Mobile Apps

Deployment of mobile apps through Intune


Keeper's mobile applications for iOS and Android are native apps that support all vault capabilities including record management, sharing management and autofill. Deploying the app to end-users is possible either through the public app store download or through mobile device management platforms.

App Store Deployment


Keeper for iOS can be installed directly from the App Store:


Keeper for Android can be installed from the Google Play application at the link below:

Microsoft Intune Deployment

Keeper can be easily deployed to users through Microsoft Intune.


To deploy the iOS app via Intune to your users, follow the steps below:

(1) From Intune, Select app type of "iOS store app"

Select iOS store app

(2) Search for Keeper

Search for Keeper

(3) Select the Keeper Password Manager app by Callpod Inc.

Create Application

(4) Click Create

Notes regarding the iOS app:


To deploy the Android app via Intune to your users, follow the steps below:

(1) Select app type of "Android store app"

(2) Enter the below information, feel free to customize the description.



Keeper Password Manager


Keeper automatically generates strong passwords, stores them in a secure digital vault accessible from any device, and autofills them across all of your sites and apps. Keeper’s powerful encryption protects your passwords and sensitive information from data breaches, ransomware, and other cyberattacks.

Minimum operating system

Android 8.0 (Oreo)



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Keeper Security

(3) Create the application

Create Application

Notes regarding the Android app:

  • If you need the identifier, it is com.callpod.android_apps.keeper

Last updated