc/kcm-setup/docker-compose.yml'
# Function to extract database credentials from docker-compose.yml
def get_db_config_from_compose():
with open(docker_compose_file, 'r') as file:
# Load the docker-compose YAML file
compose_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
# Extracting the necessary information from the 'db' service
db_service = compose_data['services']['db']
environment = db_service['environment']
db_name = environment.get('GUACAMOLE_DATABASE', 'guacamole_db')
db_user = environment.get('GUACAMOLE_USERNAME', 'guacamole_user')
db_password = environment.get('GUACAMOLE_PASSWORD', 'password') # Default in case it's not present
return {
'host': 'localhost', # Assuming the database is local since it's inside Docker
'user': db_user,
'password': db_password,
'database': db_name,
'port': 3306 # Default MySQL port
def build_connection_group_paths(cursor):
Build a dictionary mapping group IDs to their full paths by resolving parent-child relationships.
cursor.execute("SELECT connection_group_id, parent_id, connection_group_name FROM guacamole_connection_group")
groups = cursor.fetchall()
group_paths = {}
def resolve_path(group_id):
if group_id is None:
return "ROOT"
if group_id in group_paths:
return group_paths[group_id]
# Find the group details
group = next(g for g in groups if g['connection_group_id'] == group_id)
parent_path = resolve_path(group['parent_id'])
full_path = f"{parent_path}/{group['connection_group_name']}"
group_paths[group_id] = full_path
return full_path
# Resolve paths for all groups
for group in groups:
return group_paths
# SQL query to retrieve all connections, users, groups, and attributes
query = """
c.connection_name AS name,
e.name AS entity_name,
e.type AS entity_type,
g.connection_group_name AS group_name,
guacamole_connection c
guacamole_connection_parameter cp ON c.connection_id = cp.connection_id
guacamole_connection_attribute ca ON c.connection_id = ca.connection_id
guacamole_connection_group g ON c.parent_id = g.connection_group_id
guacamole_connection_permission p ON c.connection_id = p.connection_id
guacamole_entity e ON p.entity_id = e.entity_id;
def export_to_json(db_config):
# Connect to the database
conn = mysql.connector.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor(dictionary=True) # Dictionary cursor for better handling
# Build connection group paths
connection_group_paths = build_connection_group_paths(cursor)
# Execute the query
rows = cursor.fetchall()
# Organize the data into the expected format
connections = {}
for row in rows:
conn_id = row['connection_id']
if conn_id not in connections:
# Resolve connection group path
group_path = connection_group_paths.get(row['connection_group_id'], "ROOT")
connections[conn_id] = {
'name': row['name'],
'protocol': row['protocol'],
'parameters': {},
'users': [],
'groups': [], # User groups go here
'group': group_path, # Connection group path
'attributes': {}
# Handle parameters
if row['parameter_name']:
connections[conn_id]['parameters'][row['parameter_name']] = row['parameter_value']
# Handle users
if row['entity_type'] == 'USER' and row['entity_name'] not in connections[conn_id]['users']:
# Handle user groups
if row['entity_type'] == 'USER_GROUP' and row['entity_name'] not in connections[conn_id]['groups']:
# Handle attributes
if row['attribute_name']:
connections[conn_id]['attributes'][row['attribute_name']] = row['attribute_value']
# Convert to list format
connection_list = [conn for conn in connections.values()]
# Output the data to a JSON file
with open('export.json', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(connection_list, json_file, indent=4)
print("Export successful! Data written to export.json")
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
print(f"Error: {err}")
# Close the cursor and the connection
if cursor:
if conn:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get the database configuration from docker-compose.yml
db_config = get_db_config_from_compose()
To execute the script, type:
sudo python3 export.py
This will produce a file called export.json in the local folder.
This export.json file will likely contain connection secrets, depending on how the connections were created. Protect this file by saving it to your Keeper vault.
The "groups" object refers to User Groups
The "group" object refers to the Connection Group location
When importing this into another KCM instance, the connections will only import successfully if the Connection Group exists in the target