
Password Rotation in the Azure Environment


In this section, you will learn how to rotate user credentials within the Azure network environment across various target systems. Rotation works on the devices configured and attached to the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) which can also be your default directory.

Keeper can rotate the password for Azure AD users, service accounts, local admin users, local users, managed services, databases and more.

Azure Credentials and their corresponding PAM Record Types

Configurations for the Azure Active Directory are defined in the PAM Configuration section of Keeper Secrets Manager.

Configurations for the Azure AD joined devices are defined in the PAM Directory, PAM Machine, and PAM Database record types. The following table shows the supported Azure AD joined devices with Keeper Rotation and their corresponding PAM Record Type:

Azure AD Joined DeviceCorresponding PAM Record Type

Azure AD Domain Services

PAM Directory

Virtual Machines

PAM Machine

Managed Databases

PAM Database

Configurations for Azure Directory User's credentials are defined in the PAM User records.

Prerequisites - Rotation on your Azure Environment

Prior to rotating user credentials within your Azure environment, you need to make sure you have the following information and configurations in place:

  1. All Azure AD joined devices that you want to use with Rotation need to be created and configured within your Azure Active Directory

  2. To successfully configure and setup Rotation within your Azure Network, the following values are needed for your PAM Configuration:


Client ID

The application/client id (UUID) of the Azure application

Client Secret

The client credentials secret for the Azure application

Subscription ID

The UUID of your subscription to use Azure services (i.e. Pay-As-You-GO)

Tenant ID

The UUID of the Azure Active Directory

  1. Make sure all the Azure services or Azure AD joined devices you plan on using for rotation have access to the Azure Active Directory. For more information, visit this page

  2. Create a custom role to allow application to access/perform actions on various Azure resources. For more information on custom role setup, visit this page

Summary - Rotation on your Azure Environment

At a high level, the following steps are needed to successfully rotate passwords on your Azure network:

  1. Create Shared Folders to hold the PAM records involved in rotation

  2. Create PAM Machine, PAM Database and PAM Directory records that contain credentials with the necessary permissions to rotate and update the user's credentials

  3. Create PAM User records that contain the user's information

  4. Create a Secrets Manager Application and assign it to the shared folders that hold the PAM records

  5. Install a Keeper Gateway and add it to the Secrets Manager application

  6. Create a PAM Configuration with the Azure environment setting

  7. Configure Rotation settings on the PAM User records and/or PAM Machine, PAM Database, PAM Directory records

The next section of the documentation covers the Azure Environment Setup.

Azure Environment Setup

The following pages cover these steps in more details on how to successfully rotate passwords in different scenarios on the Azure network:

Rotating AD Admin Users and AD Users on Azure Active Directory Domain Services:

Azure AD Users

Rotating Azure Virtual Machine Local Users:

Azure VM User Accounts

Rotation Users on Azure Managed Databases:

Managed Database

Last updated