Add Your Logo

Easily add your logo to your KCM instance

Customize your logo and title

Adding your logo to KCM

  1. Download the zip file above and extract everything to a folder.

  2. Replace /resources/images/logo.png with your logo.png file.

  3. Open /translations/en.json and replace "Custom Title" with your text for the title of the webpage.

  4. (Optional) Replace the favicon icons in /resources/images/, bothsmall.png and large.pngwith yours. (you can use the same one for both if needed)

  5. From inside the folder, select all of the files and folders and create a new zip file.

Custom Branding for KCM Instance
  1. Make sure that you are viewing file extensions, and change your zip file name and extension to kcm-branding.jar

  2. Transfer the kcm-branding.jar file to your KCM server into/etc/kcm-setup/

  3. In your docker-compose.yml guacamole section, within environment, add USE_DEFAULT_BRANDING: "N" and in volumes add the following line:

- "/etc/kcm-setup/kcm-branding.jar:/etc/guacamole/extensions/kcm-branding.jar:ro"
Add these two lines
  1. Run these commands:

sudo ./ stop
sudo ./ apply

Complete! Now you will see your logo on your Keeper Connections Manager.

To refresh the favicons press Ctrl/Cmd + F5 for a hard reload.

Last updated