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Ubuntu Linux GPG Key

Keeper's signing key for the Ubuntu Linux version of Keeper Desktop has expired, so we extended the expiration and pushed up a new GPG public key. This key is hosted at the below location:

We've also submitted this latest GPG public key to the keyserver.

Customers can pull down the latest key by running the below command and then retrying:

sudo gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/keeper.gpg --keyserver 
hkp:// --recv-keys A692259838FF25C92DC863269883A36384BA3F6B

Samsung Autofill Selection

Some customers are unable to select Keeper from the Samsung provider list when activating KeeperFill.

If Keeper does not show up, please open your device settings and search for "Passwords" then select Keeper under "Passwords, passkeys and autofill".

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