Docker Compose Install

Deployment of Keeper Connection Manager using Docker Compose


This section describes how to install Keeper Connection Manager using Docker by building a customized docker-compose orchestration file.

Step 1: Platform-specific Setup


Install Docker Desktop following Docker's official instructions.

Amazon Linux 2

Install Docker on your instance. A nice step by step guide is published here.


In addition to installing Docker, please install the haveged package to ensure that the environment is capable of generating enough entropy for creating secure random numbers.

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install haveged
sudo systemctl start haveged
sudo systemctl enable haveged


Install the haveged package to ensure that the environment is capable of generating enough entropy for creating secure random numbers.

sudo apt-get install haveged

Step 2: Create Docker Compose File

Now that you have Docker running on your instance, you need to generate a docker-compose.yml file that must be transferred to a working directory on your machine.

An example docker-compose.yml file for a deployment of Keeper Connection Manager which uses Let's Encrypt for its SSL certificate and an automatically-initialized database for authentication is provided below with a MySQL and PostgreSQL option.

version: "3"

        image: keeper/guacd:2
        restart: unless-stopped
        shm_size: 1001500k
            - "seccomp:/etc/kcm-setup/guacd-docker-seccomp.json"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            - "common-storage:/var/lib/guacamole:rw"

        image: keeper/guacamole-db-mysql:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACAMOLE_DATABASE: guacamole_db
            GUACAMOLE_USERNAME: guacamole_user
            GUACAMOLE_PASSWORD: some_strong_password
            GUACAMOLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: some_strong_password

        image: keeper/guacamole:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACD_HOSTNAME: guacd
            MYSQL_HOSTNAME: db
            MYSQL_DATABASE: guacamole_db
            MYSQL_USERNAME: guacamole_user
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: some_password
            - "common-storage:/var/lib/guacamole:rw"

        image: keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACAMOLE_HOSTNAME: guacamole


Copy this file to your target KCM instance. Please note that you'll need to modify a few of the fields immediately:

  • shm_size should be roughly half of available physical memory on the instance.

  • security_opt refers to the path of the seccomp security profile and must be included for remote browser isolation.

  • GUACAMOLE_PASSWORD and MYSQL_PASSWORD need to match, and should be a randomly generated strong password. We recommend using your Keeper vault for generating a password. Avoid using special characters like backslashes, dollar signs and forward slashes.

  • GUACAMOLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD is the password for the default "guacadmin" user login. This should be a strong and randomly generated password. We recommend using your Keeper vault for generating a password. Avoid using special characters like backslashes, dollar signs and forward slashes.

  • SSL_HOSTNAME needs to be the FQDN you set up to point to this server. Make sure that the DNS is routable to the IP from the outside world, and ports 80/443 are open so that Let's Encrypt can register the certificate.

Using a Custom SSL Certificate

If you plan to use a custom SSL certificate instead of Let's Encrypt, replace the "ssl" section of the Docker Compose file with a section that looks like this:

        image: keeper/guacamole-ssl-nginx:2
        restart: unless-stopped
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
            SELF_SIGNED: "N"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
            GUACAMOLE_HOSTNAME: "guacamole"
            SSL_HOSTNAME: ""
            CERTIFICATE_FILE: "/var/lib/guacamole/your_certificate.pem"
            PRIVATE_KEY_FILE: "/var/lib/guacamole/your_private_key.key"
            - "C:\Users\Path\To\Cert:/var/lib/guacamole:ro"

In this case, CERTIFICATE_FILE is the PEM-encoded certificate including the intermediate certificate chain. The PRIVATE_KEY_FILE is the private key file.

Also, note that in the above snippet, there is a volume mount that assigns the local filesystem to the target container. You should only modify the C:\Users\Path\To\Cert portion of the string. On linux environments it will be /path/to/cert.

Step 3: Start the Docker Containers

On Windows, open a Command Prompt. On Linux, open the terminal shell. Navigate to the location of the docker-compose.yml file that was saved in step 2.

To start up the environment, simply type the below command:

docker compose up -d

Note: Some versions require "docker-compose" with a hyphen.

That's it. If everything is successful, you can open the Keeper Connection Manager login screen on the specified FQDN.

Keeper Connection Manager Login Screen

Important Notes

  • If you have not set up a proper domain name routing to the server, you can temporarily host-hack the local system in order to at least access the user interface and start testing.

  • If you're using your own SSL certificate, we don't recommend using a wildcard cert. A certificate that has been explicitly created for the Keeper Connection Manager endpoint is the best practice since you'll be storing the SSL private key on the device.

  • If you're using Windows, you will need to modify your Windows Defender Firewall to open up ports 443 to the Docker service.

  • Running docker compose down will delete all data in the container including users, connections and history. To simply stop the containers, use docker compose stop.

Remote Browser Isolation Configuration

If you plan to use remote browser isolation, you'll need to create a seccomp security profile for the guacd container. For a new installation of Keeper Connection Manager, the script automatically handles this for you and places the file called guacd-docker-seccomp.json in the folder /etc/kcm-setup/ on the instance.

If this file is not automatically created, or you are upgrading an instance to use remote browser isolation, you may need to create the file manually.

You can obtain a copy of the file directly from the guacd Docker image once your docker containers are updated and running. For example, the following prints the contents of that file to a terminal:

docker run --rm --entrypoint=/bin/cat keeper/guacd:2 /opt/keeper/share/guacd/docker-seccomp.json

Place the output of this command into /etc/kcm-setup/guacd-docker-seccomp.json and restart the containers.


Below is a description of each of the images.

Image name
Base image

The Apache Guacamole web application, deployed under Apache Tomcat.

The Apache Guacamole proxy daemon, guacd, with support for native protocols such as RDP and SSH.

An instance of MySQL, automatically initialized with the Apache Guacamole database schema.

An instance of PostgreSQL, automatically initialized with the Apache Guacamole database schema.

An instance of NGINX which automatically provides SSL termination for Keeper Connection Manager.

🎉 Installation Complete!

Now that your Keeper Connection Manager instance is running, you can login as guacadmin and start setting up some connections. Follow the Using Keeper Connection Manager documentation for next steps.

How to Use KCM

The next several sections of this installation guide provide detailed information about each specific Docker image, if you plan to customize or modify the environment.

Last updated

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