PostgreSQL Configuration Properties

Advanced configuration properties for PostgreSQL

The properties listed here are only applicable if PostgreSQL authentication is being used. Support for PostgreSQL authentication is installed using thekcm-guacamole-auth-jdbc-postgresql package. If using the keeper/guacamole Docker image, support for PostgreSQL authentication is instead configured using environment variables.

TCP connection information

The TCP connection details for the PostgreSQL database.

Database name and credentials

The name of the database to use, as well as the credentials to use when connecting to the database. These properties are required if one of the database authentication extensions will be used.

Database password policies

Restrictions that should be applied to all database users with respect to password complexity, length, change frequency, and reuse.

These properties do not affect users defined outside the database.

Minimum password length and complexity

Minimum/maximum password age

Password reuse prevention

Database concurrent connection limits

Concurrent usage restrictions that should be enforced by default across all connections. With the exception the absolute concurrency limit, each of these restrictions may be overridden by the administrator on a per-connection basis by editing the connection.

General connection concurrency limits

Per-user concurrency limits

Absolute concurrency limits

Database user account requirements

Whether authentication via other extensions is allowed for users that do not exist within the PostgreSQL database. If set to "true", authentication attempts will be denied unless the authenticated user has been defined within the database.

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