Import from Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Safari

Instructions on how to import records from popular browsers.


Keeper Importer can automatically import unprotected passwords from web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Internet Explorer and Opera automatically from the Keeper Web Vault and Keeper Desktop Application.

To import from Safari 17+ and macOS 14.0 Sonoma, visit this page

Import Your Passwords

Import Instructions

(1) Log into Keeper's web vault at or simply login to the Keeper Desktop App (download from

(2) Click on your account email in the upper right-hand corner.

(3) Click on Settings > Import then select Import button at the top of the screen.

(4) If you are using the Web Vault, Keeper will prompt you to download the Keeper Import Tool. This is a small application that runs on your computer to import any found passwords. The Import Tool will download into your default Downloads folder. Please download, unzip and run this application to continue.

Web Vault users install the Import Tool

(5) Copy the code provided to your clipboard by clicking the copy button.

(6) If using the Web Vault, unzip the Keeper Import application in your download folder.

(7) If using the Web Vault, launch the Import Tool from the Download folder.

On a Windows PC

On Windows, you can just double-click the Importer application and Run when prompted.

(8) Keeper will then ask for your token. Paste the code you copied previously in step 5 and click Import.

(9) Keeper will import all of the passwords that it can find in your local web browsers. Review the passwords and select which records you would like to import. Click Add to Keeper to import the selected passwords.

(10) Once you have completed the import and verified that the data appears properly in your Keeper Vault, we recommend deleting stored passwords from your web browser, and turning off password saving features from your web browser settings.

On Mac OS (Safari)

For Mac users, to complete import of passwords from Safari and the iCloud Keychain, you will need to complete a few more steps as described below.

Import from iCloud Keychain is only available on the Keeper Desktop application that is downloaded from the Keeper website. The Mac Store version of Keeper does not allow iCloud Keychain import. To download from the Keeper website please visit:

(1) Click "Next" to open Accessibility Settings

(2) Click on "Open System Preferences"

(3) Click the Lock to unlock permissions

(4) Check "Keeper Import"

(5) Safari will open in a few seconds. When prompted, type in your computer password to unlock Safari passwords.

(6) Keeper will then ask for your token. Paste the code you copied previously in step 5 and click Import.

(7) Keeper will import all of the passwords that it can find in your local web browsers. Review the passwords and select which records you would like to import. Click Add to Keeper to import the selected passwords.

To import 2FA codes from iCloud Keychain to Keeper, follow the Safari import instructions page.

(8) Once you have completed the import and verified that the data appears properly in your Keeper Vault, we recommend deleting stored passwords from your web browser, and turning off password saving features from your web browser settings.

Last updated

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