Emergency Access

Give trusted family and friends access to your Keeper Vault.

Give trusted family and friends access to your Keeper Vault in the event of an emergency or loss of life. You can designate up to five emergency contacts and decide how much time should pass before their access is granted.

Please note, the Emergency Access feature is only available for consumer accounts.

Emergency Access

From the Account Dropdown Menu (your email address), select Account > Emergency Access.

Click Trusted Users and enter the email addresses of up to five contacts (Keeper users). Optionally, select a "Delay Access" duration from the dropdown menu for each user, then click Send.

The amount of time between your request to provide emergency access and access granted can be set up to three months per contact. If a delay is configured, the countdown begins the moment the trusted user attempts to login to your vault.

Account > Emergency Access > Trusted Users

In order for the recipient to accept the request, you must first establish a "sharing" relationship if one hasn't already been established through Keeper's record/folder sharing features.

If prompted, click Send Invite.

Send Invite to Establish a Sharing Relationship
Recipient's Sharing Invite via Email

If the recipient is not an existing Keeper user, they will receive an email inviting them to sign up for a Keeper account. Once they sign up and login to their account, they can accept the sharing relationship request.

Once the recipient accepts your sharing request, you will need to invite them to be your emergency contact once more from the “Emergency Access” section of your vault. This step is not necessary if a sharing relationship has previously been established.

Emergency Contact Workflow

Once a sharing relationship has been established, the recipient will notice a red notification indicator has appeared in the "Emergency Access" section of their Account screen. By clicking My Access they can Accept or Decline emergency access to your account.

Recipient's Account Access Notification

Once accepted, clicking Login will allow them to access the account they have been granted access to (once the access delay has passed, if enabled).

Recipient's Account Access Login

View Status of Invites & Edit Contacts

To view the status of your emergency access invites click Account > Emergency Access > Trusted Users. From here, you can also delete your emergency contacts at any time.

View and Delete Your Emergency Contacts

Last updated

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