CLI Provisioning with Commander SDK

Keeper Commander is an open-source Python SDK which can perform many vault and administrative functions within the Keeper system.

Keeper supports API-based provisioning through the use of our Python-based Keeper Commander SDK. The Keeper Commander SDK is open source Python code that is available for download from Keeper's Github Repository. The Commander SDK can assist in the following use cases:

  • Command line access to your Keeper vault

  • Running reports

  • Importing passwords, folders and shared folder

  • Provisioning users and teams

  • Pushing records to users and teams

  • Sharing records and folders with users and teams

  • Performing targeted password rotation

  • Managing Secrets Manager and Keeper PAM

Since Keeper Commander is an open source SDK and written in Python, it can be customized to meet your needs and integrated into your back-end systems.

For more information about Keeper Commander, visit:

Command-line Usage

Commander's command-line interface and interactive shell is a powerful and convenient way to access and control your Keeper vault and perform many administrative operations. To see all available commands, just type:

$ keeper

usage: keeper [--server SERVER] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
              [--version] [--config CONFIG] [--debug]
              [command] [options [options ...]]

positional arguments:
  command               Command
  options               Options

optional arguments:
  --server SERVER, -ks SERVER
                        Keeper Host address.
  --user USER, -ku USER
                        Email address for the account.
  --password PASSWORD, -kp PASSWORD
                        Master password for the account.
  --version             Display version
  --config CONFIG       Config file to use
  --debug               Turn on debug mode

Interactive Shell

To run a series of commands and stay logged in, you will enjoy using Commander's interactive shell.

$ keeper shell

  _  __
 | |/ /___ ___ _ __  ___ _ _
 | ' </ -_) -_) '_ \/ -_) '_|
 |_|\_\___\___| .__/\___|_|

 password manager & digital vault

Logging in...
Decrypted [400] Records

My Vault>

Type h to display all commands and help information.

Keeper Command Reference

Commander has hundreds of features. Specifically with regards to User and Team provisioning, the following commands are relevant:

  • create-user

  • enterprise-info

  • enterprise-node

  • enterprise-user

  • enterprise-role

  • enterprise-team

  • enterprise-push

  • team-approve

There are two methods for creating user accounts with Commander:

  • Invite users to an enterprise with the enterprise-user --add command

  • Create new user accounts and vaults with the create-user command

For the full list of commands offered by Commander, visit:

Last updated