Import Text File (.json)

Import Keeper JSON structured file format

Keeper supports importing a structured JSON file. You may use this, for example, if you have backed up a Keeper file from a different vault or if you are building a file from another data source. This is an advanced feature, typically used by Keeper Enterprise administrators or more technical customers. If that's not you, head over to CSV import.

Once your JSON is properly formatted, import the JSON file by dragging and dropping or using the browse button from your vault under Settings > Import > Keeper JSON.

JSON files must be UTF-8 encoded to ensure that all symbols and characters are imported properly.

The JSON file can be created in several ways:

  • Exporting .JSON file from the Keeper Vault

  • Exporting .JSON from Keeper Commander SDK

  • Creating your own custom file

Creating .JSON file from a Keeper Vault

To create a .JSON file from your existing Keeper vault, click on your email > Settings > Export:

Click on Export Now and type in your Master Password (if requested) to export your records in JSON format.

Creating a JSON file from Keeper Commander

Keeper Commander is a developer / Admin tool that has many capabilities for managing your vault and Enterprise account.

Visit the Keeper Commander SDK repository here:

The command to export a vault in JSON format is demonstrated below:

$ keeper shell
  _  __  
 | |/ /___ ___ _ __  ___ _ _ 
 | ' </ -_) -_) '_ \/ -_) '_|
 |_|\_\___\___| .__/\___|_|

 password manager & digital vault

Enter password for
Logging in...
Decrypted [318] record(s)

My Vault> export --format json my_export_file.json                                                                                         
Processing... please wait.
318 records exported

Creating a Custom .JSON file for Import Into Keeper

When creating a custom JSON import file, Keeper supports an array of "records", "folders" and "shared_folders". Several examples are included below that you can import into your vault for testing purposes.

Example JSON file: Records, Folders and Shared Folders

This file demonstrates several JSON import features including:

  • Array of records

  • Each record can have custom fields, notes and be added to folders

  • Folders can be created as regular (private) or shared folders

  • Records can also contain TOTP seeds (advanced feature, see Facebook entry in example below)

  "records": [
      "title": "Dev Server 1",
      "login": "root",
      "password": "123123123",
      "login_url": "",
      "notes": "These are some notes.",
      "custom_fields": {
        "Security Group": "Private"
      "folders": [
          "folder": "Private Folder 1"
      "title": "Prod Server 1",
      "login": "root",
      "password": "kj949234723jhfs4jf7h",
      "login_url": "",
      "notes": "These are some notes.",
      "custom_fields": {
        "Security Group": "Public",
        "IP Address": ""
      "folders": [
          "folder": "Private Folder 2"
          "shared_folder": "My Shared Folder 1",
          "can_edit": true,
          "can_share": true
      "login": "testing",
      "password": "1234567890",
      "login_url": "",
      "notes": "These are some notes.",
      "custom_fields": {
        "Favorite Food":"Cheetos"
      "folders": [
          "folder": "My Websites\\Online"
      "$type": "login",
      "login": "",
      "password": "123123123123",
      "login_url": "",
      "notes": "This is our corporate shared record.",
      "custom_fields": {
        "Facebook Application ID":"ABC12345",
      "folders": [
          "folder": "Social Media"
          "shared_folder": "Shared Social",
          "can_edit": false,
          "can_share": false

Here is a list of all possible field types (including custom fields):

All Field Types

Here are some record types (you may have more if you created custom record types, or less if you are restricting some record types):

Record Types

Example JSON file: Shared Folders and Permissions - No Records

The below JSON file demonstrates the ability to create a shared folder structure (without records) that has permissions configured.

Note: Example references to "UID", "Team UID", etc are placeholders that are specific to your vault.

  "shared_folders": [
      "path": "My Shared Folder 1",
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_records": true,
      "can_edit": true,
      "can_share": true,
      "permissions": [
          "uid": "kVM96KGEoGxhskZoSTd_jw",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
          "name": "",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
      "path": "Customer1\\My Shared Folder 2", 
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_records": false,
      "can_edit": false,
      "can_share": false,
      "permissions": [
          "uid": "<TEAM UID HERE>",
          "manage_users": false,
          "manage_records": false
          "name": "<receipient email here>",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
      "path": "Customer2\\My Shared Folder 3",
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_records": true,
      "can_edit": true,
      "can_share": true,
      "permissions": [
          "uid": "<TEAM UID HERE>",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
          "name": "",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true

Example JSON File: Both Private Records/Folders and Shared Records/Folders

The below example JSON file combines several features - Shared Folders, Private Folders, Records and TOTP seeds.

Note: Example references to "UID", "Team UID", etc are placeholders that are specific to your vault.

  "shared_folders": [
      "path": "My Customer 1",
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_records": true,
      "can_edit": true,
      "can_share": true,
      "permissions": [
          "uid": "kVM96KGEoGxhskZoSTd_jw",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
          "name": "",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
      "path": "Testing\\My Customer 2", 
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_records": true,
      "can_edit": true,
      "can_share": true,
      "permissions": [
          "uid": "ih1CggiQ-3ENXcn4G0sl-g",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
          "name": "",
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_records": true
  "records": [
      "title": "Bank Account 1",
      "login": "customer1234",
      "password": "4813fJDHF4239fdk",
      "login_url": "",
      "notes": "These are some notes.",
      "custom_fields": {
        "Account Number": "123-456-789"
      "folders": [
          "folder": "Optional Private Folder 1"
      "title": "Bank Account 2",
      "login": "mybankusername",
      "password": "w4k4k193f$^&@#*%2",
      "login_url": "",
      "notes": "Some great information here.",
      "custom_fields": {
        "Security Group": "Public",
        "IP Address": "",
      "folders": [
          "folder": "Optional Private Folder 1"
          "shared_folder": "My Customer 1",
          "can_edit": true,
          "can_share": true

Last updated

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