PowerShell Example via SSH

Additional Prerequisites

To run this script, SSH public key authentication must be set up and enabled between the gateway server and the target server.

User Defined Parameters

In the below example, you will hard code three values:

  1. The name of the Scheduled Task for which you wish to rotate the credential.

  2. The DNS resolvable name of the server the service is running on.

  3. The username of the SSH user

$ScheduledTaskName = '<Task Name>'
$TargetMachine = '<Target Machine>'
$SSHUsername = '<SSH Username>'

Updating the Scheduled Task

Native SSH remoting is still not fully implemented into PowerShell and is only reliably possible in PowerShell 7. The gateway defaults to Windows PowerShell (v5) when running a .ps1 script. However, when attaching the script, you can also specify an alternative script command and point to the path of your PowerShell 7 executable.

Once the rotation is complete, we will log the service status to DEBUG.

$ScheduledTaskStatus = Invoke-Command `
                        -HostName $TargetMachine `
                        -UserName $SSHUsername `
                        -ScriptBlock { `
                            Stop-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Using:ScheduledTaskName; `
                            Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Using:ScheduledTaskName -User $Using:Params.user -Password $Using:Params.newPassword; `
                            Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Using:ScheduledTaskName; `
                            return Get-ScheduledTask $Using:ScheduledTaskName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "State";

Write-Debug "$ScheduledTaskName is: $($ScheduledTaskStatus.State)"

Full Example

param (

# User defined parameters
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
$ScheduledTaskName = '<Task Name>'
$TargetMachine = '<Target Machine>'
$SSHUsername = '<SSH Username>'

$RecordJsonAsB64 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Record))
$Params = ($RecordJsonAsB64 | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop)
Write-Debug "Running Post-Rotation Script on = $($Params.userRecordUid)"

$ScheduledTaskStatus = Invoke-Command `
                        -HostName $TargetMachine `
                        -UserName $SSHUsername `
                        -ScriptBlock { `
                            Stop-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Using:ScheduledTaskName; `
                            Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Using:ScheduledTaskName -User $Using:Params.user -Password $Using:Params.newPassword; `
                            Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Using:ScheduledTaskName; `
                            return Get-ScheduledTask $Using:ScheduledTaskName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "State";

Write-Debug "$ScheduledTaskName is: $($ScheduledTaskStatus.State)"

Last updated