Report Types

Learn about reporting with Commander


Commander provides the ability to run a variety of reports using event data and compliance data.

Common Reports

A few examples of the types of reports that Commander can run include the following:

  • Find users that have not logged in for X days

  • See the last time each user last logged in

  • Find users that have not created or updated any records in X days

  • See all record UIDs that have been accessed by a user

  • Determine which shared folders that a team has access to

  • Determine which record passwords have NOT been changed in X days

Saving Reports to a File

All reports in Commander can be saved to a file. To do this, add the following options to any report command:

--format This option tells Commander what form to return the report in. The options are json, csv, and table (which is the default view)

--output This option tells Commander the name of the file to save the report output to. If the given file does not exist, it will be created.


Save a report as a CSV for use with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

share-report --shared-folders --format csv --output "shared_folder_report_results.csv"

Save a report as a json file for use with scripts

user-report --format json --output "user_report.json"
Where are files saved?

When Commander creates a file it can be saved in one of a few places depending on how Commander is being run and what options were used.

Default Commander File Locations

If you are using the application version of Commander, files are saved to your user directory be default. That is C:\users\username for Windows and /Users/username for MacOS.

If you are using Commander from the command line/terminal then files will be saved in the current directory by default.

Setting Specific Locations

When creating a file with Commander, if you provide a path before the filename, Commander will add the file in the specified location. Paths can be relative or specific. e.g. [...] --output "/reports/report.csv" will put the file in a folder called "reports" relative to the default location (so /Users/username/reports/ on Application version and current directory/reports/ if using the command line)

[...] --output "C:\reports\report.csv" will place the file in a folder named "reports" in the C directory (if on Windows)

Report Types

Learn more about the reports that Commander can run. Click an option from this list to see the command documentation.


Show users that haven't performed a specific action in a given number of days

Display a report of password changes and search for records that have NOT been changed

Export the enterprise audit and event logs

Show a customized report of audit events

See information about records in vaults of users across the enterprise

Display information on managed company plans and available licenses

Show report of password security strength for each user in the enterprise

Display information about shared records

Show a report of shared records in the logged-in Keeper vault

Show a report of user logins

Common Reports in Detail

Find Users that have not Logged in

Requires the ARAM add-on

action-report --target no-logon

By default this looks back 30 days (results are all users that have not logged in in 30 days). The number of days to look back for can be changed with the flag: --days X where "X" is the number of days to use.

My Vault> action-report --target no-logon

Admin Action Taken:
        COMMAND: None
        STATUS: n/a
        SERVER MESSAGE: n/a
        AFFECTED: 0

3 Users With "no-logon" Status Older Than 30 Day(s):


See the last time each user logged in

user-report --last-login

To include more details, such as the user's team(s) and Node run user-report without --last-login

My Vault> user-report --last-login
Querying latest login for the last 365 days
Email                                      Name                                       Status    Transfer Status    Last Login
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  --------  -----------------  -------------------------                 John Smith                                 Active                       2022-08-22 12:33:03-05:00                Chris Apple                                Invited                 Samantha Strong                            Active                       2022-08-09 13:03:31-05:00                   Jane Doe                                   Active                       2022-10-10 09:07:34-05:00                Communication Admin                        Active

Find users that have not created or updated any records

Requires the ARAM add-on

action-report --target no-update

By default this looks back 30 days (results are all users that have not created or updated records in 30 days). The number of days to look back for can be changed with the flag: --days X where "X" is the number of days to use.

My Vault> action-report --target no-update

Admin Action Taken:
        COMMAND: None
        STATUS: n/a
        SERVER MESSAGE: n/a
        AFFECTED: 0

3 Users With "no-update" Status Older Than 30 Day(s):


See all records accessed by a user

Requires ARAM add-on and Compliance Reports add-on

compliance record-access-report <USERNAME>

Replace <USERNAME> with the username or email address of the user to see access history of.

My Vault> compliance record-access-report
Loading record information.....
Record UID              Record Title                       Record URL                         Record Owner                IP Address       Device             Last Access
----------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------  -------------------------   ---------------  -----------------  -------------------
x4AOxLwR5tSA7u5R9Bwplw  wifi details                                            Web App 16.7.3     2022-10-13 12:38:33
xrnnK1HWSLMVh_irjIGAJw  SAP Connect                                             Commander 16.7.0   2022-10-13 12:12:46
xB36NT_lPxestkuCCg_35w                                                                                              Web App 16.8.0     2022-10-07 09:39:10
U7YOaZv4pmLXGfTHPXuvaA                                                                                              Commander 16.7.0   2022-10-05 15:09:43
a9TshEIoSluKXAccdJhHIQ  Dropbox                      Commander 16.7.0   2022-10-05 15:09:31
6wSYfG9UeHTzDDSIGeuiyg  Twitter                Commander 16.7.0   2022-10-05 15:09:25
o6BJUKCGLa7mmMApzPjw4A  KCM Connect SSH                      Commander 16.7.0   2022-10-05 15:09:14

See What Shared Folders Teams Have Access To

Requires Compliance Reports add-on

compliance team-report
My Vault> compliance team-report
Loading compliance data....:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:

Team Name    Shared Folder Name     Shared Folder UID       Permissions
-----------  --------------------   ----------------------  -------------
Comms-Team   Comms Team Logins      8-2gk4cde5hWN5q7ENwpCA  read-only
Engineering  Deployment Credentials 3kf9kd4e5hWdN5q7Ed9fS0  can-edit
Management   Finances Logins        dO9S0cMQ_kPYAsUYILVlSA  can-share

Determine which record passwords have NOT been changed

Requires Compliance Reports add-on

My Vault> aging-report --format=table --period=1y

Owner            Record Title  Last Password Change    Shared    Record URL
---------------  ------------  ----------------------  --------  ----------  Hilton      2020-05-14 12:41:48     False     https://...  AlienVault  2020-02-04 12:30:35     True      https://...      TripAdvisor 2020-07-08 15:22:55     False     https://...      Amazon      ---                     False     https://...         Kayak       2021-05-25 09:13:56     False     https://...      Amazon      ---                     False     https://...

Last updated