Breachwatch Commands
How to use Breachwatch Dark Web scanning in Keeper Commander
Run a Breachwatch dark web scan of your records or password
Breachwatch Command
Requires the Breachwatch addon
Command: breachwatch
or bw
Detail: Run a Breachwatch dark web scan of your records or password
Displays a list of breached passwords
display all breached passwords (including ignored) -- note: if this flag is omitted, only the first 30 records are shown if the total count exceeds 32--owned
display only breached records owned by user
ignore <UID>
Ignores breached passwords. Accepts multiple passwords separated by a space
password <password>
Check a password against our database of breached accounts. Accepts multiple passwords separated by a space
Perform a Breachwatch scan
Run a Breachwatch security report for users in your enterprise (Equivalent to security-audit-report --breachwatch
; Valid only for enterprise admin accounts)
See a summary of Breachwatch commands
Run a Breachwatch dark web scan and show which passwords are breached
List any records which have been marked as breached (and not ignored)
Check the passwords "n5@x85tG#gH7&" and "mydog21" for breaches using Breachwatch
Ignore the breached record with the given UID
Run a Breachwatch security report on users in your enterprise (only for admin accounts)
Automatic Scans
If Breachwatch is enabled for your Keeper account, a Breachwatch scan is performed automatically when you login to Keeper Commander.
Additionally, if you create or edit a record, a scan is automatically performed on the record.
Last updated
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